Conservative Justice Brett Kavanaugh rules states can’t sue the government just over ‘indirect’ harm from a federal policy. One of the lawsuits blocking Biden’s student-debt relief involves 6 states doing exactly that.

Story by Ayelet Sheffey, Business Insider, 6/23/23 SOURCE: Conservative Justice Brett Kavanaugh just ruled against two states’ standing to sue the federal government. There’s…

Study warns of catastrophic scenario that could hospitalize thousands: ‘The greatest climate-related hazard we can imagine’

Story by Hayleigh Evans, TheCoolDown, 6/21/23 SOURCE: A blackout in Phoenix during a heat wave could be a catastrophic combination, sending more than 50% of the…

The costs of secularism

Story by Jack Elbaum, Washington Examiner, 6/13/23 SOURCE: On Saturday, the Wall Street Journal published an essay titled “Is Religion Good for Your Health?” In it, Northeastern…