Forum Replies Created

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  • fg_admin

    March 7, 2010 at 9:54 pm in reply to: Consular Report of Birth Abroad

    Dear readers,

    We are happy to report that this thread within the forums has been used in updating our materials. Now that the dispute appears to be settled, we added both the question and our response to the following document on this website:

    Why You are a “national”, “state national”, and Constitutional but not Statutory Citizen, Section 14.3

    Please keep bringing to our attention any points of confusion within our materials by reading them and then pointing out missing information from them. This is very helpful in improving the quality and usefulness of materials posted on this website. The reason we post these materials is encourage peer review and correcting any errors.

  • fg_admin

    March 7, 2010 at 3:37 am in reply to: "United States" in Title 31


    The same “includes” argument applying to title 26 also applies to ALL the other titles. The rules of statutory construction are GENERAL rules applying to the construction and interpretation of ALL statutes. The law must be viewed at all times as a delegation of authority order from the masters, which is We the People, to their public servants. What is not in the delegation order is purposefully excluded by implication. The U.S. supreme court said that law is the “definition and LIMITATION of power”. It cannot limit ANYTHING if the servants can add whatever they want to the delegation order.

    “Sovereignty itself is, of course, not subject to law, for it is the author and source of law; but in our system, while sovereign powers are delegated to the agencies of government, sovereignty itself remains with the people, by whom and for whom all government exists and acts. And the law is the definition and limitation of power.”

    [Yick Wo vs Hopkins, 118 U.S. 356, 370 (1886)] [emphasis added]

    Even if you want to interpret “includes” to be used in its Additive sense, that sense cannot add anything to the meaning beyond what is expressed SOMEWHERE in the statutes. This is exhaustively covered in the following, which you also referenced:

    Meaning of the Words “includes” and “including”


    When no rules for interpretation are specificed, then the GENERAL rules of statutory construction apply. Period. Otherwise, the requirement for reasonable notice is violated, because the people did not receive reasonable advanced notice of all that was addressed or included by the specific law. This is also covered in:

    Requirement for Reasonable Notice, Form #05.022


    DIRECT LINK:…nableNotice.pdf

  • fg_admin

    March 5, 2010 at 3:03 pm in reply to: Federal Pennsylvania?


    Thanks for clarifying your confusion. You are correct that the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania is the current entity mentioned in the state constitution. See:…ons/current.cfm

    Perhaps the language you point out in the Great IRS Hoax may be reversed. We will change it if it causes that much confusion. The issue isn’t worth worrying about and we agree with your conclusions. Simply saying “Constitutional and not statutory ‘State'” ought to make it clear which jurisdiction, the de jure or the de facto corporation, that you mean.

    The new language in the next version of the Great IRS Hoax, Section is:

    The Commonwealth of Pennsylvania mentioned in the state constitution is not part of the federal zone, but the Pennsylvania Commonwealth is. PA is the name that the post office recognizes for mail sent into the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, which is a federal area. Pa., Penna., and Pennsylvania are the names that the post office uses for mail sent into the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, which is not a federal area. If I accept mail sent to PA, I am saying that I live in the federal zone. The same situation exists in the other states.

    The book has been edited and reposted for your benefit. Please keep your suggestions coming, but please ALSO save all of them into ONE BATCH so we don’t have to keep going back and editing the book several times. This can be VERY labor intensive and we would like to minimize effort.


  • fg_admin

    March 3, 2010 at 11:04 pm in reply to: "United States" in Title 31

    The term “States” is defined in Title 4, which is the foundation of the organization of the government and the springboard from which all other titles are written, as a federal territory. In terms of “taxes”, it means territories and not states of the Union:



    Sec. 110. Same; definitions

    (d) The term ''State'' includes any Territory or possession of the United States.

    The implications of the above are also that anything having to do with tax compliance and applying to banks ALSO only applies to federal territory. This includes the “know your customer rules” for banks as far as requesting identifying numbers.

  • fg_admin

    March 1, 2010 at 5:34 pm in reply to: Great IRS Hoax Correction Suggestions


    Thanks for the feedback. Please keep it coming. The problem will be fixed in the next edition.

  • fg_admin

    March 1, 2010 at 4:51 pm in reply to: Robert Clarkson of Patriot Network dies, March 1, 2010

    Robert Clarkson, famous freedom fighter and founder of the Patriot Network, died this morning at 6am. He had esophageal cancer. He will be sorely missed.

    You may want to go to his website and download everything you can before his site disappears.

    Attached is an article about that:


    Hello My Friend,

    On a very sad note; just had the pleasure of speaking with Dr. Robert Clarkson's Mother; her wonderful son Robert passed away sometime during the night. He has taken the final journey, crossing into eternity to spend time with his beloved Father. He has beaten us home; he has successfully traversed this short time on earth. As his brother shared; he has filed his last filing and will not have to process any more ~ PTL.

    He once shared; after being wounded in Vietnam and coming to realize that all wars are political profit machines; that he used the GI Bill to fund four years in law school and upon graduation sued the President for fraud and misdealing and won. His entire life was spent defending and educating the publicly schooled along with the poor helpless victims of the Fed. He always carried with him an encouraging word along with a unique remedy.

    Robert was a great friend and a Real American Christian. He was legally trained and in his own words cost the revenue boys millions/billions of dollars. He was always a gentleman and never damaged anyone. He was a champion of the cause and a true support of lawful government: the only purpose of government is the protection of Life, Liberty and Property and the Pursuit of Happiness. He always stood against bad government offering services at the point of a gun and for this he spent many months caged just like the Honorable Sherry Peel Jackson; CPA, Fraud Investigator, IRS Agent and put there by her own agency. His often heard quote was that Freedom is never Free. Government offering services by fear is no government at all.

    There are three types of men: Real Americans, Pseudo Americans and Socialist Americans. Real Americans make up 10% of society; they have an agenda, they know where they are going. Pseudo Americans make up 80% of society; they simply don't care; they just want to be lift along to do their thing. Socialist Americans make up the last 10% and their agenda is control comprising most of the corporations, government included.

    Because of the Honorable Dr Robert Clarkson thousands today know and stand for good government while proclaiming the truth and the way to liberty. May your rest be sweet and gentle my dear friend. He was a man among men and always a champion for the Truth and my dear brother your spirit will continue to live on blessing millions. Because of your life the children may one day be free; only if there were more like you.

    We thank God for your life and you will be sorely missed my friend!

    The Funeral and burial will be held in Sumter, South Carolina; the date has not been set. Please keep the family in prayer along with Robert's Mom as she is the Mother of seven children, five boys and two girls.

    Blessings my Friend…

  • fg_admin

    February 28, 2010 at 1:32 pm in reply to: Why You Are a “national”…

    Fixed and reposted. Thanks

  • fg_admin

    February 24, 2010 at 10:28 pm in reply to: Sam Kennedy Process

    EDITORIAL: Email from attorney Larry Becraft about Sam Kennedy. We agree with this, at least as far as the abuse of the 1099-OID forms and redemption.


    I have complained for YEARS about “gurus” whorun around promoting various legal arguments that any first year law studentcan recognize as complete trash. The prevalence of the trashy legal arguments(UCC, redemption process, admiralty, etc) has damaged the freedom movement andcaused many people to leave it while others who have followed these argumentshave been harmed. The people in this movement appear to the rest of America asmorons because of this trash.

    One of the latest gurus is “Dr. Sam Kennedy”,who got rolling more than

    2 years ago with the 1099-OID insanity. I warned peoplethat this was a wild Roger Elvick scheme that not only was baseless, but wouldget lots of followers in trouble. Thegreedy ignored these warnings and now lots of people have been searched, suedand indicted because of this argument. I guess that perhaps the best school toattend in this movement in the school of hard knocks.

    Here are 2 link withs lots of info about Kennedy:



  • fg_admin

    February 23, 2010 at 11:34 pm in reply to: Consular Report of Birth Abroad


    Thanks for sharing your research here.

    1. 22 USC 2705 is found at:


    2. The context is clear from reading 22 USC 1731.


    22 U.S.C. § 1731 : US Code – Section 1731: Protection to naturalized citizens abroad

    All naturalized citizens of the United States while in foreign countries are entitled to and shall receive from this Government the same protection of persons and property which is accorded to native-born citizens.
    [SOURCE: http://codes.lp.find…ode/22/23/1731]

    The party described in section 2705 is a person “abroad”. This same party is described in 22 USC 1731 as a “naturalized citizen of the United States” while abroad. The term “naturalization”, in turn, is described as the process of making one a “national”, and NOT a “citizen”.

    8 U.S.C. §1101(a)(23) naturalization defined(a)(23) The term ”naturalization” means the conferring of nationality
    [NOT “citizenship” or “U.S. citizenship”, but “nationality”, which means “national”] of a state upon a person after birth, by any means whatsoever.

    Here is a definition of “nationality”. Note that “citizen” in a statutory context is tied to domicile, while “citizen” in a constitutional context is tied to “nationality”. Two COMPLETELY different things.

    “Nationality. That quality or character which arises from the fact of a person’s belonging to a nation or state. Nationality determines the political status of the individual, especially with reference to allegiance; while domicile determines his civil status. Nationality arises either by birth or by naturalization. See also Naturalization.”
    [Black’s Law Dictionary, Sixth Edition, p. 1025]

    The source of your confusion is caused once again and as usual, by a failure to distinguish the CONTEXT in which the word is used. Domicile is what determines your LEGAL status while place of birth establishes your POLITICAL status. A political status DOES NOT imply federal jurisdiction or legal jurisdiction, but simply a right to travel freely within the respective country.

    3. The term “United States citizenship” is nowhere made equivalent to the phrase “citizen and national of the United States” as used in 8 USC 1401. It is a violation of due process to PRESUME they are the same.

    4. WHICH of the three “United States” are implied in the term “United States citizenship” are not defined, and the definitions from Title 8 do not apply in Title 22. Consequently, the term can mean whatever the hearer wants it to mean. So long as you define WHICH “United States” you choose to be a member of, they can’t interfere with it.

    5. Until someone shows me a definition of which “United States” is implied WITHIN TITLE 22 and NOT TITLE 8, we are entitled to both define and presume that which suits our First Amendment right to politically associate.

    As we have said many times before, being a “citizen” of anything is a voluntary choice that is a product of your First Amendment right to associate. ONLY YOU get to define what groups you want to join and therefore WHICH of the three “United States” you want to be a citizen and a member of. Furthermore, you can change your mind after you know that there are multiple choices instead of only one choice. You change your mind by how you describe yourself on government forms. The only thing you need in order to get a passport is to have allegiance, and the only status under Title 8 that carries with it EXCLUSIVELY allegiance is that of a “national”.

    Come’on neo. I know you’re smarter than that. You could have figured this out.

  • fg_admin

    February 23, 2010 at 4:57 am in reply to: Well, Mr. Big Brother IRS Man…

    Snipes asks 'What's new?' about IRS plane crash

    AP – FILE – In a Tuesday, Sept. 8, 2009 file photo, U.S. actor Wesley Snipes poses during the photo call for …

    By MICHAEL WEINFELD, Associated Press Writer – Fri Feb 19, 5:17 pm ET

    WASHINGTON – – Actor Wesley Snipes, who has tax problems of his own, had a blunt reaction to news about a software engineer who crashed his plane into an office building with nearly 200 IRS employees inside.

    In an interview Friday with the Associated Press, Snipes asked, “What's new?”

    Authorities say A. Joseph Stack III, who was furious with the Internal Revenue Service, crashed his plane into an Austin, Texas, building on Thursday. Stack and one other person were killed.

    Snipes said tax problems have been an issue in the U.S. from the very beginning.

    As the actor put it: “I think it was an issue even for the early colonists and the British, so what's new?”

    Snipes, 47, was convicted in 2008 of not paying taxes for three years. He was sentenced to three years in prison and is appealing. Despite his legal troubles, Snipes said, “All is very well. We're very positive, we're very confident that things will work out to our benefit and to our favor.” He brushed off the experience as just another part of living.

    “These are the bumps and bruises of life. They build character and you learn from it as you move on.”

    Snipes says he still doesn't understand why the IRS pursued him.

    He added, “I'm not a politician, I'm not saving the world, I haven't created a cure for cancer, I make movies …”

    In 2006, “Survivor” winner Richard Hatch was convicted of not paying his taxes and spent more than three years in jail. He complained that the IRS used him as an example.

    In Snipes' opinion, “they were successful.”

  • fg_admin

    February 22, 2010 at 1:42 am in reply to: Oscar Stilley and Lindsey Springer Indicted

    EDITORIAL: Another Update from Lindsey


    Lindsey Springer here and offering updates on each case demanding my attention at the moment.

    The case where money was stolen from me in 2005 sits idle at the Tenth Circuit (09-5088) while Judges ponder whether to stay with me and Judge Frizzell (United States District Court Judge) and hold 11 employees of the Commissioner liable for theft or to find the employees are not liable because they did not know stealing money from me was illegal. I know, and it is even harder to write.

    I have two cases in the Supreme Court docketed. The first is a Writ of Mandamus and has not been scheduled for conference yet. It involves challenges to the Chief Judge of the Tenth Circuit abusing his authority under Title 28, United States Code, Section 292(b).…ket/09-8701.htm

    The second is the published decision from the Tenth Circuit where the Commissioner was found to have made a frivolous argument related to the previous orders by the Tenth Circuit involving the Paperwork Reduction Act related to Form 1040.…ket/09-8858.htm

    The Tenth held a penalty was not a penalty under the Paperwork Reduction Act unless it was a penalty imposed for failing to file Form 1040 and not failing to pay or interest. I obviously oppose that construction. My argument in that case is that all penalties, including interest as “compensation for damages,” are penalties under the public protection of the Paperwork Reduction Act. And as I said above those cases are present in the Supreme Court of the United States.

    I am filing another Petition for Writ of Mandamus seeking recusal of the Judge in the criminal trial based upon his January 28, 2010 order which admitted he was hand picked by Chief Judge Eagan after Judge Eagan disqualified herself. The law is very clearly and says once the Judge is disqualified they can have nothing more to do with the case they were disqualified in. Judge Friot's admission Judge Eagan continued after she was disqualified to select him shows Judge Friot was selected in violation of Federal Law. That should be docketed sometime mid week.

    I realize some of you have little hope in the words written in laws but I have chosen not to lose such hope. I think 99.9999 percent of the time people give in instead of never giving in no matter what. I am doing everything I can to be one of those .0001 percent that continues to believe it is the words in the law and their meaning that govern and not men or women. I know to some it is a novel idea but I remain that our entire human existence depends upon words having fixed meanings.

    My interpretation of the bible demands it. I cannot begin to understand what certain words in the bible inspirationally mean without words having a fixed meaning. If a word or phrase in the bible has a different meaning than words used in the common law then my laser aims point blank at that target. I realize Congress is required to define terms if they intend a meaning other than the common law meaning of a word or phrase and to that I will always rely.

    Judges being able to define a word, other than the common law meaning, when Congress has not defined such word like “gift” is at the heart of this controversy. Congress has not defined gift. The Secretary of the Treasury has not defined gift. Yet, in my case Judge Friot used two pages to define gift and for the most part told the jury what was not a gift. This creates a third origin for the meaning of words written in law. It would be a meaning not defined by Congress. Not defined by common everyday usage. And defined by a Judge after a trial to such a degree that the meaning can impact the outcome of a trial. If a word is to be defined that acts to such a controlling part of any prosecution of the Secretary of the Treasury, that term should have been defined so all interested persons knew of that meaning before not only trial but before the actions which led to the reason for the trial occurred in the first instance.

    Anyway, internal revenue district and district director remain center stage in any issue between me and the Secretary of the Treasury. Also, issues surrounding the Form 1040 and the Paperwork Reduction Act violations will also remain at the top of my list. Interestingly, recently I filed a Motion to Dismiss on the undisputed fact all regulations corresponding to code sections of the tax law that were substantive did not comply with the APA. The DOJ all but admitted this when they attempted to argue that regulations have nothing to do with the “events triggering the obligation to file a return” or that a return “is mandated by statute, not by regulation” and that such “explicit” statutory requirements are not subject to the PRA.

    As I recently told the Court in a reply I filed where I stated that without regulations the tax code is meaningless and that the phrase “Notwithstanding any other provision of law” means what if some other law withstands the very law the phrase Notwithstanding any other provision of law begins by saying.

    I am doing what I can and to those of you watching closely I know you recognize the brevity of my defenses. I remain needing your help to survive.

    If you support the defense of the Paperwork Reduction Act related to Form 1040 or the lack of any internal revenue districts or district directors has upon a defense to claims made by purported delegates of the district director, then please support me so I can defend myself. The issues in my hands will rarely if not ever be before the Court and must be fully adjudicated now. I will only remind you that on August 31, 2009, the Tenth Circuit told the world that I managed to advance “difficult issues between the tax code and the PRA.” Those issues are front and center and the reason why they did not address those issues directly in that published opinion are now satisfied in the case herein being addressed.

    Thank you for your time and I am always glad to answer questions related to the above if you have any. I can receive your continued support at my address of 5147 S. Harvard, # 116, Tulsa, Oklahoma 74135 and I can receive paypal at I wish I had other ways but these are the only two that I have presently. Any support you can afford will be greatly appreciated. I hope this finds you blessed beyond measure.

  • fg_admin

    February 21, 2010 at 2:15 pm in reply to: Whatever Happened to Sin . . . Oh, Tiger?

    EDITORIAL: Another correspondence received about the above. We didn't write this.



    Dear Tiger,

    There is not one of us that has not stood in awe of your skills as a golfer. You have thrilled us again and again hitting a ball out of the rough, through the trees, and onto the green and then sinking that impossible 25 foot putt. Not only that, but you had the image of a decent, clean cut American family man. Who can forget you standing by your loving father before he passed. Yes, you disappointed us. But more importantly, in crushing your wife's heart by your infidelity, you have sinned against Almighty God by breaking His laws. Tiger, there is hope for sinners, but only on God's terms.

    As a pastor who has dealt with numerous adulterous affairs over a life time, I want you to know that you do not need to forgive yourself. You have no power or authority to forgive narcissistically. You do not have to seek forgiveness from all the people in the world as we do not have the authority to forgive your sin. I know you are sorry, but simply saying, “I'm sorry . . .” is not sufficient to obtain forgiveness.

    Second, I want you to know there is no forgiveness in false religions or in pop psychology or in therapy groups. You cannot find forgiveness in Buddhism. Buddhism is a philosophy about social order and coping with suffering. Buddha was not a prophet nor did He pretend to understand Divinity. Rather, he sought to discover tested principles upon which to build a civilization. We know nothing of Buddha except what some followers said about him hundreds of years removed from his time.

    Third, you cannot find forgiveness by being religious. Attending a therapy group or joining a church or saying prayers is not sufficient to find what you seek. There is, however, forgiveness in the gospel of Jesus Christ — but you must do your due diligence to understand the accomplishments of Christ on your behalf at Calvary two-thousand years ago: “Be it known unto you therefore . . .that through this man [the Lord Jesus Christ] is preached unto you the forgiveness of sins” (Acts 13:38).

    You may ask me, “why Christ?” You see, Tiger, even the true God cannot forgive sins through prayer. If He could forgive sins because men are sorry for them or because they pray to Him, the God of the Bible would never have had to send His only Son to die for your sins!! Understand this: You are a sinner and in committing adultery you broke not only the Seventh Commandment, but violated all the Ten Commandments. “for sin is the transgression of the law” said the apostle (1 John 3:4). Tiger, this is not a mistake or an error in judgment or a sexual addiction or a violation of your own principles, but a transgression against the absolute law of Almighty God.

    Fourth, I want you to know that the reason even God cannot forgive sin through prayer is that God has placed a penalty on sin that must be paid or discharged through death: “The wages of sin is death . . .” declared Saint Paul (Romans 6:23). Just as a judicial officer cannot let a crime go unpunished, the Judge of All Men cannot simply ignore His law and fail to discharge justice (Romans 2:9). This is why God sent His only to earth—to pay the penalty for sin; to discharge our debt; to suffer and die in our place. Christ did not die because He was weak or because He could not escape the crushing Roman judicial system. He consented out of love to be your substitute and to pay for your sin. And, there at the cross, God the Father poured out His justice upon His Son so that you would never have to pay the penalty for your sin. Christ did what you could not do: pay for your adultery and all your transgressions.

    There is forgiveness waiting for you but only on God's terms. If you truly want forgiveness, I would suggest that you call your former lovers and tell them that you have sinned against God; that you are seeking a way out of your mess through the gospel of Jesus Christ and you suggest that they do the same; that you will not see them again or call them any more. In Biblical terms, this is called “repentance.” I would suggest that you get on your knees and (1) confess that you are a sinner and acknowledge how that in your adultery you not only broke the 7th Commandment but all of the Commandments (Psalm 32:5); (2) to appropriate the benefits of Christ accomplishments for you by confessing Christ as your Lord and Savior; that He died for your sins and rose again from the grave, and lives today to be your Redeemer (1 Corinthians 14 :1-5; Romans 10:9, 10); (3) Thank your Creator for furnishing a remedy for your sins by providing the costly, precious gift of His Son (John 3:16; 3:36; 5:24; Romans 5:8).

    Finally, Tiger, find a godly, Christian pastor or competent Christian man that can guide you through this process and help you understand and appropriate the benefits of Christ's redemptive work on your behalf. Be humble. You will not find the help you need in some sexual addiction clinic. In a very short time, you could also seek the forgiveness of your wife and your family—the right way!! Quietly and in time and when you mature in the faith, you can let others know what you discovered at the foot of the Cross.

    There is hope for you, Tiger—but only on God's terms!! Know that this is shared with you out of love for the truth and for you; out of the joy I have experienced in my own discovery of forgiveness through Christ.

    Praying for you,

    Dr. Brooks, retired pastor, 2.21.2010.

  • fg_admin

    February 20, 2010 at 2:25 pm in reply to: Obtaining Driver License as non-U.S. citizen


    Thanks for sharing that. Other states do the same thing. California is an example. They basically hide the method from public view for opting out of government franchises, in order to maximize tax collection and recruit more “johns” to subsidize their whoredom with the Beast.

    Their disclaimer is rather presumptuous:

    1. It presumes that private people protected by the Constitution can alienate rights. The Declaration of Independence says they CAN'T.

    2. It presumes that you can lawfully and unilaterially elect yourself into public office by filling out a form. That's ELECTION FRAUD and its a crime.

    3. It presumes that if you did apply for an SSN, that you are required to use it AS A PRIVATE PERSON not on official public officer business.

    4. It presumes that there is no distinction between the public officer in receipt, custody, and control of the public property, which is the SSN, and the private person. You have a choice when you want to be on duty, and if you aren't on official business as a public officer at the time you apply, then you can honestly say that you never applied for the number. Only public officers can hold public property, and 20 CFR 422.103(d) says the cards belong to the government. If you aren't working for the government when you walk into the DMV, then you aren't the “person” they can be talking to.

    I'd love to see people distinguish their status when they sign government forms as being a private person, not a public officer, not of official duty, and not engaged in any government franchise, and then to demand the statute within the franchise agreement that says they don't have a choice when they want to be off duty, meaning they work for uncle 24 hours a day and are a SLAVE.

    When those issues are raised, suddenly people are going to get mad because slavery is, in fact, being instituted to compel people to act 24/7 as a public officer without their consent.

  • fg_admin

    February 19, 2010 at 3:00 am in reply to: Well, Mr. Big Brother IRS Man…

    See also:

    Officials: Texas plane crash targeted feds


    and for a copy of his letter:

    The inquisition is still alive and well today'


    Exclusive Evidence, FALSE FLAG? Suicide Pilot in Austin, Suicide Note, Whats the Story

  • fg_admin

    February 19, 2010 at 1:33 am in reply to: Well, Mr. Big Brother IRS Man…

    EDITORIAL: From a reader. We didn't write this.


    THE SUICIDE of jo stack

    Enclosed you will find the Suicide note of Jo Stack who flew his plane into the Austin, IRS building and a not-so-politically correct comments.

    Propaganda Warning: No doubt the spin has already started wherein in the media with the help of the government will paint Jo Stack as some kind of lunatic, crazy man who flew his plane into the IRS offices in Austin. Frustrated “yes”, but crazy “no.” Furthermore, the IRS / Gov will not accept any responsibility for the frustration they create everyday in this nation even though the IRS is the most evil, predatory, tyrannical tax collection system ever devised by the mind of greedy men. The blame for all frustration will be placed on the “tax protester” because he refuses to do his patriotic duty and pay his fair share of taxes. Obama will say that he ran for office to relieve the frustration caused during the Bush years. No doubt preachers will condemn Jo Stack's suicide mission and exonerate the IRS as a noble, loyal, necessary agency of the “government” . . . and in a soft God-like voice remind all good little Christian boys and girls to pay their taxes.

    Pain: As I read this letter, I could feel the deep anger and frustration of this man. Jo felt like the IRS was after every pound of flesh he had . . . and they were! Sadly, he is not alone. I am personally in contact with over twenty people who have lost their jobs, their homes, their pensions, and their freedom because of the oppressive practices of the IRS. These people are not evil, but because they couldn't figure out all the rules, the IRS targeted them for total destruction and ruination. Most have written hundreds of letters to the IRS doing everything humanly possible to resolve a dispute, but the IRS has not, does not, will not issue a reasonable response. Their response has consistently 100% of the time been more threats, more intimidation, and more coercion. Without regard to numerous appeals they lien houses, incomes, bank accounts, social security, and pensions. This is the most reckless, callous, godless organization on earth and their ain't a damn thing a computer target can do about it.

    Psalm 12 “Because of the devastation of the afflicted, because of the groaning of the needy”

    Justice: Does an imprecatory psalm come to mind? It was not Jo Stack's duty to judge the Austin criminal organization, that is God's job . . . but, he sure arranged their appointment with the Judge. Like Samson, Jo Stack took these Philistines down with him. May their souls burn in hell for the misery, and broken marriages, and poverty, and hopelessness they spread everyday across this country through their automated collection system: “The ax is already laid at the tree . . .” and “Except ye (IRS workers) repent, ye shall all likewise perish.”

    Psalm 5: 6″You destroy those (the IRS agents) who speak falsehood . . .their throat is an open grave”

    Psalm 12:1 “Help Lord, for the godly man ceases to be [in the government]”

    Psalm 35:4 “Let those [IRS executives] be turned back and humiliated who devise evil against me”

    Psalm 52:2 “Your tongue (IRS] devises destruction . . . but God will break you down forever.”

    Psalm 94:20 “One (Congress and the politicians) devises mischief by decree”

    Psalm 54:3 “Violent men [from the IRS] have sought my life.”

    Psalm 58:6 “O God, shatter their teeth in their mouth . . .”

    Realism: I was impressed with Stack's letter in that all the hope and all the optimism of youth was gone. In its place was an cold realism that this country is one of the most wicked, oppressive, unjust nations on earth. Was Jo wrong or was he telling the bitter truth about life outside the cabbage patch? If you have never been a victim of government fraud, narcicism, or lust for money and power, you will not understand Jo's frustration. But, I can tell you there are millions of Americans who no longer see America as the land of the free and the home of the brave, but see it as land of the slave and the home of the oppressed . . . and rightly so.

    Jeremiah 9:5 And they [the state propagandists] will deceive every one his neighbor [anyone who watches T.V.], and will not speak the truth [about America's departure from God's law]: they have taught their tongue to speak lies [to the American people], and weary themselves to commit iniquity [by killing babies and plundering the wealth from the middle class].

    I share Jo's grief and frustration and pray his death and the death of the arrogators who perished today will not be in vain.

    Pastor Brook

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