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  • rattler14

    November 14, 2008 at 10:49 pm in reply to: Pete Hendrickson Indicted

    I concur with the statement that “pride” was the ultimate downfall (an affliction we all suffer to in one capacity or another). But with pride, comes a fall… and with the fall, a learning experience. I personally think Larken has come out smelling like roses after the prison time. His writing has sharpened, his influence likely expanded… and corruption exposed even more.

    So was it bad for the movement? No. Now people know to look for a different route than the 861 argument. It'll save many others from their pride in pushing forward with the same arguments. Now if they are too stubborn and close minded to not keep educating themselves… then they need to keep learning these lessons the hard way.

    But anyway, glad to hear from y'all. And keep up the great work 🙂

  • rattler14

    November 14, 2008 at 6:27 pm in reply to: Pete Hendrickson Indicted

    Dear all,

    Long time, no see. I'm so glad to see such wonderful research and education progressing.

    As for the shortcomings of Pete. I think it's best to summarize it as mainly a lack of open mindedness versus some of the other specific grievances. For instance, point number 7 about the 4582 form. Even just a few short years ago, the authors of the SEDM materials mentioned this (to themselves and clearly not as legal advice to anyone else) as a possible way of correcting their (private) employers from erroneous claims on a W2 form.

    Such statements can still be found on some sections of famguardian. Although this is CLEARLY not a complaint, as the authors themselves are human and have put together a mammoth amount of material while under the constant duress of those wishing to shut it down. It's merely to point out that we are all still learning as much as we can in a game that is constantly shifting due to the deceit of sociopaths.

    So while I completely agree that the bulleted list of items is a valid critique of his shortcomings, I would hope that others give SEDM and famguardian some leniency in not being 100% perfect. After all, I still learn a tremendous amount from the admins, the authors, and the other posters. The rabbit trail runs so deep that no one (except for the All-Mighty) knows it all.

  • rattler14

    January 11, 2008 at 3:22 pm in reply to: Phone salesman amazes crowd
    Author #2 wrote on Jan 10 2008, 11:43 AM:

    Yes… I saw this a week or two ago and have since watched in 4-5 times. It's amazing. I get goose bumps every time I see it.

    I also wonder how many other amazing diamonds in the rough are out there just waiting to get the guts to come forward and show the world what they've got.

  • rattler14

    November 29, 2007 at 3:43 pm in reply to: Former IRS Commissioner Fired-11/27/07

    Everson certainly has an interesting trend going on here.

    First he takes people's money (and freedom, and rights, etc etc)

    Then he takes people's blood.

    Hmmm…. 🙂

    So is he going to move on to souls?

  • rattler14

    March 7, 2007 at 1:19 pm in reply to: Cornell University Cover-Up of 26 USC 871

    Is this suprising?

    I mean, looked at their Annotated Constitution, particularly in the 16th amendment…html#amdt16_hd4

    When I first saw this, I knew something was up. I sent them an email correcting some of their claims, and didn't hear back from them. Surprise surprise!


    I'm sure the government gave them an offer they “couldn't refuse”… like a horse head in the bed!

  • rattler14

    January 24, 2007 at 3:36 am in reply to: Massachusetts General Laws
    Bing wrote on Jan 23 2007, 01:18 PM:
    One more nail in the coffin.

    The Massachusetts General Laws define the term “United States” to mean ONLY the U.S. territories, insular possessions & the District of Columbia.

    For proof, see,


    Ha! Good catch Bing. I noticed this earlier as well, being that I'm in the great commie-wealth of taxachusetts 🙂

    The definitions for “income” and “drivers license” are also very telling.

  • rattler14

    November 3, 2006 at 2:40 pm in reply to: Domicile, Consent, Foreign Immunities and such…
    Author #2 wrote on Nov 2 2006, 03:59 PM:

    I LOVE your viewpoint.  You talk like an engineer or techie.  Only an engineer or technie would understand “escape velocity” and Newton's Laws of Gravitation.  Thanks for sharing that with us.  However, who are the “Cylons”?  Is that like the “Klingons”…HEEE..HEEEEE…HEEEE!  😆  😆

    Oh, and by the way.  How the heck do you get into Croatia without a passport?


    I imagine it requires a donation of a nice handle of Vodka. Of course, staying might require additional gifts 🙂

  • rattler14

    November 3, 2006 at 2:33 pm in reply to: WTP Lawsuit

    Yes, but undoubtedly the gloating on this forum will make its way round to the judge (thanks to our good buddies at quat-whatever land). And there will be some pressure on the judge to reconsider his leniency towards the “tax protestors” or whatever slur is deemed more appropriate by the dept of (in)justice [note the lack of capitalization, for my lack of respect].

    I was definitely happy to see Mr. Lane in full force and still as well-spoken as ever. I hope the best, but expect that this is not over yet.


  • rattler14

    November 3, 2006 at 2:29 pm in reply to: My story in a nutshell


    Hey! I was just thinking like 2 days ago how I haven't seen you or Fiddo on the forums anymore.

    I'm sorry to hear about your situation. I assure you mine is also turning a bit sour, if that offers you any comfort 🙂

    I am also planning on going solo with my own business at some point. I more or less determined that as long as you're in the game, you have to play the game, and by their rules. In short, it's a recipe for disaster.

    I hope you're able to at least find some glimmer of hope through it all. Hey, at least they haven't taken your will, or your soul!


  • rattler14

    October 31, 2006 at 3:29 pm in reply to: George Carlin on Who Controls America

    Sometimes the truth is said in jest…

  • rattler14

    October 15, 2006 at 5:18 am in reply to: 911 Truths-It was an inside job
    Sonik Speed wrote on Oct 14 2006, 05:33 PM:
    I believe I was the cause to explode the issue off the original intent of this thread. It's just that I am a defender of truth and whenever I see non-truth uttered, my blood pressure sky rockets.  :ph34r:

    Sorry guys and yes I agree: Bottom line is WTC got knocked down.


    No prob Sonik. I was just trying to keep everyone on point. I also share your feelings and I absolutely loathe mis/disinformation in my midsts… but life is short, and you can go after every person with an opinion. They are actually winning by making you waste all your time, and in the end, they probably won't agree with you anyway.

    My time re:9/11 stuff has shown me… if there is a die hard official story supporter, leave them be. Rather, focus your time on people who are open minded.

  • rattler14

    October 13, 2006 at 9:22 pm in reply to: 911 Truths-It was an inside job

    Federal building or not… blah blah blah. The point is those 3 builidings (WTC1, 2, and 7) were blown up to dust.

    Sometimes getting caught up in all the minutia on a non-law topic is kinda pointless. The official story is bull, the government was complicit. How much more simple can it get?

  • rattler14

    October 11, 2006 at 12:33 am in reply to: 911 Truths-It was an inside job
    Bing wrote on Oct 10 2006, 10:02 AM:




    Not being an alarmist, just informing.

    There is a lot of chatter on how these recent DOW records are a result of market manipulation. The economy, particularly the housing market, is reeling because of the interest rate hikes. A collapse in prices will destroy all the equity in everyone's homes, which is what millions of Americans are relying on to borrow against for all their ridiculous expenditures.

    I'd say being smart about money, and perhaps a week to a months worth of food might not be a bad idea. If a slip occurs, the derivative market is going to take a beating and take down many others.



  • rattler14

    October 6, 2006 at 1:05 am in reply to: 911 Truths-It was an inside job
    Sonik Speed wrote on Oct 4 2006, 07:22 PM:
    Rattler – maybe you know the answer to these questions!  😆

    1 ) How does a plane 125ft wide and 155ft long fit into a hole which is only 16ft across?

    2 ) How does a 757 exit the Pentagon's 3rd ring and leave a hole approx. 16ft across with no visible wreckage?


    I tried to figure it out… and i think i am very close to an answer!  :ph34r: (Pink Panter's Music In background)  :ph34r:


    It's elementary dear Sonik,

    On 9/10/01, Congress suspended the laws of physics.

    I heard they claimed jurisdiction from the commerce clause 🙂

  • rattler14

    October 5, 2006 at 3:15 am in reply to: 911 Truths-It was an inside job
    Sonik Speed wrote on Oct 4 2006, 07:07 PM:
    And here is the FBI citation:

    Very interesting Rattler!! Why is 9/11 not mentioned? This is no accident…

    But after carefully thinking about why this is the way it is, my final conclusion is because the Federal Government cannot prosecute him for damaging non-Federal Property. The WTC is/was NOT Federal land nor was it Federal property. There is however a Federal building about 50 feet away from the north-east side, but then again the supreme Court's Lopez rule would apply here. If anything, then the State of New York should be prosecuting him. But I do not see anything on that either.

    I am not an expert in 9/11, which is why I cannot claim to be “the constable of truth”. Please forgive me if I speak in ignorance on this thread.

    Sonik Speed


    I don't recall a vidoe denial, but there is at least one, possibly a second interview where he adamantly denies involvement.

    Plus, even a professor who has analyzed Bin Laden for years agrees that the latest rounds of tapes are forgeries

    But most importantly, this is just another nugget of truth refuting a core aspect of the official story.


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