1. Sovereignty and Freedom
  2. Spirituality
  3. Legal Research and Reference
  4. Documentaries
  5. Movies
  6. Private Property Protection
  7. Online Libraries
  8. Taxation: Administrative Remedies
  9. Taxation: Legal Remedies
  10. Taxation: Political Remedies

NOTE:  Many of the documents listed here are available in the SEDM Member Subscription Library.  Click here  (OFFSITE LINK) to sign up for Member Subscription (OFFSITE LINK) so you can download electronic versions of many of the books listed here, and especially those that are out of print.


The resources below are listed in descending order of their relative value:

  1. Foundations of Freedom Course, Form #12.021
  2. Know Your Citizenship Status and Rights, Form #10.009 (OFFSITE LINK) -legal education on your citizenship and constitutional rights under the common law
  3. Liberty University (OFFSITE LINK) -SEDM.  Excellent resources to get free and sovereign.
  4. Sovereignty and Freedom Page - Family Guardian Fellowship
  5. Sovereignty Forms and Instructions Online, Family Guardian Fellowship.  Procedures and forms for achieving and defending personal sovereignty.  Includes taxation, citizenship, social security numbers, opening accounts without SSNs, etc.  Free
  6. Sovereignty Forms and Instructions Manual, Form #10.005 (OFFSITE LINK), Sovereignty Education and Defense Ministry.  Procedures and forms for achieving and defending personal sovereignty.  Includes taxation, citizenship, social security numbers, opening accounts without SSNs, etc.  Free
  7. SEDM Youtube Channel: Sovereignty and Freedom Playlist (OFFSITE LINK) -SEDM
  8. Liberty Library CD (OFFSITE LINK)-library of freedom materials
  9. PDF Unalienable Rights Course, Form #12.038 (OFFSITE LINK) -basics of PRIVATE rights
  10. PDF Enumeration of Inalienable Rights, Form #10.002 (OFFSITE LINK) -summary of your constitutional and natural rights under the common law
  11. PDF Famous Quotes About Rights and Liberty, Form #08.001 (OFFSITE LINK) -userful quotes on rights and libery
  12. Thomas Jefferson on Politics and Government -useful quotes on rights and libery
  13. Family Constitution, Family Guardian Fellowship.  Free book which describes the spiritual and legal foundation for starting and running an enduring and happy and sovereign family perpetually free of the encroachments of the corrupt government and unethical family law profession.  It's main goal is to achieve "separation of family and state" by showing people and families how to be self-governing and entirely autonomous.  The book is based entirely on Christian principles found in the Bible which are then supplemented with additional information only in those areas that are important but where the bible is silent, such as law and psychology.  Even though it is based on the Bible, we have written it to be appealing to non-believers as well because it is as much a philosophy book as it is a spiritual work.  One year of research by the webmaster went into writing the book.  The main focus of the book are Biblical models for RELATIONSHIPS of all kinds.
  14. Adventures in Legal Land, Marc Stevens, ISBN 0-615-12299-X, .  Excellent summary of widespread corruption within the legal profession.  One of our favorites.
  15.  Global Sovereign's Handbook, Form #13.005 (OFFSITE LINK), Johnny Liberty; CRC, c/o P.O. Box 485, Odell, Oregon, 97044, 800-299-4497.  Authoritative, complete reference on why you should become sovereign.
  16. The Law,  by Frederic Bastiat.  Excellent and short treatise on the proper function of law and government, and why our tax policies are socialist and nature and will eventually destabilize and destroy our great Republic.  Includes both Adobe Acrobat and MP3 audio versions of the book.  Download it and install it on your MP3 player and listen during your commute!
  17. What is "law"? (OFFSITE LINK) -SEDM
  18. Escape from Freedom,  by Eric Fromm.  Terrifying but non-fiction analysis of why most people would do anything to escape responsibility for themselves.
  19. How I Found Freedom in an Unfree World, by Harry Browne.  How to achieve personal liberty in an unfriendly world of people who think like slaves.
  20. Suffering Patriarchy, Richard Lindsay Cheney.  Detailed research showing why feminism and a government and legal profession that is biased against male sovereignty within families is a threat to our society.
  21. The Unseen Hand: An Introduction to the Conspiratorial View of History, A. Ralph Epperson. Talks about socialism v. Christianity.  Very good.
  22. The Closing of the American Mind, Alan Bloom, 1987.  Published by Simon and Schuster, Inc; 1987, ISBN 0-671-47990-3.  Describes how higher education in America has failed democracy and impoverished the souls of today's and yesterday's students.
  23. For Instruction in Righteousness, Pam Foster, Doorposts.  A detailed book that examines how to train your children as a Christian parent based entirely on the content of the Holy Bible.  Contains nine chapters:
    • How to Use this Book

    • Sins of a Proud Heart

    • Sins of Discontent

    • Sins of Unbelief

    • Sins of an Undisciplined Life

    • Sins of the Tongue

    • Sins of an Unloving Heart

    • Sins in Relationships

    • Comparisons of the Obedient and the Disobedient

  24. The Disuniting of America: Reflections on a Multicultural society-by Arthur Schlesinger.  Shows how multiculturalism is destroying American society and values.

  25. The Crisis of the Old Order: 1919-1933- by Arthur Schlesinger.  Shows how the classical system of American government was systematically dismantled by the liberals.

  26. The Coming of the New Deal: 1933-1935- by Arthur Schlesinger.  Shows how socialists destroyed the republic.

  27. The Politics of Upheaval: 1935-1936, The Age of Roosevelt- by Arthur Schlesinger


"Where the spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty".
[2 Cor. 3:17]

The resources below are listed in descending order of their relative value:

  2. SEDM Forms and Instructions, Section 1.17: Theology and Sermons (OFFSITE LINK) -SEDM
  3. SEDM Youtube Channel (OFFSITE LINK) -SEDM
  4. Sheldom Emry Memorial Library-A now deceased pastor who taught the identity message and how Christians should interact with government
  5. Nike Insights (OFFSITE LINK) -Ministry of Brook Stockton seeking to develop and protect a biblical world view
  6. Freedom Ministries, Pastor John Weaver (OFFSITE LINK) -southern preacher who teaches Reformed Theology
  7. Ligonier Ministries (OFFSITE LINK) -Reformed Theology teachings by Pastor R.C. Sproul
  8. The Gospel Coalition (OFFSITE LINK) - leadership group of pastors in Reformed Theology
  9. Brother Nathanael Kapner (OFFSITE LINK) - Brother Nathanael Kapner is a Jew who was raised in Judaism and converted to Christianity. He has done much research into how the modern Israel has become corrupted and seeking to destroy Christianity in America.
  10. Wallbuilders Ministries-David Barton
  11. Embassy of Heaven (OFFSITE LINK) -Paul Revere
  12. Providence Foundation-training and networking leaders to Transform Nations
  13. America's Providential History-Mark A. Belials.  Biblical principles of education, government, politics, economics.
  14. America's Goly Heritage -David Barton.
  15. Original Intent - David Barton.  The influence of Christianity on American history


The resources below are listed in descending order of their relative value:

  1. PDF Legal Research and Writing Technizes Course, Form #12.013 (OFFSITE LINK) -SEDM
  2. Legal Research Sources, by Family Guardian.  Very complete table of both print and online research sources for the laymen.  Very helpful in finding the case of statute you need to look up.  FREE!
  3. State Legal Resources, by Family Guardian.  Very complete listing of state constitutions, statutes, regulations, and rulings for all 50 states.  FREE!
  4. Legal Research DVD, Form #11.201 (OFFSITE LINK).  Over 200,000 pages of law and legal research materials on a single, convenient DVD for offline use.  Includes the complete U.S. Code, historical revenue acts, Treasury regulations, etc.
  5. Highlights of American Legal and Political History CD, Form #11.202 (OFFSITE LINK).  Exhaustive analysis of how our republic government has become corrupted and transformed into a totalitarian socialist democracy.  Includes court admissible evidence documenting every conclusion.
  6. Federal Tax Research: Guide to Materials and Techniques, Fifth Edition; Gail Levin Richmond, Foundation Press, 1997, ISBN 1-56662-457-6.  Excellent reference on how to do legal research on tax laws.  Highly recommended.
  7. VersusLaw.  Inexpensive online legal research source containing the United States Code, State codes, complete state and federal court rulings, and the Supreme Court all the way back to about 1900.  Their Premium Plan is only $19.95/month.
  8. Potomac Publishing, a division of Datastream Content Solutions, LLC.  Online resource containing the complete Statutes at Large from the beginning of the country, Congressional Bills and Resolutions, United States Code, and Finding Aids.  This is the only place we know of where you can find the complete Statutes at Large online from the beginning.  Access is by paid subscription.
  9. Practical Guide to Tax Issues in Employment, Julia K. Brazelton, CCH, $95.  Watch out!  This is a Pharisee publication whose purpose is to perpetuate a needless, dangerous, and illegal practice of tax enforcement in the workplace.
  10. American Payroll Association Basic Guide to Payroll, Joanne Mitchell-George and Delores Risteau, CPP, CCH, $210.    Watch out!  This is a Pharisee publication whose purpose is to perpetuate a needless, dangerous, and illegal practice of tax enforcement in the workplace.
  11. CCH Publications on Tax Practice and Procedure.  Watch out!  This is a Pharisee publication whose purpose is to perpetuate a needless, dangerous, and illegal practice of tax enforcement in the workplace.
  12. Payroll Answer Book, Third Edition, by Gregory E. Matthews, 2001; Panel Publishers,; ISBN 0-7355-1662-6.  This book is widely used by the payroll industry as an authoritative source of information about tax withholding at both the state and federal levels.
  13. 2003 Multistate Payroll Guide, by John F. Buckley, 2003; Panel Publishers,; ISBN 0-7355-3191-9.  This book is widely used by the payroll industry as an authoritative source of information about state income tax withholding.
  14. In Pro Per: The Only Manual of Municipal Court Procedure, by Alvin B. Baranov, 1992; Legal Publications; P.O. Box  3723; Van Nuys, CA  91407; ISBN 0-94-194-00-7.
  15. Research Institute of America:  Federal Tax Research Products.  Includes the Internal Revenue Code and the 26 CFR.
  16. In Their Own Words, Points and Authorities, Third Edition; 1997; Gerald Alan Brown, Ed.D & Charles D. Darnell, D.H.Sc.; Distress Publishing; 1040 S. Mt. Vernon Ave., G-118; Colton, CA  92324, jerbro, (909) 796-6124.  The most thorough and authoritative and complete list of points and authorities we have found on government jurisdiction in respect to sovereignty, citizenship, federal taxation, and remedies for the innocent.  $37.50 +4.50 postage.  One of the most valuable resources you can have as a patriot and tax honesty fighter.  Well worth the money.  Extremely well organized and indexed.
  17. The Complete Internal Revenue Code, Research Institute of America, 2001, 800-431-9025.  A must have to bring to any audit or IRS meeting.  Available from
  18. Black's Law Dictionary, Sixth Edition, West Publishing, 1991, ISBN 0-314-77165-4.  The older the version you use, the better.  Later versions are censored.
  19. Tax Procedure and Tax Fraud in a Nutshell, Patricia T. Morgan, West Group, 1999, 800-328-9352, ISBN 0-314-06586-5.  EXCELLENT!  Click here to buy.
  20. Federal Income Taxation on Individuals in a Nutshell, 6th Edition, John K. McNulty, West Group, 1999, 800-328-9352, ISBN 0-314-23868-9.  EXCELLENT!  Click here to buy.
  21. Constitutional Income, Phil Hart, 2001; Alpine Press, 1324 N. Liberty Lake Road, PMB 145; Liberty Lake, Washington 99019; ISBN 0-9711880-0-9.  Extensive and authoritative research on the legislative intent of the Sixteenth Amendment.  Proves that income taxes were never intended to be imposed on natural persons other than "public officers" of the United States government..  Available from
  22. IRS 6209 Decoding Manual, Internal Revenue Service. Allows you to decode your IRS Individual Master File.
  23. Handbook for Special Agents, Criminal Investigation and Intelligence Division, IRS; 117 E. Fedora Ave; Fresno, CA  93704.  $40/each.
  24. Sutherland Statutory Construction. (Statutes and Statutory Construction, 6th ed. by Norman J. Singer (2000)); Jabez Sutherland (multi-volume)
  25. Trial Advocacy Before Judges, Jurors and Arbitrators, Second Edition; Roger Haydock and John Sonsteng, West Publishing, 1999, ISBN 0-314-23743-7


The resources below are listed in descending order of their relative value:

  1. Government Corruption, Form #11.401 (OFFSITE LINK) -SEDM
  2. Great IRS Hoax, Chapter 6:  History of Government Income Tax Fraud, Racketeering and Extortion in the USA - how our tax system became corrupted
  3. Ram v. IRS (OFFSITE LINK) -documentary on Richard McNeil's fight with the IRS
  4. How Scoundrels Corrupted our Republican Form of Government - high level summary of how our government became corrupted
  5. Highlights of American Legal and Political History CD, Form #11.202 (OFFSITE LINK). Exhaustive analysis of how our republic government has become corrupted and transformed into a totalitarian socialist democracy.  Includes court admissible evidence documenting every conclusion.
  6. PDF The Money Scam, Form #05.041 (OFFSITE LINK) - story of how our money system became corrupted.  SEDM Forms page
  7. Legislative History of Money in the United States - Family Guardian Fellowship
  8. PDF  Socialism: The New American Civil Religion, Form #05.016 (OFFSITE LINK)-free book which documents exactly how the American system of republican government has been hijacked and transformed into a totalitarian socialist democracy.
  9. Social Security: Mark of the Beast,  Steven Miller.  Documentary proving why Social Security is socialism and why Christians may not participate in this corrupt system.
  10. An Enemy Hath Done This, Ezra Taft Benson, ISBN 10-0884941841 .  Traces the genealogy of Cain and proves that our government and fundamentalist Christian groups have been infiltrated and hijacked by descendants of Cain.  Benson was a prophet in the Mormon church who also served as a Secretary of Agriculture within the U.S. government.  He bitterly criticized the apathy of the Mormon church and the fact that it did not resist or oppose socialism or any of the many encroachments against freedom.
  11. They Own It All (Including You!), Ronald Macdonald, Robert Rowen, M.D. (OFFSITE LINK)-book written by an MD and a patriot who explain, in very simplified non-legal terms, the big picture of everything on this webiste.
  12. Confessions of an Economic Hitman, John Perkins.  Tells the story of a man who worked for the U.S. government as an economic consultant in south America.  He would travel to foreign governments there and offer loans to third world countries in order to put them into debt slavery.  He would try to get them hooked on credit so that they would eventually not be able to pay their payments.  Then when they went into bankruptcy or could not make their payments, they would have to start giving up their land.  Those rulers who refused to take the loans were assassinated.  Incidentally, this had been the same job that Philander Knox used to have, who was the Secretary of State under President Taft at the time the Sixteenth Amendment was illegally ratified.  Click here for more details.
  13. The Great Documents of Western Civilization (OFFSITE LINK), Milton Viorst, New York, Barnes and Noble Books, 1994.  This book examines the documents that are the raw material from which our society has been constructed. Some of the documents Viorst analyzes are Luther's 95 Theses, the Magna Carta, the Mayflower Compact, the Edict of Nantes, the Declaration of Independence, the Treaty of Versailles, & the United Nations Charter. Provides concise commentary on each document. Also does a very good job highlighting the age-old conflict between Christianity and the state.  Excellent and the most acclaimed work of its kind.
  14. American Legacy:  The United States Constitution and other Essential Documents of American Democracy; Center for Civic Education, 5146 Douglas Fir Road, Calabasas, CA  91302-1467, 818-591-9321,,  A small, pocket-sized handbook of 79 pages that has an excellent compendium of essential legal references, including the Declaration of Independence, Constitution of the United States, Mayflower Compact, etc.
  15. High Priests of Treason: The Federal Reserve, Mel Stamper, J.D.; Documentary Legal Services Publishing, 4457 US 1 South, Suite 103, St. Augustine, Florida 32086; ISBN 0-9647128-5-7.  Mel Stamper admits he was compelled to write this book.  He spent five years in the research and one year in the writing.  In 1989, he stumbled upon a case of an income tax protester who had gone to prison on a charge of willful failure to file a tax return.  The man's name was Bill  Benson, and he and Red Beckman had written a book proving the 16th Amendment was a fraud.  Becoming consumed with the story and its historical implications on American Society, he continued his investigation.  The full impact of the conspiracy by the international bankers, and the high treason which resulted and continues, help create High Priests of Treason: The Federal Reserve
  16. The Creature from Jekyll Island, G. Edward Griffin, 1998; American Media, P.O. Box 4646, Westlake Village, California 91359-1646; ISBN 0-912986-21-2.  Where does money come from?  Where does it go?  Who makes it?  The money magicians' secrets are unveiled. Here is a close look at their mirrors and smoke machines, the pulleys, cogs, and wheels that create the grand illusion called money.  A boring subject?  Just wait!  You'll be hooked in five minutes.  Reads like a detective story-which it really is.  But it's all true.  This book is about the most blatant scam of history.  It's all here: the cause of wars, boom-bust cycles, inflation, depression, prosperity.  Your world view will definitely change.  Putting it quite simply: this may be the most important book on world affairs you will ever read.
  17. The Real Lincoln, Thomas DiLorenzo, ISBN 0-7615-3641-8, Prima Publishing, California.  Describes how Lincoln was more of a King than an emancipator.  Shows how his goal was to grow and centralize the U.S. government rather than to emancipate the slaves.
  18. Psychiatry: The Ultimate Betrayal,  Bruce Wiseman.  Story of how psychiatry has corrupted the family courts.
  19. Piercing the Illusion, John Kotmair, Save-A-Patriot foundation.  $39.95.  Available from:  Deals with the whys and wherefores of the dwindling of American Individual Liberties. It sets straight the widespread misconceptions of what Freedom really is. It leads the reader through American history, revealing facts that are not taught in the established version of history to which our children are subjected. It exposes beyond a shadow of a doubt how Americans have been enslaved and don't even realize it. It names the individuals and presents irrefutable evidence of their treasonous acts. It reveals how America is 180 degrees from the purpose of its founding.
  20. Good-bye April 15th, Boston T. Party;  Excellent.  Covers natural law, money, federal reserve, labor is not taxable, etc.
  21. The Federal Mafia:  How The Government Illegally Imposes and Unlawfully Collects Income Taxes, Irwin Schiff, Freedom Books, 702-385-6920;; ISBN 0-930374-09-6.  This book is written in storyteller fashion and provides interesting practical advice from real-life situations on how to deal with the IRS and some of the devious tricks they pull.  This book was banned by a corrupt federal court via a temporary restraining order on April 7, 2003.  BANNED from public sale in June 2003.  Illegally banned by the federal courts, in violation of the First Amendment, in February 2003.  No longer sold.
  22. The Story of Civilization, Will Durant.  Excellent story on the history of civilization from the beginning.  7 parts with 2 volumes in each part.  Also available on book on tape.  Available at:
  23. The Law That Never Was (Three Volume Set), William Benson, 1985, Constitutional Research Assoc., Box 550, South Holland, IL 60473.
  24. Debt Virus, Jacques S. Jaikaran, 1995; ISBN 0944435351; Glenridge Publishing, Ltd.
  25. The Tax Racket: Government Extortion from A to Z, by Martin L. Gross, 1995;ISBN 0-345-38778-3; Ballantine Books.
  26. The Great Income Tax Hoax; 1985; Irwin A. Schiff; Published by Freedom Books; 544 East Sahara Blvd; Las Vegas, NV 89104;; ISBN 0-930374-05-3.
  27. Why No One is Required to File Tax Returns, by William Conklin, 1996; Published by Davidson Press, ISBN 189183391X;
  28. The Law That Always Was, by Vern Holland; 1987; F.E.A. Books; 8141 E. 31st St, Suite F; Tulsa, OK  74145.
  29. Judicial Tyranny & Your Income Tax, by Jeffrey A. Dickstein, 1990;  Custom Prints; P.O. Box  9337; Missoula, MT  59807; ISBN  0-9626379-0-4.
  30. Government By Judiciary: The Transformation of the Fourteenth Amendment, Second Edition; Forrest McDonald, 1997, ISBN 0-86597-143-9; Liberty Fund, Inc.; 8335 Allison Pointe Trail, Suite 300;Indianapolis, Indiana 46250-1684.
  31. Tax Fraud & Evasion: The War Stories, Donald W. MacPherson, ISBN 0-9617124-6-5, 1995; MacPherson & Sons Publishers, Ltd, 3404 W. Cheryl Drive, Suite A-250, Phoenix, AZ  85051.  See
  32. April 15th: The Most Pernicious Attack Upon English Liberties, Donald W. MacPherson, ISBN 0-9617124-22, WINNING Publications, Inc., 506 Kenny Road Suite 120, St. Paul, MN 55101, 612-774-0678.  See
  33. The Best Kept Secret, by Otto Skinner, 1986; P.O. Box 6609; San Pedro, CA  90734. See
  34. The Biggest Tax Loophole of All, by Otto Skinner, 1997; P.O. Box 6609; San Pedro, CA  90734.  See
  35. The Collossal Fraud of Involuntary Perjury, by Pitman Buck, 1996; Sunlight Publications;2525 Sunnycrest Dr.;Texas City, TX  77590-5018.  See
  36. The Secret History of the American Empire, John Perkins.
  37. Why Government Doesn't Work, by Harry Browne.
  38. Rulers of Evil; F. Tupper Saucy; ISBN: 0066210836; HarperCollins.
  39. Secrets of the Federal Reserve; Eustice Mullins; ISBN: 9992967595.
  40. IRS Under Indictment? The People of the USA v. the IRS, by Richard A. Bellon, 1997; Advantage Publishing; P.O. Box 720121; Redding, CA  96099.
  41. Gods and Generals.  Jeff Shaara on the American Civil War.  Teaches about state and individual sovereignty and the basis of our Constitutional freedoms.  Click here for details.
  42. The Complete Book of U.S. Presidents, William A Degregorio, ISBN 0-517-18353-6.  $21.
  43. The New Rulers of the World; John Pilger.  Talks about how the legal system has become a conspiracy to corrupt our world and our country.
  44. The Constitution that Never Was, Ralph Boryszewski, 1995.  Exposes the FRAUD that the U.S. constitution is fully implemented.
  45. Ominous Parallels, by Leonard Peikoff.  Talks about the parallels between Hitler and our current government, including President Bush.
  46. Unbridled Power, by Shelley L. Davis (former IRS Historian); HarperBusiness; 1997; 304 pages.  Click here to purchase.  Davis was the IRS's first?and last?official historian. Here she provides more fuel for the ire of those who hate the IRS. She reveals some of the history she uncovered, including inept restructuring of the IRS's computer system, compilation of an "enemies list" even more extensive than Richard Nixon's, lies by IRS administrators to an ethics panel, destruction of records (including tax returns and taxpayer payments), and a code of silence that kept all of this from reaching the public. Davis... Orange arrowread more
  47. Economic Solutions: The Incredible Story of How You and America Are Being Bankrupted & What You Can Do To Avoid the Wipeout, 2nd Edition; by: Peter Kershaw, $8.95, Heal our Land, Boulder Colorado.  Available from:  Very concise, but convincing story that tells how your tax and money systems have become corrupted and how this corruption will eventually lead to a massive economic catastrophe.
  48. A History of the Jews, Paul Johnson, 1987.  ISBN 0-06-015698-8.  Published by Harper and Row Publishers, New York. A national bestseller, this brilliant 4000 year survey covers not only Jewish history but the impact of Jewish genius and imagination on the world.  This is must reading, because modern Christianity and much of Western civilization is based upon early Jewish law and culture described in the Old Testament and reviewed in this book.
  49. Crapitalism: Liberals Who Make Millions Swiping Your Tax Dollars - book by Jason Mattera.
  50. Democracy in America-Alex De Tocquevile.  A very early survey of the history of American democracy during its early formation.  Often quoted in Supreme Court opinions because it so succinctly and insightfully describes the political and legal landscape of early America.


  1. SEDM Youtube Channel (OFFSITE LINK) - excellent educational videos
  2. The Government Can!-humorous treatment of what is really wrong with government.
  3. The REAL Matrix-fascinating video
  4. How to Keep 100% of Your Earnings, by:  Marc Lucas.  The movie on our website.  Covers the federal reserve and the income tax fraud.  2 hours.  Available in DVD format from the SEDM website for a $20 donation.
  5. America: From Freedom to Fascism, by Aaron Russo.  Documents corruption introduced by the IRS and the Federal Reserve.  Excellent
  6. Breaking the Invisible Shackles (OFFSITE LINK).  Movie by former IRS Examiner Sherry Jackson, who is a certified fraud examiner and a CPA.  After investigating the tax laws for herself, she concluded that her former employer, the IRS, was involved in the biggest fraud this country has every seen.  Click here to watch a preview and learn more.  1.5 hours
  7. The Matrix.  Movie which describes a conspiracy against the entire human race in which humans become host organisms for a parasitic civilization, which deceives and controls the minds of humans and uses their body for industrial production.  There are a lot of parallels between the parasitic civilization that sucks the life from human, and our own modern day federal government.
  8. They Live:  Movie in which John Nada is a man without job who walks around a big American city trying to find something to do. He finally finds a job as a worker and a place to spend the nights, but one day something terrible happens to him. John discovers a pair of sun-glasses through which he can see the true face of people. Many persons in this city are in fact aliens (from the Andromeda) and most of them are important members of our society. They keep humans in ignorance and they rule our world as they like. Nada must find the rest of the men that know what's happening (those who made the strange sun-glasses) and join them in the fight against the aliens...  This movie parallels what the federal government is doing to our society.  They are the aliens, in a foreign jurisdiction, and they are slowing taking over our society and destroying its legal foundations through exploiting the ignorance of the populace.
  9. Gods and Generals.  Movie directed by Ron Maxwell on the American Civil War.  Based on a book by the same name.  Teaches about state and individual sovereignty and the basis of our Constitutional freedoms.  
  10. Harry's War; Really funny movie that came out in the 80's.  Was only on the market for one week before the government demanded that it be pulled from the shelves.  The IRS stole the negatives to prevent wider distribution.  Available for purchase from Freedom Law School.
  11. The Truth Behind the Income Tax.  Excellent introductory video by the Save-A-Patriot Foundation.
  12. A Man for All Seasons:  Movie from 1966 about Sir Thomas More, who was beatified by the Catholic Church for refusing to take an oath
  13. Titus: Movie from 1999 starring Anthony Hopkins.  Explains why Shakespeare was popular.  Theme was about people taking responsibility and duty and describes what happens when you refuse to accept the duty and responsibility that nature's laws and God impose upon you.  This movie relates to taxation because it teaches us that we must take responsibility for ourselves and cannot depend on government.  When we refuse to take responsibility for ourselves, we can't be free and will suffer evil consequences.
  14. The Devil's Advocate.  Starring Al Pacino.  Talks about how the legal profession has become a secret society that worships the devil. 
    MedPlay Devil's Advocate Movie Clip


The resources below are listed in descending order of their relative value.  They deal with how to protect PRIVATE property not connected with a "trade or business" as defined in 26 U.S.C. §7701(a)(26), not located in the "United States" as defined in 26 U.S.C. §7701(a)(9) and (a)(10), and not subject to the Internal Revenue Code.:

  1. Property and Privacy Protection Page - Family Guardian
  2. SEDM Forms/Pubs Page, Section 1.14: Private Property Protection (OFFSITE LINK)-SEDM
  3. SEDM Youtube Channel: Private v. Public Property/Rights and Protection Playlist (OFFSITE LINK) -SEDM
  4. PDF Separation Between Public and Private Course, Form #12.025 (OFFSITE LINK) -basics of PRIVATE rights
  5. Legal Remedies that Protect PRIVATE Rights Course, Form #12.019 (OFFSITE LINK)- Part of the SEDM Forms Page
  6. Drafting California Irrevocable Trusts, Third Edition; John R. Cohan and Marc M. Stern; Continuing Education of the Bar, California; 1-800-232-3444.  Website:  The most complete reference we have seen on how to create and manage trusts.
  7. The Passport Report; ISBN 0-906619-19-X; MPG Books; Victoria Square; Bodmin; Cornwall, PL31 1EG.  Buy through Scope International.
  8. The Offshore Money Manual, First Edition; Robert E. Bauman, Esq; David Melnik, Q.C.; Scope International Limited; Forestside House; Forestside; Rowlands Castle, Hampshire P096EE. Buy through Scope International.
  9. The Tax Exile Report, Sixth Edition; Scope International; Forestside House; Rowlands Castle; Hants P09 6EE, England, UK.  Buy through Scope International.
  10. How To Be Invisible, J.J. Luna; Excellent, simple advice on how to protect your privacy and your assets.  Click here to buy.
  11. The Modern Identity Changer, Sheldon Charrett.  Good advice on how change your identity legally.  Click here to buy.
  12. Redemption Manual, Fourth Edition; Americans Bulletin.  $65 (includes shipping and floppy with forms).  Order from  Best source on redemption.
  13. It's None of Your Business: A Complete Guide to Protecting Your Privacy, Identity, and Assets; Larry Sontag; ISBN 0-9674354-0-4; Myst Mountain Press, PMI Enterprises, 2001, 877-234-2854,
  14. The Game of Life and How to Play It, Florence Scovel-Shinn; ISBN 0852073259; The C.W. Daniel Company Ltd; (September 1999).  96 pages.  Click here to buy.


  1. Access My Library-search information that libraries trust
  2. of all the internet plus online books
  3. Footnote-historical documents
  4. Google Books -many valuable historical books free in downloadable PDF format.  Searchable
  5. Highbeam Research -subscription research service.
  6. Library of Congress
  7. Original Sources-over 350,000 documents online
  8. Questia-largest online library in the world.  Nominal subscription fee of $100 per year.  Excellent.
  9. Wikibooks-online free books
  10. Worldcat-book catalog of major libraries


The resources below are listed in descending order of their relative value:

  1. Taxation Area, Family Guardian Website.
  2. SEDM Forms Page (OFFSITE LINK).  Several useful and well-researched free forms you can use in your own correspondence with the government.
  3. SEDM Exhibits Page (OFFSITE LINK).  Several useful legal exhibits you can use in your own correspondence with the government.
  4. Federal Response Letters, Form #07.301 (OFFSITE LINK).  SEDM.  Canned responses to various IRS administrative tax notices and letters.
  5. State Response Letters, Form #07.201 (OFFSITE LINK).  SEDM.  Canned responses to various state administrative tax notices and letters.
  6. PDF  Federal and State Tax Withholding Options for Private Employers, Family Guardian Fellowship.  Written to educate private employers and employees about lawful federal and state withholding options available under the Internal Revenue Code.  FREE!  PDF Click here to download.
  7. What To Do When the IRS Comes Knocking, Form #09.002 (OFFSITE LINK), SEDM.  How to handle IRS Criminal Investigators and Collection Agents who come knocking on your door or calling you on the phone.
  8. Great IRS Hoax: Why We Don't Owe Income Tax, Family Guardian Fellowship.  Detailed study of the IRS that plainly proves that our federal income tax laws are being misrepresented and mis-enforced by the Internal Revenue Service.  FREE!  Click here for more details.
  9. SSN Policy Manual, Form #06.013 (OFFSITE LINK), SEDM.  Techniques for living without SSNs.
  10. Tax Fraud Prevention Manual, Form #06.008 (OFFSITE LINK), SEDM.  Provides techniques and forms for dealing successfully with the IRS.  Click here to learn more.
  11. Nontaxpayer's Audit Defense Manual, Form #06.011 (OFFSITE LINK), SEDM.  Provides techniques for nontaxpayers only in dealing with the IRS at an administrative or collection due process hearing.  Click here to learn more.
  12. Sovereignty Forms and Instructions Online, Family Guardian Fellowship.  Procedures and forms for achieving and defending personal sovereignty.  Includes taxation, citizenship, social security numbers, opening accounts without SSNs, etc.  Free
  13. Sovereignty Forms and Instructions Manual, Form #10.005 (OFFSITE LINK), Family Guardian Fellowship.  Procedures and forms for achieving and defending personal sovereignty.  Includes taxation, citizenship, social security numbers, opening accounts without SSNs, etc.  Free
  14. Cracking the Code, Pete Hendrickson.  Very well researched book that shows why the income tax under I.R.C. Subtitle A describes an indirect excise tax on the taxable activity called a "trade or business".  Highly recommended.  Doesn't tell you how to leave the system but explains why you should based on enacted law.
  15. PDF  The Fundamental Nature of the Federal Income Tax; 1998; Charles Darnell, Ed.D; Distress Publishing Trust; 1040 S. Mt. Vernon Ave., G-118; Colton, CA  92324,, (909) 796-6124.  Short pamphlet that very succinctly describes the federal income tax using federal law and the Constitution.  Lots of quotes and supporting authorities.  Written for the layman.
  16. PDF  The Legal Basis for the term "Nonresident alien"; 1998; Gerald Brown, Ed.D; Distress Publishing Trust; 1040 S. Mt. Vernon Ave., G-118; Colton, CA  92324,, (909) 796-6124.  Short and simple pamphlet designed to teach you what your proper filing status is under the Internal Revenue Code.  Shows that people born in states of the Union are not "citizens" under federal law.  Lots of quotes and supporting authorities.  Written for the layman.
  17. IRS Humbug:  IRS Weapons of Enslavement, Frank Kowalik; ISBN 0-9626552-0-1.  This book is written in storyteller fashion by a real-life victim of illegal IRS harassment and provides extensive and organized research on the misrepresentation and illegal enforcement of the Internal Revenue Code of the IRS.  THE BEST tax honesty BOOK, OTHER THAN OURS, OF COURSE! Amazon Order from
  18. Individual Sovereignty Process, Johnny Liberty; Institute for Communications Research,  A library of forms and procedures to make yourself free and sovereign.  Very well put together and in agreement with everything in our Great IRS Hoax book.
  19. The New Income Tax Scandal, John C. Garrison (former U.S. Attorney in Florida).  An expose on how the government has hidden the requirement to allow people to deduct the cost of producing their labor from their "gross income".  The analysis is flawed, but he is close to the truth.  See the pamphlet entitled How the Government Defrauds You Out of Legitimate Deductions for the Market Value of Your Labor (OFFSITE LINK) for a better analysis of this issue.


This section addresses reference and "how to" publications useful to those who want to litigate to protect and/or defend their rights.

  1. SEDM Litigation Tools Page (OFFSITE LINK).  Several useful and well-researched free legal forms and pleadings you can use in your own correspondence with the government.
  2. Civil Remedies for Sovereigns: Taxation, Litigation Tool #10.002 (OFFSITE LINK).  SEDM Litigation Tools Page.  Remedies you can use in civil court in regards to income taxation.
  3. Responding to a Criminal Tax Indictment, Litigation Tool #10.004 (OFFSITE LINK).   SEDM Litigation Tools Page.  Remedies you can use in criminal court in regards to income taxation.
  4. Federal Criminal Practice, Litigation Tool #10.006, James Publishing.  $99.  Extensive inexpensive reference useful to both attorneys and sui juris litigants in defending themselves against criminal charges in a federal court.
  5. Federal Civil Trials and Evidence Practice Guide, Litigation Tool #10.005; Rutter Group.  $350.  This practice guide is used by attorneys to prepare for and execute civil trials in federal courts.  Very concise and the best tool we know of to help you prepare to litigate your tax issues.  Also available on the West Group website.
  6. In Their Own Words, Points and Authorities, Third Edition; 1997; Gerald Alan Brown, Ed.D & Charles D. Darnell, D.H.Sc.; Distress Publishing; 1040 S. Mt. Vernon Ave., G-118; Colton, CA  92324, jerbro, (909) 796-6124.  The most thorough and authoritative and complete list of points and authorities we have found on government jurisdiction in respect to sovereignty, citizenship, federal taxation, and remedies for the innocent.  $37.50 +4.50 postage.  One of the most valuable resources you can have as a patriot and tax honesty fighter.  Well worth the money.  Extremely well organized and indexed.
  7. What Happened to Justice?, Litigation Tool #08.001 (OFFSITE LINK).  Book by Ed Rivera and SEDM which documents why we have no Judicial Branch under Article III of the Constitution and why the federal courts have no jurisdiction over the average American.
  8. Federal Tax Research: Guide to Materials and Techniques, Fifth Edition; Gail Levin Richmond, Foundation Press, 1997, ISBN 1-56662-457-6.  Excellent reference on how to do legal research on tax laws.  Highly recommended.

  9. Conflicts in a Nutshell, David D. Siegel, Patrick J. Borchers, Third Edition, ISBN 0-314-16066-3.  Very useful exposition on the separation of powers doctrine, and the legal relationship between the state and federal sovereignties.  MUST reading.
  10. If You Are the Defendant, Otto Skinner, PO Box 6609, San Pedro, CA 90734, 1996.  Covers useful techniques that freedom advocates can use in court if they are involved in tax litigation.  See
  11. The Institutes of Biblical Law; Rousas John Rushdoony, 1973, Library of Congress Catalog Card Number 72-79485.  The most complete and thorough treatment of Biblical law we have ever seen.  Covers each of the Ten Commandments and compares civil law with Biblical law.  Fascinating.  Click here to buy.
  12. Secrets of the Legal Industry, Litigation Tool #10.003 (OFFSITE LINK), Richard Cornforth.  Legal reference book written for pro per/pro se litigants that shows them how to conduct various important types of lawsuits, conduct discovery, and sue civilly to protect their Constitutional rights.  Excellent!
  13. Criminal Defendant's Bible; Michael H. Brown; Desert Publication, El Dorado, AR  71730; ISBN 0-87947-190-5.  Order from Erwin Rommel School of Law.
  14. Handbook for Trial Jurors Serving in United States District Court, Judicial Conference of the United States.  PDF Click here to view.
  15. Handbook for Federal Grand Jurors, Judicial Conference of the United States.  PDF Click here to view.
  16. Sui Juris; Pamela and Will Gaston.  189 pages.  Nineteen chapters with appendices.  Writs, including habeus corpus, briefs. No electronic forms. Cost is $25 and includes shipping and handling.  Order from:  Will Gaston; P.O. Box 132; Mt. Angel, Oregon  97362.  An outstanding reference on how to extract yourself from the Beast.  Shows how to handle yourself in an administrative forum and how to get your evidence of nonliability into the court record.


Political remedies for the fraudulent and unconstitutional actions of the Internal Revenue Service.

  1. SEDM Policy Documents (OFFSITE LINK) - SEDM Forms page
  2. Fully Informed Jury Video.  Red Beckman.
  3. The Last Barrier to Tyranny Video.  Fully Informed Jury Association
  4. PDF What Pastors and Clergy Need to Know About Government and Taxation, Form #12.006 (OFFSITE LINK)-SEDM Forms page
  5. PDF Political Jurisdiction, Form #05.004 (OFFSITE LINK)-SEDM Forms page
  6. The Citizens Rule Book, Whitten Printers.  Describes your duties as a jurist and voter.
  7. Equipping the Church to Vote: Exercising Christian Citizenship in a Church Environment, Frank Kacer.  Describes Christian duty in the political realm, including voting, jury service, etc.  Shows how to get your Church involved in the political process.  PDF Click here to view. 
  8. Jury Nullification: Empowering the Jury as the Fourth Branch of Government, Justice William Goodloe, Washington State Supreme Court,  retired;  Fully Informed Jury Association (FIJA), P.O. Box 59, Helmville, MT, 59843, 406-793-5550.  PDF Click here to view.
  9. Jury Nullification: The Evolution of a Doctrine, Clay S. Conrad, 1998; Carolina Academic Press, 700 Kent Street, Durham, North Carolina 27701, 919-489-7486 Voice, 919-493-5668 fax,;
  10. PDF Handbook for Federal Grand Jurors, Judicial Conference of the United States.
  11. PDF Handbook for Trial Jurors Serving in the United States District Courts, Judicial Conference of the United States