Source: My parents steamed separately to America. In the year 1912 ironically a month after the Titanic left the same port, my infant mother boarded a steam ship called Mayflower. She was so tiny she could fit in a shoebox and was not expected to live. My father’s ship barely survived a storm at sea with winds at hurricane force, approximately at the same location as seen in the Perfect Storm. His ship was filling with water, and the props were pushing and jerking violently in and out of the mountainous waves. They could not help their sister ship that was sending out SOS messages during this storm and was never seen again. All because my grandparents were seeking a better life. This is a story of the struggle of men and government. God created man. Then man, with the grace of God, created government. Then man believed he was God and replaced government as a religion (cult). Then there was anarchy. Thomas Jefferson wrote all men are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights and among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. DeTocqueville arrived here from France in 1831 for analysis and prophecy of America. He implies that, before promoting the benefits of democracy, one must understand its limitations. In general, Americans don ‘t have a clue about the original Republic. Benjamin Franklin, after the Constitutional Convention, said "we gave you a Republic, if you can keep it." The 56 men that signed the Declaration of Independence paid an extreme price. Carter Braxton of Virginia lost his ships, property and died in rags. Thomas McKeam served without pay in Congress and poverty was his reward. Thomas Nelson, Jr. ‘s wife died in jail. John Harthe lived in caves; and soon after his wife died and 13 children vanished, he died from a broken heart. Five were tortured to death by the British as traitors, 9 died fighting the British, their homes burned, their sons either lost their lives or were captured in the war. After the Revolution, the British returned in 1812 and burned the Library of Congress because they were losing their plans of regaining control of their old colonies. Burning books /records was a good start (remember Adolph and the 1930s book burning). Today, there are two systems of law operating in America, 1) The Republic, which is the law of land. 2) Democracy or colorable law, which looks/acts like law. The Republic: Article 4, Sec. 4 of the Constitution states "the United States shall guarantee to every state in this union a Republican form of government, and shall protect each of them against invasion and against domestic violence." etc. As early as 1782, Jefferson said that it was ridiculous to suppose that a man should surrender himself to the state, this would be slavery. That’s why the Republic, with its checks/balances, provided for authority through the election by the people of public officials best fitted to represent them. The attitude towards property respects the laws and individuals’ rights through sensible economic procedure that does not create irresponsible debt and prevents foreign domination. Democracy: The 1928 US Government Training Manual, No.2000-25, War Department Chief of Staff states: "A government of the masses. Authority derived through mass meeting or any form of direct expression, results in mobocracy. Attitude toward property is communistic negating property rights. Attitude toward law is that the will of the majority shall regulate, whether it be based upon deliberation or governed by passion, prejudice, impulse, without restraint or regard to consequences. Results in demagogism, license, agitation, discontent, anarchy." Also, a democracy has no system of Constitutional natural rights to protect the individual from the absolute will of any voting majority, which is a small segment of the population, and they regulate laws which, without limiting laws, creates endless colorable rules and regulations in an effort to please everyone until the system is under complete government control. A democracy may grant civil rights, but in a Republic, you automatically have natural civil rights. Republic’s Siege: There are two ways an enemy can come on shore, either by invasion or by foreign contract. The following discussion reviews the invasion by foreign contract and is the basis for the Republic’s "siege." In an effort to subvert the intent of the Founding Fathers, the original Constitution for the (u)nited States of America has been skillfully amended over the years. Public policy from the 11—28th amendments created an alternate class/status of citizenship by privilege known as a person, subject or individual who is a citizen of the government of Washington DC (US Const., Art. 1, Sec. 6, Cl.17- 18 and Art. 4, Sec. 3, Cl.2) rather than a citizen of his/her state under the protection of the Bill of Rights. The Bill of Rights was crafted from the Declaration of Independence and Articles from the Constitution of the U. S. of A. and created an avenue for other amendments to be crafted to by-pass the Constitution of the U.S. of A. When the United States was formed by the Founding Fathers with Anglo-Saxon common law /1, the British Board controlled the law merchant and commingled commercial private Roman civil law (ecclesiastical) with general common law for the off-shore Marine Insurance Act of 1789 /2/3. (Don’t confuse this with the (u)nion of states’ common law). A deal was cut with the Fathers that essentially brought the states back under the Board’s control. This is the reason for Article 1, Sec. 8, Clause 5 (foreign coin). Furthermore, Article 1, Sec. 10, Cl. 1, says no State, (D.C. is a foreign State) shall make anything but gold and silver coin a payment of debts, etc. which was written into the Constitution because the English would only do business with the Colonialists in gold. Thomas Jefferson warned of foreign Roman civil law being commingled with English common law. Thereafter, the common law of England did become commingled and came on-shore with the compelled performance of private Roman civil (church) law. Jefferson tried to protect and guide public commercial law away from ecclesiastical servitude (policy) law. Jefferson referred to liberty as Public Law for private purposes which comes before the State. Prior to the 14th Amendment, the House functioned for private commercial benefit and the Senate for non-commercial, public municipal law. Also, the 14th Amendment trust (otherwise known as the statute of charitable/religious/church trust), uses and enforces the old Star Chamber jail reinforced by "Writs of Assistance, King’s conscience and the divine right of Kings". Under the democracy, the Courts pattern themselves after admiralty /2 maritime law and the law of nations. In effect, you are at-sea-on-land with only captain’s law which becomes military court as signified by the flag with yellow fringe. The Limited Liability Act of 1851 insured slaves and cargo. The Civil Rights Act of 1866 took_away absolute allodial property rights /4 "in personam", and replaced it with the State’s controlled personal property law (‘in rem, possessed by another"). So not to be repealed, the (1868) 14th Amendment framed the private public charitable trust, which allowed private Roman civil law or private conscience "religious’ intent /5 into today’s public law as private, public, merchant, commercial policy by-passing the First Amendment (1791) "Congress shall make no law establishment of religion." There are approximately 30 private Roman civil law titles /5 and 20 public municipal law titles. What would Jefferson say about this? This allowed the new charitable democracy to operate outside the Constitution /2 and was also influenced by English-born Robert Owenn who was granted a spot in the Capitol of New York Hall of Representatives for his ideas. He published A New View of Society. Another influence was Fourier who believed that private property should not be allodial established in the sovereign (u)nited (s)tates of America. Owenn and Fourier influenced Karl Marx and Frederich Engles who wrote the 1848 Communist Manifesto. For the common good? The Civil War did not end slavery. After the Civil War, slaves were homeless, and they were vulnerable to become a citizens of the new 14th Amendment trust and would now owe an allegiance to the 14th trust under the jurisdiction of the District of Columbia, not his/her own state. Again, they were outside the protection of the Republic form of government guaranteed to the states as per Art. IV, Sec. 4, which men had denied them, not the law under the Republic. The 1964 Civil Rights Act proved to Americans that the 14th Amendment did not give them their unalienable rights either. Now, everyone is denied these rights /6 since we gave up our protection unknowingly and unintentionally through the 14th Amendment which created third party trust intervention into our private lives and is our new Master outside of the Republic’s mandated protection under Article I, Sec. 10. In addition Art. 4, Sec. 4 of the 14th Amendment trust provides that "public debt, shall not be questioned". Thereafter, the government through compelled performance required the debt be paid back for the mere privilege of existing here. A State cannot interfere with peoples’ lives and make no law impairing the obligation of contract. The District of Columbia is considered a State in off-shore international law. Foreign agents for the private Federal Reserve trust /7 which is commingled with the 14th Amendment trust through unrevealed contracts, collect taxes which go off-shore using USC Title 22. Both trusts are members of the International Monetary "Fund" /7 as opposed to the Negotiable Instrument Law which sets forth no limited liability interference and the payment of all debts for free enterprise and liberty of choice in all areas of life without government interference. The individual is subject to the civil commerce under the public law merchant as protection. /8 Before the 14-15th Amendments were put into place, they had to replace the original 1819 13th Amendment which read,
The original 13th Amendment’s official date is March 12, 1819, the date of re-publication of the Virginia Civil Code. Its intent enforced Art. 1, Sec. 9, Cl. 8 such that "no title of nobility shall be granted by the United States." And shall prohibit lawyers rank of Esquire and Judges Honour as "King" and loyalties to foreign governments as well as bankers from voting, holding public office and/or to subvert the government including incidents, for example, the charter of US Bank and the 1794 Jay Treaty agreeing to pay 600,000 in sterling to King George III, as reprisal for the American Revolution. The original 1819 13th Amendment was quietly replaced in 1865 with a new 13th Amendment. Section 1 says, "neither slavery nor involuntary servitude" , but there’s nothing said about voluntary slavery. Why has it been left out? What happened to civil rights? /9 The Federal Reserve told Congress it had to remedy the debt, and it is reported the Dept. of Commerce through the Treasury, purchase a Bond on every live birth certificate etc. with money borrowed from the Federal Reserve trust. The money borrowed from the Federal Reserve is then invested in the stock market (approximately a billion per bond for approximately 3-1/2 million bonds per year). proof is with the Bureau of Federal Children, which began collecting birth certificates since 1921, the Shepherd/Townsend Act of 1922, the Federal Reserve Act of 1913, various legislative acts in 1933 arid Congressional Record HJR 192 using the UCC 1-financing statement at the state level. /7 There is no fiction of law which can convert the natural born (sovereign) citizen of this country into a subject, /6 unless he/she gives themselves away as a slave (waiver of rights). It has to be knowing, /10 willing, intentionally, with full disclosure. Our government schools taught this, right! The 1913 private Federal Reserve Act became a setup for 1933 Bankers, /7 which promised to pay off the 14th Amendment charitable trust debts forever with script payments of your hard labor/property. Before President Kennedy was assassinated, he was going reveal and stop these debts by replacing the Federal Reserve note with a National Reserve note as evidenced by a 1963 series United States $5 bill etc. President Johnson removed this note. Lincoln died for similar reasons, and the Czar died preventing the Central Banks coming onto Russian shores. Senate Report No. 93—549, pgs. 186, 5942.1 (Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars see research manual TM-SW7905 . 1) discloses a declaration of war upon the American people for the national debt, not the debt of the Republic but the debt of the legislative democracy of DC with its addictive privileges and benefits through compelled performance. You are required to volunteer or else by the Power of Magistrate to move you away from the law. Judges (captains) are under orders (1933, HJR192 Emergency Act "guilty until proven innocent") and thereafter put a lock on the door of Article III, Sec. 2, Common Law Court. If you demand a common law trial by jury hearing, you can be held in contempt by the Judge/King/ Magistrate who can place you in the Star Chamber for some time. /10 Thereafter, no citizen of the Republic may help with any testimony or cross-examination of witnesses denying us our Sixth Amendment council of choice. Any attempt to demand that right under the Bill of Rights will be denied to you. Where are the Judges/Kings that took an oath of office to defend the Constitution? They don’t want to jeopardize their job? Under government, the Court takes away your Christian name and renames you for jurisdictional purposes with a fiction name, using all capital letters or abbreviations of your name or using the State’s SS number. The U.S. Supreme Court in 1797 warned of the misuse of fiction jurisdiction over sovereign citizens. What it means is that Americans are sovereigns without subjects, because all of us are equal. /6 Under 16 Am Jur 2d Constitutional Law, the Courts must apply the terms of the Constitution, as written, and are not at liberty to search for meaning beyond the instrument and "an emergency cannot create power". The World Court states that to create any constitution of any country a man cannot volunteer his labor away nor be taken. Consider that silence is slavery under Roman civil law; and under this law, you are considered a pagan (subject). /6 The Republic is still there if you want it. In 1953, John Swinton, former Chief of Staff of the New York Times, gave a press club toast "I am paid weekly for keeping my honest opinions out of the paper. The business of the journalist is to destroy truth; to lie outright, to pervert, to vilify. Our talents and lives are the property of other men. We are intellectual prostitutes." in order to sell his country and his race (all race) for his daily bread. In 1869, Lysander Spooner, a lawyer, wrote "no man can delegate or give to another any right of arbitrary dominion over himself for that would be giving himself away as a slave. Any contract to do so is necessarily an absurd one and has no validity. To call such a contract a constitution or by any other high sounding name does not alter its character as an absurd and void contract . . ." This story was dedicated to my quest to find the meaning and why there is an extension of a Star Chamber in this country, and why I was placed in it, in the land of the free, and also dedicated "to a Republic for which it stands." Freedom demands tenacity. Footnotes: /1 Republic; Works of Wilson Andrews re Anglo Saxon common law. /2 Admiralty; 18 USC 7 (3), The power of captain is absolute,
international law. (Courts, Judge-captain) /3 Marine 1789 Sec 34, Jud. /4 Redfieid v. Fisber. or 1930 292. Pac 813, 816. The right to live,
own property /5 Roman Army funding by Roman Church. /6 Chisholm supra LEd at 472. Americans are sovereigns without being a
subjects we are equal. /7 Fed. Rev. Lewis v. U.S. 680 F2d 1239. By Henan, Noontide Press.
1968. /8 Swift v. Tyson, 16 Peters 1842 To protect the people from Roman law. /9 U.S. v. Morris. 125 Fed 322. 331. 1176 1180 Slaughter-House Cases,
supra, 73-74. Sadat v. Mertes, 615 F2d 1176, 1180. Cruikshank supra. /10 Brady. supra 748. Johnson v. Zebet, 304-US 458. 464. |