"In a free
society, government protects citizens from threats against their
persons and property. In a police state, government deploys its
law enforcement assets to protect itself against the "threat" posed
by its own subjects."
[W.N. Grigg]
Family Guardian Forums-require a free member account you can
apply for yourself to post and in some cases read content
- Sovereignty
Education and Defense Ministry (SEDM) Forums (OFFSITE LINK)
This section is dedicated to improving police protection and ensuring
that we have honorable and ethical police and law enforcement personnel
working for our government.
Current News
U.S. Department of Justice News
- Historical Articles
- 02/26/2007: Operation Falcon and the Looming Police State-state, local,
and federal police forces are conspiring to destroy your rights
by combining forces
- 03/02/2004: Man Threatened with Arrest After Taking Photos of Police
- 11/30/2002:
Ron Paul Slams Homeland Security-at least SOMEONE in Washington
gets it!
- 09/18/2002:
Held Without Charge-material
witness laws put detainees in limbo
- 01/12/2002:
Preserving Freedom, Beating Terrorism-Alan Keyes
- 09/02/1997:
National Police Force In Training?-WorldNet Daily
- 04/01/1997:
FBI Laboratory Investigation-This is the report regarding
fabrication of evidence by the FBI lab; Long but worthwhile.
- "police
power" defined
- Sovereignty for Police Officers, Form #12.022 (OFFSITE LINKS) - SEDM. Excellent.
Are Cops Constitutional?- the answer is NO. Very interesting
Crime Documentaries (OFFSITE LINK) -Top Documentary Films
Why Are So many Americans in Prison? (OFFSITE LINK) -Prager University
The Truth About Crime (OFFSITE LINK) - Stefan Molyneux
The hidden reason for poverty the world needs to address now-(OFFSITE
LINK) Gary Haugen, TED
What if we ended the injustice of bail? (OFFSITE LINK) -Robin Steinberg, TED
Rights-U.S. Attorneys Bulletin, Volume 47, No. 1, Jan. 1999
Attorneys Bulletin, Volume 54, No. 3, May 2006
- How
to Record Telephone Conversation using your Computer-excellent
article that describes tools and techniques that allow excellent
quality recording of telephone conversations in computer playable
- General Ashcroft's
Detention Camps-a public embarrassment and a Constitutional
- Do you have a right
to police protection?-The law and the courts say emphatically
NO! Then why do we even have or need government at all, and
why should we have an obligation to pay taxes to a government that
isn't obligated to render service? Beats us!
- The Fraudulent Court
of Attornment in the State of California-very interesting
- Tips on Staying Safe
for Women
- The Blame Game-Edgar
How to respond to Theft or Identity Theft-excellent
- Safety Alert! Cell
Phone Guns
- Is President Bush's
Executive Order Creating Military Tribunals Legal?
U.S. Department
of State Outsources Secret War-Jason Vest
42 U.S.C. Chapter 112: Victim Compensation Assistance
- Flex Your Rights (OFFSITE LINK)
Dealing with the Police/Right to Travel Playlist (OFFSITE LINK) - SEDM Youtube playlist
I Don't Answer Questions Explained (OFFSITE LINK) - Youtube
5 Rules for Recording Police: Steve Silverman (OFFSITE LINK) - CATO
SEDM Dealing with the Police/Right to Travel Videos (OFFSITE LINK) - SEDM Youtube playlist
Police/Terry Stop Handout, Form #09.078 (OFFSITE LINK) - Hand this to an officer who stops you during a traffic stop. Prevents police violence and keeps the police in their place.
Waiver of Immunity: Police, Litigation Tool #01.008 (OFFSITE LINK) - how to discredit and immobilize lying or irresponsible police officers in court
- Defending Your Right to Travel, Form #06.010 (OFFSITE LINK) - how to travel on roadways as a PRIVATE unlicensed party without police harassment or injustice
- U.S. Public Servant Questionnaire: First Line of Defense against unlawful Police (OFFSITE LINK)-Governmental Services Corporation Watch
- Amdt4.5.4.1 Terry Stop and Frisks Doctrine and Practice (OFFSITE LINK) -Legal/constitutional requirements that police must follow during a traffic stop. Legal Information Institute, Cornell
- Terry Stop Definition, Cases, Examples, Processes (OFFSITE LINK) -Legaldictionary.net
- 9.21 Particular Rights—Fourth Amendment—Unreasonable Seizure of Person—Exception to Warrant Requirement—Terry Stop-Jury Instructions (OFFSITE LINK)-Manual of Model Civil Jury Instructions, Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals
- Federal Law Enforcement Training Center: Terry Stop Update (OFFSITE LINK)
- Federal Law Enforcement Training Center: Searching a Vehicle Without a Warrant (OFFSITE LINK)
- Right to Travel - license free - original brief
- Legal synopsis of right to travel - Oklahoma City University Law Review
- Colorado Court case - Traveling in your private vehicle is a RIGHT that cannot be licensed... get the facts and use them to free yourself
Data Mining,
and Homeland Security: An Overview, CRS Report 31798-Congressional
Research Service, Aug. 27, 2008
GAO Report
GAO-04-548: Data Mining
Fusion Centers:
Issues and Options for Congress, CRS Report #RL34070-Congressional
Research Service, Jan. 18, 2008
A Summary of
Fusion Centers: Core Issues and Options for Congress, CRS Report
#RL34177-Congressional Research Service, Sep. 19, 2007
Homeland Security
Intelligence: Perceptions, Statutory Definitions, and Approaches,
CRS Report #RL33616-Congressional Research Service, Jan.
14, 2009
- The
Information Return Scam-excellent
Correcting Erroneous Information Returns, Form #04.001-how
to correct erroneous information returns.
Corrected Information Return Attachment Letter, Form #04.002-how
to correct erroneous information returns.
Correcting Erroneous IRS Form 1042's, Form #04.003- (RED
HOT!)how to correct erroneous 1042's
Correcting Erroneous IRS Form 1098's, Form #04.004- (RED
HOT!)how to correct erroneous 1098's
Correcting Erroneous IRS Form 1099's, Form #04.005- (RED
HOT!)how to correct erroneous 1099's
Correcting Erroneous IRS Form W-2's, Form #04.006- (RED
HOT!) how to correct erroneous W-2's
Demand for Verified Evidence of "Trade or Business" Activity:
Information Return, Form #04.007-Use this form in the case
where someone you work for or with may or definitely will file
a fraudulent Information Return against you, and you are not
engaged in a "trade or business". This prevents you from
having false or erroneous Information Returns filed against
you by educating companies and financial institutions about
their proper use. Information Returns include IRS Forms
W-2, 1042-S, 1098, and 1099.
- Criminal Complaint
Attachment: Fraudulent Information Return, Form #04.402-use
this in combination with Form 04.006 above
- Precious
Metal Transaction Reporting, Form #04.106 (OFFSITE LINK)-legal
requirements for the reporting of precious metal transactions
Certification of Federal Privileged Status, Form W-0, Form #04.211-use
this to establish evidence from your private employer that you
are not engaged in a "trade or business" or any other federally
privileged status.
Information Return FOIA: "Trade or Business", Form #03.023
(OFFSITE LINK)-use this as a "reliance defence" to develop evidence
that the government KNOWS you are not engaged in a "trade or
business' and is committing a crime by not admitting it.. By
Information Returns Processing (OFFSITE LINK)-IRS
Income Tax Withholding and Reporting Course, Form #12.004-training
course which describes laws and requirements relating to tax
withholding and reporting for businesses and private employers
26 U.S.C. §7434: Civil Damages for Fraudulent Filing of Information
26 U.S.C. §7206: Fraud and False Statements
26 U.S.C. §7207: Fraudulent Returns, Statements, or other documents
26 U.S.C. §6721: Failure to File Correct Information Return
26 U.S.C. §6041: Information at source
18 U.S.C. §912: Impersonating a "public officer"-anyone
who files a false information return against a person who is
not a "public officer" is criminally impersonating a public
26 C.F.R. §1.6041-1: Return of information as to payments of $600
or more.
26 C.F.R. §1.6041-2: Return of information as to payments to employees.
26 C.F.R. §1.6041-3: Payments for which no return of information
is required under section 6041.
26 C.F.R. §1.6041-4: Foreign-related items and other exceptions.
U.S. Post Office
Spies on Customers-John Berlau, Insight Magazine
- The U.S. Postal
Service War on Private Mailboxes and Privacy Rights-CATO
- Postal Service Form 1583 Attachment, Form #06.018 (OFFSITE
Postmaster Inquiry Regarding USPS Form PS1583, Form #06.019 (OFFSITE LINK)-SEDM
- Domestic Mail Manual (DMM) (OFFSITE LINK)-USPS
- 39 U.S.C.: Postal Service
- 39 C.F.R.: Postal Service
Forms Website
Are Cops Constitutional?- the answer is NO. Very interesting
Private Prosecutions-Alfred Adask, Antishyster. Prosecute
government wrongdoing even if the Attorney General or the District
Attorney won't!
Private Prosecutions-Constitution.org
- Law Enforcement/Police Courses (OFFSITE LINK) -training for police investigators. Offered by i-intelligence
- Countering Online Radicalization (OFFSITE LINK) -A unique course in the fight against extremism and online radicalisation. Offered by i-intelligence
- Treatise on Criminal Procedure (OFFSITE LINK) -James M. Kerr,
1918. Google Books
A Treatise on Criminal Pleading and Practice (OFFSITE LINK)
- Francis Wharton, 1889. Google books.
Search, and Seizure Training-Texas Commission on Law Enforcement
- Why We Fight: Moral Clarity and the War on Terrorism- William
Bennett, former Secretary of Education
- Community Oriented Policing Services (OFFSITE LINK) - U.S. Department of Justice
Terrorism Playlist (OFFSITE LINK) -Sovereignty Education and Defense Ministry
- "terrorism" defined
- US Department of Justice (OFFSITE LINK)
- Executive Order 13224 (OFFSITE LINK) -Department of State
Is the United States of America a leading terrorist state? (OFFSITE LINK)-Noam Chomsky
Why Do People Become Islamic Extremists? (OFFSITE LINK) -Prager University
Why We May All Be Wrong-The Filter Bubble (OFFSITE LINK) - Jerry Day
The Shocking move to criminalize nonviolent protest (OFFSITE LINK)-Will Potter. TED. Peaceful protesters are terrorists
- IRS is a Terrorist Organization by the Government's Own Definition-From Tax Fraud Prevention Manual, section 2.1.10.
Noam Chomsky: U.S. Terrorism (OFFSITE LINK)
TSA Terrorist
Screening Procedures, 2008-Downloaded from Wikileaks
30 Years of
Terrorism-FBI Special Report, 1999
Domestic Extremism Lexicon-Dept.
of Homeland Security
General Military
Training Topic 1-3, Terrorism Course Materials-U.S. Navy
General Military
Training Topic 1-3, Terrorism Presentation-U.S. Navy
If I Was a Terrorist-
excellent video
- Stop Asking Questions!
- Court Opinion on Shoe Bomber-January
30, 2003 United States vs. Reid.
- To Those Extremists
I'm Proud to Be An American- (MP3) song by Lee Greenwood
- Nice Patriotic Wallpaper
- Awesome Ice Sculpture
DOD Instruction 132506p: Handling Protest, Estremist, and Criminal Gang Activities Among Members of the Armed Forces -US Department of Defense
- National Terrorism Advisory System (NTAS) (OFFSITE LINK) -Department of Homeland Security
- Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Publications Library (OFFSITE LINK)
- CATO Institute: Foreign Policy and National Security (OFFSITE
LINK) - key research
- International Centre for the Study of Readicalisation and Political Violence (ICSR)
- National Consortium For The Study of Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism (OFFSITE LINK)
- Protecting Your Community From Terrorism, Volume 1: Local-Federal Partnerships (OFFSITE LINK) -U.S. Department of Justice
- Protecting Your Community From Terrorism, Volume 2: Working with Diverse Communities (OFFSITE LINK) -U.S. Department of Justice
- Protecting Your Community From Terrorism, Volume 3: Preparing for and Responding to Bioterrorism (OFFSITE LINK) -U.S. Department of Justice
- Protecting Your Community From Terrorism, Volume 4: The Production and Sharing of Intelligence (OFFSITE LINK) -U.S. Department of Justice
- Protecting Your Community From Terrorism, Volume 5: Partnerships to Promote Homeland Security (OFFSITE LINK) -U.S. Department of Justice
- Center for Contemporary Conflict: Homeland Security and Terrorism
(OFFSITE LINK)-Naval Postgraduate School
The side of terrorism that doesn't make headlines (OFFSITE LINK) -Karima Bennoune
- Insurrection and Violence: A Citizens Guide (OFFSITE LINK)-Unconstrained Analytics
Hot Spots of Terrorism and Other Crimes in the United States,
1970-2008-Department of Homeland Security
- Terror From the Right: Plots, Conspiracies and Racist Rampages Since Oklahoma City (OFFSITE LINK) - Southern Poverty Law Center
Antiterrorism-Joint Publication 3-07.2
Attorney Bulletin, Volume 50, Number 3, May 2002
Financing-U.S. Attorney Bulletin, Volume 51, Number 4, June
Forensics I-U.S. Attorneys Bulletin, Volume 53, No. 2, March
Forensics II-U.S. Attorneys Bulletin, Volume 53, No. 3,
May 2005
and Terrorism-U.S. Attorneys Bulletin, Volume 52, No. 1,
Jan 2004
- Thanksgiving
Day 2002 in Utah- a monument to the 3031 people killed in
the World Trade Center attack
Can You
Recognize a Terrorist?-how to identify a terrorist
Joint Staff Personal Protection
A "Formula" for Terrorism-Alfred Adask, Suspicions Magazine
Is Terrorism "Holy"?-Alfred Adask, Suspicions Magazine
- Combating Hate: Domestic Extremism & Terrorism (OFFSITE LINK) - Anti-Defamation League
- Combating Hate: International Extremism & Terrorism (OFFSITE LINK) - Anti-Defamation League