Forum Replies Created
Your excessive criticism does not win points with me, Mr. Constable.
In fact, I am willing to guess that yourself and Mr. Lambskin laugh together over beers, – or that you work at the desk next to him. Humm,… but then, Mr. Lamby doesn't drink, a?
No intelligent infiltration of the tax-honesty movement would be limited to one or two agents,… and nothing that you have contributed to the forum is de facto evidence that you are not a government agent yourself.
Your criticism is excessive, and far, far less gentle than warranted.
But hey, – it's only just words, right?
Show me your power, and let's discuss the color of it.
How to stop this madness? Hummm,….
Impeachment seems like a worthy goal.
But if vampires are too strong for you to fight, you should consider how to starve them into weakness first. Surely it's a good thing to defend your neighbors and loved ones from vampires, yes?
Many folks in the “tax-honesty movement” understand contemporary money issues. But,… far too few analyze and understand the psycology of the “nice” monsters who are willing to feed upon the very lives of their neighbors.
If monsters are not afraid, guess who will be,…
I did not disagree with your definition of “God”.
I do not know of any perjured statements within the Bible.
I do not speak for anyone else, although the answers I have offered are not unique to myself.
G'nite,…i must sleeeepppppp,….
“…FATHER, SON and HOLY SPIRIT:: This term shall have the same meaning as it was given to it by a group of Bishops in the Council of Nicea.”
Good grief! If I were to have had my choice in the matter, I would have ordered the civil execution of the people that invented “bishops”! Have you read anything of the civil law of those days? Any person that would honor and respect such other persons that would approve of and invent such law as that,… DESERVE death. In my opinion.
Of course, and once again, I was not there, so I only presume the worst: that these “bishops” were blatant idolators posing as respectable men. Maybe these men were simply mistaken in their opinions. One could hope that I am mistaken, I suppose.
As I cannot PROVE that I am “Christian”, except to those who offer a definition of “Christian”, and I have determined that I am unwilling to so prove,…
As I cannot prove that I am “Jewish”, for much the same reasons, –
As I cannot prove that I am “Muslim”, or anything else other than, –
I am a man, –
I suppose that you may suppose that I am easily mistaken.
Dirt is dirt; spirit is spirit.
At least, in my opinion.
Care to discuss the morality of civil punishment against persons for the possession of their own property? Does the prohibition against the creation of “the sacred oil” constitute a legal priniciple for the presumption of civil authority to forbid the possession of anything that may be “owned”?
Although I accept your definition of what is “the Bible”,… you cannot possibly imagine that you can ask such a simple question, – if you know what is written therein!
In some cases, some persons are quoted as telling a lie. Do you mean to ask if the lie is actually truth, or if the quotation is an accurate representation of the lie?
I understand that most of what is included in “the Bible” is history; as history, what is recorded there is accurate, – so far as I understand and accept. Again, I wasn't there, but I believe the persons that have recorded the history and have copied it for these thousands of years, – have done a reasonably good job of it. I have reasons to complain, – but have you really considered the futility of the question you are asking?
“The Bible” does not talk. What you are REALLY asking is far more complicated. The simple answer for the overly-simple question is: I believe that the authors of the books were knowledgeable of the subject matter, were men and women of relatively good character, and were persons that enjoyed a relationship with Abraham's Friend.
Next reply,… next question.
The non-denominational definition you offer seems to correspond to “the genetic” definition I referred to. Although “Christians” are not generally identified within a genetic-context, except perhaps as people that are not Jewish, – Jewish folk are often considered to be genetically related. I will answer the question in this context.
No one knows who is Jewish.
Sure, my mother might tell me that you are Jewish, but is she mistaken?
Your mother might tell you that you are Jewish, but is she lying?
My mother might tell me that I am Jewish, but who really knows?
The consensus of opinion by which “Jewishness” is defined is not a consensus that I, or anyone, MUST accept. I do experience the consequences of this consensus of opinion, but I do not have to agree with it. Neither do you. Even if you enjoy the benefits of this consensus of opinion.
Mr. “Apostle” did not describe for us what he understands to be the implications of “Eve's infidelity with the Fallen Angel” on the genetic history of Noah. Because Mr. Apostle asserts that some people living today are genetically related to “Cain”, – he implies that Noah is also genetically related to Cain. I do not accept this implication. Of course, I wasn't there, so I must confess to my ignorance,… but IF humans existed that were the offspring of Eve's infidelity with the Accuser,… we are today burning what remains of them in our automobiles and airplanes.
Good riddance! (and still they stink!)
Next reply,… next question.
Because you identify “JEWS” and “CHRISTIANS” with two definitions, denominational and non-denominational, – my answer must be equally imprecise.
In the religious context, the two groups are quite distinct.
Culturally, the two groups are quite distinct.
These two groups share in common with each other, and with the Muslims as well, a generally equal disregard for the laws of The Creator. The point may be argued, of course, but I would assert that The Creator is not Christian, Jewish, nor Muslim,… and I most certainly encourage all persons to be more like their Creator.
Next reply,… next question.
2 ) GOD IS JESUS (True or False)
Given the opinion expressed by the man that the Romans executed, the opinion that “God is spirit”, we may consider what has been offered as the quote of another man, much further back in time: “…the Glory of Israel will not lie or change His mind; for He is not a man that He should change His mind.”
I must presume that the translators have offered to me something that is sufficiently accurate that I am willing to offer the statement to you; I do so presume, but ask that you recognize my ignorance. I even have to presume that the man that is quoted “had a clue”, and was not merely inventing poetic phrase. I do so presume, but again, – I am ignorant of the facts. I wasn't there to hear the man speaking.
On the other hand, what I know of the person referred to as “the Glory of Israel”,… this knowledge permits me to agree with the man's statement. I, too, believe that the Glory of Israel will not lie or change his mind, etc. etc. etc.
What is “spirit” is spirit, and what is “dirt” is dirt.
Or,… do you ask the question in order to discover something about your fellow participants in this forum?
Next reply,… next question.
Rest assured, Mr. Sonic, that the criticism is regarding only a few issues.
I asked you to define the terms in order that I might offer some kind of answer to your questions. I know of a few groups of folk that define the terms differently from one another, and I am loathe to include you in any group without your express consent and/or without confirming evidence in behavior (i.e., some people say they belong to a particular group, – but the behavior is evidence to the contrary,…).
I have criticized you and Mr. “Apostle”, – but not for ignorance of the issues. I agree with some of the assertions offered by “Apostle”, and I agree with some your assertions, as well. I do not believe either one of you, however. Both of you seem to be men, so far as your writings may offer evidence, – and as men, you are not as trustworthy as the one I do trust implicitly.
A person's motives may be quite acceptable to me, but a person's motives are not evidence of excellent knowledge. You are simply mistaken. Ditto for “Apostle”. And, of course, for myself as well. The presumption that no one has complete knowledge produces an acceptable generalization, – that all persons are “mistaken” regarding some few things.
The lack of capacity within human kind for the acquisition of complete knowledge does not construe any assertion that truth does not exist. Truth is, – but we cannot know all. Truth is absolute, – but we mortals are constrained to mere opinions. Some opinions are truth; others are not. Do not make the mistake of imagining my opinion to be that absolute truth does not exist. However, because no one is able to know absolute truth, everyone must choose what to hold as truth, and because everyone chooses, – we have the appearance of contradictions.
By what knowledge or analysis do you assert that “post-modernism is contrary to the main theme of the Family Guardian website”? (This is a rhetorical question.) What I have read of your posts gives me reason to understand that you do not know the “UNCAUSED-CAUSE” as a person. For this reason, if my presumption in your regard is correct, – I would not imagine you to have sufficient understanding of “the main theme” of the Family Guardian website so as to identify that theme!
Again, this is a rhetorical analysis, and is intended only to illustrate the point that every person is constrained to opinion. You may indeed know and understand “the main theme”, but I have adequate evidence to remain skeptical regarding your knowledge and understanding, – quite possibly because I am mistaken myself. But I do not believe that I am mistaken.
Se la vie.
Having offered a context for your terms, I thank you, – but I must question you further.
1 ) JESUS IS GOD (True or False)
This “JESUS” that is “the human that will appear in the distant future” is not sufficiently precise an answer, – if I am to respond to your question. You request a “true” or “false” answer; without sufficient precision in the definition of terms, the question is overly simplified, so as to make both answers both possible and reasonable.
As regards the definition of the “UNCAUSED-CAUSE”, I would generally refer to The Creator of All Things as “the Elohim of Abraham, Issac and Jacob”, and Moses, and Joshua, and Caleb, and Othniel, and Bezalel and and and… Do we have agreement in common regarding this identification?
As for “JESUS”, – well, I would consider “JESUS” to be the man that the Romans executed for treason against Caesar, at the request of the leadership of the Jewish folk that Rome had conquered and oppressed. That man's name is better translated as “Joshua”, in my opinion, but I have never known him to be offended by anyone using another name for him that is not intened to be insulting.
I would also assert that this man is no longer dead, – but do not ask me for a photograph, lol !
Having defined the terms according to my understanding, I would direct you to what is offered to us as a quote of that man's understanding of who “God” is: “God is spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth.”
Lots of terms within that statement to be defined,… but I will not press the point, and will hope that we share definitions in common.
Next reply,… next question.
Hey!!! A nugget of gold in a valley of sand,….
All that is necessary for wicked men to succeed,… is for the policeman to always say “Yes” to every order issued by the judge,…
You write of many things about which you cannot know, except through some manner of “spiritual insight”, – since you were not there in the garden to observe this alleged sexual infidelity by Eve. Since I was not there either, I will not object to your argument, – but I will not “read between the lines”. I will not declare as “doctrine” any kind of “historical account” that purports to “fill-in the details” regarding the events of other people's lives.
I will, however, wait to discover if the measure of a prophet has application in your case. Israel and the U.S. attack Iran at the end of March? Let's discover if what has been revealed to you is truth. Or not.
The deception by the persons performing the functions of “government” is appalling, most certainly. Certainly facts are apparant, however, that may lead one to become aware of something else equally appalling. What facts?
We who are living today are not the first persons to feel the bite of vampires.
Regardless of the depth and history of the deception, the immorality that is evident in the confiscation of personal property outside of all legitimate authority,… is an immorality that the generations before us have experienced,… and accepted without effective argument.
By “effective” I mean the use of methods that end the problem. I mean, after all, – existing civil law provides for the impeachment of civil “servants”,… and surely the civil process of impeachment costs less than a civil war!
Alas,… but not so,… not for the vampires, anyway. If the cattle on one ranch die, they can happily move on to another ranch, – and who knows, maybe the vampires like the taste of “asian beef” better than “American beef”?
If the generations behind us in time did not effectively deal with the problem, – let us not pass the problem on to the future. Even if one might not be able to drive a wooden stake into the heart of vampires, – one should certainly do all things necessary to starve vampires, – and especially to act in the defense of one's neighbor against the vampire(s) that are biting on his ass!
Ummm,…. that is, – presuming that that neighbor is not someone that volunteers his blood and his life, – like so many people that we know these days, a?
Am I ever glad that I missed this thread until today!
One may consume SO MUCH TIME on a thread like this.
Although excellence in analysis MIGHT lead one to an understanding of truth, I do not know, nor imagine, that excellence in analysis offers any guarantee that the one seeking truth through analysis will actually find satisfaction, not even after much, much effort. On this basis, I suggest that you lower your expectations a wee bit, Mr. Sonic.
Whereas your questions are insightful, and the answers offered so far DO offer much truth, you must recognize that you have not defined your terms. None of the questions may be reliably answered without at first defining the terms. Sure, – you can reasonably expect that any native English-speaker/reader will know the terms, and will know the terms as you know them,… but this also cannot be guaranteed.
Once the effort to define the terms begins, one may quickly observe that the effort becomes an infinite futility,… for the words used in your questions are themselves defined by other words,… whose meanings may not be shared in common by all persons attempting to answer the questions. Comprendes?
A case in point: the word “God”.
The word is not a name. Yes? No?
The word is a title. Yes? No?
As best as I am able to know such things, “Caesar”, the chief executive of the Roman state, in every age both past and present, – believes and announces himself to be “God”, – and given the obedience to “God” that one may observe in the actions of most people now living, one may readily conclude that, yes indeed, – “Caesar” IS “God”, – for certainly most people now living obey civil law, and do not obey “God's Law” (what is commonly referred to as the law given to Moses by the Creator of the earth, etc. etc.). So, do you mean to ask if the head of the Roman state is “Jesus”? Or do you mean to refer to the “God” that the Mormons describe? or, or, or,…
The questions that you ask demonstrate, simultaneously, – both ignorance and insight. Can anyone be both ignorant and informed on any single point of knowledge? I imagine that you may perceive how this may be so. For this very reason, no one without complete knowledge has the capacity to declare truth absolutely. By this very lack of capacity for complete knowledge, “facts” can appear to be both true and false, at the same time.
The futility of analysis to produce certainty should not discourage the effort! However, one should not believe everything one hears, – even when the voice is one's own voice. And still, anyone that performs excellent analysis, most certainly has grounds to be convinced of certain facts, a?
Having said all that, I will add that your criticism of “Apostle” is overly harsh, and founded on inadequate knowledge. “Apostle” could have identified the source of the material he posted, at the time that he posted it, – so your criticism is justified, but only just barely. Just as Mr. Hanson describes the Great IRS Hoax as not his own personal creation, but originates from a source outside of himself, – so “Apostle” describes the material offered by Mr. Huie. The same author, but different writers, – much like the Bible is described to be.
Who in your family is Jewish?
Is this definition of “Jewishness” based on a genetic analysis, or a cultural analysis? or both?
Were you in Oklahoma this past December?
Did you make certain public statements on the theme of “sovereignty”?
The zeal that one may perceive within your statements provokes a certain curiousity,…
So! If you would like to discourse on the theme of your questions, offer a few definitions. I will check the site a little more frequently, in the hope that your interest is as earnest as your zeal makes it appear.
Perhaps you have studied the Scriptures a wee bit, Mr. L.Skin,… but I have the acquaintance of a few Mormons that have studied the Scriptures as well, and I do not agree with their conclusions. Nice people, just the same, – but not persons with whom I may agree on doctrine.
Which “adversary” are you referring to?
If you clarify this, perhaps I will better understand your encouragement to selfish cowardice as something better than what I now do.
As a matter of general attitude, when “the adversary” comes against me, I will kick his ass, if I am able. Moreover, I will not wait until I am cornerned to act in the defense of my neighbor's life. The adversarsies that I know, – are far less concerned with me personally as they are with destroying the lives of the whole people that I honor, love and respect.
Perhaps the number of such persons that esteem life, liberty and our Creator more than they esteem fortune may be few,… but they are not too few to fail to gain the attention of the Destroyer and his servants in this world. The enemy knows where to bring the fight, so let him come! I know who my Defender is, and my Defender is eager to kick some unrighteous ass.
Dude! you rock!