Forum Replies Created

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  • fg_admin

    August 3, 2010 at 5:19 am in reply to: Why DOS denies the "non-citizen national" endorsement

    We're getting VERY tired of your whining approach about receiving help and criticism of this website for not getting help. You are in slave mode if you need anyone's help, blessing, or approval before you are willing to act. If you really are “sovereign” in any sense of the word, you can't and shouldn't depend on anything but your own reading of the law itself and the publications on this website that expose that law.

    Your indignancy in not receiving a timely response, which we call “sense of entitlement” is the VERY thing the government uses to enslave you and the very reason they have roped you into sucking on the socialist tit as a public officer to begin with: to transfer responsibility. To the extent that you continue demonstrating that sense of socialist “entitlement” and the socialist insecurity it fosters, is the extent to which YOU ARE NOT WELCOME here. Grow up or please leave. We are doing our best and we are tired of your selfish manipulation directed at preserving the socialist loot you feel “entitled” to and are trying to protect in these forums. You can only deserve or be “entitled” to what you are willing to GIVE. That's the golden rule: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. When was the last time you answered a question for someone else in these forums? Selfish, ungrateful, socialist.

    The reason there may be “crickets” here, as you call them, is because after all the energy that has been invested into educating people like you, the ONLY result is selfish perpetuation of your own personal interests rather than you hanging around here to help OTHERS as an expression of your own appreciation for that effort. You are getting exactly what you deserve. You reap selfishness, so you get it back, and then hypocritically complain because of the very consequences of your own actions. When are you going to take some responsibility for your own actions and their affect on others? Here is what the bible says about this:

    “Where do wars and fights [and tyranny and oppression] come from among you? Do they not come from your desires for pleasure [pursuit of government “privileges”] that war in your members?….You ask [from your government and its THIEF the IRS] and do not receive, because you ask amiss, that you may spend it on your own pleasures. Adulterers and adulteresses [and HARLOTS]! Do you not know that friendship with the world is enmity with God? Whoever therefore wants to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God.”

    [James 4:3-4, Bible, NKJV]

    You may say that we do the same thing of accusing you and that we are reaping what we sow. However, what we state about you are facts you that you have even admitted and our statements of fact are intended to:

    1. Warn readers about your unavoidably biased perspective.

    2. Encourage you to take responsibility for your own learning.

    3. Toughen your skin so that you are used to the kind of mistreatment you will get from the de facto government if you go against them, to improve your chances of winning. Remember: This is a mock court and they will try to personalize issues to divert attention away from the core issues.

    You, on the other hand, attempt to destroy the value and credibility of this website to put us on the defensive, and then use that defensiveness to avoid the work of finding answers to your own questions. Inexcusable.

    You are confusing “Aleration” with “Addition”. As usual, you are making unsubstantiated PRESUMPTIONS about the meaning of words. Encouraging you to do that is the main tool of art used by power hungry judges and government prosecutors. Your legal ignorance and lack of cognitive discipline faciliates that. DON'T PRESUME, unless of course they faciliate presumptions in your favor by their failure to deny on the public administrative record through certified correspondence. Yes, the statute does reference “addition”, but the intent clearly is to prevent fraud, not to promote it by disallowing people to put the WHOLE truth in the passport that the DOS tries to filter out through their criminal manipulations and omissions.

    Alteration implies CHANGING something already inserted. “Addition” implies clarifying but not modifying what already appears in the passport. The statute you referenced prohibits ALTERATION but not ADDITION.

    Whether you like it or not, a passport does serve the purpose of declaring the status you put on government forms unambiguously. It says that on the front inside cover. The fact that they don't give you a way on the DS-11 form to unambiguously declare your civil status consistent with the content of Title 8 is not consistent with the language in the cover of the passport, which is to provide “all lawful aid and protection”. Hence, you are forced to “Add” to but not “alter” the content of the passport to describe the status of the bearer, and the government already agrees with that status by their failure to deny. Their failure to deny, if in fact a denial is warranted, therefore constitutes aiding in the violation of the statute you allege, if in fact a violation has occurred by ADDING TO rather than ALTERING the passport.

    It seems improbable that adding additional declaratory language could be described as “altering” what is already there and thereby rendering what is there FALSE or FRAUDULENT. That, in fact, is why the paper in the passport is so elaborate and decorated: To prevent alterations, meaning CHANGES to what is already there.

    We don't see anything wrong with what you want to do. The purpose of doing it is to PREVENT the commission of the crime of impersonating a public officer in violation of 18 USC 912, because a statutory “U.S. citizen” clearly is such a public officer. See:

    Federal Jurisdiction, Form #05.018, Section 5

    DIRECT LINK:…urisdiction.pdf


    Why You are a “national”, “state national”, and Constitutional but not Statutory Citizen, Section 3

    DIRECT LINK: http://famguardian.o…hyANational.pdf

    Furthermore, the term “foreign government” is nowhere defined in the passport or in Title 8 and they CANNOT define such a term without violating the sovereignty of other equal nations under the law of nations. A “national” in a state is in fact an official of a foreign government, because the states are legislatively foreign in respect to the general government, as you well know. Furthermore, if you are registered to vote in a state of the Union, you are in fact a public officer of a foreign government. This is the entire basis, in fact, of the separation of powers doctrine.

    The logic of what you are doing by making an ADDITION rather than ALTERATION is that you are fulfilling the very purpose of the passport itself to give all “lawful aid and protection”, and that protection comes from NOT be a statutory “citizen of the United States” and therefore an agent of a statutorily but not constitutionally foreign government who is protected by simply being left alone since NOT a subject of a their civil laws. Not being subject to their civil laws is what makes you statutorily “foreign” to begin with, and that status comes from not having a domicile on federal territory AND not representing an entity that has such a domicile, such as a public office in the government.

    You as a “foreign government” are ADDING a stamp that describes your status, rather than ALTERING existing writing in the passport. States of the Union, families, or churches are a “foreign government”. The U.S. Supreme Court said that THE PEOPLE are the government, and not their public servants. Hence, we are entitled to conclude that they really mean that anyone who is not a statutory “U.S. citizen”, and hence is “foreign”, is a “foreign government”, and THAT government can ADD TO, but not ALTER what is in the passport, for their own purposes.

    Here are some cites on the meaning of “foreign” and “foreign government”:



    This post is NOT legal advice, and is directed at the authors, and not other readers. As a sovereign, you are completely exclusively responsible for all your choices and actions and cannot blame them on ANYONE, including either this website or anyone associated with this ministry.

  • fg_admin

    July 28, 2010 at 5:19 am in reply to: Admiralty litigation by vexatious freedom fighters

    Two decisions were rendered a few days ago on July 22, 2010. The Courts are filled with more insane admiralty stuff.

    United States v. Korman, (Case Number: 09-14952) (11th Circuit, 2010) – Footnote #3 (“Korman purports to challenge the district court's jurisdiction. But district courts have jurisdiction to hear civil actions to collect taxes. 26 U.S.C. § 7402(a). Korman's arguments are all wrong either factually… or legally (e.g., his contention that the Supplemental Federal Rules of Civil Procedure for admiralty and forfeiture actions govern and require the government to verify its complaint).”)

    In Cavazos v. J.P. Morgan Chase Bank, (Case: 09-20709) (5th Circuit, 2010) A Notice of International Commercial Claim in Admiralty Administrative Remedy, allegedly constituted proof of his claimed ownership in the real estate property due to “estoppel by acquiescence.” The Court of course, disagreed with that nonsense. To the extent that this constitutes a challenge to the district court's standing determination, it was considered frivolous.) The same Court stated under Footnote #2

    “Cavazos's reply brief is wholly lacking in any legal citation, relying instead on quoting Latin maxims which in no way address the specific reasoning of the district court.”

    Why that sounds very familiar!! No legal citations and no specific reasoning!

  • fg_admin

    July 20, 2010 at 1:02 am in reply to: Wesley Snipes Trial Starts 1/14/2007 in Florida

    SOURCE: http://www.timeslive…t-jail-sentence

    The article is mistaken. He was convicted for failure to file, not tax evasion. Nevertheless, he did file returns, and those returns were even posted on the NY times website! The judge was guilty of failure to file returns, not snipes, because he refused to recognize the returns he did file. See:


    We are told that Snipes was warned not to hire licensed attorneys, and he didn't listen. Neither did he testify at his trial to exonerate himself. That left only licensed attorneys who were gagged by the judge and their licenses not to tell the WHOLE truth.


    Wesley Snipes loses appeal against jail sentence

    Jul 19, 2010 6:21 PM | By Reuters

    Wesley Snipes has lost his appeal against a three-year jail sentence for tax evasion.

    At the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals in Atlanta, the 'Blade' actor was told the court was ''within its considerable discretion'' to sentence him to imprisonment and that the term was appropriate due to the large amount he owed the US government.

    Appeal judges wrote: “If the defendant's crime were not 'serious' because the tax loss was minor and if his criminal history so warranted, the guidelines would advise a sentence of probation. In contrast, if the tax loss were high and thus more 'serious' and 'harmful to the treasury,' as it was in this case, the guidelines would advise a longer sentence.”

    The actor's lawyers had argued that his former financial adviser's evidence against him should have been considered tainted as prosecutors knew he was under federal investigation for securities fraud.

    Snipes' lawyer said: “Obviously we are extremely disappointed by the decision. We have not digested fully all of their opinion.”

    Assistant US Attorney Robert O'Neill said the case would now be handed to a district judge, who will issue Snipes a date on which he will have to hand himself over to the authorities.

  • fg_admin

    July 19, 2010 at 3:04 pm in reply to: Obama policy that military can no longer speak at churches

    Policies have also changed at the U.S. Supreme Court. Students are now forbidden to pray at the U.S. Supreme Court:

  • For more information about internet censorship internationally, see:

    1. Open Net Initialtive

    2. International Map of countries that filter:

    3. Current US/Canada Filtering Summary

  • fg_admin

    July 14, 2010 at 3:22 pm in reply to: Oscar Stilley and Lindsey Springer Indicted

    EDITORIAL: Another Update from Lindsey Springer…this time from prison.


    Sorry it has been such a long time for an update but there hasn’t been very much news. I have been extremely busy working and haven’t had very much verbal contact with Lindsey. Lindsey was moved to a Federal Transfer center in Oklahoma City and has been “left” there for almost 2 months now. He gets only 300 minutes of phone use a month for family and friends. In order to call his attorney he must put in written requests which take up to a week or more to get back. He has been using his “family & friends” minutes to call his attorney. He wanted me to send out this email that he hand wrote and mailed to me, so I am doing what he has asked me to do. Jeanie Springer

    Email From Lindsey Springer:

    Thank you for paying attention to my cases at the 10th Circuit. I hope you realize by now that some people wish for me not to succeed in any of my appeals. I pray for them.

    I have been trying to understand how the tax division thought a tax return and a Form 1040 are to be considered exclusive of one another. I have been thinking maybe I am wrong about what a return is.

    Title 26, Sections 6102 & 6103 along with CFR 601.1040 and 1.6012 direct persons required to deliver a return to the District director or use Form 1040 “prescribed” by the Secretary. See Title 26, Section 6011.

    When the Secretary of Treasury is defining “last known address” at 301, they describe an example of how this last known address works and that in the example they say “The address on a 1999 Form 1040 U.S. individual income tax return..”

    I do not think the DOJ’s claim a return and a Form 1040 are not the same will go anywhere.

    Being in prison is very difficult. I am doing what I can and hope to win a reversal or at minimum a new trial. I cannot elaborate on other issues at this time until they are ready. With one exception, I always go back to the undisputed fact that there are no Internal Revenue Districts between 2000 to present, yet I was charged with not delivering a Form 1040 to the place the law required.

    Anyway, thank you for your continued prayers for those of you in agreement with me. We have come a long way and we need to get this right.

    Please continue to consider my family and my needs during this time. I pray for God’s speed daily. I have no doubt you will be blessed.

    I can still receive support at:

    Lindsey Springer

    5147 S. Harvard Ave #116

    Tulsa, OK 74135

    I can also receive Paypal at: or . Both of my email addresses are linked to my Paypal account.

    I am greatly humbled.

    Lindsey Springer

  • fg_admin

    July 14, 2010 at 12:45 am in reply to: Fighting Mortgage Fraud by Banks

    And The Housing Fraud Continues

    The Market Ticker ®

    Sunday, May 30. 2010

    Posted by Karl Denninger in Housing at 12:22

    And The Housing Fraud Continues

    From a report emailed to me over the weekend:

    At the core of the foreclosure-prevention strategy is ignoring delinquencies. The percentage of older delinquent loans not yet in foreclosure is startling: 60% have at least 12 missed payments, and 35% have at least 18 missed payments. Add to this that three-fourths of delinquent loans are not in foreclosure, and we see that hidden losses well exceed those in the open.

    Uh, they're not being “ignored” – this is systemic and intentional fraud.

    Remember, these loans are either being held by someone or securitized into some sort of package. When you have a loan that has no chance of “curing” (to cure a loan with 12 missed payments the borrower would have to come up with the 12 payments to bring it current!) that loan should be carried at its recovery value – that is, the value of the collateral that can be seized and sold, LESS the cost of eviction, remediation and resale.

    Does anyone recall all the entries I've written about getting competent legal and accounting (tax) advice before proceeding with any sort of action regarding walking away, short sales or foreclosure? This same report says:

    Many homeowners would be better off going into foreclosure, than doing a short sale. Short sales are fraught with potential legal, credit, and complicated tax issues. For example, someone who refinanced could owe capital gains taxes, which are not forgiven under federal and California temporary debt relief acts. In the foreclosure route, borrowers can live in their house mortgage-free for at least one year, maybe two years. Both short sales and foreclosures are reported as “account not paid in full”, and are equally damaging to a credit score. An exception exists if short sellers can negotiate better terms with their lender on recourse liens. The other possible advantage to a short sale is the ability to get a mortgage again in 2 years (Fannie, Freddie), rather than having to wait 3-5 years after a foreclosure.

    Homeowners pursue short sales, unaware of the problems they are creating for themselves. Their agents never warned them of deficiencies, ruined credit, taxes due on forgiven debt, or legal consequences. Agents made flowery promises to get listings, and now the lawsuits are starting.

    No, really? You mean that people in the real estate business are less than truthful with their clients? That would never, ever happen with licensed professionals, right?

    Then there's this, which I also have written about:

    Another gray area is junior lien holders asking buyers for additional payments. As the market improved, juniors were no longer content with $3k thrown to them from the senior. They now want 10% of the junior note. They argue the additional payment is legal practice because the payment is made to escrow and appears on the HUD-1. However, they are actually hoping the senior lien holder does not read the HUD-1. The California Association of REALTORS® position is that all payments made by the buyer or agent in the purchase of a short sale must be part of the written short sale agreement signed by the senior lien holder. Concealing payments from seniors is loan fraud, and omitting these payments from the HUD-1 closing statement may violate RESPA. Some seniors reinstate their security interests because of the fraud. It’s surprising that the biggest banks are responding, when pressed on the fraud of their request, “just do it if you want the deal done”.

    Right. Big banks saying “just do it”? Why would they do that? Is it so they can re-instate their security interests? No, nobody would ever do anything that hoses the consumer, would they? Naw…..

    Few people understand that the bank that gave them their mortgage turned around and sold it into a mortgage bond, and the “bank” on their mortgage statement is actually a servicer.

    Actually, it's a bit more complicated than that.

    As I've been working on (and writing on) for a long time, and as a few attorneys are now starting to understand, the entirety of this process was corrupted and is rife with outright fraud from top to bottom.

    Let's go through a (partial) list of the problems:

    • The originator of the loan (which often was some chop-shop mortgage boutique) was the place that got funding via a warehouse line of credit with a major bank. They paid the seller of the house. The seller thus is “whole” and has no further interest.[*]The originator was shortly paid in full when the loan was sold to a major bank that was intending to (or did) securitize the paper. They were also paid in full and thus have no further legal interest in the property or the paper.[*]The banks, in turn, set up “bankruptcy remote” trusts to hold all this paper. This is (of course) done so that whatever happens to the paper doesn't impact the bank's earnings itself. Or does it…. we will get to that later.[*]Many of the assignments from this point onward in the loan are legally defective. In particular, many of the assignments of the loans were made in blank, that is, in bearer form. But in most states trusts cannot hold bearer paper of any sort – period. In addition, in many states you cannot record a bearer instrument. To get around recording fees the industry has even created its own “clearing house” called MERS, which alternately claims to be an agent or the actual holder in due course, whichever suits the position of the trust (or itself) any given time. Whether this is legal under state law varies from jurisdiction to jurisdiction – what is known is that only one state has actually made the “reach around” games MERS plays explicitly legal.[*]The trusts that are the “vessel” in which the securitized instruments are formed and then sold to investors thus hold paper they can't legally hold. This may in fact be sufficient to void the trust. Worse, they issued prospectuses and offering circulars to investors claiming that they had good recordable title to each and every loan in the trust. In many cases they never did and can't cure this retroactively. That is, there is at least the appearance of fraud in the sale of these securities, in that the buyers were led to believe they were buying a note backed by a security interest in an asset, when in fact there is no such backing at all – the note is a “bare” promissory note![*]Cities, counties and states were ripped off to the tune of hundreds of billions of dollars over the previous ten years as a consequence of these intentional failures to properly record. Specifically, the states, counties and localities have laws governing the requirement to record and pay doc stamps – that is, taxes – on transactions of this sort. The necessity of recording these transactions varies from jurisdiction to jurisdiction, and thus the economic damage done by this avoidance varies, but the banksters and their cronies simply kept this money instead of filing and remitting it to the taxing authorities as required by law.

    The mess doesn't end here. If you buy a house where the original note was not satisfied in full and a full chain of assignments cannot verify that all security interests are released the title chain is severely clouded, perhaps to a degree that is almost impossible to unravel. Wise title insurance companies are beginning to recognize this problem and refuse to issue owners policies against properties where a broken chain of assignment exists, especially where a foreclosure or short sale took place, as those properties may still have an enforceable lien against them!

    I recently spoke with an attorney who is aggressively pursing these issues when his clients are faced with foreclosure, with some (and likely growing) success. He related to me that he spoke with the FCIC and was asked “Well, what is your solution? Are you asking that we nationalize all the (large) banks?”

    If that's not an admission that FCIC knows the large banks were and are complicit in this and if forced to admit the truth in their financial statements would be rendered insolvent I don't know what is.

    We have fixed nothing, but the can-kicking has also not pushed the bar very far down the road. The gambit was that the economy would return to a “boom” in the two years that have passed, and that the problems would be “absorbed” in that time.

    It hasn't happened.

    Now we're faced with having structuralized a $1.5 trillion annual budget deficit into the indefinite future while those who were “helped” by HAMP and similar programs are facing re-default a few months to a couple of years down the road. DTIs over 60% virtually guarantee that outcome. At the same time the holders of these notes were sold a bill of goods and eventually some of them will wise up to the fact that the so-called “bankruptcy remote trusts” that allegedly hold the paper (and thus immunize the banks that created them) are legally defective. Those holders, when (not if) they suffer actual principal and coupon loss, can be reasonably expected to pursue their remedies at law with the aim of voiding the trust and opening the assets of the creating financial institution to attack.

    If this line of inquiry is pursued it is entirely possible that these trusts would in fact be voided, and the resulting exposure landing on the major financial institution balance sheets would render them insolvent.

    Again, we had the choice in 2007 and 2008 to force the institutions that did these things to “eat their own cooking”, which would have likely bankrupted many or even most of them. But while we need a banking system, we do not need any particular set of individual banks. Instead of “bailing people out” and playing “extend and pretend” we could (and should) have taken the $700 billion in TARP funds and used it to charter 10 new banks with strictly-limited 10:1 leverage and reserve ratios, which would have provided the ability to take up $7 trillion in new and rollover lending – and let the overlevered behemoths fail.

    Yes, the FDIC would have had to step in, and it might have cost us a trillion or more in FDIC insurance payouts. But even that would have been cheaper than what we have done, and in addition, we would have a safe, sound and stable financial system today.

    Instead we have allowed the banksters to rob us once again, fixing nothing. As this mess continues to unravel – and it will – we will find that in fact we have simply blown more than $4 trillion in borrowed funds and in fact gotten nothing in return for it.

  • fg_admin

    July 13, 2010 at 2:31 pm in reply to: Dick Simkanin Released from Jail and Now right back in there

    EDITORIAL: Below the line is Larry Becraft’s reply to the situation of Simkanin



    I downloaded the most recent Simkanin order. See attached Doc. 358. The docket sheet reveals a total original sentence of 84 months via the sentencing order in 2004; see docket entry 324. However, he was denied bond prior to trial and spent lotsa time in jail prior to trial, so I have no idea how much credit he got for that reason. He was released mid-June, 2010, but I cannot determine how much time he actually spent in jail. Nor will I attempt to do so. Whatever time he spent in jail, about 6 or 7 years, was more than enough for Dick.

    Revocation of supervised release is determined via 18 USC §3583, the applicable part of which is:

    a judge can:

    “(3) revoke a term of supervised release, and require the defendant to serve in prison all or part of the term of supervised release authorized by statute for the offense that resulted in such term of supervised release without credit for time previously served on post-release supervision, if the court, pursuant to the Federal Rules of Criminal Procedure applicable to revocation of probation or supervised release, finds by a preponderance of the evidence that the defendant violated a condition of supervised release, except that a defendant whose term is revoked under this paragraph may not be required to serve on any such revocation more than 5 years in prison if the offense that resulted in the term of supervised release is a class A felony, more than 3 years in prison if such offense is a class B felony, more than 2 years in prison if such offense is a class C or D felony, or more than one year in any other case; or”

    I am not going to try to figure the amounts of time for supervised release under the old 2004 order. There are 30+ convictions for various offenses. But, the judge can via §3583 revoke and impose a new sentence, “without credit for time previously served”. The max amount of time for what in essence is a new sentence is the total amount of time for supervised release for the convictions in question. I am not going to spend time calculating that here, but the judge did impose 79 months.

    See attached order. Maybe this exceeds what can be imposed, maybe not. I will let somebody else figure out the correct amount of time. That can be an issue for appeal.

    There is a very important lesson, here, however. Promoters of the idea that “names in CAPS” is a great legal issue should understand that it is not, and is very dangerous. This is exactly what Dick thought before violating supervised release and he even filed pleadings to this effect.

    Some of the believers in this nonsense are receiving copies of this note. To claim that the “name in CAPS” is the “debtor” of the “creditor/real name in small caps” is insanity of the first order promoted by people who I believe are not just madmen, but conmen.

  • fg_admin

    July 13, 2010 at 2:29 pm in reply to: Dick Simkanin Released from Jail and Now right back in there

    Attached is the docket sheet regarding Dick. It is enough to understand that Dick got 79 months for his latest stunt. See docket entry 358.

  • fg_admin

    July 13, 2010 at 12:22 pm in reply to: Joe Saladino of Freedom and Privacy Committee Indicted and Arrested

    This week's admiralty update – decided just last week.

    United States v. Saladino, 07-CR-535-BR (2010) (“…Defendant Saladino argues tax laws cannot be enforced against citizens in federal district courts because these courts are merely “admiralty” courts, he is incorrect.”)


  • fg_admin

    July 11, 2010 at 11:22 pm in reply to: Edgar Steele Arrested for Conspiracy to commit murder

    EDITORIAL: An update on Edgar Steele situation.

    Here is some change with which I am certain we can all agree is a good thing. No one likes anyone who rocks the boat and I know we all wish that the voices of the trouble makers could be silenced on command. Well, now we can have the silence we all desire. Make too much noise supported by real facts that are in opposition to the majority of the elected and appointed government, and poof you be gone. For those of us who can remember what it was like in the 60's when the Kenite bankers were testing the society to see if communism was acceptable, would it not have been a good thing then if we could have sent over some of Hoovers G-men to the college campuses and fabricated some crime about people in the Weathermen and the SDS and the Panthers and the SLA, and made them disappear, and poof, peace and tranquility could have been restored to our college campuses overnight. It is a good thing that this new change streamlines the process of removing the unpleasant people from our society without needing to observe the obstructions to efficiency called rights. I am kind of like Ross Perot when it comes to dealing with a problem. I like to immediately stamp out all problems before the problem has a chance to spread like a cancer. I am very impressed to see that the new president shares my views about rights and maintaining peace and tranquility. What a blessing it is now to know that the noise makers and the boat rockers will no longer be a problem and threats to our peace and tranquility can now be neutralized with great efficiency. Now this is change that we can all appreciate. I know I feel safer, and calmer, and more peaceful, and very tranquil.

    Drink the Obama Kool-Aide. Gulp..gulp. . . .or conveniently disappear or be jailed for life.



    Feds 'disappear' Edgar Steele

    New book about Israeli slavery ring

    seen triggering government's abduction

    By John Kaminski

    Controversial Patriot writer and lawyer Edgar J. Steele, already jailed on suspicious charges that he tried to kill his wife with a pipe bomb, has been mysteriously removed from from a Spokane, Washington detention facility and taken to an undisclosed location, according to close friends of the Steele family.

    In a letter to his friend Ingri Cassell, Steele wrote that the charges of attempted murder are preposterous and blamed his hired handyman — Larry Fairfax, a known FBI informant — for trying to cover up his own theft of silver bullion from Steele's property by trying to kill both Steele and his wife.

    As the enclosed letter reproduced below indicates, Steele has been held virtually incommunicado after an initial court hearing June 11 determined he was trying to intimidate witnesses — in this case his wife and son — by instructing them on how to respond to FBI interrogation. Steele also claimed that tape recordings introduced as

    evidence were not authentic and had been doctored by the FBI in its attempt to authenticate the trumped-up charges.

    Steele, 64, has a worldwide audience of tens of thousands of Patriot aficionados accumulated both from his noble record of public actions as well as his Conspiracy Pen Pal website. All these folks are nervously awaiting word of his condition and legal status.

    Steele has suffered a recent heart attack and had other medical problems after which his close knit family nursed him back to health.

    Some observers feel that the heart attack was induced by forces unknown. His friend Dr. Allen Banks described it like this: “Basically the top of his heart blew off. Ed told me it felt like something had 'gone off' on his chest.” Steele also had three other surgeries in recent months, as well as chronic nosebleeds that remain unexplained.

    Steele most recently published a book titled “Defensive Racism,” and is perhaps best known for his defense of the Church of the Aryan Nations in a sensational 2000 court trial which he ultimately lost.

    Friends speculated on why Steele would have been the focus of such intense federal interest at this time, and both Banks and Cassell indicated that it might have been because Steele was working on a new book about Israeli international slavery practices and its ties to several European governments.

    As to whether the government's charges are legitimate, Steele's many friends and readers all suspect a government witchhunt on the order of what happened to Randy Weaver, George Hansen and Gordon Kahl. Weaver was set up by a government informant in 1992 in which his son and wife were killed, better known as the Ruby Ridge incident. Hansen was the Idaho congressman who tried to start an investigation of the IRS, but then was arrested on a pretense and shuttled around the country so his friends couldn't find him. And Kahl, another tax protester, was murdered by federal agents in a particularly grisly incident in 1983 after his decades of principled patriotic tax protests.

    Steele's friend Dr. Banks put it this way. “This whole thing isn't logical. Ed is a very intelligent man. Intelligent men don't hire their plumber to kill their wife and mother in law. Plus, he has been quite ill over the past year.”

    The likelihood of the government's charges being true are “close to zero,” said Banks, who is chairman of the Bonner Country Republican Party. “The likelihood of the government's charges against being false are close to 100 percent,” Banks added.

    Although Steele has been denied phone privileges while in custody in Spokane, and he has been prevented from seeing most of the letters of support that have been sent to him, at least one did slip through, and Steele managed to get a response to the sender, Ingri Cassell, widow of the late Don Harkins, founder of the now-defunct newspaper, The Idaho Observer. Cassell is also the founder of the Vaccine Liberation website.

    Steele's message to Cassell, the only known communication to the outside world since his arrest, is here reprinted in its entirety.

    Dear Ingri,

    Thank you for your letter.

    All calls out are almost nonexistent. I was looking forward to seeing you and Al yesterday. I suppose they just turned you away? I haven't had a single visitor here so far and only barely been allowed to see my public defender. I'm not allowed to call my lawyer even until next week.

    I am in Max Security, full lockdown, solitary confinement. Worse even than the treatment accorded Matt Hale. Most of mail is returned to senders — usually because of their using letters instead of full first and last names in the review in the return address.

    OK. I am innocent, for what that is worth in Amerika today. Here is what happened:

    My hillbilly handyman stumbled across a stash of silver bullion in one of my outbuildings — then searched and found two others (@ $15,000 & $45,000 total). Knowing I would discover the theft & know it was him. He tried to kill me with two pipe bombs he placed on the cars he knew I drove. They both failed to go off. Cyndi left town with one before he removed it, which led to the discovery of the car bomb on our Mitsubishi SUV.

    This guy had offered to be a hit man before, more than once, but I dismissed him as a harmless buffoon. I had told him of the ADL & its hatred for me. This murder-for-hire plot is beyond my hillbilly hitman, so I assume he went to the ADL, which either fabricated tapes that he played for the FBI recorder or produced a mimic of me to make the tapes for the FBI on the spot. Regardless, I have been framed and set-up! BTW, the ADL was quoted extensively in the government's opening papers in court.

    I haven't heard from my wife or son and fear they have been convinced by the U.S. Attorney Prosecutor of my guilt. I feel totally abandoned.

    What can you and others do? Ingri, I honestly don't know. Obviously, this is going to trial. I may well be convicted, which will be the same as a death sentence at this stage of my life. I am So depressed. I never expected them to come after me like this.

    You may share this with others, even posting it on UNN and SF (With my address so they can write me – please write me – but tell them to put their full names and addresses [as a clear return address] on the envelopes).

    [Note: at this time, we do not know his whereabouts. His address is/was – from the return on my envelope from him –

    Edgar Steele #361857

    Spokane County Jail

    W. 1100 Mallon

    Spokane, Wash. 99260-0320

    Love, Edgar

    When asked why Steele would have anything to do with Fairfax, a known drug informant in the northern Idaho area, Dr. Banks added a little more detail about the man known only as “Larry the Plumber” to Steele's closest friends.

    “Ed had him build a new garage with secret compartments, so obviously Larry would have known where they were.”

    Ingri Cassell, well known in Idaho Republican and health circles, told of her conversations with Edgar's wife Cyndi.

    “For the record, I have been following the Edgar Steele fiasco since he was arrested on June 11, 2010 and kidnapped from his home in Sagle, Idaho.

    For a mainstream canned report, here is a link –


    “Although I had a flurry of other activities I was committed to at the time, I managed to visit with his wife, Cyndi Steele, for two hours on June 21. I wrote Edgar Steele a letter on July 1, 2010 requesting that he call me collect. That never happened, nor the anticipated visit since I was told that he was allowed only one visitor a week and it is a big trip to make only to be turned down.

    “Since I had another appointment in Spokane on July 7, I went to the Spokane County Jail and was told that he was in the custody of the U.S. Marshals, was not allowed visitors and could not even make a collect call. At this point I was concerned that he never received my letter.

    “On the following day I heard from a friend who lives in Spokane and has tried diligently to visit Edgar Steele. When she went to the jail on July 8, she was told that he had been moved 30 minutes ago to an undisclosed location. And then I received the following letter today, July 9. Following this letter is a letter I am sending to our Idaho state representatives that represent the people in the District where Edgar and Cyndi Steele once lived. Cyndi is so traumatized by this ordeal that she is no longer living in her home, and is in a safe house with friends — the Steele's former home is in shambles from the raid with floor boards and walls ripped apart… and many of their valuables stolen.”

    But the current story does not end there. On the day of Steele's most recent “disappearance,” Cassell reports that federal agents went to Steele's house and tore it apart, removing books and papers, computers, and lots of valuable silver.

    Cassell reported the event in a letter to three Idaho state lawmakers, Sen. Sen. Keough, and Reps. Eskridge Eric Anderson. The text of the letter follows:

    “On June 11, 2010, a resident of Sagle, Idaho for 20 years was arrested by Idaho State Police and an agent of the FBI with the assistance of a Bonner County deputy. Edgar is well-known as a defender of politically unpopular opinion, acting as a pro-bono attorney for the politically incorrect and a man who admittedly pushes the limits of free speech.

    “He was preparing to go to Spokane on June 11 with a trailer to pick up some lumber for a building project and had asked his friend Allen Banks to join him on the drive into Spokane as he has recently been in very poor health. When Dr. Banks arrived at Edgar's home, he was barred access to the house by Idaho State Police officers, but could hear talking from inside prior to Edgar emerging from the house in handcuffs and being placed in the back of one of the ISP vehicles and driven away. He later witnessed eleven cars carrying agents of the FBI at the house, conducting a search, removing precious metals and other personal items.

    “Allen had no idea what was going on other than an FBI agent coming out of the house momentarily, at the time of Edgar's arrest, to declare that he had all he needed on tape and that he was convinced of Edgar's guilt.

    “On that same day, The Idaho Statesman and Coeur d'Alene Press printed stories vilifying Edgar's character and claiming that he had hired his handyman to kill his wife and mother-in-law. These stories continued for the following days claiming that the handyman decided to reveal the plot to the FBI on the previous Wednesday before any harm could be done.

    “There are a number of holes in this story which any child could describe. For example, the “handyman”, Larry Fairfax, has been a federal drug informant in this area for many years. His prior membership in Aryan Nations suggests that he was a federal informant during those years.

    “Based upon his history it is not unreasonable to assume that he is still a paid federal informant placed at the Steele household to defame this politically unpopular Sagle resident. The claim that Edgar wanted the life insurance money from the death of his wife also doesn't hold up — enough personal wealth was removed from the Steele residence by the FBI that the life insurance policy angle does not seem believable.

    “Strangely, when the informant handyman 'came clean' he failed to mention the pipe bombs he had placed on the Steele vehicles. These were later discovered during a routine oil change. The story and the details of the “plot” so far revealed are bizarre enough that many believe the case to be a complete fabrication, not unlike those fabricated by the Soviet era thugs of the KGB. If such a story can be fabricated to destroy a politically incorrect resident of Sagle, what can these same federal police officials concoct to destroy one of us?

    There are so many problems with this story that many of us have grave concerns for our safety as Idaho and Bonner County residents.

    “While first confined at the Kootenai County Jail, Edgar, an Idaho resident, is now held in another state — Washington. I went to the Spokane County Jail on Wednesday to visit Edgar Steele. The woman at the desk told me that he is not allowed ANY visitors other than his attorney, he cannot make collect phone calls, and he is in custody of the U.S. Marshal Service.

    “However, when I called the U.S. Marshal office in Spokane, I was told that Edgar is not in their system. I was referred to the FBI which only was available as a recording. I left a message on a recorder. Another friend went to the Spokane County Jail on Thursday (7-8-10) and was told that he ( Steele) had been moved a half hour earlier to

    an undisclosed location.

    “This is beginning to resemble the George Hansen case where Idaho Congressman George Hansen was kept for nearly two years without trial, moved from one federal detention facility to another just ahead of his friends who were frantically trying to locate him so they could obtain his release. His crime? Allegedly he was being held without trial for errantly filing some congressional disclosure forms. His real crime? Asking for a congressional investigation of the IRS.

    “Edgar's wife, Cyndi Steele, and his children, Nicole, Rex and Kelsey, are not allowed any communication with him. Cyndi is not living in their home anymore – too traumatic to live in a home that has been left ripped up (floor boards/walls) after the removal of valuables and other personal belongings.

    “She is in shock trying to avoid the media circus and has been unavailable except to close friends. I happened to arrange a meeting with her for two hours on June 21 after she had watched two of three video/audio tapes. Apparently Edgar had been videotaped over a nearly six month period, with agents invading her property while she lived and slept there, without her knowledge. What she shared with me in detail makes me more convinced than ever of this man's innocence. You see, my late husband and I had been at social gatherings with Edgar and Cindy and had been in their home on several occasions, both of us considering Edgar and Cyndi to be our friends. Not only that, but at least an investigator working on this case, Tim Schwering of the Federal Public Defenders Office has also noted that there is something terribly wrong about this case. Please feel free to call me.

    “I am deeply concerned and need to know what you can do to intervene to make sure that Edgar is safe, protected and that his right to due process is restored.”

    So here once again we have the ruthless power of federal law enforcement coming down on Patriots who are fighting for everyone's liberty by breaking the laws they are supposed to uphold and enforce. Steele's abduction by law enforcement is not only in the sinister tradition of government coverups on display during the Waco massacre, the Oklahoma City bombing and the destruction of the World Trade Center in New York City on 9/11, all of which were followed by massive stonewalling and spin.

    The longer Edgar Steele's whereabouts remain unknown, the less likely this Patriot freedom fighter's chances for survival seem to be. Perhaps the only thing that can save Steele at the point is a massive public outcry at the injustice being done to someone is merely trying to tell the truth about the nasty and immoral things our overnment is doing in our names.

    To this end, concerned supporters of Steele and liberty-loving members of the public at large are urged to deluge the following agencies with telephone calls of protest.

    U.S. Marshal's office, Coeur d'Alene: 208-667-6840; Spokane 509-353-2999.

    FBI Spokane 509-747-5195; Coeur d'Alene: 208-664-5128.

    Idaho State Police, region 1: 208-769-1433.

    Idaho Attorney General: Lawrence Wasdin, 208-334-2400.

    Bonner (Idaho) County Sheriff: 208-263-8417.

    John Kaminski is a writer who used to live on the Gulf Coast of Florida, but is now elsewhere, at an undisclosed location, and worried that if one person can be made to disappear by federal agents who disagree with a person's political perspective, then no one in this country is safe from a law enforcement tyranny that makes a mockery of

    the phrase “liberty and justice for all.”

  • fg_admin

    July 3, 2010 at 5:54 pm in reply to: Happy Birthday America
    Don't Fall for the 4th of July Propaganda this Weekend

    The media will be talking about how we are the freest people on earth where in reality we are the most enslaved—enslaved by a superabundance of legislation and taxation.

    The media will talk about how we are the wealthiest nation where in reality we are the largest debtor nation in the world. Does China ring a bell?

    The media will talk about us being “one nation under God” when in reality we are divided religiously, ethnically, culturally, linguistically . . . and we don't even know if there is even a god to be under.

    The media will be talking about honest Abe and what a great president he was when in reality, Abe wasn't honest and he wasn't great because he launched the slaughter of more Americans than any other president in U.S. history.

    The media may discuss the Judeo-Christian ethic where in reality there was nothing Jewish or Judeo about our heritage. America planted its tree out in the soil of the Reformation—not Judaism.

    The media will talk about the strength of our diversity where in reality our diversity is a weakness to overcome.

    The media will be bragging about how good we are as a people, but we have more people in jail in this country than all the other nations on earth combined. Either we aren't a good people or our government is not good government.

    Some in the media will talk about how we are a Christian nation, but the name of Jesus Christ is never mentioned nor do any of our political leaders acknowledge that He is Sovereign over this nation. The truth is we are a godless, pagan, secular humanistic nation that has successfully uprooted itself from the soil of Biblical truth.

    The media will talk about the progress of the civil rights movement where in reality the blacks traded one kind of slavery for another under the 14th Amendment.

    The media may talk about our great churches where in reality our churches are legally classified as charitable organizations.

    The media will probably discuss how great it is to be an American where in reality most “Americans” are nothing more than “U.S. citizens” in debt to the wishes of the District of Columbia.

    The truth is that America is a nation with Christian roots. There was a time the average American boldly declared, “No king but King Jesus;” that we were one nation under the Christian God. There was a time we had a republic . . . but we lost it. There was a time when no American paid an income tax because our politicians were bound by constitutional restraints, but today Americans are unaware of the taxation clauses in the constitution and only have the ability to think in terms of higher or lower taxes. There was a time when we believed in E pluribus Unum, but now we boast in our diversity, multiculturalism, wherein corporations now have instructions in Spanish and English. In 1910 we were the greatest, wealthiest industrial nation on earth. Today, our industries have moved overseas and we owe trillions of dollars to communist countries.

    So, don't believe all the propaganda you will hear this weekend.

  • fg_admin

    July 2, 2010 at 12:59 am in reply to: 911 Truths-It was an inside job

    Well, well, Truth is certainly difficult to suppress for long. Read this hummer and remember you folks have a Muslim President. What's next?

  • fg_admin

    July 1, 2010 at 3:52 am in reply to: Why DOS denies the "non-citizen national" endorsement


    The more evidence of agreement one has IN THE PUBLIC RECORD, the better off one becomes if ever summoned to court. You cannot have too much ammunition in a war of attrition.

  • fg_admin

    July 1, 2010 at 3:48 am in reply to: Last Trumpet Ministries: The End Time Christian


    I don't know. Didn't know him personally.

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