This section is devoted to building and maintaining a strong and
ethical military to protect the people against foreign enemies.
It is also against the use of military force by the national government
against its own citizens.
- Current News
- Historical Articles
- Thomas Jefferson Quotes on Military and the Militia
- Lawfully Avoiding the Military Draft, Form #09.003 (OFFSITE
God's Bible Laws On
Military Draft and Warfare-Pastor Sheldon Emry
- Selective Service
System website
- Why You Aren't Subject
to the Draft-only U.S. citizens can be drafted and you aren't
one, but even if you are, you can revoke that citizenship to escape
- Jack McLamb on How to Avoid the Draft-fascinating
- Westlaw Key Cites on the Draft
v. Truesdell, 321 U.S. 542 (1944)-describes exactly when and
how a person crosses the line from being a civilian to being a military
man subject to the U.C.M.J., and it requires the consent of the
Letter that got
someone out of Draft Registration-very interesting
- Selective Service Act:
- Selective Service
and You-government pamphlet
Department of Defense Selective Service Regulations, 32 C.F.R. Chapter 16-are you
subject to the draft? Find out!
- A Lesson To My Son by a Proud
American-Irma S. Chambers
- My Heart On The Line-Frank
- I Want You!-for U.S.
How to Stay out of the Military-Lew Rockwell
- DOD Retirement Pay Request Letter, Form #04.227 (OFFSITE LINK) -Member Subscription item. Requires membership
- 04/09/2004:
U.S. Government Trying to Reinstate the Draft
- Thomas Jefferson Quotes
Why veterans miss war (OFFSITE LINK) - Sebastian Junger. TED
The Ultimate Civil War Series (OFFSITE LINK) -video series free to Amazon Prime members
The First World War: The People's Stories (OFFSITE LINK) -video series free to Amazon Prime members
World War II: Total War (OFFSITE LINK) -video series free to Amazon Prime members
Grey Wolves: German U-Boats in WWII (OFFSITE LINK) -video series free to Amazon Prime members
Amazing Stories of World War II (OFFSITE LINK) -video series free to Amazon Prime members
Battlezone WWII: The U.S. Army Air Forces (OFFSITE LINK) -video series free to Amazon Prime members
War in the Pacific-Eagle Against the Sun (OFFSITE LINK) -video series free to Amazon Prime members
Debunking a Century of War Lies (OFFSITE LINK) - Corbett Report
- Olberman of MSNBC on the Iraq War, July 19, 2007-excellent
Your Country at War and What
Happens After a War-book by Charles Lindburg
Army Leadership-Leadership
Manual by Dept of Army
Soldier's Return-a love
- Evolution of War
- The Lieber Code-Prepared for
President Lincoln during the Civil War. Instructions for the
government of armies of the United States
- The Peaceful Reply-Colin
- Why are we still there?-hilarious
- Great War Tribute-awesome
- The War Prayer-Mark Twain
- War is a Racket-Smedley Darlington
A People At War-background on America at War
- Spiders in Iraq-4/22/04
- Bagram AFB, Afghanistan, Sept
2002 (1.5 Mbytes, MS Powerpoint)-what our servicemen put up
with to protect YOUR freedom
- 9-11 Lets Roll-inspiring
Navy shot
- Navy A-6 Incident-amazing!
- Amazing interview with
an X Iraqi-(2.4 Mbytes) takes on a liberal
- Navy Fly-By
- Chief's Initiation-USS
Constellation, CV-64
- Navy Carrier
- Big Stick-Crewmembers of the USS
Theodore Roosevelt, CVN-71, Spell out President Roosevelt's favorite
I'm Bringing Me and My
Friends-MS Powerpoint Slideshow (must have Powerpoint)
Operation Iraqi Freedom-(MS
Powerpoint, 1.25 Mbyte)
USS John C. Stennis At
War-(MS Powerpoint, 1.0 Mbyte) Operation Enduring Freedom
EP3 Salvage From China-
3.8MBytes. Requires MS Powerpoint
- America's War Dead-a portrait
False Flags (OFFSITE LINK) -Brasscheck
Life of Adolf Hitler (OFFSITE LINK) -video series free to Amazon Prime members
Hitler's Last Secrets (OFFSITE LINK) -video series free to Amazon Prime members
Military Industrial Complex (OFFSITE LINK) -Brasscheck
Military Cancer (OFFSITE LINK) - Class War Films
"Sir, I Will Not Obey That Order" (OFFSITE LINK) - Truth Revolt Originals
- Marine Corp Colonel Griggs Interview-astounding
- Pastor John Weaver (OFFSITE LINK) -John Weaver Library
- Pastor Sheldon Emry (OFFSITE LINK) -Sheldon Emry Memorial Library
- War and Peace (OFFSITE LINK) -Online Library of Liberty
- War - Its Cause, Continuation and Termination - Teaching Only (OFFSITE LINK) -Eternally Blessed Bliblical Archive
- Department of Defense Dictionary of Military and Associated Terms-Google
On the Law of War and Peace -book by Hugo Grotius (1625).
Sets out principles of natural law and the laws of nations
Peace Archive-Lew Rockwell
- Writings
by Peace Activist S. Brian Wilson
- NAVY- "Never Again Volunteer Yourself"