Gen Z hardest generation to work with, according to survey: ‘They lack discipline‘ and ‘like to challenge you’

Story by Jeffrey Clark, Fox News, 4/26/23 SOURCE: EDITORIAL: Lets face it, Gen-z workers are lazy, narcissistic, undisciplined, whiners. It’s ALL ABOUT ME and…

‘The party’s over’: GOP strategist warns that ‘good Republicans’ can’t defeat ‘lunatics’ in 2022’s GOP

Alex Henderson, AlterNet, 10/17/22 SOURCE: Although Sen. Ben Sasse of Nebraska isn’t a full-fledged Never Trumper like the Washington Post’s Max Boot, MSNBC’s Joe…

Fear of a second US Civil War ignites debate

Opinion by Iker Seisdedos García, El Pais, 7/28/22 SOURCE: here are words that refuse to coexist lightly. “Civil” and “war” are two of them. However, these…

Growing support for political violence raises alarms

John Kruzel, The Hill, 7/17/22 SOURCE: Just hours after his arrest last month near the home of Justice Brett Kavanaugh, a 26-year-old California man…

Is Leftism Recycled Calvinism?

JUN 24, 2022, 12:23 PM, RIchard Kronenfield SOURCE: Based on the current dichotomy between the way people comparably situated are treated by the institutions…