A life worth living is a life filled with giving and a life spent in
pursuit of preventing in justice:
- Family Guardian Forums-require a free member account you can
apply for yourself to post and in some cases read content
- SEDM Forums (OFFSITE LINK) -for those who focus on legal activism
- Current News
- Historical Articles
- Your Guide to 5th Generation Warfare (OFFSITE LINK) -James Corbett
Our Lives, Our Fortunes, Our Sacred Honor (OFFSITE LINK)- Paul Harvey. Freedom is NOT free, is costly, and requires risk rather than comfort.
Faith Without Works Ain't Faith at All (OFFSITE LINK) - Coach Dave
- F&#K EVIL! (OFFSITE LINK) -Stefan Molyneux
- Thy Kingdom Come (OFFSITE LINK) -Nike Insights
- Do You REALLY want to know the Will of God? (OFFSITE LINK) -Nike Insights
Fix Yourself (OFFSITE LINK)-Jordan Peterson
How to See Things Clearly (OFFSITE LINK)-Margaret Heffernan
- Stefan Molyneux
The Psychology of Evil: The Lucifer Effect in Action (OFFSITE LINK) - Philip Zimbardo. What causes people to become evil.
Let Your Life Be A Friction to Stop the Machine (OFFSITE LINK) - Class War Films
When the Elites Fail, and What We Should Do About It? (OFFSITE LINK) -Noam Chomsky
- Lucifer Effect (OFFSITE LINK) -How good people are transformed to do and think and believe evil
- Stanford Prison Experiment (OFFSITE LINK) -Why power corrupts and motivates government corruption
- Milgram Experiment (OFFSITE LINK) - study that analyzes environmental factors that cause people to become evil. This study is important for those who want to direct their reforms of government to PREVENT evil.
- Charisma on Command (OFFSITE LINK) -Youtube channel that describes how to sell and persuade
- Thou Shalt Not Commit Logical Fallacies Poster - great training on how to become resistant to government propaganda
Rules for Debating the Left (OFFSITE LINK) -Ben Shapiro
10 Rules for Fighting the Left (OFFSITE LINK) -Ben Shapiro
Constitutional Interpretation (OFFSITE LINK) -Antonin Scalia
How to Become a Dangerous Person (OFFSITE LINK) -Prager University
Statutory Interpretation (OFFSITE LINK) -Justice Antonin Scalia
How to Speak So that People Want to Listen (OFFSITE LINK) -Julian Treasure. TED
The Voice of Leadership (OFFSITE LINK) -Margaret Heffernan
Chris Voss: "Never Split the Difference" (OFFSITE LINK) -Talks at Google
- Deuteronomy 13: Do Liberals Deserve Stoning? (OFFSITE LINK) -Nike Insights
- We the
People-tax fraud and mis-enforcement
- Capital
Research Group-Washington, D.C. Studies non-profit charity
- Jail4Judges-Judicial
Accountability Initiative Law. An idea whose time has come!
Donate to this very worthy cause!
- Judicial
Watch-judicial corruption
- Boy Scouts-support them
through your choice of long distance phone carrier
- CATO Institute-public
policy analysis, limited government, free markets
- The Patriot Pastor
- Well of Living Water
- New Civilization Network
- Sovereignty
Education and Defense Ministry (SEDM)
- The BEST way to attract people to participate in activism: Pursue JUSTICE? Justice is the right to be LEFT ALONE
- Salt and Light Council (OFFSITE LINK) -biblical citizenship
- Biblical Voter (OFFSITE LINK)
- Repentance and Restoration (OFFSITE LINK)
- Judeo Christian Caucus (OFFSITE LINK)
- Who's Who
in the Freedom Movement-the key people and a little history
to bring neophytes up to speed
- The Dangers of "Willful Blindness" - Margaret Heffernan. TED.
- Americans Restoring America (OFFSITE LINK)- collaboration resources
for those attempting change and reform
- We the
People Congress
- Civic Action-Constitution Research
- Organizations-Constitution Research
- Family
Guardian Discussion Groups
- MeetUp-organizes
local interest groups
- ScribD-share
your research with the world
What You Don't Know Can Kill You (OFFSITE LINK) - News With Views
- Foundations of Freedom (OFFSITE LINK) -Basic introduction to freedom concepts. Excellent.
- Recommended
Reading and Viewing--Good books and movies to start your education
on income tax fraud and expand your arsenal of legal weapons.
- Liberty University (OFFSITE LINK)-introductory freedom curricula.
Brought to you by Sovereignty Education and Defense Ministry
- Great
IRS Hoax Book-free book (2300 pages) on the income tax fraud
Galileo Paradigm Book -overview of the Income tax fraud
- Scams and Frauds Page -Family
Who Owns You? (OFFSITE LINK) -Josie the Outlaw
De Facto Government Scam, Form #05.043 (OFFSITE LINK)-Proves
that we don't have a real, de jure government, and explains all
the ways this de facto government illegally expands and protects
its own criminal extortion enterprise and protection racket.
- Fuck Evil!-Break the Matrix-Stefan Molyneux
- The
REAL Matrix-fascinating video
- The Story of Your Enslavement-excellent movie by Stefan
Path to Freedom, Form #09.015 (OFFSITE LINK)- IMPORTANT!. Basic
baby steps to achieve sovereignty. Part of the SEDM Forms Page
Resignation of Compelled Social Security Trustee-document
intended to allow one to quit Socialist Security and demand
all contributions back that were wrongfully or non-consensually
Legal Notice of Change in Domicile/Citizenship Records and Divorce
from the United States, Form #10.001 (OFFSITE LINK) -By SEDM. Excellent!
Federal and State Tax Withholding Options for Private Employers
Book-how private employers can legally stop withholding
of state and federal income taxes
USA Passport Application Attachment, Form #06.007
Voter Registration Attachment, Form #06.003 (OFFSITE LINK)
- By SEDM.
Jury Summons Response Attachment, Form #06.015 (OFFSITE
LINK)-prevents compromising your citizenship and domicile status
Privacy Agreement, Form #06.014 (OFFSITE LINK)-Attach this
form to all financial, account, government, and medical forms
to ensure your privacy is protected and that you do not become
the unlawful subject of any financial transaction report.
- Sovereignty Forms and Instructions Manual, Form #10.005 (OFFSITE LINK)-PDF Electronic Book (eBook). Excellent!
- Sovereignty Forms
and Instructions Online -free online version of the above
- Situational References (OFFSITE LINK)- by SEDM
- What to Do When the IRS Comes Knocking Book, Form #09.002 (OFFSITE LINK)-what to do and say when government comes knocking
on your door and trying to scare you into reconnecting to the
- Nontaxpayer's Audit Defense Manual, Form #06.011 (OFFSITE
LINK)-what to do and say when the terrorists and communists
call you into their plush offices and are trying to scare you
into reconnecting to the matrix.
- About SSNs/TINs on Tax Correspondence (OFFSITE
- HTML, Form #07.004
PDF. Form #05.012
Correcting Erroneous Information Returns, Form #04.001 (OFFSITE
LINK) - SEDM. Excellent
Corrected Information Return Attachment Letter, Form #04.002 (OFFSITE LINK) - SEDM.
- Correcting Erroneous IRS Form 1042's, Form #04.003 (OFFSITE
LINK)-how to correct erroneous 1042's. By SEDM
- Correcting Erroneous IRS Form 1098's, Form #04.004 (OFFSITE
LINK)-how to correct erroneous 1098's. By SEDM
- Correcting Erroneous IRS Form 1099's, Form #04.005 (OFFSITE
LINK)-how to correct erroneous 1099's. By SEDM
- Correcting Erroneous IRS Form W-2's, Form #04.006 (OFFSITE
LINK)-how to correct erroneous W-2's. By SEDM
- Tax Fraud Prevention Manual, Form #06.008 (OFFSITE LINK)-SEDM
- Avoiding Government Franchises, Licenses, and Identity Theft (OFFSITE LINK)-SEDM
Liberty University, Section 4
Government Identity Theft, Form #05.046-(OFFSITE
LINK) -devious and illegal tactics abused by governments to connect you to franchises and privileges without your consent or using coercion or duress.
You Are a "national", "state national", and Constitutional but
not Statutory Citizen-free PDF Electronic Book (eBook).
- Government Franchises Course, Form #12.012 (OFFSITE LINK)
Government Instituted Slavery Using Franchises, Form #05.034 (OFFSITE LINK)-explains the chief method that government uses
to destroy your rights and commit treason against the Constitution.
Why You Aren't Eligible for Social Security, Form #06.001-(OFFSITE
LINK) form you can use as an attachment to a driver's license
application to get a license without a Socialist Security Number.
- Highlights of American Legal and Political History CD, Form
#11.202 (OFFSITE LINK)-describes the history of exactly
how the "matrix" was constructed over time. You can't
disconnect from the government "matrix" unless you understand
what it is and how our traitorous public servants constructed
Self Government Federation: Articles of Confederation, Form #13.002-(OFFSITE
LINK) detailed constitution and plan to implement your own government
in your local county. By SEDM
- Community Peace and Personal Responsibility (OFFSITE LINK)- Pastor John Weaver. Moral principles upon which to base a self-governing community.
Why ordinary people need to understand power (OFFSITE LINK) -Eric Liu, TED
Laws of the Bible, Form #13.001 (OFFSITE LINK)-basis for
your own legal system
On What
a "Private Attorney General" Is and Why it Matters -William
B. Rubenstein, UCLA School of Law
Foundations of Freedom-why you need to form your own government.
- Consent of the Governed in the Hebrew Bible - Geoffrey
P. Miller, New York University
- The Role of the Rule of Law in Virtual Communities -
Nicolas Suzor, QUT School of Law
- In the Age of Plenty-book
about a private money system
- Law
of Nations-Vattel
- BOOK I, CHAP. XVII. How a Nation may separate herself
from the State of which she is a Member, and renounce her
Allegiance to her Sovereign when she is not protected.
- BOOK I, CHAP. XVIII. Establishment of a Nation in a
- The Spirit
of Laws-Montesquieu. Document upon which the Founding
Fathers based the design of our republican government
- Principles of Natural and Politic Law-J.J. Burlamaqui.
Describes how to run a government. Often quoted by U.S.
Supreme Court. See Volume II, Part I for details on sovereignty
- Cites
on Self-Government-Sovereignty Forms and Instructions Online
- Fictitious State, Effective Control, and the Use of Force
Against Non-State Actors- Brian Finucane, Department of
- Micronation-Wikipedia
- Independent
Cities Association (ICA)
- Independent City-Wikipedia
- Sovereign
Military Order of Malta (SMOM)-smallest independent nation
- Constitutional Defense-Constitution Research
- Separatist, Independence, and Decentralization Movements-Constitution Research
- Thomas
Jefferson on Self-Government
- Advocates
for Self-Government-Libertarian Party
- Self-Government-Answers.com
- How to Read the Constitution: Self-Government and the Jurisprudence
of Originalism-Heritage Foundation
- Citizens for
Constitutional Local Government
WARNING!: Click here (OFFSITE LINK) to use the given procedure
to register to vote because your state is going to try to
deceive you into committing perjury on the voter registration
form by claiming you are a statutory "U.S.
citizen" subject to federal law and taxes with their
rigged forms if you don't! |
- Votesmart -detailed voting records of politicians
- Christian
Voter Guide
- Congress.org-by
Capitol Advantage
- C-Span-Congressional
- Congress.gov-Legislative
information on the Internet maintained by the Library of Congress
- FollowTheMoney.org-tracks
money in state politics
- GovTrack-a
civic project to track Congress
- NCSL 50-State Searchable Bill Tracking Databases
- Family Guardian Forums: 2.2. Legislative Updates-Family Guardian
SEDM Jurisdictions Database, Litigation Tool #09.003-Complete
database of all jurisdictions within the USA, including all
50 states and territories. Describes major contacts, legal
points and authorities, court reporters, and web resources.
Links are activated so you can use this to locate resources
on the web. Excellent!
- Foxnews Channel Legislation
- Eagle Forum- excellent
- Congress.gov: Legislation
- Congress.org
- C-Span
WARNING!: Click here to use the procedure indicated to respond
to a jury summons because your state is going to try to
deceive you into committing perjury on the jury summons
response form by claiming you are a statutory "U.S.
citizen" subject to federal law and taxes with their
rigged forms if you don't! |
- Family Guardian Forums: 3. Government and legal profession secrecy,
corruption, propaganda, and tax scams-place to read other people's
corruption research and share your own. You must join the
forums in order to post. Click on "Register" in the upper
right corner
- SEDM Government Corruption Page (OFFSITE LINK) -Sovereignty
Education and Defense Ministry (SEDM)
- Corruption, Scams, and Frauds Page -Family
- SEDM Corruption Page (OFFSITE LINK)
Foundations of Freedom, Video 4: Willful Government Deception and Propaganda (OFFSITE LINK)
Restoring the Rule of Law -Government Greg Abbott of Texas
Corruption is Legal in America (OFFSITE LINK) – Represent.US
How Big Should Government Be? (OFFSITE LINK) -Prager University
Government Mafia -excellent analogy, although a little irreverent.
Top 10 Reasons Why the Mafia is Better than the State (OFFSITE LINK)
Liberty Pen: Andrew Napolitano (OFFSITE LINK) – exposition of widespread government corruption
Withdrawal of Consent -Kurt Kallenback
Brand New World
Order-video about the new world order
Bursting Bubbles of Government Deception-excellent. World Freeman Society
- Propaganda (OFFSITE LINK) -how government controls your mind
- The Fall of Rome and Modern Parallels (OFFSITE LINK)- Lawrence Reed, Foundation for Economic Education
- The Coming Bankruptcy of the United States (OFFSITE LINKS) – Fox News
- Larken Rose (OFFSITE LINK)
- The Government Can!
- Stefan Molyneux (OFFSITE LINK)
- Muckrock (OFFSITE LINK) -FREE online database to download and submit FOIA requests from all state, federal, and municipal governments.
Depths of Corruption Playlist (OFFSITE LINK) -TED
SEDM Jurisdictions Database, Litigation Tool #09.003-Complete
database of all jurisdictions within the USA, including all
50 states and territories. Describes major contacts, legal
points and authorities, court reporters, and web resources.
Links are activated so you can use this to locate resources
on the web. Excellent!
- Government Attic -HUGE treasure trove of FOIA request responses received from the government.
- Index of Federal, State and Local Government Fraud Files (OFFSITE LINK)
- Alaveteli (OFFSITE LINK) -automated freedom of information
- Investigative Dashboard (OFFSITE LINK) - investigate dictators
- Global Investigative Journalism Network (GLIN) (OFFSITE LINK)
- C-Span-Congressional
- CATO Institute Research Areas
- Congress.org-by
Capitol Advantage
- Mox News
- Public
- Follow the Money: A Handbook of Do-It-Yourself Data Digging-A
consumer guide to who's giving the money, who's getting it,
and How It affects your pocketbook. Open Secrets
- FollowTheMoney.org-tracks money in state politics
- GovTrack-a
civic project to track Congress
- Congress.gov-Legislative
information on the Internet maintained by the Library of Congress.
- Wikileaks-leaks
of government information
- Cryptome-classified
documents released to the public
- Scribd-social
publishing site
- Congressional Research Service (CRS) Reports
"In the First Amendment, the Founding Fathers gave
the free press the protection it must have to fulfill its essential
role in our democracy. The
press [and this religious ministry] was to serve the governed, not the
governors. The Government's power to censor the press was abolished
so that the press would remain forever free to censure the Government. The press was protected so that it could bare the secrets of government
and inform the people. Only a free and unrestrained press can effectively
expose deception in government. And paramount among the responsibilities
of a free press is the duty to prevent any part of the government from
deceiving the people and sending them off to distant lands
to die of foreign fevers and foreign shot and shell. In my view, far
from deserving condemnation for their courageous reporting, the New
York Times, the Washington Post, and other newspapers should be commended
for serving the purpose that the Founding Fathers saw so clearly. In
revealing the workings of government that led to the Vietnam war, the
newspapers nobly did precisely that which the Founders hoped and trusted
they would do."
[New York Times Co. v. United States, 403 U.S. 713 (1970)]
- Family Guardian Forums: 3. Government and Legal Profession secrecy,
corruption, propaganda, and tax scams- place to post your corruption
research. You must join the forums in order to post.
Click on "Register" in the upper right corner
Killdozer-How one man took on
a corrupt city hall and got LOTS of publicity
- Corruption, Scams, and Frauds Topic-Family Guardian Fellowship
- Government Corruption, Form #11.401 (OFFSITE LINK) - SEDM. Summary of evidence of massive government corruption
Government Corruption: Its Causes and Remedies, Form #12.026 (OFFSITE LINK) -SEDM
Legal Deception, Propaganda, and Fraud, Form #05.014 (OFFSITE LINK) - how lawyers use "legalese" to deceive and commit FRAUD
- SEDM Forms/Pubs Page, Section 1.15: Remedies and Non-Statutory Claims For Government Violations of Rights (OFFSITE LINK) -Sovereignty Education and Defense Ministry (SEDM)
- Foundations of Freedom, Video 4: Willful Government Deception, Form #12.021 (OFFSITE LINK) - how lawyers use "legalese" to deceive and commit FRAUD
- Thou Shalt Not Commit Logical Fallacies Poster - great training on how to become resistant to government propaganda
- Important Government
Contacts-places to report waste, fraud, abuse, and misconduct.
- Wikileaks-leaks
of government information
- Disciplining Government Officials (OFFSITE LINK) -SEDM
Litigation Tools
- FBI Public Corruption Complaint Page
Private Prosecutions-Alfred Adask, Antishyster. Prosecute
government wrongdoing even if the Attorney General or the District
Attorney won't!
- Judicial
Watch (OFFSITE LINK)-investigates judicial corruption
- Treasury
Inspector General for Tax Administration (TIGTA) (OFFSITE LINK)-report
tax fraud and wrongdoing by your IRS agent.
- U.S. Office
of Government Ethics (OFFSITE LINK)-defines standards for federal
employee conduct with respect to conflicts of interest only.
Read their publications so you can recognize conflict of interest
when you see it. Click here to
read their publications.
- U.S. Office of Special Counsel: Complaint page (OFFSITE LINK)-report
government employees for prohibited personnel practices (discrimination)
- Internet Crime
Complaint Center (IC3) (OFFSITE LINK)-Federal Bureau of Investigation
place to report fraud, abuse, and waste in the federal government,
including misenforcement activity by the IRS.
- IGNet-Federal
Inspectors General (OFFSITE LINK)-report tax crime and abuse
by the IRS
- What to do About Bad Judges
WARNING: The term "political" as used in this section and throughout our website:
- Excludes the endorsement of specific candidates for political office.
- Excludes any motivation that might result in a revocation of 26 U.S.C. §501(c )(4) status.
- Excludes activities of public officers or agents of the government.
- Excludes those who are "persons", "individuals", "taxpayers" under any revenue law.
- Excludes those with a domicile or residence "in this State", meaning the government.
- Includes efforts to educate the public about the law and the legal limits upon the jurisdiction of those in the government.
- Includes ONLY EXCLUSIVELY PRIVATE people beyond the civil legislative control of the specific government affected by the policy.
- Involves the protection of purely private property and private rights exclusively owned by human beings and not businesses or artificial entities of any description.
- Includes activities undertaken ONLY in the fulfillment of purely religious goals as a full time fiduciary of God under the Bible trust indenture.
This is covered in our Disclaimer, Section 4.
- Family Guardian Forums: 2. Activism and Important Events Area-includes Political Activism.
You must join the forums in order to post. Click on "Register"
in the upper right corner
Enforcement Guidelines for First Amendment Protected Events-DHS
and DOJ
The moral roots of liberals and conservatives (OFFSITE LINK)-Jonathan Haidt
- Pastor John Weaver (OFFSITE LINK)
Choosing Sides (OFFSITE LINK) -Larken Rose
Internet Radio-spread the
word through the internet radio
- The Achilles' Heel of the Administrative State* (OFFSITE LINK, Members Only)
- SEDM Liberty University, Section 6: Administrative Activism Area (OFFSITE LINK) - place to start preparing yourself to engage in
administrative activism
- InPower Episode #1: A Mass Action of Liability (2017) -Youtube
Forms (OFFSITE LINK) -forms you can use in being administratively
- Federal Enforcement
Authority Within States of the Union, Form #05.032-Proves
that most federal law may only be enforced against government employees,
instrumentalities, agents, officers, and benefit recipients.
- Notary Certificate
of Dishonor Process, Form #09.014 (OFFSITE LINK)-excellent
- Administrative
Procedure -authorities on administrative procedure
- Federal
Forms and Publications -Family Guardian. Contains AMENDED
- Administrative Law and Process in a Nutshell, 5th Edition (OFFSITE
LINK) -concise reference published by West Group
- Social Security Program Operations Manual System (POMS) (OFFSITE
LINK)-Social Security Administration
- Foreign Affairs Manual (FAM) (OFFSITE LINK)-Dept. of State
- Treasury Financial Management Manual (OFFSITE LINK) -Dept of
- FDIC Regulations and Examinations (OFFSITE LINK) -Federal Deposit
Insurance Corp.
- Federal Reserve Board Publications and Education (OFFSITE LINK)
-Federal Reserve
- U.S. Government Manual (OFFSITE LINK)
- Internal Revenue Service (OFFSITE LINK)
- United States Department of Justice (OFFSITE LINK)
- SEDM Litigation Tools Page (OFFSITE LINK) -excellent tools you
can use to defend your rights and prosecute government corruption
- SEDM Liberty University, Section 7: Legal Activism Area (OFFSITE
LINK) - place to start preparing yourself to engage in legal activism
SEDM Jurisdictions Database, Litigation Tool #09.003-Complete
database of all jurisdictions within the USA, including all
50 states and territories. Describes major contacts, legal
points and authorities, court reporters, and web resources.
Links are activated so you can use this to locate resources
on the web. Excellent!
How I defend the rule of law-TED. Kimberly Motley
- Family Legal Assistant (FLA) Case Management Software (OFFSITE
LINK)-litigation management software that greatly simplifies litigation
- Attorney Timothy N. Baldwin (OFFSITE LINK) -News With Views
- Jim Kouri, CPP-The Lawman (OFFSITE LINK) -News With Views
- Attorney Rees Lloyd (OFFSITE LINK) -News With Views
- American Center for
Law and Justice (OFFSITE LINK)-Jay Sekulow
- FreedomLaw-Fully
Informed Jury Association (FIJA)
- We the People v. United States Government
- Legal
Reform (OFFSITE LINK)-Constitution Research
- Secrets of the Legal Industry (OFFSITE LINK)-by Richard Cornforth
- Institute for Justice (OFFSITE LINK)
- American Civil
Liberties Union (ACLU) (OFFSITE LINK)-do pro-bono lawsuits for
issues of critical importance to society. Ask them to do a
lawsuit on tax fraud by the federal government.
- Texas Justice
- U.S. Observer
John Locke: Unlockeing America (OFFSITE LINK) -Christopher Ferrara
- Pastor John Weaver (OFFSITE LINK)
- Pastor Ben Williams (OFFSITE LINK)-Sheldon Emry Memorial Library
- Pastor Sheldon Emry (OFFSITE LINK) -Sheldon Emry Memorial Library
Armed Men Rebuilt Jerusalem
God's Few Witnesses, Sermon 7007b
Will Famine Come To America?, Sermon 7014a
What Shall We Do In Perilous Times?, Sermon 7014b
When God Brings Judgment On America, Sermon 7118b
Come Ye Out From Among Them, Sermon 7106b
America Needs A Christian Government, Sermon 7211b
Let Us Be Bold Christians, Sermon 7214b
The Day Of The Hunters, Sermon 7219a
Are You God's Daniel?, Sermon 7301a
Guide To God's Daniels, Sermon 7301b
Occupy For Jesus, Sermon 7501a
Israel, A Separated People, Sermon 7501b
Should Christians Work & Pray For Righteous Government?, Sermon 7505a
Watch And Warn, Sermon 7607b
Israel In Egypt, Sermon 7610a
Assemble Yourselves, Ye That Are Escaped Of The Nations, Sermon 7709a
Be Not As Fools, Sermon 7818a
- Are We Ready For Babylon's Fall?
- Noah: A Time of Rebellion, Punishment, & Deliverance
- There Is A National Salvation
- Deliverance In Time Of Wickedness
- America's Leaders Need Light
- Even If Rulers Will Not Hear
- Give Them Warning From Jesus
American-music by Dave VonKleist. Great satire in song. Unfortunately
its closer to the truth than most people think.
- The Government Can!- Tim Hawkins
- Butt Prints in the Sand
- "America is at that awkward stage. It's too late to work
within the system, but too early to shoot the bastards. On
the road to tyranny, we've gone so far that polite political action
is about as useless as a miniskirt in a convent."
[Claire Wolfe]
- "You'll never regret not having done something that you know
to be wrong, and if you ever regret having done something which
you knew to be right, it's because you did it for the wrong reason."
- “Those who already walk submissively will say there is no cause
for alarm. But submissiveness is not our heritage. The First Amendment was designed to allow rebellion to remain
as our Heritage. The Constitution was designed to keep
the government off the backs of the people. The Bill of Rights
was added to keep the precincts of belief and expression, of the
press, of political and social activities free from surveillance.
The Bill of Rights was designed to keep agents of government and
official eavesdroppers away from Assemblies of People. The
aim was to allow men to be free and independent to assert their
rights against government.”
[Laird v. Tatum, 408 U.S. 1; 92 S.Ct. 2318 (1972)]
- “In America, freedom and justice have always come from the
ballot box, the jury box, and when that fails, the cartridge box.”
[Steve Symms, U.S. Senator, Idaho]
- “The only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men
to do nothing or to trust bad men to do the right thing.”
- "Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did,
and it never will. Find out just what the people will submit to
and you have found out the exact amount of injustice and wrong which
will be imposed upon them; and these will continue till they have
resisted with either words or blows, or by both. The limits of tyrants
are prescribed by the endurance of those whom they suppress."
[Frederick Douglass, 1849]
- "He has shown you, O man, what is good; And what does the
Lord require of you but to do justly, to love mercy, and to walk
humbly with your God?"
[Micah 6:8, Bible, NKJV]
[INTERPRETATION: We must DO justice, not talk about it. That
is what the Lord expects. Lawyers and the courts simply talk
about justice, but people of faith actually DO it! Lawyers
and the courts show no mercy and have no humility. They are
arrogant hypocrites, which is why they are condemned by most people.]

