AI Loses Its Mind After Being Trained on AI-Generated Data

Story by Maggie Harrison, Futurism, 7/12/23 SOURCE: AI’s kryptonite might just be… AI. In a fascinating new paper, scientists at Rice and Stanford University found that…

Opinion: Order denouncing possibly the ‘most massive attack against free speech’ is full of hyperbole and short on specifics

Opinion by Roy S. Gutterman, CNN, 7/10/23 SOURCE: Government censorship is anathema to our democratic principles, regardless of party affiliation or belief. The attorneys…

The Supreme Court makes almost all of its decisions on the ‘shadow docket.’ An author argues it should worry Americans more than luxury trips.

Story by Erin Snodgrass, Business Insider, 7/7/23 SOURCE: The US Supreme Court routinely dominates headlines and dinner conversations alike with announcements of its far-reaching…