Democrats despise the democracy of the Supreme Court

Opinion by Merrill Matthews, The Hill, 7/5/23 SOURCE: Feel free to disregard all of the Democrats’ hypocritical warnings about the current threats to democracy.…

Supreme Court rejects liberal arguments based on lies

Opinion by Michael Barone, Washington Examiner, 7/5/23 SOURCE: “This is not a normal court.” So said President Joe Biden last week as the Supreme Court was handing down…

On crime, college-educated Democrats are living in their own universe

Opinion by Jack Elbaum, Washington Examiner, 7/3/23 SOURCE: If it ever feels like most liberal activists, media hosts, and academics are living in their own universe, it’s probably because they…

Property, Race, Colonialism, and Capitalism

Story by Brenna Bhandar, Jacobin, 7/2/23 SOURCE: In colonial regimes, dominant conceptions of private property developed alongside racial hierarchies. Who can claim ownership of…