“You can’t have separation of church and state if the state is your church or if you don’t practice ANY religion. Even those who THINK they have no religion unavoidably elect the GOVERNMENT/STATE to become their religion (Form #05.016) by not choosing a conventional religion.”
“Liberalism “is, therefore, the radical and universal denial of all divine truth and Christian dogma, the primal type of all heresy, and the supreme rebellion against the authority of God and His Church. As with Lucifer, its maxim is, ‘I will not serve [anarchy, Form #08.020].’”
[Fr. Felix Sarda y Salvany, Liberalism is a Sin, A. D. 1886]
“If you are 18 and you are a liberal, you have no heart. If you are 30 and still a liberal, you have no BRAIN.”
[Family Guardian Fellowship]
This section is devoted to exposing the adverse goals, behavior,
and tactics of communist and socialist countries and organizations
in their conspiracy against the rights of the people.
- Famly Guardian Forums: 7.1 Collectivism, Communism, and Socialism Topic-Family Guardian Forums
- Communism, Socialism, Collectivism, and Welfare State Playlist (OFFSITE LINK) -SEDM
- What is "law"? (OFFSITE LINK) -It ISN'T everything the legislature passes, but only a VERY small subset. You are being systematically LIED to by your public servants about this HUGELY IMPORTANT subject.
What is "law"?, Form #05.048 (OFFSITE LINK)-its NOT what you think it is, folks!
- What is government?- from Great IRS Hoax, section 4.4.1
U.S. Citizens and the New World Order (OFFSITE LINK) - how socialism and communism are implemented in America
- Prager University (OFFSITE LINK)
- Overview of America (OFFSITE LINKS)-John Birch Society, John McManus
- The Fall of Rome and Modern Parallels - Lawrence Reed, Foundation for Economic Education
- Stefan Molyneux (OFFSITE LINK)
- Gravestone for United States
of America-socialist won in Nov. 2008 Election
Why it is Illegal for me to Request or to Use a Taxpayer Identification
Number, Form #04.205 (OFFSITE LINK)-Use this form in the case
of employers and financial institutions who are trying to compel
you to procure or use a government issued identifying number.
More Loophole
Lobbyists, Please!-article by Ludwig Von Mises Institute that
clearly describes why our tax system is socialistic in nature, and
why both the Demicans and the Republicrats are socialists at heart
because of their embrace of our present tax system.
- Nazi Outrage Coming
Again-Alan Stang
- The Unlimited Liability Universe-by Rousas John Rushdoony
- Sermon Studies Dealing with the New United States of America-(HOT!) fascinating!
- Collectivism definition (OFFSITE LINK) - Wikipedia
- Collectivism (OFFSITE LINK) -Freedom Force International
- Individualism v. Collectivism Playlist (OFFSITE LINK) -SEDM
- Tyranny of the Majority (OFFSITE LINK) -Wikipedia
Collectivism and How to Resist It, Form #12.024 (OFFSITE LINK) - the origin of all the government eveil, violations of law, and violations of right documented on this site
- Humanism Sermon Playlist (OFFSITE LINK) -excellent sermon rebuttals to collectivism and humanism
Collectivism v. Individualism: Why it matters? (OFFSITE LINK) -Tolentino Teaching
Ownership and Property (OFFSITE LINK) -Larken Rose
Jordan Peterson | Full Address and Q&A (OFFSITE LINK) -Jordan Peterson. Talks about collecitivism v. sovereign indivdiualism
How Socialism, Communism, and Fascism are all the Same (OFFSITE LINK) -G Edward Griffin
The Collectivist Conspiracy (OFFSITE LINK) -G Edward Griffin
The Word Became Flesh (OFFSITE LINK) -W. Robert Godfrey
How Socialism, Communism, and Fascism are all the Same (OFFSITE LINK) -G Edward Griffin
Leftist Fascism (OFFSITE LINK) -Dinesh D'Souza and Stefan Molyneux
- Collectivism (OFFSITE LINK) - Paul Leroy-Beaulieu, Sir Artthur Casey
- Collectivism and the Socialism of the Liberal School (OFFSITE LINK) -Afred Nquet, William Heaford
- An exposition of socialism and collectivism (OFFSITE LINK) -Churchman
- Development, ST/ESA/305" (OFFSITE LINK) -New York: United Nations. 2006
- The Injustice of Social Justice (OFFSITE LINK) - Ludwig Von Mises Institute
- Down with Democracy (OFFSITE LINK) -Hans-Hermann Hoppe
- Government
has become idolatry and a false religion-Great IRS Hoax,
section 4.4.13
Socialism: The New American Civil Religion, Form #05.016 (OFFSITE LINK)-by SEDM. Fascinating read.
Government Establishment of Religion, Form #05.038 (OFFSITE
LINK)-Demonstrates with evidence how the government has is nothing
more than an religion in violation of the First Amendment to
the Constitution
- Robert Bellah (OFFSITE LINK) -covers civil religion
- Civil Religion in America (OFFSITE LINK) - Robert Bellah
- Wikipedia: American Civil Religion (OFFSITE LINK)
- Ecclesiastical Megalomania (OFFSITE LINK) -John W. Robbins
New World Economic Order (OFFSITE LINK) -Sermons Room
What is Statism? (OFFSITE LINK) -Robert Godfrey
The Religion of Political Correctness (OFFSITE LINK) -Pastor John Weaver
C.S. Lewis on Mere Liberty and the Evils of Statism (OFFSITE LINK) -C.S. Lewis Society of California
American Idol: How the State Attempts to Replace God (OFFSITE LINK) -Jason Rink
- Larken Rose (OFFSITE LINK)
- Stefan Molyneux (OFFSITE LINK)
The Story of Our Enslavement - Even though he is an atheist, he calls government a pagan religion. He uses the bible's "golden calf" in his analogy even though he has probably never even read the bible.
- How to Destroy the World
Statism (OFFSITE LINK) - Genesis 10. This sermon addresses the "statism" that has infected our society. "Statism" is a synonym for government idolatry. Pastor John Weaver, Freedom Ministries
Counterfeit Gods (OFFSITE LINK)- Tim Keller
- Government as Religion
- Democracy: the God that Failed (OFFSITE LINK) -Hans-Hermann Hoppe
- Civil Religion:
The Theory-Dr. Nikolas K. Gvosdev
- What in the World Does
God Have to Do with all This?-Jon Davidson
- Socialism:
Our Unconstitutionally Established Social Religion-Thomas
- Keeping the Faith (OFFSITE LINK)-book about the U.S. Supreme
Court becoming a religion
- Federal Establishment of Religion-Martin Brown
- Blood Sacrifice and the Nation: Revisiting Civil Religion-Carol
- God And
The State-Mikhail Bakunin, a Marxist
- The New Jesus and
a Love Called Tolerance-Paul Proctor
- The Ten Commandments
of the U.S. Government-illuminating!
- Government
is a Pagan Cult: And We've All Been Drinking the Kool Aide-
Humberto Nunez
- A New Civil
Religion-talk by Elder Faust of the Mormon Church
- God and the Social Democracy - free book by Hermann Kutter.
Why socialism is incompatible with Christianity
- Government idolatry/State Sponsored Religion Playlist (OFFSITE LINK) -SEDM
- Seduction by Idols (OFFSITE LINK) -Nike Insights
The Fiction of the Religiously Neutral State (OFFSITE LINK) -Christopher Ferrara. EXCELLENT
American Idol: How the State Atempts to Replace god (OFFSITE LINK) -Jason Rink
Ten Commandments of Freedom, Form #03.016 (OFFSITE LINK) - treatment of how to remain free and protect your freedom. Derived from the bible ten commandments.
- Boundaries for Effective Ministry (OFFSITE LINKS)
- Pastor John Weaver (OFFSITE LINKS)
Idolatry, Tyranny, and Responsibility (OFFSITE LINK) - Exodus 32:1-10. Shows how tyranny has its roots in disobedience and irresponsibility. Describes the Biblical origins of civil authority and shows that all civil authority comes from God.
Idolatry and Statism (OFFSITE LINK) - 2 Kings 17:1-23. Exodus Chapt. 20.
- The Church and Incorporation (OFFSITE LINK) - This series of sermons talks about the legal history of church incorporation and biblical prohibitions against is.
Part 1. (6.87 Mbytes). Ephesians 1:19-23.
Part 2. (6.25 Mbytes). Romans 10:9; 14:9.
Government Instituted Slavery Using Franchises, Form #05.030 (OFFSITE LINK)-how believers are recruited to worship the state
as a pagan god and divorce God's and his protection
What Pastors and Clergy Need to Know About Government and Taxation
Course, Form #12.006 (OFFSITE LINK)-Sovereignty Education
and Defense Ministry (SEDM) Liberty University
is not Compatible with Christianity, Section 4.12-from Social Security:
Mark of the Beast
- Prov. 1:10-19 (Bible)-Explains why statism and socialism are evil and
wrong. Notice it says you cannot plunder your neighbor
or share "one purse" containing the plunder. Instead, you have
to manage your own affairs and take responsibility for yourself
Theology, Not Politics-Congressman
Ron Paul talking about the incorruptible pope John Paul II
- Christians
for a Test Oath-interesting advocacy of a new approach to
- Babylon the Great is Falling
- Is America Babylon? The Masonic origins of the government
and our money is fascinating reading.
- Holy Matrimony v. Marriage-His Holy Church study into the
distinction between holy marriage and civil marriage
- How is
a License Against God's Will?-Richard Anthony
- Comparison
of Nazism v. U.S. Socialism-religious aspects of both compared.
Department of State Policy Alert, October 2, 2020, Ban on Travel of Communists
- Authorities on "communism"-Sovereignty Forms and Instructions Online, Form #10.004, Cites by Topic
The Woke Bolshevick Revolution in America (OFFSITE LINK) --history of Russia is repeating itself in the USA
Anarchy USA (OFFSITE LINK) -John Birch Society. Tactics to implement communism in the USA
Agenda: Grinding America Down (OFFSITE LINK) -Copybook Heading Productions. Tactics to implement communism in the USA
- Pastor Sheldon Emry (OFFSITE LINK)
- Robert Welch, Hero or Heretic - Robert Welch is the founder of the John Birch Society whose purpose is to fight communism
- Red Babylon In Jeremiah
- Stefan Molyneux (OFFSITE LINK)
- Prager University
Jordan Peterson's Critique of the Communist Manifesto (OFFSITE LINK) -Jordan Peterson
- You Can Trust the Communists (To Be Communists)- book by Dr.
Fred C. Schwartz
- U.S. Code Title 50, Chapter 23, Subchapter IV: Communist Control-description
of what the U.S. government thinks communism is
- 8 U.S.C. §1101(a)(40)-"world communism" defined
- The
Strategies and Tactics of Communists: Read George Orwell's
book entitled "1984"-by George Orwell
- The 45 Goals of
Communism in America-Cleon Skousen
- The Principles of Communism-Frederick Engels
- The Commie Lesson-for
- Professor Richard D Wolff (OFFSITE LINK) -Professor who teaches a modified version of Marxism
Pschological Warfare (brainwashing) - Edward Hunter, House of
Representatives, 1958
- Brainwashing:
A Synthesis of the Russian Textbook on Psychopolitics
Are You A Practicing Communist? -Antishyster Magazine
Communist Manifesto
- Confessions of an Ex
Commie-James Donald
- Meaning of Communism according to President Hoover:
- Authorities on "socialism"-Sovereignty Forms and Instructions Online, Form #10.004, Cites by Topic
- Mr. Philip Dru, Administrator (OFFSITE LINK) -free book by Edward Mandel House. Predicts the conversion of America to a Socialist Utopia way back in 1911. Its predictions have become prophecy that is eerily accurate. He planned the takeover of the banks at Jekyll Island documented in The Creator From Jekyll Island by G. Edward Griffin
- Abuse of the word "Socialism" by Democrats to Defend Socialism (OFFSITE LINK)-SEDM
- Are you "playing the harlot" with the government? (OFFSITE LINK)-SEDM
Jordan Peterson REVEALS the UNTOLD Truth About the TOP 1% (OFFSITE LINK)-Jordan Peterson
Davy Crocket: Not Yours to Give (OFFSITE LINK)-Liberty Pen
A Cultural Prophecy: Socialism (OFFSITE LINK)-Dr. David Jeremiah
Reagan v. Obama: Social Economics 101 (OFFSITE LINK)
Socialism Statistics-America's Future (OFFSITE LINK)-Wallbuilders
Jordan Peterson Vs Marxist Professor Richard Wolff (OFFSITE LINK)-Think Club
Simon Mikhailovich: We Don't Have Capitalism Now | Socialism Is Not The Solution to the US' Problems (OFFSITE LINK)
The Myth of Scandinavian Socialism (OFFSITE LINK)-Foundation for Economic Education
Ben Shapiro PERFECTLY Explains Why Socialism Always FAIL (OFFSITE LINK)
Why Democratic Socialism Doesn't Work (OFFSITE LINK)-Steven Crowder
The socialist temptation (OFFSITE LINK)- Dinesh D'Souza LIVE at the University at Buffalo
Socialism and the Scandanavian Illusion (OFFSITE LINK)-Dinesh D'Souza
- The Law-
book by Frederic Bastiat explaining the evils of socialism and
why it must be prevented and stopped
- Tax Deposition Questions, Section 5: First Amendment and Socialism - Proves that income taxes implement communism and socialism.
These questions were used in the Truth in Taxation Hearings in Washington,
D.C. in Feb. 2002.
- What Causes Socialism to Take Over a Culture?-fascinating
- Socialism and Classical Liberal Critique (OFFSITE LINK) -Online Library of Liberty
- The Tyranny of Socialism (OFFSITE LINK) - Yves Guyot
- The "Social
Contract" that forms the foundation of Socialism-by Christopher
- Was Jesus a Socialist? (OFFSITE LINK) -Larry Reed
- Mises Media (OFFSITE LINK)
- Prager University (OFFSITE LINK)
- Milton Friedman (OFFSITE LINK)
- Stefan Molyneux (OFFSITE LINK)
What is Socialism? (OFFSITE LINK) -Andrew Klavan
Is Capitalism or Socialism More Conducive to Christian Virtue? (OFFSITE LINK) -Justice Antonin Scalia
De Facto Government Scam, Form #05.043 (OFFSITE LINK)-Proves
that we don't have a real, de jure government, and explains all
the ways this de facto government illegally expands and protects
its own criminal extortion enterprise and protection racket.
Real Social Security -Ben Williams
The Corporation: The Pathological Pursuit of Profit and Power -Corporations are government franchises. They are creations of and property of governments for the BENEFIT of the government
- Democracy v. Socialism-free book Max Hirsch. Archive books
- Socialism vs. Capitalism: Which is the Moral System?-
C. Bradley Thompson
Noam Chomsky on Socialism (OFFSITE LINK)
What is the Welfare State? A Sociological Restatement (OFFSITE LINK) - London School of Economics
- Reformism (OFFSITE LINK) - an evolutionary way to introduce socialism into a capitalistic economy
- Evolutionary Socialism (OFFISTE LINK) -book by Eduard Berstein
- The Government Owes Me (OFFSITE LINK) -Pastor John Weaver
- Dangers of Socialism and God's Principles for Government Series (OFFSITE LINK)-Kenneth Copeland
- Socialism for Dummies (OFFSITE LINK)-Dr. Richard Wolff
- The Green Book (OFFSITE LINK) - A socialist utopian design for society authored by Muammar Gaddafi of Libyam now deceased
Liberal, SOCIALIST agenda in their OWN words-listen to Congresswoman
Maxine Water make an ASS out of herself and reveal, on the public
record, what the liberal agenda is REALLY about.
Higher Taxes are Paying for My Free Healthcare-THIS is the socialist
Suburbanite Socialism-Nancy
Why Schools Teach Socialism-Alfred Adask, Suspicions Magazine
Statism: Opiate of the Elites-Theodore Forstman, Antishyster
News Magazine
- Social
Security: Mark of the Beast -book about how social
security is the mark of the beast described in the holy
Security: International Mark of the Beast -short
article summarizing the above
Government Instituted Slavery Using Franchises, Form #05.030 (OFFSITE LINK)-Social Security is a franchise. This document
describes all the legal aspects and implications of franchises
generally and how they are used by the government to illegally
enslave people
Social Security, Form #06.035 (OFFSITE LINK) - Background on Social Security. SEDM.
- The True Mark
of the Beast-42 U.S.C. §666
- Law
- Key Social Security Court Rulings
- Railroad Retirement Board v. Alton R. Co., 295 U.S. 330, 368, 55 S.Ct. 758, 771 (1935)
- Steward Machine Co. v. Davis, 301 U.S. 548 (1937) (OFFSITE LINK) -the U.S. Supreme Court ruling that legalized Social Security
- Helvering v. Davis, 301 U.S. 619, 57 S.Ct. 904 (1937)
Allen v.
Graham, 8 Ariz.App. 336, 446 P.2d 240 (Ariz.App. 1968)-
proves that people who participate in federal franchises such
as Social Security have no right of appeal to a court if not
provided by statute
- Bowen v. Roy, 476 U.S. 693 (1986)-important Supreme Court
Case on the requirement for Social Security Numbers when applying
for welfare benefits
- Social Security is Not a Ponzi Scheme (OFFSITE LINKS)
- Videos
- Tax Foundation (OFFSITE LINK)
- Information on how to terminate Social Security and SSI
- Social Security Administration (SSA)
- U.S. Attorney Bulletins:
- Congressional Research Service (CRS) Reports:
Rise and Fall of Socialism (OFFSITE LINK)
- Socialism: An Economic and Sociological Analysis, 2009 -
Ludwig Von Mises
Socialism - Robert Flint
Socialism: An Examination of Its Nature, Its Strengths, and
Its Weaknesses , 1894- Richard Ely
Socialism: Its Growth and Outcome, 1893- William Morris
Socialism: A summary and Intepretation of socialist
principles, 1912- John Spargo
Socialism: Promise or Menace?, 1914 - Morris Hillquit
Socialism, 1915 - E.C. Robbins
Socialism: An Analysis, 1922- Rudolph Eucken
From Genesis to Revelation, 1892- Rev. Franklin Monroe
- Family Guardian Forums-require a free member account you can
apply for yourself to post and in some cases read content
Foundations of Freedom, Video 4: Willful Government Deception and Propaganda (OFFSITE LINK)
- Lies the Government Told You (OFFSITE LINK) - Audio book by Judge Andrew Napolitano
Doublespeak: How to Lie without Lying (OFFSITE LINK) - What I've Learned
Alternative Math-How the IRS Learns Law (OFFSITE LINK) -SEDM
- It's an Illusion (OFFSITE LINK) -John Harris
- Anti-Thought Control Dictionary - how corrupt
politicians and lawyers abuse language to enslave the people
More Truth About Untruth-When the Truth Doesn't Matter? (OFFSITE LINK) - Stefan Molyneux
Who Were the Pharisees and Saducees?, Form #05.047 (OFFSITE LINK) -The Pharisees that Jesus criticized were usurping authority and rights by adding to or changing the meaning of the law, just like modern lawyers and especially GOVERNMENT lawyers.
- "citizen"
defined-it's not what you think it is folks!
- "U.S.
citizen" defined-it's NOT what you think it is, folks!
- The FOUR "United States" -how corrupt judges and
legislators confuse "United States" the legal person with
"United States" the territory
- Statutory v. Constitutional Contexts - how corrupt
judges and prosecutors confuse contexts in order to deceive
and STEAL from you
- Great IRS Hoax, Form #11.302
Legal Deception, Propaganda, and Fraud, Form #05.014 -how words
of art and word tricks are used to illegally extend federal
jurisdiction and destroy the separation of powers
Presumption: Chief Weapon for Unlawfully Enlarging Federal
Jurisdiction, Form #05.017 -how presumption are abused in a
legal setting to destroy your constitutional rights and
illegally and unconstitutionally enlarge government jurisdiction
- What is "law"? (OFFSITE LINK) -SEDM
What is "Justice"?, Form #05.050 (OFFSITE LINK) -SEDM
- Federal Courts and the IRS' Own IRM Say the IRS is NOT RESPONSIBLE for
Its Actions or Its Words or For Following Its Own Written Procedures!-(HOT!)the reason they LIE is because they aren't held responsible
for telling the truth and its so profitable to lie
- Google Transparency Report - list of government requests
submitted to Google requesting to sensor internet data
- Censorship of Youtube (OFFSITE LINK) - Wikipedia
Shaping the Moral, Spiritual, Cultural, Political, and Economic Decline of the United States of America- John Coleman, Tavistock Institute of Human Relations
- Deception Maxims: Fact and Folklore- Central Intelligence Agency (CIA)
- If the IRS Were Selling
Used Cars-hilarious!
- WikiExperts.us (OFFSITE LINK) - THIS one of many firms who the government hires to control articles about key topics that they don't want changed. Essentially its a censorship business.
- If the IRS Were Selling
Used Cars-hilarious!
- Thou Shalt Not Commit Logical Fallacies Poster - great training on how to become resistant to government propaganda
- The Dialectic:
How Government Uses Cognitive Dissonance to Promote Clearly
Irrational and Unlawful Tax Policies
- Brainwashing-a
synthesis of the Russian book on psychopolitics
- The War of Words-how
the government uses "psychopropaganda" and "psyops" to control
the docile citizen sheep and beat them into compliance
Drink the Koolaid -humor
"Spin" (OFFSITE LINK)-Brasscheck
Big Brother is Watching You (OFFSITE LINK) -Ligonier Ministries
Word Crimes (OFFSITE LINK) - Weird Al Yankovich. Explains why the average Amercian falls for the crimes perpetuated with language by a corrupted de facto government
Secrets of the Slave State (OFFSITE LINK) - FreedomTaker.com
Stupid in America (OFFSITE LINK) - John Stossel
The Secret About Government Power: What They Won't Tell You! (OFFSITE LINK) - how propaganda makes tyranny possible and sustainable
State of Mind: The Psychology of Control Playlist (OFFSITE LINK) - Tragedy and Hope
Popular Yuri Bezmenov & KGB Videos (OFFSITE LINKS)
Propaganda and Manipulation: How mass media engineers and distorts our perceptions (OFFSITE LINK) - Jerry Kroth
Strawman-the nature of the cage (OFFSITE LINK)-youtube
Interview of Former IRS Commissioner Shelton Cohen by Aaron Russo, SEDM Exhibit 11.004 (OFFSITE LINK) -Listen to the evasiveness and lawlessness of the LIAR. HE is the real anarchist, because he refuses to acknowledge even the authority of the latest U.S. Supreme Court decisions on the subject of taxes.
What is Hate Speech? (OFFSITE LINK)-News With Views
The Use of the English Language in Australia (OFFSITE LINK) -Clarke and Dawe
History: So It Doesn't Repeat Video Playlist (OFFSITE LINK) - Tragedy and Hope. Shows how government is trying to control your mind with propaganda
Financial Terrorism Exposed -Thomas Sheridan
Orwell Rolls in his Grave (OFFSITE LINK) - 3 hour
- Reading and Interpreting Law: U.S. Supreme Court Justice Scalia - how to prevent judges from playing word games.
- Critical
Thinking: Fallacies -all government propaganda relies
on fallacies. This college course will help you
recognize them
- American Christian Ministries (OFFSITE LINK)
- Josie the Outlaw (OFFSITE LINK)
- Prager University (OFFSITE LINK)
- Big Think (OFFSITE LINK)
- Stefan Molyneux (OFFSITE LINK)
- Larken Rose (OFFSITE LINK)
- Corbett Report (OFFSITE LINK)
- Propaganda (OFFSITE LINK) -how government controls your mind
- Noam Chomsky (OFFSITE LINK)
- Ayn Rand
The Key to Unhappiness -Prager University. Government "Benefits" produce unhappiness
- Authorities on "benefits" - Sovereignty Forms and Instructions Online, Form #10.004, Cites by topic
- Authorities on "general welfare"-Sovereignty Forms and Instructions Online, Form #10.004, Cites by Topic. "general welfare" is the only legal justification given for offering Social Security
- Beatrice Web (OFFSITE LINK) - Founder of the British welfare state
- Stefan Molyneux (OFFSITE LINK)
- The Government
"Benefits" Scam, Form #05.040-excellent
Resignation of Compelled Social Security Trustee-document
that you can use to quit Social Security for good. Mail
to the Commissioner of the Social Security Administration and
the Commissioner of the IRS via Certified Mail
Socialism: The New American Civil Religion, Form #05.016 - (OFFSITE LINK) SEDM
- Social
Security: Mark of the Beast
- Secrets of the Social
Security Number-very interesting
The Terrible Disaster of the Welfare State (OFFSITE LINK) Yuval Levin on the American Mind
The Coming Crisis (OFFSITE LINK) -Charles Demuth on the American Mind
The Inevitable collapse of the Welfare State (OFFSITE LINK) - Tom Palmer
- Blue Book- John Birch Society's answer to opposing socialism and communism
Overview of America, Part 2: Stopping the New World Order-John
Birch Society
Ending the Welfare State (OFFSITE LINK) - William Voegeli, the American Mind
- To Battle the State (OFFSITE LINK) - Hans Hermann Hoppe
- Isn't it Time We Overthrew the State? (OFFSITE LINK) - Hans Hermann Hoppe
Citizenship Entitlements through a legend pertinent lens (OFFSITE LINK) -Tedx, Muna Al Riyami
- Socialism and Classical Liberal Critique (OFFSITE LINK) -Online Library of Liberty
- Russia's Demographic Crisis-study on the aftermath of Communism
and socialism
- Public Agenda Online Citizens' Solutions Guides:
Karl Marx and Millenials (OFFSITE LINK)-Bishop Robert Barron
Capitalism: A Love Story (OFFSITE LINK)-Bishop Robert Barron
- Rerum Novarum (OFFSITE LINK) -Encyclical of Pop Leo XIII about the evils of capitalism written about the time of Karl Marx
"The American
people will never knowingly adopt socialism. But, under the
name of 'liberalism", they will adopt every fragment of the socialist
program, until one day America will be a socialist nation, without
knowing how it happened."
[Norman Thomas, U.S. Socialist Presidential Candidate]

(Click on picture below)
