Family Guardian Forums -require a free member account you can
apply for yourself to post and in some cases read content
Current News
Historical Articles
06/10/2007: Prisons Ban Books over
Fear of Radicals
03/04/2007: U.S. Headed for Financial Trouble? -60 Minutes
07/15/2006: Foreign
Companies Buying U.S. roads, bridges, that taxpayers built -unbelievable
06/25/2002: Worldcom
Fraud: Cooking the books -is corporate America finally beginning
to emulate on a large scale what our Federal government has been
practicing for decades? Stand by for more of the same, folks!
09/04/2000: The Supreme Court Scam -WorldNet Daily
06/16/2000: I Am Not A Number -WorldNet Daily
10/29/1998: 18 Year Old Rebels Against Being Numbered -WorldNet Daily -A
website chronicling the corruption and high cost of our legal system
George Carlin on Who Controls America (5 minutes, 599 Kbytes,
MP3)-funny but very true
UNICEF Wants Your Children -the
Mark of the Beast: 42 U.S.C.
§666 -big brother is finally here as the Bible predicted
How the Judiciary
Stole the Right to Petition
Energy Scam -do you
think we have an energy problem? NO-we have a POLITICAL problem. Click here to learn more
Internet Fraud Complaint
Center ( 6 month report
Citizen Action Links -What you can do about the scandals, by
The Constitution Society
Sovereignty Education and Defense Ministry (SEDM)-OFFSITE LINK
Government Corruption, Form #11.401 (OFFSITE LINK) -SEDM
Your Irresponsible, Lawless, and Anarchist Beast Government, Form #05.054 -the legal system and our laws only protect the GOVERNMENT and never the people FROM the government
De Facto Government Scam, Form #05.043 -Proves
that we don't have a real, de jure government, and explains all
the ways this de facto government illegally expands and protects
its own criminal extortion enterprise and protection racket.
Government Conspiracy to Destroy the Separation of Powers, Form
#05.023 -how your rights have been destroyed
by destroying the separation of powers that is the foundation of
the Constitution
Ministry Introduction, Form #12.014 (OFFSITE LINK)-Proves
that we don't have a real, de jure government but THE
Abuses and Usurpations (OFFSITE LINK) -Constitution Society
Resources to Investigate Government Corruption: Activism Page, Section
Selected Works of Niccolo Machiavelli (OFFSITE LINK) -Constitution Society
Security: Mark of the Beast -book about how social
security is the mark of the beast described in the holy
Stossel TV (OFFSITE LINK) -Youtube
Do Americans Really Loathe the Federal Government? (OFFSITE LINK) -Public Agenda Online
How You are Illegally Deceived or Compelled to Transition from Being a Constitutional Citizen/Resident to a Statutory Citizen/Resident: By Confusing the Two Contexts -Great IRS Hoax, section 4.12.14
Shaping the Moral, Spiritual, Cultural, Political, and Economic Decline of the United States of America - John Coleman, Tavistock Institute of Human Relations
Government Mafia -excellent analogy, although a little irreverent.
Government/Court Corruption Playlist (OFFSITE LINK) -SEDM Youtube Channel
The Rules for Rulers (OFFSITE LINK) -CGP Grey
Pat Buchanan on Suicide of a Superpower (OFFSITE LINK) -Hoover Institution
We're the Government, and You're Not -funny video
Lawful versus Legal - The Death of America by Legal Scheme (OFFSITE LINK) -Beau Johnson
Dark Patterns (OFFSITE LINK) -This is the SAME approach the government uses to prevent you from quitting their franchises
Paul Harvey's 'Warning For A Nation' [COMPLETE] Sean Hannity Special (OFFSITE LINK) -Fox News
How the Constitution Has Been Twisted to Undermine the Free Market (OFFSITE LINK) -Judge Napolitano
Corruption is Legal in America (OFFSITE LINK) -
How Socialism, Communism, and Fascism are all the Same (OFFSITE LINK) - G. Edward Griffin
What to Expect Under Communism in America (OFFSITE LINK)- Col. Jack Mohr
Secret City-A Film About the City of London, the Corporation that runs it (OFFSITE LINK) -Critical Systems AFB
Sovereignty Education and Defense Ministry (SEDM)
Government Corruption, Form #11.401 (OFFSITE LINK) -SEDM
Your Irresponsible, Lawless, and Anarchist Beast Government, Form #05.054 -the legal system and our laws only protect the GOVERNMENT and never the people FROM the government
De Facto Government Scam, Form #05.043 (OFFSITE LINK)-Proves
that we don't have a real, de jure government, and explains all
the ways this de facto government illegally expands and protects
its own criminal extortion enterprise and protection racket.
Government Conspiracy to Destroy the Separation of Powers, Form
#05.023 (OFFSITE LINK) -how your rights have been destroyed
by destroying the separation of powers that is the foundation of
the Constitution
Ministry Introduction, Form #12.014 (OFFSITE LINK)-Proves
that we don't have a real, de jure government but THE
Pastor Sheldon Emry (OFFSITE LINK)
Larken Rose (OFFSITE LINK)
It's an Illusion (OFFSITE LINK) -John Harris
Stefan Molyneux (OFFSITE LINK)
Security: Mark of the Beast -Social Security is a SCAM, a
fraud, a Ponzi Scheme, and is a violation of the Bible
Social Security for the
Clint Richardson (OFFSITE LINK)
The Money Scam, Form #05.041 (OFFSITE LINK) -proof that
we don't have any lawful money and that our entire economic
system is a FRAUD
The Money Laundering Enforcement Scam, Form #05.044 (OFFSITE LINK) -Proves that Money Laundering statutes are being abused by corrupted government as a means to compel financial institutions to become the equivalent of federal employment recruiters against their business associates.
Government Identity Theft, Form #05.046 (OFFSITE LINK) - This memorandum of law discusses and describes how government criminal identity theft occurs, how it is concealed and protected, how to prove it exists in a court of law, and remedies to fight it.
Government Instituted Slavery Using Franchises, Form #05.034 (OFFSITE LINK)-explains the chief method that government uses
to destroy your rights and commit treason against the Constitution
Corporatization and Privatization of the Government, Form #05.024 -Shows how
our de jure constitutional republic has been replaced by a private,
for-profit corporate monopoly.
World Economic Superpower -incorporation of the District of Columbia
Straw Man-The Nature of the Cage -how you are enslaved
Facets of the Beast (OFFSITE LINK) - Vimeo
Inventors of Evil Things (OFFSITE LINK) - Alex Thomason
How Much Criminalization Will You Tolerate From Your Government (OFFSITE LINK)-Freedom Taker
Secrets of the Federal Reserve -Eustace Mullins
Money That is Sold Abroad is YOU -fascinating video
The Government
"Benefits" Scam, Form #05.040 (OFFSITE LINK)-Useful evidence
for those criminally prosecuted for tax evasion or willful failure
to file.
IRS Hoax Book -documents the
government income tax fraud
Information Return Scam - heart of the IRS Fraud
The Galileo Paradigm ( 9. 3 Mb yt es )- documents
the government income tax fraud
The ABCs of Government
Theft (25 Mbytes) -ebook
Affidavit of Duress: Illegal Tax Enforcement by De Facto Officers, Form #02.005 (OFFSITE LINK) - Use this form if you are faced with an IRS or state tax enforcement as a member. All such enforcement is illegal and constitutes duress. Occasions include tax examinations, audits, depositions, levies, or filing of a tax returns under court order as a convict on probation.
The "Trade or Business"
Scam -how the IRS deceives "nontaxpayers" into becoming
HTML Version
The "Trade or Business" Scam, Form #05.001 (OFFSITE
LINK) -PDF version of the above useful in court
The Tax Court Scam,
Form #05.039 (OFFSITE LINK)-Shows how "nontaxpayers"
are tricked into declaring themselves "taxpayers" by petitioning
Tax Court.
The Best Judges that
Money Can Buy
Why you DON'T want an attorney -amazing. Right out
of the Corpus Juris Secundum legal encyclopedia.
Legal Deception, Propaganda, and Fraud, Form #05.014 (OFFSITE LINK)-SEDM
Who Were the Pharisees and Saducees?, Form #05.047 (OFFSITE LINK)-SEDM
Government Identity Theft, Form #05.046 (OFFSITE LINK) - This memorandum of law discusses and describes how government criminal identity theft occurs, how it is concealed and protected, how to prove it exists in a court of law, and remedies to fight it.
What Happened to Justice?, Form #06.012 (OFFSITE LINK) -why
the federal courts are franchise and property courts that cannot
and do not deliver justice
What Happened to the Constitution? -Short slide show that illustrates
how the USA constitution was systematically destroyed by your public
dis-servants since the founding of this country
Government Corruption, Form #11.401 (OFFSITE LINK) -SEDM
How Democracy Works (OFFSITE LINK) -Minivan Jack
The Problem Of Political Authority: An Examination of the Right To Coerce and the Duty to Obey (OFFSITE LINK) -Michael Huemer
Silent Weapons, Quiet Wars -Top Secret government document
that demonstrates the conspiracy against rights that is at the
heart of our present de facto corporate government
Congress Sold Out
the Country! -excellent song
Dilemma for the
Pirates -Ed Henry
Government Corruption: Causes and Remedies, Form #12.026 (OFFSITE LINK)-Describes how government corruption is created and protected and how to oppose it.
De Facto Government Scam, Form #05.043 (OFFSITE LINK) -Proves that we don't have a real, de jure government, and explains all the ways this de facto government illegally expands and protects its own criminal extortion enterprise and protection racket.
Socialism: The New American Civil Religion, Form #05.016 (OFFSITE LINK) - Proves that government has become a false god and an idol in modern society in violation of the First Amendment.
The Two Republics -A.T. Jones
Withdrawal of Consent -Kurt Kallenback
Sins of
the State: An Address to the People of Texas Regarding the Great
Generational Betrayal -Richard Voudren
Suppressed Inventions and Other Discoveries -Jonathan Eisen
A Nation
Against Itself Will Not Stand -ebook by the Girdwood Guru
While People Sleep -pamphlet by Common Sense Press
Shattered Dreams -case
studies of people whose lives were destroyed unjustly by the
federal government
Affidavit by Doug Mitchell
Concerning Activities at Waco -a person with first-hand knowledge
who was involved.
Waco Texas Warrants -the
biggest government scam and cover-up of the last ten years,
other than income taxes, of course
Advocate: Lawyers -Shows how Satan is taking over the government
and destroying our liberties by infesting and corrupting the
legal profession
Shadow Government (OFFSITE LINK) -Amazon Prime. Best-selling author Grant Jeffrey details how individual rights and freedoms have disappeared, how a system is now in place to control and monitor humanity, and how all this ties in to one of the Bible's most fascinating prophecies.
What Percentage of Americans Trust the Government? (OFFSITE LINK) -PJ Media
Corruption is Legal In America (OFFSITE LINK)
To See the Farm is to Leave It (OFFSITE LINK) -Vimeo
The Magnificent Deception -very interesting video series
Overthrow of the American Republic -Sherman Skolnick
They Own it All-By Means of Toxic Currency (OFFSITE LINK) - main engine for corrupting the government
Marked for Death-Governmental Destruction (OFFSITE LINK) -Pastor John Weaver
Pastor John Weaver (OFFSITE LINK)
Pastor Sheldon Emry (OFFSITE LINK) - Sheldon Emry Memorial Library
America Will Turn Suddenly, Sermon 7007a
God's Word to Washington, DC, Sermon 7008a
Witchcraft In America, Sermon 7021a
America's Testing and Way Of Escape, Sermon 7101b
Warning Of Judgment, Sermon 7211a
Minsters Go To Washington, Sermon 77508a
Zion, Captive Of Babylon
Come Out Of Babylon, Sermon CT-8401
The Shame Of America
1971 Report On Washington
There Is A National Salvation
The Jeremiah Message to America
The Fire That Will Burn Babylon
There Are Disciples Of Baal In America
The Locusts Are Devouring America
The Nations And Churches United Against God
Jeremiah, A Weeping Prophet To A Sinful Nation
Will They Divide Up America?
The Greatest Sins In America
Jeremiah Speaks to Washington
Red Babylon In Jeremiah 50 & 41
God's Judgment On America In Ezekial 6-9
1981 Report On Washington, DC
America, Prepare to Meet Thy God
David And Goliath, You And Babylon
SEDM Subject Index: Tort (OFFSITE LINK)
SEDM Forms/Pubs Page, Section 1.15: Remedies and Nonstatutory Claims for Government Violation of Rights (OFFSITE LINK)
Family Guardian Forum 5.4: Defending Your Rights
Free Legal Treatieses, Section 19: Tort* (OFFSITE LINK)
Member Forums, Forum 6.6: Tort Litigation ** (MS) (OFFSITE LINK)
Law and Government Page, Section 14: Legal and Government Ethics
Liberty University Section 7: Legal Activism in Fighting the Fraud (OFFSITE LINK)
Litigation Tools Page, Section 1.8: Disciplinging Government Officials (OFFSITE LINK)-SEDM
18 U.S.C. §2381: Treason
18 U.S.C. §2382: Misprision of Treason
What is Giving Aid and Comfort to the Enemy? -Charles Warren, 27 Yale Law Journal 331, 1917. How to prove TREASON in court.
Rosenstock's Section 1983 Civil Rights Digest (OFFSITE LINK)
Section 1983 Litigation, Litigation Tool #08.008 (OFFSITE LINK)-SEDM
Government Corruption: Causes and Remedies, Form #12.026 (OFFSITE LINK)-Describes how government corruption is created and protected and how to oppose it.
Proof of Claim: Your Main Defense Against Government Greed and Corruption, Form #09.073 (OFFSITE LINK)-SEDM
Lawfully Avoiding Government Obligations Course, Form #12.040 (OFFSITE LINK)-SEDM
Federal Procedure, Lawyers Edition, Volume 16: Government Officers and Employees
Criminal Complaint Against Public Officers, Litigation Tool #08.002 (MS) (OFFSITE LINK)
How to Sue for Illegal Government Enforcement, Litigation Tool #10.015 (MS) (OFFSITE LINK)
Legal Remedies that Protect Private Rights Course, Form #12.019 (MS) (OFFSITE LINK)-SEDM
Splintered to Federal Folly (OFFSITE LINK) - Beau Johnson. The Secret behind Obamacare, Federal Jurisdiction, and the Death of Liberty
The End of Justice (OFFSITE LINK) - Beau Johnson. Why America is the most incarcerated country in the world
Lucifer Effect (OFFSITE LINK) -How good people are transformed to do and think and believe evil
Stanford Prison Experiment (OFFSITE LINK) -why power corrupts and motivates the propaganda
The Problem Of Political Authority: An Examination of the Right To Coerce and the Duty to Obey (OFFSITE LINK) -Michael Huemer
The Prince, Machiavelli (OFFSITE LINK) - a classic describing
how corrupt governments abuse the people.
The 48 Laws of Power (OFFSITE LINK) -book by Robert Greene
Toward an American Revolution -book that exposes extensive
corruption within the U.S. government
Silent Weapons, Quiet Wars -Top Secret government document
that demonstrates the conspiracy against rights that is at the
heart of our present de facto corporate government
in Legal Land -Marc Stevens. EXCELLENT book on corruption
in the legal system. Marc Stevens
VII: Of the Corruption of the Principles of the Three Governments -the Spirit of
Laws , Montesquieu. Book upon which the Founding Fathers
wrote our Constitution and established the government
Two Political Jurisdictions:
"National" Government v. "Federal" Government -(HOT!)
Bankruptcy of the United States -39 Part Series by American
Patriot Friends Network (APFN)
"United States Government" went bankrupt in 1933 and is no longer
a Republic -article from one or our readers
REAL Accounting Fraud -Enron was just the tip of the iceberg.
We really ought to be looking at America's biggest crook, the
U.S. Congress.
Mr. Franklin: "We're All Democrats Now" -(HOT!) by Congressman
Ron Paul, Liberty Committee, given on the floor of the House
of Representatives January 29, 2003. Excellent!
Do you
have a right to police protection? -(HOT!) The law and the
courts say emphatically NO? Then why do we even have or need government at all? Who is the servant here? Worst
yet, what gives them the right to DEMAND our tax money if we
don't even have the right to DEMAND that they do their
ONLY legitimate function: public protection? TREASON!
Invasion of the Mind Snatchers -Nelson Hultberg
Republic Under Siege -(HOT!) how liberals have turned our
Constitutional Republic into a Democracy
Too Truthful -by Congressmen Ron Paul of the Liberty Committee . Describes what would happen if
we stuck to the Constitution as written.
7 Steps
to Slavery -how to convert any nation to communism
The Unlimited Liability Universe -from Great IRS Hoax, section
Corporate Takeover of U.S. Government Well Underway -amazing!
Why you DON'T want an attorney -amazing. Right
out of the Corpus Juris Secundum legal encyclopedia.
Two Faces of Government: Tax Terrorism and Civil Rights
Anarchy -The Idaho Observer, December 2000
The Threshold Has Already Been Crossed
Open Letter to America -Robert McDougal
What is "Justice"?, Form #05.050 (OFFSITE LINK)-why the courts do not administer "justice" as legally defined and therefore are NOT "courts" as classically understood
What is "law"?, Form #05.048 (OFFSITE LINK)-why the courts and police do not engage in "law" enforcement, but franchise administration
Index of Federal, State and Local Government Fraud Files (OFFSITE LINK) -Foundation for Truth in Law
De Facto Government Scam, Form #05.043 (OFFSITE LINK)-Proves
that we don't have a real, de jure government, and explains
all the ways this de facto government illegally expands and
protects its own criminal extortion enterprise and protection
Shaping the Moral, Spiritual, Cultural, Political, and Economic Decline of the United States of America - John Coleman, Tavistock Institute of Human Relations
Cracks in the Constitution -review
of a book by the same name
Woe To You Lawyers! -by a law professor of Yale
Murphy's 13 Unlucky
Laws for Federal Employees -Put these up in your work cubicle
as a government employee if you want to be portrayed as a malcontent
because you dare to tell the truth. (Adobe Acrobat 4.0 format)
Advocate: Lawyers -Shows how Satan is taking over the government
and destroying our liberties by infesting and corrupting the
legal profession
What Percentage of Americans Trust the Government? (OFFSITE LINK) -PJ Media
Facets of the Beast (OFFSITE LINK) -Vimeo
Corruption is Legal In America (OFFSITE LINK)
How Big Should Government Be? (OFFSITE LINK) -Prager University
Four Horsemen (OFFSITE LINK)
The Myth of Benevolent Central Authority (OFFSITE LINK) -Jerry Day,
Buried in Law (OFFSITE LINK) -John Stossel, Fox News, 7-24/2014
The Corporation: The Pathological Pursuit of Profit and Power -Corporations are government franchises
The Revolution Continues (OFFSITE LINK) -Josie the Outlaw
The Psychology of Evil: The Lucifer Effect in Action (OFFSITE LINK) - Philip Zimbardo
My battle to expose government corruption (OFFSITE LINK) - Heather Brooke
Its Time to Walk Out of Hell -Thomas Sheridan. A very accurate and interesting description of the people behind government corruption, the new world order, and the corporatization and privatization of the government: PSYCHOPATHS
If Not for Government (OFFSITE LINK)-Larken Rose
Marked for Death-Governmental Destruction (OFFSITE LINK) -Pastor John Weaver
They Own it All-By Means of Toxic Currency (OFFSITE LINK) - main engine for corrupting the government
The Missing Thirteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution -outlaws
all franchises and attorney licensing. Ratification was
covered up.
Rule Book -your rights as a jurist
Jury Tampering -Educating
Jurors is not jury tampering.
Rebellion in the
Jury -A form of Civil Protest grows in the Jury Room.
A Practical Guide to the Bar (OFFSITE LINK)- Book by T Bateman Napier
ABA Unauthorized Practice of Law Section
Center for Professional Responsibility: Legal Ethics -ABA
U.S. Attorney Manual §1-4.000: Standards of Conduct -standards
of conduct for U.S. attorneys
18 U.S.C. §1589: Forced Labor -abuse or threatened abuse
of legal process is slavery punishable by 20 years in prison
Duke University Legal Ethics
American Legal Ethics Library - Cornell Law School
By for Trouble -ABA article on pitfalls of having an associate
attorney act as a legal coach for sui juris litigants
Licensing Is A FRAUD! -very interesting article
You Just Gotta
Trust Your Attorney!
42 Reasons
Why I Hate Lawyers -by Jim Olzstynsky
Our Legal Circus:
Clowns, Dancing Bears, and Attorneys -by Fred Reed
Benjamin Austin's Struggle With the Lawyers -Boston College,
Sept. 1981 Article on early corruption of the legal profession
in America and persecution of those who opposed it
What Is Law Practice? -ABA
ejournal report
The Case for Repealing Unauthorized Practice of Law -CATO
for Admission to Practice -read the oath and application
that attorneys have to sign in order to practice in a federal
court. Scandalous!
The Practice of Law: Authorized and Otherwise- Alfred Adask,
Antishyster. Licenses to practice law.
Deemed, Doomed, and Damned- Alfred Adask, Antishyster.
Licenses to practice law.
and Professional Responsibility -U.S. Attorneys Bulletin,
Volume 44, No. 1, Feb. 1996
of the Separation of Powers by having Too Many Lawyers (Audio,
24 Mbytes)-Officer Jack McLamb Show
Neil Gorsuch U.S. Supreme Court Nomination Hearings (OFFSITE LINK) -what Congress looks for in ethical judges
Gorsuch Confirmation Hearing, Day 1 -CSPAN
Gorsuch Confirmation Hearing, Day 2, Part 1 -CSPAN
Gorsuch Confirmation Hearing, Day 2, Part 2 -CSPAN
Gorsuch Confirmation Hearing, Day 3, Part 1 -CSPAN
Gorsuch Confirmation Hearing, Day 3, Part 2 -CSPAN
Gorsuch Confirmation Hearing, Day 4, Part 1 -CSPAN
Gorsuch Confirmation Hearing, Day 4, Part 2 -CSPAN
What Happened to Justice?, Form #06.012 (OFFSITE LINK)-why
you can't get justice in federal court and what you can do about
Global Corruption Report: Corruption In Judicial Systems -excellent
Judicial Ethics Handbook -Judicial Education Center
Required Credentials for United States Judges -Supreme Law
28 U.S.C. §351: Complaints, judge defined
Code of Conduct for U.S. Judges (OFFSITE LINK)- Administrative
office of the U.S. Courts
Kritarchy -Stumpy
Model Code of Judicial
Conduct For State Administrative Law Judges
Do Judges Lie? -You
bet they do. This one even admitted it on the record!
Hiding Behind
the Bar -shows why an "attorney" is not a "lawyer," yet the
average American improperly interchanges these words as if they
represent the same occupation, and the average American attorney
unduly accepts the honor to be called "lawyer" when he is not.
Bad Judges, and What to do about Them
Ending Judicial Dictatorship -Heritage Foundation
On Their Honor: Judges and their Assets -Kansas City Star
Dry Bones on
the Bench-The Remedy for the Evil -John Rustgard -judicial
and prosecutorial misconduct and and legal ethics violations
in Rhode Island -unpublished
cases that threaten the rule of law in the U.S.
Judicial Disqualification: An Analysis of Federal Law, Second Edition (OFFSITE LINK) Federal Judicial Center
Court Registry Investment System (CRIS) -Judges are profiting privately from the cases under their managment and therefore have a criminal financial conflict of interest
How to Remove
a Federal Judge -Yale Law Journal
Judicial Techniques
for Cases Involving Self-Represented Litigants -The Judges
Journal, Winter 2003
Exposing and Prosecuting Judicial Corruption -Antishyster
News Magazine
Courts Without Justice- Alfred Adask, Antishyster.
Wrongdoing in the Bankruptcy Courts
Government by Judges -very
enlightening on judicial corruption and "legislating from the
Analysis of Case Law Under 28 U.S.C. § 455 & 144 -Federal
Judicial Center (FJC)
The REAL Terrorists: Corrupt Judges -freedom advocates are
not terrorists. Corrupt judges with a financial conflict of
interst and who keep the truth from the courtroom with a variation
of this video tactic are the REAL terrorists. They SILENCE and
sanction those trying to speak the truth
Generous Justice (OFFSITE LINK) -Tim Keller
The Great Deception (OFFSITE LINK) -court corruption explained in simple terms\
SEDM Exhibit #11.006: Interview with U.S. Supreme Court Judge Antonin Scalia about Reading and Interpreting Law - admits that the main source of judicial corruption is bending words and language to unconstitutionally turn a society of law into a society of men.
What GOD expects from our judges - but SELDOM gets
Nonpublication of Court Rulings:
Conspiracy to Conceal Judicial Wrongdoing. See
Mythological Licenses
to Practice Law -fascinating
Federal Laws and Regulations Relating to Government Ethics -by
the U.S. Government Office of Government Ethics (an oxymoron)
Principles of Ethical Conduct for Government Officers and Employees -Presidential
Executive Order 12731 Issued by George Bush, October 17, 1990.
Code of 14
Ethics for Federal Employees
Declaration of the Third Continental Congress -the solution
for our legal ills according to Dessie Andrews is a Third Continental
Congress. Excellent!
Ten Truths
of Tyranny -Matt Giwer
of Government Ethics Publications
The Overcriminalization of Social and Economic Conduct -Heritage
Foundation Report
Undermining the Constitution: A History of Lawless Government -Thomas
Why Government
Needs Crime -another look at the premise of Ayn Rand's Book Atlas Shrugged
America? -is THIS "the
land of the free and the home of the brave"?
Legal v. Lawful -they
are not the same!
Last Will
and Testament of Jesse Cornish -touching testament to the
socialist legacy we will leave our kids if we don't fix things
Issues Related to Licensing and Government Regulation of Paralegals- National
Assoc. of Legal Assistants.
Death of an
Old Friend: Common Sense -result of the 9th Circuit Court
of Federal Appeals declaring the Pledge of Allegiance unconstitutional.
Dated 7/17/02
National Center for State Courts (NCSC) Justice Reform Around the World -reform
Public Corruption Cases -contains
a list of a variety of cases involving public corruption.
Compiled by attorney Larry Becraft.
Key Federal
Employment Principles -SPAWAR Systems Center San Diego
v. Congress: Americas Biggest Crook -Walter Williams
The Circle of Strife -Edgar
The Wicked
Stepgovernment -Edgar Steele
Government Conspiracy to Destroy the Separation of Powers, Form
#05.023 -Describes historical efforts by the government
to break down the separation of powers and destroy our God-given
Government Instituted Slavery Using Franchises, Form #05.034 -explains
the chief method that government uses to destroy your rights
and commit treason against the Constitution
How the Government
Breaks the Law -CATO Institute
of Law on the Right to Petition -(124 Kbytes) We the People,
Conflict of Interest Convictions- Alfred Adask, Antishyster
The FBI Labels
Those who Defend the U.S. Constitution as Terrorists! -here
is the evidence, in the form of an FBI pamphlet on terrorists!
Government Mafia -excellent analogy, although a little irreverent.
Judge Napolitano: Why Taxation is Theft, Abortion is Murder, and Government is Dangerous (OFFSITE LINK)
If You Were King -Larken Rose
Ethics and Law in Our Lives -Mark DeAngelis
How Socialism, Communism, and Fascism are all the Same (OFFSITE LINK) - G Edward Griffin
Constitutional Review Committee Study on Treason by Public Officials and What to Do About It:
Thou Shalt Not Commit Logical Fallacies Poster - great training on how to become resistant to government propaganda
Logically Fallacious (OFFSITE LINK) -the ultimate collection of over 300 logical fallacies
The FOUR "United States" -how corrupt judges and
legislators confuse "United States" the legal person with
"United States" the territory
Statutory v. Constitutional Contexts - how corrupt
judges and prosecutors confuse contexts in order to deceive
and STEAL from you
Anti-Thought Control Dictionary - how corrupt
politicians and lawyers abuse language to enslave the people
Google Transparency Report - list of government requests
submitted to Google requesting to sensor internet data
WikiWatchdog List of Wikipedia Articles Edited directly the the IRS (OFFSITE LINK) - excellent
Are we in control of our own decisions? (OFFSITE LINK) - econonmist Dan Ariely talks about how governments rig forms to create the FALSE appearance of consent by the applicant. Very subtle. This area of psychology is what the IRS abuses to RIG its forms and enslave you.
If the IRS Were Selling
Used Cars -hilarious!
The Dialectic:
How Government Uses Cognitive Dissonance to Promote Clearly
Irrational and Unlawful Tax Policies
The War of Words -how
the government uses "psychopropaganda" and "psyops" to control
the docile citizen sheep and beat them into compliance
Family Guardian Forums -require a free member account you can
apply for yourself to post and in some cases read content
Who Were the Pharisees and Saducees?, Form #05.047 (OFFSITE LINK) -The Pharisees that Jesus criticized were usurping authority and rights by adding to or changing the meaning of the law, just like modern lawyers and especially GOVERNMENT lawyers.
Legal Deception, Propaganda, and Fraud, Form #05.014 -how words
of art and word tricks are used to illegally extend federal
jurisdiction and destroy the separation of powers
Presumption: Chief Weapon for Unlawfully Enlarging Federal
Jurisdiction, Form #05.017 -how presumption are abused in
a legal setting to destroy your constitutional rights and illegally
and unconstitutionally enlarge government jurisdiction
Drink the Koolaid -humor
Foundations of Freedom, Form #12.021, Video 4: Willful Government Deception and Propaganda (OFFSITE LINK)
Word Crimes (OFFSITE LINK) - Weird Al Yankovich. Explains why the average Amercian falls for the crimes perpetuated with language by a corrupted de facto government
The Secret About Government Power: What They Won't Tell You! (OFFSITE LINK) - how propaganda makes tyranny possible and sustainable
Secrets of the Slave State (OFFSITE LINK) -
Popular Yuri Bezmenov & KGB Videos (OFFSITE LINKS)
Propaganda and Manipulation: How mass media engineers and distorts our perceptions (OFFSITE LINK) - Jerry Kroth
Strawman-the nature of the cage (OFFSITE LINK)-youtube
Interview of Former IRS Commissioner Shelton Cohen by Aaron Russo, SEDM Exhibit 11.004 (OFFSITE LINK) -Listen to the evasiveness and lawlessness of the LIAR. HE is the real anarchist, because he refuses to acknowledge even the authority of the latest U.S. Supreme Court decisions on the subject of taxes.
Honest Liars-the psychology of self-deception (OFFSITE LINK) -Cortney Warren. TED.
What is Hate Speech? (OFFSITE LINK)-News With Views
The Use of the English Language in Australia (OFFSITE LINK) -Clarke and Dawe
Financial Terrorism Exposed -Thomas Sheridan
The Secrets of Food Marketing (OFFSITE LINK) - how marketing changes your attitude about government
Orwell Rolls in his Grave (OFFSITE LINK) - 3 hour
Stupid in America (OFFSITE LINK) - John Stossel
It's an Illusion (OFFSITE LINK) -John Harris
Stefan Molyneux (OFFSITE LINK)
Reading and Interpreting Law: U.S. Supreme Court Justice Scalia - how to prevent judges from playing word games.
Thinking: Fallacies -all government propaganda relies
on fallacies. This college course will help you
recognize them
Propaganda (OFFSITE LINK) -how government controls your mind
Josie the Outlaw (OFFSITE LINK)
Corbet Report (OFFSITE LINK)
Noam Chomsky (OFFSITE LINK)
Larken Rose (OFFSITE LINK)
Tragedy and Hope (OFFSITE LINK)
Brainwashing -a
synthesis of the Russian book on psychopolitics
Family Guardian Forum 3: Government and legal profession secrecy,
corruption, propaganda, and tax scams -place to read other people's
corruption research. You must join the forums in order to
post. Click on "Register" in the upper right corner
SEDM Corruption Page (OFFSITE LINK)
Restoring the Rule of Law -Governor Greg Abbott of Texas
Withdrawal of Consent -Kurt Kallenback
Government Mafia -excellent analogy, although a little irreverent.
Brand New World
Order -video about the new world order
Foundations of Freedom, Video 4: Willful Government Deception and Propaganda (OFFSITE LINK)
Corruption is Legal in America (OFFSITE LINK) – Represent.US
How Big Should Government Be? (OFFSITE LINK) -Prager University
Liberty Pen: Andrew Napolitano (OFFSITE LINK) – exposition of widespread government corruption
My battle to expose government corruption (OFFSITE LINK) - Heather Brooke
Top 10 Reasons Why the Mafia is Better than the State (OFFSITE LINK)
Bursting Bubbles of Government Deception -excellent
The Fall of Rome and Modern Parallels (OFFSITE LINK)- Lawrence Reed, Foundation for Economic Education
The Coming Bankruptcy of the United States (OFFSITE LINKS) – Fox News
Larken Rose (OFFSITE LINK)
The Government Can ! (OFFSITE LINK) - Tim Hawkins
Stefan Molyneux (OFFSITE LINK)
SEDM Jurisdictions Database
Online, Litigation Tool #09.004 -Complete
ONLINE database of all jurisdictions within the USA, including all
50 states and territories. Describes major contacts, legal
points and authorities, court reporters, and web resources.
Links are activated so you can use this to locate resources
on the web. Excellent!
SEDM Litigation Tools page
CATO Institute Research Areas -by
Capitol Advantage -tracks money in state politics
Follow the Money: A Handbook of Do-It-Yourself Data Digging -A
consumer guide to who's giving the money, who's getting it,
and How It affects your pocketbook. Open Secrets
Alaveteli (OFFSITE LINK) -automated freedom of information
Investigative Dashboard (OFFSITE LINK) - investigate dictators
Global Investigative Journalism Network (GLIN) (OFFSITE LINK)
C-Span -Congressional
Mox News
Intelligence -tracks money in state politics
GovTrack -a
civic project to track Congress
Social Science
Research Network (SSRN) -extensive statistical social research
Thomas -Legislative
information on the Internet maintained by the Library of Congress.
SEDM Jurisdictions Database, Litigation Tool #09.003 -Complete
database of all jurisdictions within the USA, including all
50 states and territories. Describes major contacts, legal
points and authorities, court reporters, and web resources.
Links are activated so you can use this to locate resources
on the web. Excellent!
Depths of Corruption Playlist (OFFSITE LINK) -TED
Wikileaks -leaks
of government information
Cryptome -classified
documents released to the public
Scribd -social
publishing site
Congressional Research Service (CRS) Reports
The Government Can (OFFSITE LINKS)-Tim Hawkins
Stefan Molyneux (OFFSITE LINK)
The REAL Matrix, Form #12.017 (OFFSITE LINK, 109Mbytes, 16 Minutes, Windows Media Player)-fascinating video
The Story of Your Enslavement (OFFSITE LINKS)-excellent movie by Stefan Molyneux
to Keep 100% of Your Earnings -by Marc Lucas and available
online for free on our website
Most Americans Do NOT Owe an Income Tax -attorneys
tell it like it is
Local copy (209 Mbytes, Mp4)
America: From Freedom to Fascism (OFFSITE LINK)-HOT!
Aaron Russo
The Corporation: The Pathological Pursuit of Profit and Power -Corporations are government franchises
The Four Horsemen -very interesting video about government corruption
The Obama Deception -excellent
The Great Reset (OFFSITE LINK) -Wikipedia
The Great Reset (OFFSITE LINK) -World Economic Forum
Pay To Play New World Order: Timeline of corruption (OFFSITE LINK)
Philip Dru: Administrator (OFFSITE LINK)- book by Edward Mandell House,
who was Woodrow Wilson's tutor and an illumunati conspirator
Trilateral Commission (OFFSITE LINK) -about
the elites planning the new world order
Council on
Foreign Relations (CFR) (OFFSITE LINK)
International Monetary Fund (IMF): Globalization Page (OFFSITE
The New World Order
Owns the World? (OFFSITE LINK)
Global Currency Website (OFFSITE LINK)
for Research on Globalization (OFFSITE LINK)-news on globalization
North American Union Fact Sheet (OFFSITE LINK)- American Policy Center
North American Union Driver's Licenses (OFFSITE LINK)-World
Net Daily
The Secret World Government (6.9 MB, 206 pages)-Major Gen. Count
Cherep Spiridovich
The Hidden Power of Freemasonry -Lt. Col. Gordon Moore
Proofs Of A Conspiracy, John Robison -published in 1798 about the Free Masons
U.S. Citizens and the New World Order (OFFSITE LINK)- by Musicians For Freedom
Brand New World
Order -video about the new world order
Jacob Frank & Sabbatean Frankism (OFFSITE LINK) - tangentopolis (world orders review)
The Emerging, New, World Order, its Roots, Our Legacy (OFFSITE LINK) - Noam Chomsky
Changing Contours of Global Order (OFFSITE LINK) -Noam Chomsky
John Mcmanus on the UN (OFFSITE LINK) - John F. McManus
Trump Attacks NWO With Counters Of Its Own Language and Symbols (OFFSITE LINK) - Roy Potter
Who Rules the World Now? (OFFSITE LINK) - Noam Chomsky
Overview of America, Part II: Stopping the New World Order
(OFFSITE LINK)- video by John McManus of the John Birch Society.
We're Being led to a One World Government
(OFFSITE LINK)- video by John McManus of the John Birch Society.
The Black Book (OFFSITE LINK) - Thomas Anderson
The Coming Economic Armageddon -Dr. David Jeremiah
Patrick Wood: Technology Rising Interview -Tragedy and Hope
The Insiders -Book about the architects of the New World Order by John McManus of the John Birch Society
Internal Revenue Service (IRS) Complaints -Treasury Inspector
General for Tax Administration (TIGTA)
Employment Complaints - Office of Special Counsel (OSC)
FTC Consumer
Complaint Center -Federal Trade Commission
FBI Crime Tip Hotline -Federal
Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
Internet Crime
Complaint Center (IC3) -Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
FBI Public Corruption Page -FBI
Threats to Public Health -Center for Disease Control
SS Electronic Crimes Investigation -U.S. Secret Service
U.S. DOJ Civil Rights Division, Complaints -US Dept. Of
U.S. DOJ Civil Rights Division: Employment Rights -U.S. DOJ
Bureau of Prisons (BOP) -Complaints about federal inmate treatment
Judiciary Committee -file a complaint about a corrupt federal
judge and have him impeached
Whistleblower Laws -index of whistleblower protection laws
Security Fraud I -U.S. Attorneys Bulletin, Volume 52, No.
6, Nov. 2004
Security Fraud II -U.S. Attorneys Bulletin, Volume 53, No.
1, Jan. 2005
Fraud -U.S. Attorneys Bulletin, Volume 51, No. 3, May 2003
Care Fraud -U.S. Attorneys Bulletin, Volume 53, No. 5, Sept.
Theft -U.S. Attorneys Bulletin, Volume 56, No. 2, March 2008
Care Fraud -U.S. Attorneys Bulletin, Volume 57, No. 1, January
"I sincerely believe... that the principle of spending money
to be paid by posterity under the name of funding is but swindling
futurity on a large scale." --Thomas Jefferson to John Taylor, 1816.
ME 15:23
"We believe--or we act as if we believed--that although an individual
father cannot alienate the labor of his son, the aggregate body
of fathers may alienate the labor of all their sons, of their posterity,
in the aggregate, and oblige them to pay for all the enterprises,
just or unjust, profitable or ruinous, into which our vices, our
passions or our personal interests may lead us. But I trust that
this proposition needs only to be looked at by an American to be
seen in its true point of view, and that we shall all consider ourselves
unauthorized to saddle posterity with our debts, and morally bound
to pay them ourselves; and consequently within what may be deemed
the period of a generation, or the life of the majority." --Thomas
Jefferson to John Wayles Eppes, 1813. ME 13:357
"If you will not fight for right when you can easily win without
blood shed; if you will not fight when your victory is sure and
not too costly; you may come to the moment when you will have to
fight with all the odds against you and only a precarious chance
of survival. There may even be a worse case. You may have to fight
when there is no hope of victory, because it is better to perish
than to live as slaves." --Winston Churchill
"These are the times that try men's souls. The summer soldier
and the sunshine patriot will, in the crisis, shrink from the service
of their country; but he that stands now, deserves the love and
thanks of man and woman. Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered;
yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict,
the more glorious the triumph. What we obtain too cheap, we esteem
too lightly; 'tis dearness only that gives everything it's value.
Heaven knows how to put a proper price on it's goods; and it would
be strange indeed, if so celestial an article as freedom should
not be highly rated."--Thomas Paine