For an ENTIRE website containining these questions, videos of depositions, and transcripts of the answers from government representatives, see:
Truth in Taxation Hearings
The list of questions below is intended
to be used in a deposition or Due Process Hearing with the IRS or your
state taxing authorities. It is derived and adapted from the
We The People Questions produced for
the 27-28 February 2002 Truth in Taxation hearing in Washington, D.C.
at the Washington Marriott Hotel and is a superset of those questions.
The We The People questions were so good at exposing scandal within
the U.S. government relating to the income tax that the IRS and the
DOJ refused on repeated occasions to appear to answer the questions,
in one case reneging on a written agreement and creating a big public
embarrassment! Therefore, these questions can be very powerful
tools to keep the government scared and on the defensive if you use
them during the discovery phase of your own tax litigation or whenever
you file a tax return by attaching them with the evidence in electronic
form. You can obtain the complete transcript, audio testimony,
video testimony, the questions, and the evidence in electronic form
from the We the People website
on four CD's for the very reasonable price of just $29-a bargain!.
The electronic transcript and video and evidence is so compelling that
we believe it would make an excellent attachment to a zero income tax
return if you are still filing. Ordering the CD set is an absolute
MUST, and you can be sure that the government will try to shut this
source down as quickly as possible because it is so compelling, so don't
delay in ordering. The CD's are very well put-together, funny,
riveting, and extremely compelling.
At the
end of our version of the questions appears a number, for instance "WTP
#256" means We The People Question #256 from the hearing held 27-28FEB2002
in Washington D.C. These numbers are included so that if you have
the CD-ROM or video tape of that proceeding obtainable from the We The
People Website, you can correlate our question with theirs.
The We the People Truth in Taxation Hearings was an attempt by Bob Schulz to exercise the First Amendment Right to Petition for grievances of the government. That absolute right is documented in:
Right to Petition, Form #05.049 (OFFSITE LINK)
The following publication was published after the conclusion of the hearings documenting what the IRS agreed to by their violations of the First Amendment Petition clause in REFUSING to show up to the hearing.
Statement of Facts and Beliefs Regarding the Right to Petition the Government For a Redress of Grievances
Below is additional background information about the hearing.
# |
Subject Area |
(right click to download) |
Acrobat of WHOLE SECTION (right click and "Save As"
to download) |
Questions |
Issues Addressed |
1 |
(3.97Mbytes) |
49 |
Who has a legal obligation to pay the tax? |
2 |
(8.89 Mbytes) |
83 |
Is labor something that can be taxed?
What constitutes "income"? |
3 |
(5.68 Mbytes) |
43 |
Does the IRS have legal jurisdiction inside the 50 states?
4 |
(3.11 Mbytes) |
23 |
How can the government force you to waive your Constitutional
rights? |
5 |

(11.53 Mbytes) |
39 |
Do we live in a socialist democracy instead of a constitutional
republic? Does our government infringe on our rights
and freedoms and conflict with Christian religion? |
6 |

(68.07 Mbytes) |
109 |
Was the 16th Amendment properly and legally ratified? |
7 |
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3 |

(7.19 Mbytes) |
85 |
How can the IRS levy, search, or seize assets without warrants
or court involvement? |
8 |

(5.99 Mbytes) |
33 |
The courts work in complicity with DOJ/IRS to deny due process. |
9 |

(3.83 Mbytes) |
27 |
How can the Internal Revenue Code define anything if the
word of includes is not used restrictively and if it doesn't
define anything, how can we have a society of laws rather
than of men? |
10 |

(2.20 Mbytes) |
40 |
Significant anomalies exist between the "laws" and the procedures
of the IRS. |
11 |

(5.76 Kbytes) |
54 |
What "sources" of income are subject to tax and count as
taxable income? |
12 |

(2.31 Mbytes) |
17 |
Evidence of fraud and falsification of taxpayer records
by the IRS. |
13 |
26 U.S.C. 6020(b) SUBSTITUTE

(8.25 Mbytes) |
31 |
Evidence that IRS agents have no authority to create Substitute
for Returns for Americans who are not "taxpayers" or who
do not voluntarily pay Subtitle A income taxes, which are
really not taxes, but "donations". |
14 |

(12.01 Mbytes) |
99 |
Are you a "citizen of the United States" or a "U.S. citizen"
under federal statutes and "acts of Congress"? Most
Americans aren't, and have also been filing the wrong tax
form for years. The IRS hasn't corrected this situation
because they benefit too much financially to correct it. |
Total Original WTP Questions |
561 |
Total Current Questions |
732 |
Total Author Questions |
294 |

- Reason #1:
A disease afflicts our body politic: Greed and covetousness for
money and power by corrupted government officials has manifested
itself in lawless and abusive government behavior on a very large
and oppressive scale
“This case involves
a cancer in our body politic [democracy,
greed and wickedness and covetousness of our elected and appointed
servants on a massive scale, see
James 1:19-27 and
Psalms 94:16-23]. It is a measure of the disease which
afflicts us...Those who already walk submissively will say there
is no cause for alarm. But submissiveness is not our heritage.
The First Amendment
was designed to allow rebellion to remain as our Heritage.
The Constitution was
designed to keep the government off the backs of the people.
The Bill of Rights was added to keep the precincts of belief and
expression, of the press, of political and social activities free
from surveillance. The Bill of Rights was designed
to keep agents of government and official eavesdroppers away from
Assemblies of People. The aim was to allow men to be free
and independent to assert their rights against government.
There can be no influence more paralyzing of that objective than
Army [government] surveillance. When an intelligence officer looks
over every nonconformist's shoulder in the library, or walks invisibly
by his side in a picket line, or infiltrates his club [or forces
him to submit an income tax return and then scrutinizes it for personal
information or illegal activity], the America once extolled as the
voice of liberty heard around the world no longer is
[408 U.S. 1, 29] cast in the image which
Jefferson and Madison designed, but more in the Russian [Communist!]
image, depicted in Appendix III to this opinion.”
[Laird v. Tatum,
408 U.S. 1; 92 S.Ct. 2318 (1972)]
"We have no government armed with the power capable of contending
with human passions unbridled by morality and religion. Avarice
[greed], ambition, revenge, or gallantry [debauchery], would break
the strongest cords of our Constitution as a whale goes through
a net. Our Constitution
was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate
to the government of any other."
[John Adams, 2nd President]
Reason #2: Obvious
efforts by the government to obstruct justice and cover up the truth
about their misdeeds
"He who covers his sins will not prosper, but whoever confesses
and forsakes them will have mercy."
[Prov. 28:13]
If a federal judge tries to put a protective order on you or refuses
to admit evidence during trial related to asking these questions
of the government, then they are covering sins and will be condemned
by God according to His law above. See also
Joshua 7:11-26 and
John 3:18-21 . Furthermore, judges or U.S. Attorneys
who would advocate suppressing this information are violating the
intent of the
First Amendment Petition Clause, which requires the government
to allow members of our society to petition for redress of wrongs
by the government in order to keep the government accountable to
the sovereign people that they
serve and are subordinate
to. The wrongs can't be redressed unless and until
they can first be discovered
and exposed, and especially to juries. Advocacy
by judges, federal courts, and U.S. attorneys in encouraging discovery
using these questions is therefore the
first and and
most important requisite towards fulfilling the requirements and
intent of a
First Amendment petition for redress of grievances. It
is also a necessary prerequisite to them fulfilling the legal fiduciary
duty they have to the American public as described in sections 2.1
and 4.1 of our
Great IRS Hoax book. ]
This set of questions
makes a good reliance defense. A reliance defense is a package
of evidence you send in with your LAST tax return to indicate and explain
why you believe you are no longer liable for the federal income tax
and why you choose to no longer file returns. In the package,
you ask the government to refute the evidence and tell them that unless
and until they do, you will no longer file or pay income taxes.
You can order your copy for your "reliance defense" from:
Supreme Court Cites: Findlaw,
Circuit and District Court Cites:
U.S. Code: Cornell University,
Code of Federal Regulations (CFR):
CFS Income Tax CD-ROM,
Legal Dictionary Cites: Black's
Law Dictionary, Sixth Edition, West Publishing, ISBN 0-314-76271-X.
Dictionary Cites: Webster’s Ninth
New Collegiate Dictionary, 1983, Merriam-Webster, ISBN 0-87779-506-6.
Bible Quotes: Blue Letter Bible,
Sixteenth Amendment Evidence: The Law That Never Was, Bill Benson.
Treasury Decisions: Federal Depository
Library, University of San Diego (USD); San Diego, California.
Quotes from Thomas Jefferson: University of Virginia Library,
Click here for other
legal research sources
Robert Schulz, Chairman of the We the
People Foundation. Phone: 518-656-3578.
C. Hansen, one of the contributors to this website.
- Larry Becraft. Constitutional Law and Tax attorney practicing
in Alabama. Runs the Dixieland Law Journal website at
- Paul Chappell, retired Tax attorney with 30 years experience;
1406 Princess Anne Street; Fredericksburg, Virginia 22401;Phone:
540-374-1283; Email:
Worked as a court clerk in tax court for 10 years.
- Noel Spade, San Diego Tax Attorney with 20 years experience;
- Irwin Schiff. National tax expert. Runs the website
Author of several tax books, including:
- The Social Security Swindle.
- The Federal Mafia.
Joseph Banister, Ex. IRS Criminal Investigator with 5 years experience, CPA. Runs the website entitled Freedom
Above Fortune at
Phone: 408-260-9819.
Sherry Peel Jackson, Ex. IRS Examiner with 10 years experience, CPA, and Certified Fraud Examiner.
John Turner, Ex. IRS Collection Officer with 10 years experience. Quit the IRS within a few months of learning
the truth about how the IRS illegally enforces federal taxes.
Phone: 530-872-8068. P.O. Box 612;Paradise, CA 95967. Email:
Victoria Osborne, Forensic Accountant with three years experience; (now defunct);; 800-447-6181.
- Exhibit 022, WTP Question 48, our question 3.17.