Forum Replies Created

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  • fg_admin

    December 12, 2009 at 4:31 am in reply to: The Fraudulent "State of Texas"


    You are not free to provide feedback on SEDM documents in these forums. SEDM is a separate ministry. If you want to criticize or improve their materials, please DO so ONLY in THEIR forums, not these forums:

    Your comments are not directly relevant to the lead post. Please confine your comments DIRECTLY to what is being discussed. Then connection is entirely unclear. If you are going to try to switch gears and talk about redemption, you are in the wrong forum. Please use the following forum instead to avoid distracting this discussion:

    If you think your comments are relevant to the subject at hand, you need to do a MUCH better job explaining WHY to the audience, because it isn't apparent. You are making a lot of presumptions that aren't obvious, and the purpose of these forums is to ELIMINATE all presumptions so that the only thing left to talk about is the TRUTH and the evidence proving it is the TRUTH.

  • fg_admin

    December 12, 2009 at 2:19 am in reply to: At the risk of being reprimanded…I have a stupid question.

    As far as the differences between SEDM and FG, see:

    Ministry Introduction, pp. 66-67


    There are plenty of other websites out there for “STUPID” (as you call it) and lazy people who don't want to do their homework and therefore don't want to govern their own lives. There is no need for yet more. We need people who:

    1. THINK and do their homework before they post anything in these forums, and therefore don't ask stupid questions.

    2. Don't let their emotions interfere with the learning process or the fight.

    3. Can litigate rationally.

    We have absolutely no desire to become a free legal reference service and librarian and tutor for all the stupid lazy people out there who don't want to do their homework BEFORE they engage in these forums and clutter them with idiocies and ranting. If that is the kind of website or forum you want, make your own and sacrifice what ultimatlely will be ALL of your time as a slave to lazy stupid people who don't deserve to be sovereign and really DO need a nanny government to protect them from themselves and their own folly, laziness, irrationality, and stupidity. Only the educated are free and education is YOUR job, not ours.

    As for me, I and the people who frequent these forums prefer quality over quantity. By quantity, we mean quantity of members and quantity of posts. We don't come here to be entertained, but to be educated and to eliminate legal ignorance. We'd rather that people use these forums to explore and expose NEW materials, not reviewing and learning things that are already covered in existing documents and curricula and mentioned in the Path to Freedom Document. We're not here to bottle feed baby christians, but to provide STEAK to mature Christians.

    “This I say, therefore, and testify in the Lord, that you should no longer walk as the rest of the Gentiles walk, in the futility of their mind, having their understanding darkened, being alienated from the life of God, because of the ignorance that is in them, because of the blindness of their heart; who, being past feeling, have given themselves over to lewdness, to work all uncleanness with greediness.”

    [Eph. 4:17-19, Bible, NKJV]

    There is no “Sovereignty for dummies”. Being dumb and being sovereign are mutually exclusive.

    “The hand of the diligent will rule,

    But the lazy man will be put to forced labor.”

    [Prov. 12:24, Bible, NKJV]

    “Therefore be wise as serpents and harmless as doves.”

    [Matt. 10:16, Bible, NKJV]

    If you need fellowship and interaction, this is not the place to get it. Your own local study and freedom group is better for that with people you can see, shake their hands, and have lunch with. This is a research site, not a small talk site. If you can't find such a group, start your own.

    Get a life and quit whining and do your homework. The reason you're angry and depressed is because you don't seem to be able to be content with things as they are, including people in these forums. We'd like to see a lot less whining and a lot more helping. Start your own forum if you don't like this one. That's what we did, and we did it to escape precisely the kind of insanity and stupidity you are seeking. We need more helpers and researchers and fewer whiners. As Mark Twain said:

    “Don't go around saying the world owes you anything. It was here FIRST.”

    We're not going to delete the above posts. Maybe that will make you more careful next time before you post. It will be a constant reminder of what NOT to do in the future for both you and all the other people intent on cluttering these forums with irrelevant and harmful emotions and needless argument.

    Arguing with scoffers is a supreme waste of time. Please think much more constructively by sharing the load and the research. We have work to do.

  • fg_admin

    December 12, 2009 at 1:26 am in reply to: The Fraudulent "State of Texas"

    The video you cite has been on Family Guardian for years. It's on the opening page when you click on the Flag.

    Direct link:…hyOfLiberty.htm

    If you have to ask the question you asked, you aren't free and will never be free. The masters never ask the slaves for permission to do anything. The corrollary is that Sovereign Americans never give the public servants the right to define anything having to do with them and never sign up for franchises that would give them the power to define a “benefit” they create.

    The power to create is the power to define, and the only one with the power to create or define is God and NOT government. That is why the Declaration of Independence says it's truths are “self-evident”, because if they weren't or we gave anyone the right to define or redefine them, they wouldn't be truth anymore.

    God's law is the ONLY thing that people on this website and/or in these forums are allowed to recognize as an absolute standard of right and wrong. Everything that everyone, including the government, says and does is defined by ONLY God's law and CANNOT be defined by any politician or majority vote.

    Family Guardian Fellowship

  • fg_admin

    December 9, 2009 at 2:17 am in reply to: Larken Rose is Now a Country Singer

    New Larken Video:

    I'm Allowed to Rob You!

  • fg_admin

    December 8, 2009 at 1:00 am in reply to: Attorney Larry Becraft rages against a redemptionist

    EDITORIAL: Larry Becraft responds to the post above:


    Wow. That is not what Freak was talking about. He was talking about the typical trust created between a trustor and trustee, and asserting that people can be objects of such a trust. The word trust has several different meanings and we were not talking about public offices.

    And here was the response by one of our members to the above response by Larry:

    Well, public offices create agency. Both national banks and FDIC insured banks are in fact agents of the federal government. See, for instance, 31 CFR §202.2, which makes FDIC insured banks agents of the government and therefore “public offices”. There may not be many National Banks in your area, but for certain the vast majority of them are FDIC insured. Hence, they are public offices who in fact are recruiters for yet MORE public officers by compelling the ILLEGAL use of Social Security Numbers by those who in fact are NOT engaged in a public office as mandated by 26 CFR 301.6109-1. In that regulation, the use of such numbers is only MANDATED by those engaged in a “trade or business”, which is, in fact, a public office in the U.S. government. That office is a franchise and anything that attaches to it by being associated with a Social Security Number becomes “private property donated to a public use and a public franchise to procure the benefits of said franchise.”

    Social Security Numbers behave as de facto license numbers, and they are the method by which property is converted from private to a public character and donated to “publici juris” under a franchise. That is the only way the conversion can lawfully occur without committing a crime or theft. It's a crime for anyone but the owner to make the association. See 42 USC 408(a)(8), 18 USC 654, and 18 USC 912. That association and conversion can furthermore ONLY be made by those ALREADY lawfully occupying said office BEFORE they filled out any tax forms. The I.R.C. does not CREATE any new public offices, but merely regulates the exercise of EXISTING public offices lawfully created under Title 5 of the U.S. Code.


    1. Resignation of Compelled Social Security Trustee, Form #06.002

    2. About SSNs and TINs on Government Forms and Correspondence, Form #07.004

    3. The “Trade or Business” Scam…usinessScam.htm

    Larry didn't respond or disagree with the above, and he is usually good at doing so if he does. Hence, we assume he AGREED with it.

  • fg_admin

    December 7, 2009 at 2:48 pm in reply to: This is QUEEN PELOSI'S NEW JET!!!


    Thanks! 🙄

  • fg_admin

    December 5, 2009 at 10:24 pm in reply to: Utter Frustration


    We aren't familiar with Croft's work. We therefore don't have an informed opinion to offer in these forums and we don't speculate.

  • fg_admin

    December 5, 2009 at 12:42 am in reply to: Utter Frustration


    Thank you sincerely for sharing that perspective and for trying to be constructive and positive. We concur wholeheartedly with your remarks and we welcome others to help and participate on such occasions. This is a fellowship, not a dictatorship, and we need more informed and committed helpers like yourself.

    You are demonstrating for others how to REALLY learn by your example. The best way to learn any subject is to try to teach it to someone else. As Jesus said, true GREATNESS is in serving.

    “But he who is greatest among you shall be your servant.”

    [Matt. 23:11, Bible, NKJV]

    For the record, we also want to clarify that our Prohibited Activities list mentioned above DOES NOT prevent you, who are not an officer of the ministry but simply a member, from offering advice to members of this forum. It only prevents officers of the ministry from doing so. You and any member of these forums OTHER than us are free to do whatever you want in helping Brian or anyone else, but if you do engage in such activity, I would go to great pains to protect your privacy and your real identity from the thieves and marauders running the de facto government and SHAM TRUST in the District of Criminals.

    Welcome to this ministry, republic. 🙄



    As the Path to Freedom points out, you need to be patient with yourself and give yourself at least two years to REALLY unlearn all the tripe the media and the public fool academy have fed us all our lives and fill the void left behind with REAL truth from the law itself. The government always uses the mistakes people make at the beginning of their progress to haunt them later. Execution, timing, and preparation are everything to keep the criminals inside the District of Criminals. Learning all the tentacles of this fraud can literally take a lifetime, and makes for a much more interesting life than vegetating in front of the boob tube and wasting a life in the process. On the other hand, if we aren't always learning and growing, we may as well punch out and push up daisies. There is a very good reason why what attorneys do is called the “practice of law”. They literally spend a lifetime perfecting their craft and never really learn everything there is to know about the subject. It's a very deep field just as deep as any scientific subject. Be patient with yourself and focus your frustration on something positive and fruitful that will take the focus off of just how SCREWED UP this planet is because it rejects God and his Laws. You won't find happiness and contentment here. That's why the acronym for the Bible means “Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth”. We Christians are just passing through. THANK GOD this miserable place isn't all there is. Look at the bright side and then click on the following link if you need a little inspiration:…dMemorandum.htm

    Please resist the temptation to “shoot the messenger.” Jesus was the messenger and look what they did to him! We're just the messenger. Let's not repeat his story here, please. The truth makes people very uncomfortable and life very inconvenient at times, unfortunately, but God calls us to eagerly seek it and accept it and act on it FOR HIS GLORY and not our own. This life ain't about us, and the sooner you realize that, the happier and more contented you will be. That is what Jesus meant when he said that those who seek to keep their life will lose it and those who seek to lose it will keep it for eternal life. The principle is that you can never really deserve something until you can prove you don't need it, don't want it, and are content without it.

  • fg_admin

    December 4, 2009 at 11:55 pm in reply to: Utter Frustration


    You are asking for help the filing of tax returns with the government. That subject is forbidden by the following:

    About Us page, Section 12, Item 5…VE_OURSELVES_IN:_

    One thing we can say is that those who file RESIDENT forms such as the 1040 ultimately are going to be destroyed and persecuted, because these are the only people they REALLY have jurisdiction over. See:

    Nonresident Alien Position, Form #05.020



    We would NEVER file a 1040 and what many members we know of who have filed was the following instead. We are not advising you to file this and mentioning this form does not constitute advice of any kind:

    Federal Nonresident Nonstatutory Claim for Return of Funds Unlawfully Paid to the Government, Form #15.001


    DIRECT LINK:…aimRfd-Long.pdf

    Please don't ask us further questions about this subject, because it is forbidden by our Prohibited Activies and you will invite us to be persecuted and prosecuted if we go further with it. If you want to ensure that we continue to be able to publish the extensive information on this website and are not enjoined, you won't wrap us up in this subject. Strict adherence to this policy is a main reason why we have survived this long unmolested and uncensored by a corrupted government.

    We fully understand and comprehend your predicament, and have found ourselves in it on many an occasion. We are powerless, however, to offer you advice on this subject because of the risks involved. There is no greater source of information on the subject you are interested in than here, and if you find yourself unable to decide for yourself with access to such thorough and quality information, as you point out, the problem isn't knowledge, but your own confidence and belief in the truth and yourself. Only those who can govern their own lives and make their own informed decisions can truly be sovereign. We can't solve that problem for you and if you don't solve it, the only choice is to go back to your government cage on the federal plantation.

    Whatever answer you do get will have to come from third parties who are not officers in the ministry and fellowship. Do any of our readers have words of wisdom to share for this courageous man of integrity?

    Sorry 🙁

    Nevertheless, thank you for serving the private corporation, the de facto government, and the bankers as a former service man. Many of our members fit in this category. Some have even been terminated from service prematurely for bringing the fraud and violations of law by those serving in government to the attention of their military supervisors. Image that: You take an oath to support and defend the constitution as a serviceman, and when you finally find a way to honor that oath by reforming a corrupted system, you are TERMINATED from service. HYPOCRISY!

    You may have naively thought as a dumb and happy service man drinking government Kool Aid that you were “protecting America” as we did at one time. But now that we both know the Sovereign Truth right from God himself, and that the draft and draft registration is and always has been a FRAUD:…jectToDraft.htm

    . . .and that those who serve are fighting an unconstitutional and undeclared war by a de facto president of a private, for profit corporation to protect a private banking cartel, an abortion and drug-pushing ring manned by priests of Satan called “lawyers”, a counterfeiting ring, and an Enron style Ponzi scheme that isn't even a government anymore, it's hard to support ANYONE'S decision to either join the military or register for the draft. See:

    Lawfully Avoiding the Military Draft, Form #09.003

    DIRECT LINK:…wfAvoidMilDraft

    We too are very disilusioned by a giant matrix that makes the Matrix movie pale by comparison. We feel as animals trapped in a cage and hooked up to the Matrix umbilical that is sucking our life dry. The only alternative available is to fight it and to fight is smartly with the resources here. That is what God calls us to do, and to rely on and trust HIM for protection while we do it. That is why we posted this information here: so you can fight efficiently with the best tools available. But fight you must, now that you know the truth. There is no turning back now that you swallowed the red pill. Welcome to the matrix, neo.

    Now do you understand what the Adam and Eve story was REALLY about in the Bible? Things were NEVER the same again after Eve ate that apple that represented KNOWLEDGE. It was the RED PILL! That story was a metaphor for the innocent and the ignorant and the naive who got educated, and found nothing but disappointment thereafter at how foolish they had been in light of what they learned.

  • fg_admin

    December 4, 2009 at 8:38 pm in reply to: Attorney Larry Becraft's Opinion of Mercier's "Invisible Contracts"

    EDITORIAL: More ramblings from Larry Becraft directed at Richard Cantwell about Mercier's “Invisible Contracts” book at:…leContracts.htm



    You confuse George Mercier, Sr, with Jr. Here is the dad:

    In that insane book, Invisible Contracts, the author mentions riding a train with his dad. If the above Mercier, Sr., was author of that work, his dad would be about 120 year old. Thus, Mercier, Sr., is not the author of that book.

    He did not write that insane garbage that everything is a contract. Jr., who wrote that book , and he has sued his dad many times. You would learn this if you simply went over to Pacer and read some of the lawsuits Jr. has filed. I have posted a PDF image of all the links to the 226 cases Jr. filed all over the country against his family, govt officials, etc:

    Yes, Jr. complained in one lawsuit that Paris should be wiped off the map:

    Here is just one lawsuit by Jr. against his dad:

    Buba from Bama

  • fg_admin

    December 4, 2009 at 4:38 pm in reply to: At the risk of being reprimanded…I have a stupid question.


    Very well said. We couldn't agree more. If you aren't in the psychology or counseling profession, you ought to be, because you have an obvious and keen understanding of how people think.

  • fg_admin

    December 4, 2009 at 3:02 pm in reply to: At the risk of being reprimanded…I have a stupid question.



    1. You asked “Is this your motivation?”

    Our motivation is the Bible's motivation: To love our neighbor by getting him/her educated and protecting him from an abusive government and legal profession. It's scurrilous to suggest that our motivation is to find guinea pigs to experiment on. We think your negativity betrays you as a mole. Read our About Us page and then show us anywhere on this website where we have ever said or implied that we want people to be guinea pigs.

    Otherwise, you're a Satanic slanderer no better than the government you claim to be opposing for the same reasons. No presumptions, please.

    2. You claimed that we are against the Libertarians, the Zeitgeists, and the Free Man on the Land movement. More unsubstantiated SLANDER. We are not against any specific person or group, but against evil. Presumption such as what you demonstrated by your slanderous remarks is behind most of that evil. See:

    Presumption: Chief Weapon for Unlawfully Enlarging Federal Jurisdiction, Form #05.017


    The essence of the evil we fight are those who try to implement policy and beliefs that cannot be or are not supported by evidence. When it comes to choices that have legal consequences, such as whether one is a “taxpayer”, “person”, “individual”, etc., we simply insist that all people read and learn and know the law and that whatever they believe can be supported WITH EVIDENCE IN COURT from the law itself, and that they do not believe or trust anything they can't scientifically prove. That approach STARTS with reading and learning the law. You FALSELY imply that such an attitude is “condescending”, but if that is what makes it condescending, then GOD is condescending, because he takes the same approach.

    “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.”

    [Hosea 4:6, Bible, NKJV]

    “…we should no longer be children, tossed to and fro and carried about with every wind of doctrine, by the trickery of men, in the cunning craftiness of deceitful plotting, but speaking the truth in love, may grow up in all things into Him who is the head—Christ.”

    [Eph. 4:14, Bible, NKJV]

    “One who turns his ear from hearing the law url=””]God's law[/url] or [url url=””]man's law[/url, even his prayer is an abomination.”

    [Prov. 28:9, Bible, NKJV]

    3. You asked how easily it would be for the federal government to change the Uniform Commercial Code. It is NOT government law, but PRIVATE international law. The Uniform Commercial Code is not published by any government. It is a PRIVATE, copyrighted publication published by UNIDROIT. Look it up on Wikipedia if you don't believe us.

    4. You said you wished we would think more outside the box. What “box”? There is no “box” for the truth. If it's truth, then it will be consistent with itself. If it is a lie, it will be inconsistent not only with itself, but with lots of other things. Everything we present is consistent with itself, consistent with man's law, and consistent with God's law. Therefore, it must be truth by definition. Are we missing something? The only “box” we know of is the line between what people BELIEVE, and what they can PROVE with evidence in court.

    4.1. The Bible condemns “presumption” as a sin. Numbers 15:30, NKJV. Therefore, we can't presume that anything is true until we have seen independent, third party evidence that it is true.

    4.2 We never go outside the evidence box in anything we advocate on this website and that is what makes us so different from all the other freedom advocates out there. We aren't here to promote “patriot religion” or yet another political religion to compete with the government's civil religion. Two wrongs don't make a right.

    5. You asked why we quote only the New King James Version of the bible. We are quite aware of the leaven introduced into God's word by the various translations. Whole books have been written about the subject, including the following:

    As a matter of fact, we have a study tool called Logos Bible Software, Gold Edition, that compares all the various versions of a verse and tells you the differences. We are just as interested in the subject of corruption of God's word as we are in corruption of the legal profession. The only reason we quote the NKJV is because that is what we are most familiar with and because we want to be consistent in our treatment across everything we produce. It's petty to argue about such things when the real issue is the bigger picture. Satan wants to keep Christians arguing so that they can't unite behind any specific idea. Unless you can show us why the differences between the versions of the bible REALLY matters to the subjects we cover, we as Christians ought to be at peace with one another and unite against evil. We view the Bible simply as a “moral law book” that we use to illustrate the moral principles behind our system of law, and we seek the convenience of quoting the version of that moral law book that we are most familiar with. Reading more into it than that is foolish and presumptuous of you.

    6. You imply that we are leaving out other information such as the Magna Carta. Rather than being negative and critical, pick a place that information belongs in a SPECIFIC thing posted on this website, write up how it should be presented, and post your suggestion to these forums. We don't need more critics in the peanut gallery, but HELPERS and warriors. He has a right to criticize who has a heart to help. Where is the help? Until you focus your energies on more positive things, you will be and must be regarded as nothing more than a mole, a scoffer, and a Satanic slanderer.

    7. You asked wouldn't it be better if Family Guardian focused on the common law instead of the Beast's franchise “codes”. We are migrating in that direction, but so long as we are compelled to obsess arguing with critics such as yourself, we are detracted and prevented from doing that. Why don't you write a book or article on how to litigate in the common law and post it in these forums instead of criticizing what ISN'T here? You gonna just take pot shots or help us out? This is a fellowship, not a dictatorship.

    8. You ask why we use the Beast's lies such as the “code” to prove the truth. We only use enough of it to prove that we aren't the subject of it. Most of the time, we focus on the definitions of what words and phrases mean to prove that the code is really just more law for government, as the following article proves. Beyond that, we don't care what the Beast's lies say:

    Why Statutory Civil Law is Law for Government and Not Private Persons, Form #05.037


    9. You ask “why I should focus on confusing regulatory definitions within the US Tax Code, and not just perform simple acts of U.C.C. sovereignty like filing a copyright affidavit?” UCC sovereignty is a fraud and a hoax. They don't directly address the government franchise issue, the false information return reports and social security numbers that are illegally being used to recruit you into it, or the corruption in the court system that protects and perpetuates it. In short, it doesn't deal directly with the issues and is so fraught with the same kind of presumptions the IRS engages in that it is not rationally defensible in a court of law. This is another example of the silver bullet approach you are trying to advocate that always fails. LEARN THE LAW and quit trying to invent silver bullets that avoid the requirement to do that. See:

    Policy Document: UCC Redemption, Form #08.002


    10. You ask for assurances that the materials on this website and SEDM will “work”. We can't and dont' speak for SEDM and you ought to direct that question to SEDM and the SEDM forums, not here, insofar as it concerns SEDM materials.

    Please define what you mean by “work”. Our goal is for people to learn and follow the law, and we dont' have commercial motives. When the government is corrupted, even following the law will NOT “work”, meaning keep one out of trouble and unharrassed by criminal elements within the government perpetuating the lawless activity. You seek insurance, not education, and we can't and won't offer it to you. If you want a guarantee for everything you try, then you ought to go back to your government cage on the federal planatation and feed the Beast, which has made a business and a franchise out of offering insurance (e.g. “social insurance”/socialism) to insecure people who don't trust God as the Bible commands and who would rather make a pagan idol out of government as their “parens patriae”. If it is “security” in the phrase “social security” that you seek, then you are on the WRONG planet. Jesus said that while we are here, if we are following him, we will be persecuted and therefore that nothing will “work”. See:

    Unlimited Liability Universe…ityUniverse.htm

    11. You ask why there aren't any silver bullets, such as challenging jurisdiction. Such remarks seem motivated at simplifying and limiting your biblical obligation to study of law, and that approach is the reason why so many before you have fallen and been convicted: Because of their own failure to comprehensively study both God's law and Man's law as God commands in the bible.


    Such fallen silver bullet advocates include Lindsey Springer (recently), Joe Saladino (the past two weeks), Larken Rose, Pete Hendrickson, Irwin Schiff, to name a few. There is also a VERY long list of “redemption advocates” who have also fallen, because they basically were emulating the governments approach by trying to create a commercial religion based on theft and greed. For more, look at the following:…axHonPersec.htm

    All of these people have in common that they really didn't understand law, and thought they could become a guru and an expert by only concerning themselves with one little tiny piece of the whole puzzle of how the law works. Obviously, that doesn't work. The priests of the Satanic religion that runs our government, meaning the judges and the people that write the law, have really thought their evil satanic priesthood through, and unless you can corner them on any and every subject they might raise to discredit you in front of a jury, you are going down in flames. That priesthood is described in:

    Socialism: The New American Civil Religion, Form #05.016


    There is no substitute for knowledge and you seem intent on avoiding comprehensive learning and substituting a silver bullet in its place. It AIN'T GOING TO WORK, my friend. You are headed for a HUGE train wreck like the fallen we just mentioned so long as you insist on not learning the WHOLE law.

    1 My son, if you receive my words,

    And treasure my commands within you,

    2 So that you incline your ear to wisdom,

    And apply your heart to understanding;

    3 Yes, if you cry out for discernment,

    And lift up your voice for understanding,

    4 If you seek her as silver,

    And search for her as for hidden treasures;

    5 Then you will understand the fear of the LORD,

    And find the knowledge of God.

    6 For the LORD gives wisdom;

    From His mouth come knowledge and understanding;

    7 He stores up sound wisdom for the upright;

    He is a shield to those who walk uprightly;

    8 He guards the paths of justice,

    And preserves the way of His saints.

    9 Then you will understand righteousness and justice,

    Equity and every good path.

    10 When wisdom enters your heart,

    And knowledge is pleasant to your soul,

    11 Discretion will preserve you;

    Understanding will keep you,

    12 To deliver you from the way of evil,

    From the man [in the corrupted legal profession] who speaks perverse things,

    13 From those who leave the paths of uprightness

    To walk in the ways of darkness;

    14 Who rejoice in doing evil,

    And delight in the perversity of the wicked;

    15 Whose ways are crooked,

    And who are devious in their paths;

    16 To deliver you from the immoral woman,

    From the seductress who flatters with her words,

    17 Who forsakes the companion of her youth,

    And forgets the covenant of her God.

    18 For her house leads down to death,

    And her paths to the dead;

    19 None who go to her return,

    Nor do they regain the paths of life—

    20 So you may walk in the way of goodness,

    And keep to the paths of righteousness.

    21 For the upright will dwell in the land,

    And the blameless will remain in it;

    22 But the wicked will be cut off from the earth,

    And the unfaithful will be uprooted from it.

    [Proverbs 2, Bible, NKJV]

    In conclusion, you are concerning yourself with petty issues that divide rather than uniting behind the universal, timeless truths that are the only hope of winning the fight against the corruption within the government and legal profession. All we expect you to do is read the law, take responsibility for yourself, and don't steal from others or burden others with things you should be doing yourself, including legal research. There is no agenda beyond that and we aren't going to condone or cooperate with any effort on your part to distract this ministry away from that mission or to discredit or slander us. Emotionalizing the issues in these forums won't solve your real problem, which is legal ignorance and the presumption that it gives rise to that keeps you and most of the people you know enslaved to wicked usurpers.

    Now roll up your sleeves, quit making excuses to avoid learning, quit emotionalizing the issues and being petty, open your mind, turn off the TV, and LEARN THE LAW by following the Path to Freedom document. Unless and until you do, your are your own worst enemy because you will be exploited and abused by a wicked satanic priesthood of covetous lawyers who have infested and corrupted our de jure government. Only when you can pull your own weight in these forums using the law and evidence and your own research will you ever be truly free. So far all you have done is DEMAND that others do work you yourself should really be doing. You're creating a bogus controversy, personalizing the issues, and playing the victim because you really don't want to face the fear that your own legal ignorance and eliminating it is the real enemy and the main obstacle to your own freedom. As God said in Proverbs 2 above, seek the truth and the law as as fine silver and only then will you be truly free.

    You started off this topic by referring to your own question as stupid. The only remedy for stupidity is diligent study, discipline, and an open mind. YOU are the only one who can cure the ignorance problem. Now get to work. Until you face the real enemy, which is your own ignorance, presumption, irresponsiblity, and laziness in governing and running and supporting your own life, you'll always be a slave to to others, some guru, or to your own false beliefs and the comfort zone the prevents you from having to commit to REALLY do something just and righteous to glorify the Father.

  • fg_admin

    December 3, 2009 at 5:58 pm in reply to: At the risk of being reprimanded…I have a stupid question.


    These forums support attachments precisely because of the problem you note. We encourage all who find something interesting to attach it as a PDF instead of linking to it, but also providing the link so people know where it came from. That way, if it disappears, the original is still available and the context of the discussion is clear.

  • fg_admin

    December 3, 2009 at 1:58 am in reply to: At the risk of being reprimanded…I have a stupid question.


    Thank you for sharing that link.

    You are entitled to an answer when you have earned it by at least attempting to answer it yourself before you post it, and posting what you found so far with your question. We don’t help those who don’t at least ATTEMPT to answer their own question. The only reason you would be reprimanded is for being lazy and not trying to take ANY responsibility for answering the question BEFORE you ask it, and posting what you found so far. Only the vigilant are free, and by refusing to take responsibility to at least try to answer your own question before posting it, you are proving you aren’t ready to be free. If you don’t care enough about your freedom to even do that, doesn’t it seem unreasonable to expect us to care either, or to care more than you do? Playing stupid or calling yourself stupid as a way to transfer responsibility for your problems to us won’t solve your problems. You must roll up your sleeves and commit diligently to getting educated by following our Path to Freedom curriculum and spend at least two years UNLEARNING all the tripe you have been fed in the public fool academy and learning how to do legal research yourself. Only then will your mind be open enough that you can free yourself from the presumptions and civil religion of socialism that enslaves you and most other Americans.

    The key word in that document is “taxpayers”. Those who are “taxpayers” are, by definition, subject to and therefore liable for the income tax. What the IRS is doing is double-speak and tautology. They use a word to define itself in the hopes that you will PRESUME you are a “taxpayer”. Those who use the materials on this website are NOT allowed to:

    1. Declare themselves taxpayers.

    2. Use “taxpayer” forms. Instead, they make their own, modify a “Taxpayer” form to remove the presumptions, or attach the Tax Form Attachment to remove the false presumption.

    3. Use “Taxpayer Identification Numbers”.

    Therefore, people on this site are not the subject of that revenue ruling. Anything that refers to “taxpayers” can’t and doesn’t refer to those using this website. For details, see:

    1. “Taxpayer” v. “Nontaxpayer”: Which one are you…Nontaxpayer.htm

    2. Who are “Taxpayers” and who needs a “Taxpayer Identification Number”, Form #05.013


    DIRECT LINK:…reTaxpayers.pdf

    The fraud the IRS is engaging in within such revenue rulings is:

    1. To refuse to acknowledge the existence of “nontaxpayers”, even though the I.R.C. (in section 7426) and the Supreme Court (in South Carolina v. Regan) both do so.

    2. Refuse to provide forms and procedures for “nontaxpayers”.

    3. Call people frivolous who agree with the U.S. Supreme Court by describing themselves as “nontaxpayers”.

    4. To assume that EVERYONE is a “taxpayer”.

    5. To assume that YOU are a “taxpayer”. This type of presumption is a violation of due process of law and the equivalent of a state sponsored religion in violation of the First Amendment.

    6. To assume that federal civil law can be enforced against those not domiciled on federal territory such as non-citizen nationals.

    “Nontaxpayers” have rights too. As a matter of fact, the term “taxpayer rights” is an oxymoron. “taxpayers” are government public officers with NO RIGHTS. See:…taxpayerBOR.pdf

    Remember, governments are established for the protection of PRIVATE rights. All “nontaxpayers” are private. Therefore, by refusing to acknowledge or help “nontaxpayers” they indirectly are admitting that they are NOT part of the government and that they are just a private business. In fact, Dunn and Bradstreet reports that the IRS is a PRIVATE business.

    As the above “Taxpayer” v. “Nontaxpayer” article proves, the Courts are forbidden from declaring you a “taxpayer” by 28 USC 2201(a). If the courts can’t do it, then neither can the IRS. YOU are the only one who can make yourself a “taxpayer” if you are domiciled outside of federal territory, and by doing so, you are effectively electing yourself into public office. All “taxpayers” are public officers. AFTER you make the election, you become an “individual”, “person”, and “taxpayer”. BEFORE you make the election, you are a transient foreigner and are mentioned in section 7426 as “persons other than taxpayers”. It is a maxim of law that “consent makes the law”. Consent is also what creates the “person” and “taxpayer” they are referring to in the revenue ruling. That is what the Declaration of INdependence means by saying all governments derive their just authority from consent: They can only govern you if you want to be governed and consent to become a “citizen” or a “resident” who is party to the “social compact” or “protection contract”. If you don’t consent, you aren’t a “person”, “individual”, or “taxpayer” but rather a transient foreigner protected by the Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act. If that weren’t the case, then you could create your own tax and collection agency and make ANYONE a “taxpayer” under your own government, because we are all equal. This is covered exhaustively in:

    Requirement for Consent, Form #05.003


    DIRECT LINK:…Law/Consent.pdf

    Members of this website don’t claim to have lost “United States citizenship”. The only kind of “United States citizenship” they can be talking about in the revenue ruling is statutory “U.S. citizen” status per 8 USC 1401 and NOT Constitutional citizenship. None of the people who use our materials may be statutory “U.S. citizens”. They are all “non-citizen nationals” per 8 USC 1101(a)(21) and 8 USC 1452. They never LOST statutory “U.S. citizen” status as suggested in the revenue ruling. Instead, they never had it to begin with and it is a CRIME in violation of 18 USC 911 to declare that they are a statutory “U.S. citizen”. You can’t lose something you never had to begin with. See

    Why You are a “national”, “state national”, and Constitutional but not Statutory Citizen

    You can’t be a “citizen” under federal law without a domicile on federal territory, and you can’t be a member if you have a domicile on federal territory. See:

    Why Domicile and Becoming a “Taxpayer” Require Your Consent…ForTaxation.htm

    There is no question that “individuals” and “persons” are “taxpayers”, and that they must pay tax. One cannot be an “individual”, “person”, or “taxpayer” without a domicile on federal territory. Those domiciled elsewhere but born in the country are “non-citizen nationals”, transient foreigners, not “individuals”, and not “persons”. It is also ILLEGAL for such people to use Taxpayer Identification Numbers, because the regs at 26 CFR 31.6109-1 say that the number can only be used by those engaged in the “trade or business” and public office franchise. See:

    The “Trade or Business” Scam…usinessScam.htm

    4 USC 72 says all such offices MUST be exercise in the District of Columbia and NOT elsewhere, and therefore NOT in a state of the Union.

    Please do your homework and follow the Path to Freedom before you freak out. Like so many before you, you are being impatient, making presumptions, and jumping the gun before you have done your homework. You would have known about all the above if you followed the following curricula up to step 14.

    Path to Freedom, Form #09.015


    DIRECT LINK:…thToFreedom.pdf (OFFSITE LINK)

    In the future, please don’t post questions here without at least trying to answer them yourself and posting what you found to answer it with your question. These forums are not for lazy people who force us to do work that they themselves must do. Only the educated and the vigilant are free and if you want to be free, you better get used to earning it. Otherwise, these forums become just another vehicle for “socialist handouts” and we become a parens patriae just like the govenrment. Two wrongs don’t make a right. What is going to happen if everyone does that and this website goes down? You are going to be HIGH AND DRY. Your freedom should never depend on ANYONE, including us, and should only depend on your own reading of the law and legal study.

    Be diligent to [investigate and expose the truth for yourself and thereby] present yourself [and the public servants who are your fiduciaries and stewards under the Constitution] approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word [and the deeds] of truth. But shun profane babblings url=””]government propaganda[/url], tyranny, and [url url=””]usurpation[/url for they will increase to more ungodliness. And their message [and their harmful affects] will spread like cancer [to destroy our society and great Republic].”

    [2 Tim. 2:15-17, Bible, NKJV]

  • fg_admin

    December 1, 2009 at 2:58 pm in reply to: Sherry Jackson Update

    From: “Colin L. Jackson”

    Date: November 30, 2009 12:34:03 PM PST

    Subject: Sherry Peel Jackson

    Hi Friends and Family,

    Please, pray for my wife, Sherry Peel Jackson. She's still having challenges while she's incarcerated. Thank you, in advance, for your prayers and encouragemenet. Here's a letter from Sherry to our Congressman, concerning her current situation.

    God bless you. In Christ, Colin

    Dear Congressman Johnson

    I am Sherry Peel Jackson, your former CPA. I am writing you because I am concerned about my health and my life. Prior to becoming a political prisoner I was the picture of health. In late June, 2009 I started experiencing a rapid heart beat on an irregular basis.

    Since this had happened infrequently in the past I did not think much of it. However, in Mid July it started happening on a regular basis and I became concerned. I went to the medical staff twice in Mid July only to be given a one-minute EKG test and powerful meds without proper diagnosis. I did not take them because I had not been seen by a specialist. One week later, on July 21 at 12:45am I left the dorm in flip flops to go tell the officers that I was having a heart attack. The officers on duty called the ambulance and the ambulance checked my heart on their portable EKG machine. It was beating at 150 beats per minute. They took me to Leesberg (spelling) hospital where I remained until Friday, July 24th at 11:30pm. During the hospital stay it was determined that my heart was healthy but my thyroid was producing too much hormone, thus speeding up my heart.

    This is called hyperthyroidism or Graves disease. I was given two medications by the hospital – Methimazole, which is an anti-thyroid agent used to reduce the amount of thyroid hormone produced by the body and Metoprolol, which is a beta blocker used to slow the heart.

    The hospital doctor told me that in four weeks (approximately August 21) the prison medical unit was to do blood tests to determine how the thyroid medication was affecting my body.

    The blood test was taken in late August and I was told that I would be placed on the appointment schedule to come over and review the results. I was never called. I went over in early September and inquired of Dr. DeLeon as to how to get blood test results. He told me to put in a request to staff, so I did that on September 15th. It simply asked to see the results of the tests. Sometime after September 23rd I received a response in writing, from Ms. Marich, that stated that I could either make a sick call (come over early in the morning wait in line and fill out forms) or come to Open House to see the results. Open house is held only on Thursdays from 3:00pm to 3:30pm. I went to Open House Thursday September 30th and was told by Ms. Marich that she could not find the results! I watched her look through and around several piles of folders in her office but at no time did she look on a computer for them. She told me to check back later. On Wednesday October 28th I passed out around 4pm and was taken to medical and cleared.

    On Friday October 30th my lips started turning black as if I had been a lifelong smoker. By Sunday November 1st my lips were fully black.

    My boss, the Chaplain, called medical and a male nurse was sent over from the medium security men's prison on this complex (there are two maximum security, one medium security and one low security men's prisons on this complex with the women's camp). He took my blood pressure and oxygen and said there was nothing else he could do. He told me to go to sick call Monday morning, which I did.

    I showed Mr. Coucho my lips and told him that something was wrong with my blood, I could tell. (I am leaving out gross details here).

    He said I would be put on the schedule. However, the very next day, Tuesday morning, November 3rd, I found blood in my stool and rushed over to medical because I am smart enough to know that this is a major problem. I was chewed out for coming over to medical without a staff member telling me to come. I told Charlie, the female nurse and Mr. Coucho the PA that I was in the hospital in July, never got the blood work results and something was terribly wrong.

    I was 46 years old and I know my body! I finally convinced them that I was not playing and was not stupid, so they 'treated' me with a packet for a stool sample test. Mr. Coucho looked on the computer for the blood test results from August and found them there!

    The blood test showed a problem with the thyroid way back then!

    He said I would be put on the schedule for new blood work later that week because these results were too old. He had a short conversation with Dr. DeLeon in Spanish and then said the thyroid count was off.

    This was November 3rd. I administered the stool tests and returned them to Nurse Charlie on Friday November 6th.

    Today is November 26th, Thanksgiving. I have not received the results of the stool test. I have not been given any new blood test. My neck is swelling up like a blow fish and I am having trouble talking. I have been feeling very ill for the last two weeks.

    Congressman, I don't want them to kill me in here. As you well know, I am being punished for exposing government fraud. However, millions of people don't file tax returns and I was just used as an example by the DOJ for their new program called the Tax Defiers Initiative. I have a wonderful husband and two beautiful children. I have already spent 21 months in prison for a non crime, and I refuse to come out dead or maimed for life. I have not caused these people any problems. This is no threat but just for your information.

    I also wrote the warden today. Things can't go on this way as I languish in here for someone's political gain. God doesn't like ugly and He is the ultimate judge and vindicator.

    Sherry Peel Jackson

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