- Family Guardian Forums-require a free member account you can
apply for yourself to post and in some cases read content
This section is devoted to following issues of
money, banking, fiscal, and monetary policy and their impacts on families
and the nation as a whole.
- Current News
- Historical Articles
- 03/21/2011:
Dept. of Injustice Press Release: Defendant Cartoon Character Convicted of Minting His Own Currency
- 06/10/2009:
Fed Would be Shut
Down if Audited- CNBC. The counterfeiting franchise is
out of control and will DESTROY this country
- 04/27/2007:
Egold Indicted by Feds- dare to cut the international banking cartel out of their "piece
of the action" and look what happens. No doubt the charges are bogus.
- 03/23/2007: U.S.
Mint says NORFED Liberty Dollar is Illegal
- 03/10/2004:
RFID Tags in New U.S. Notes Explode
When You Try To Microwave Them
- 02/09/2004: Newsletter
of Norfed-denies legal threats to viability of his alternative
- 06/06/2003: Is the United States Flat Out Broke?-Worldnet Daily
- 09/17/2002: Bill to Eliminate the Federal Reserve Introduced-Congressman
Ron Paul sponsors
- 04/07/2002: Jim
Trimbach, FBI-A revealing interview with a leading FBI anti-money
laundering agent gives a rare look at how the money cops think and
- 02/19/2002: Bank of America Can Now Give Your Bank Account Away with No Liability!-Unbelievable!
- 03/31/2001: Secret
Service Raids Gold-Age
- Anne Williamson Exposes Federal Reserve-WorldNet Daily
- 12/19/2001: Euro Banks to Embed RFID Chips by 2005-Your money will keep
track of where it has been!
It's Just Time-why
we face a huge economic meltdown and what to do about it.
By a Princeton professor
- Adam Smith's "The Wealth of Nations"-document upon which the
founders wrote the United States constitution
- Attention "Public Servant"-an
open letter to all those who work for the federal government
- Effect of Government
Debt and Spending Policies Since Reagan-by Kevin Schan
- Declaration of Cause and Necessity to Abolish the U.S. Government-(HOT!) an open letter by John B. Nelson submitted by one of our readers.
Provides compelling evidence of the existence of the New World Order
U.S. Government Financial
Report, 2002-(1.55 Mbytes) U.S. Treasury
- Jefferson's Prophesy: The Bankruptcy of America
Corporatization and Privatization of the Government, Form #05.024 (OFFSITE LINK) -Shows how our de jure constitutional republic has
been replaced by a private, for-profit corporate monopoly.
The money system is de facto mechanism for recruiting people to
become employees and officers of the corporation through compelled
use of of government numbers by banks and employers.
- Demonocracy.info (OFFSITE LINK)- Economic Infographics
Help! - an appeal to pastors, priests, reverends, fathers, bishops or other ‘spiritual leaders’ to read, understand and start speaking in opposition to this bondage and its destructive consequences resulting from the creation of all money as unpayable interest-bearing loans!
Hidden Secrets of Money-Currency v. Money (OFFSITE LINK) -Mike Mahoney, chief monetary historian
- Sovereignty Education and Defense Ministry (SEDM)
- Bill Stills (OFFSITE LINK)
- American Christian Ministries (OFFSITE LINK)
- Pastor Sheldon Emry (OFFSITE LINK)
- Antishyster News Magazine (OFFSITE LINK)
of an Economic Hitman (1.6Mbytes, MP3)-John Perkins tells his
story about how he destroyed poor countries with economic coercion
on behalf of the U.S. government. Amazing
Enemy of our Souls (OFFSITE LINK)-Pastor Matt Trewhella (audio)
The Principal and Gross Injustice of Usury (OFFSITE LINK)-Fatima Path to Peace Conference
The Corrupt Origin of Central Banking in America (OFFSITE LINK)-Thomas J. DiLorenzo, mises.org
Greed: The Case of the Rich Young Ruler (OFFSITE LINK)-Tim Keller
Facets of the Beast (OFFSITE LINK) - Vimeo
The Monetary Sin
of the West -Jacques Rueff. Excellent
- They Own it All-By Means of Toxic Currency (OFFSITE LINK) - main engine for corrupting the government
The Stock Market is Rigged (OFFSITE LINK)-CBS 60 Minutes, 8/17/2014
Treason 1: Casino Capitalism (OFFSITE LINK)
Grant Describes the Government Banking Scam in Canada (OFFSITE LINK) -they have the same problem by a different
Four Horsemen (OFFSITE LINK)
Slavery by Consent (OFFSITE LINK)
Money, Banking, and the Federal Reserve (OFFSITE LINK)-excellent video.
Fiat Empire: Why the Federal Reserve Violates the U.S. Constitution (OFFSITE LINK)-Youtube
Financial Crime (OFFSITE LINK)-Class Warfare
How to rob a bank (from the inside, that is) (OFFSITE LINK) - William Black. TED
All Wars are Bankers' Wars (OFFSITE LINK)-Top Documentary Films
- Stefan Molyneux
- The Coming Economic Armageddon-Dr. David Jeremiah
- The Coming Bankruptcy of the United States (OFFSITE LINKS)-Fox News
- The Economy is Going to Implode (OFFSITE LINK) - Ann Barnhardt. Excellent.
When Central Banks Rule the World (OFFSITE LINKS)-Joan Veon
- Bank Records and Financial Privacy Laws (OFFSITE LINK) -Findlaw
- SEC Release No. 34-47752, File No. S7-25-02-Customer Identification
Programs for Broker Dealers
- Privacy Act Notices of Systems of Records-Social Security Administration
- U.S. Department of Justice: Federal Guidelines for Searching and
Seizing Computers
U.S. Department of Justice: Searching and Seizing Computers and Obtaining Electronic Evidence in Criminal Investigations
- The
Information Return Scam-excellent
- The
"trade or business" scam-heart of the IRS fraud and the
reason for the existence of "Currency Transaction Reports",
1099's, and W-2's
Correcting Erroneous Information Returns, Form #04.001 (OFFSITE
LINK)-how to correct erroneous information returns.
Corrected Information Return Attachment Letter, Form #04.002 (OFFSITE LINK)-how to correct erroneous information returns.
- Correcting Erroneous IRS Form 1042's, Form #04.003 (OFFSITE
LINK)- (RED HOT!) how to correct
erroneous 1042's
- Correcting Erroneous IRS Form 1098's, Form #04.004 (OFFSITE
LINK)- (RED HOT!) how to correct
erroneous 1098's
- Correcting Erroneous IRS Form 1099's, Form #04.005 (OFFSITE
LINK)- (RED HOT!) how to correct
erroneous 1099's
- Correcting Erroneous IRS Form W-2's, Form #04.006 (OFFSITE
LINK)- (RED HOT!) how to correct
erroneous W-2's
- Precious Metal Transaction Reporting, Form #04.106 (OFFSITE
LINK)-legal requirements for the reporting of precious metal
Demand for Verified Evidence of "Trade or Business" Activity:
Information Return, Form #04.007 (OFFSITE LINK)-Use this
form in the case where someone you work for or with may or definitely
will file a fraudulent Information Return against you, and you
are not engaged in a "trade or business". This prevents
you from having false or erroneous Information Returns filed
against you by educating companies and financial institutions
about their proper use. Information Returns include IRS
Forms W-2, 1042-S, 1098, and 1099.
- Criminal Complaint
Attachment: Fraudulent Information Return, Form #04.402 (OFFSITE LINK)-use this in combination with Form 04.006 above
Certification of Federal Privileged Status, Form W-0, Form #04.211 (OFFSITE LINK)-use this to establish evidence from your private
employer that you are not engaged in a "trade or business" or
any other federally privileged status.
Information Return FOIA: "Trade or Business", Form #03.023 (OFFSITE LINK)-use this as a "reliance defence" to develop evidence
that the government KNOWS you are not engaged in a "trade or
business' and is committing a crime by not admitting it.. By SEDM
- Information Returns Processing (OFFSITE LINK)-IRS
Income Tax Withholding and Reporting Course, Form #12.004 (OFFSITE LINK)-training course which describes laws and requirements
relating to tax withholding and reporting for businesses and
private employers
- 26 U.S.C. §7434: Civil Damages for Fraudulent Filing of Information
- 26 U.S.C. §7206: Fraud and False Statements (OFFSITE LINK)
- 26 U.S.C. §7207: Fraudulent Returns, Statements, or other documents (OFFSITE LINK)
- 26 U.S.C. §6721: Failure to File Correct Information Return (OFFSITE LINK)
- 26 U.S.C. §6041: Information at source (OFFSITE LINK)
- 18 U.S.C. §912: Impersonating a "public officer" (OFFSITE LINK)-anyone who files a false information return against
a person who is not a "public officer" is criminally impersonating
a public officer
- 26 C.F.R. §1.6041-1: Return of information as to payments of $600
or more (OFFSITE LINK)
- 26 C.F.R. §1.6041-2: Return of information as to payments to employees (OFFSITE LINK)
- 26 C.F.R. §1.6041-3: Payments for which no return of information
is required under section 6041 (OFFSITE LINK)
- 26 C.F.R. §1.6041-4: Foreign-related items and other exceptions (OFFSITE LINK)
- "money" defined-Sovereignty
Forms and Instructions, Cites by topic. Note that the definition
does not include "notes", and Federal Reserve Notes are "notes".
- U.S. Mint
- Where's
George?-where is all the money right now?
- Follow The Money: Your
Deposits, U.S. Monetary System
- Bureau
of Engraving and Printing
- Thomas Jefferson on Money and Banking -part of Thomas Jefferson on Politics and Government
- Americans
for Common Cents-defending the penny. Current pennies
cost twice as much to produce as they are worth
- Ayn Rand on Money-from
her famous book Atlas Shrugged.
Money Scam: Federal Reserve/IMF (OFFSITE LINK)-SEDM Playlist
- Gold Standard-Wikipedia
- Payment Inquiry Letter -use this letter as a starting point for responding to a request
from any government official to pay some amount of money.
It will usually get them so flustered that they will just give up,
because they will have to admit they are violating the law to collect
- The Secret of Oz (OFFSITE LINKS)-EXCELLENT! Narrated by
Bill Stills
The Money Scam, Form #05.041 (OFFSITE LINK) -SEDM
Forms Page. Excellent.
Edwin Viera's "Cross of Gold" Paper -Excellent. Author
of the most authoritative work on money since the found of this
country, Pieces of Eight.
The Monetary Sin
of the West -Jacques Rueff. Excellent
Questions About the Bobby Kahre Case -Man was acquitted of violating
tax laws because he paid his employees in gold coin and didn't deduct
or report taxes on it
Federal Reserve Board
Admits there is No definition for what a "dollar" is- in response
to an inquiry by a state official
Beers of Nevada Admits that Federal Reserve Notes are not "dollars"
and that there is no legal definition of what a "dollar" is, SEDM Exhibit #06.007 (OFFSITE LINK)- amazing
Senate Document 114,
January 15, 1934: FDR's Legislation to Improve the Financial
and Monetary System of the U.S.
Endorsing Checks to Avoid
a Taxable Event- We wouldn't try this, but the discussion is
- Top Documentary Films (OFFSITE LINK)
- United States
of America Money Act
- Legislative
History of Money in the United States-authoritative statutes
marking all the changes to the United States money system
- 18 U.S.C. §1960: Prohibition of Unlicensed Money Transmitting
- 12 U.S.C. §411: Issuance to reserve banks; nature of obligation;
redemption-FRN's can be redeemed for lawful money, and the only lawful money is gold under the United States Constitution
- 31 U.S.C. §3124: Exemption from taxation-Federal Reserve
Notes (FRNs) are exempt from federal State taxation
- Legal Tender Cases: Julliard v. Greenman, 110 U.S. 421
- Pieces of Eight-the most authoritative legal treatise on
Constitutional Money ever written. By Edwin Viera
- Federal Reserve Board, Frequently Asked Questions: Currency,
Notes and Coins
- Invisible Contracts: Federal Reserve Notes-by George Mercier
- Writings of Edwin Vieira-respected expert on money
- Book
XXII, Of Laws in Relation to the Use of Money-the Spirit of
Laws by Montesquieu. This is the book upon which the
founders designed the United States government and wrote the
United States Constitution
- Edwin Vieira Speech
entitled "Return to Constitutional Money"-Over Labor Day
weekend, 1991, the NCBA had a convention in Denver. Franklin
Sanders and I spoke there as did Edwin, who, as always, gave
a great speech which you are invited to read.
- Money Brief:
Under Art. 1, § 8, cl. 5 of the U.S. Constitution, Congress
is granted the power to coin money, and via Art. 1, § 10, cl.
1, the states are disabled from making anything but gold and
silver coin a tender in payment of debt. This brief, about 18
years old now and in need of serious redrafting, covers a wide
variety of state and federal cases addressing the monetary powers
and disabilities contained in the U.S. Constitution. Perhaps
this brief constitutes a decent introduction to this most important
- Pastor Sheldon Emry (OFFSITE LINK)
Bible Law on Money-Pastor
Sheldon Emry
- The Utter Impossibility
of Gold Backed Money-Two 1980 sermons by Pastor Sheldon
Emry presents an educational scenario in which he makes a clear
demonstration of why gold-backed money won't work! Sheldom Emry Memorial Library
Biblical Money and Inflation (OFFSITE LINK) - Pastor John Weaver. John Weaver Library
Westlaw Keycite Search, 294k10: What is "Legal Tender"-lists
ALL cases describing what is "legal tender"
Westlaw Keycite Search, 294k11: What is "Not Legal Tender"?-lists
ALL cases describing what is NOT "legal tender"
House Joint Resolution (H.J.R.)
192: Abandonment of Gold-backed money-bill passed in 1933.
It was repealed in 1982
Contracts Payable in Gold-Senate
Document 43
Nevada Constitutional Amendment
to Issues Money as Silver Coins-Assembly Bill 532, 72nd
The Forgotten Role of
the Constitution in Monetary Law-Edwin Viera.
- Thomas Jefferson on Money and Banking
Banks don't lend money. They buy your promissory note. (transcript in notes) (OFFSITE LINK) -Monetary Choice
The History of Banking - an Asian Perspective.
Privacy Agreement, Form #06.014 (OFFSITE LINK)-Attach this form
to all financial, account, government, and medical forms to ensure
your privacy is protected and that you do not become the unlawful
subject of any financial transaction report.
- The Legalized Crime of Banking (OFFSITE LINK)
Billions for the Bankers-Pastor
Sheldon Emry
Memorandum of Law on
Bank Fraud-legal explanation of how banks commit
institutionalized and de facto legalized FRAUD
Why bankers are like time travelers who grab value from the future (OFFSITE LINK) -Yanis Varoufakis
- Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) (OFFSITE LINK)
- Federal Reserve (OFFSITE LINK)
- Foreign Bank Account Reporting (FBAR) Requirements of the Internal Revenue Code* (OFFSITE LINK) -SEDM
- When required: Foreign Bank Account Reporting (FBAR) is required in the case of STATUTORY "U.S. persons", which includes STATUTORY "U.S. Citizens" and "U.S. residents", all of whom are public officers.
- Accounts which are created at a financial institution using IRS Form W-9 instead of the more correct W-8BEN (Form #04.202) fall in this category. W-9's are ONLY for STATUTORY "U.S. persons".
- Similar arrangements apply in other countries to citizens of those countries maintaining accounts in the U.S.
- When NOT required: You are a "Nonresident aliens" (NRAs), which is the only civil statutory status that members can have.
- NRAs MUST open their account with an IRS Form W-8BEN (Form #04.202) rather than a W-9.
- In addition, we also STRONGLY suggest referencing the following form in the "Permanent address" field of all paperwork filled out and also referencing it in the ONLINE "permanent address" entered in the online account at the bank:
Permanent Address Notice for Online Use, Form #04.230
- References
- Authorities
- Wiring money from a Foreign Account to a Domestic Account is DANGEROUS
- Foreign to domestic bank wires are scrutinized by financial institutions at both end for evidence of money laundering. They are under the foreign affairs jurisdiction of the national government.
- To initiate the bank wire online, you must disclose information about the nature of the transaction to the initiating institution. We STRONGLY recommend referencing Form #04.230 in the online bank wire questionnaire to ensure that it can NEVER be made to look suspicious or illegal.
- There are usually limits on the amount of money that can be wired. Usually, its less than $7500.
- The probable cause of reporting suspicious transactions originates from money laundering enforcement statutes. These statutes are described at:
Money Laundering Enforcement Scam, Form #05.044
- Suspicious activity may be reported to the government and subsequently scrutinized by financial institutions at either end of the bank wire.
We are unable to locate any law prohibiting discrimination in simply opening a bank acount, such as those wishing to open a Nonresident alien account rather than a U.S. person, or wishing to get a prepaid debit card as a nornesident alien instead of a U.S. person. No such laws exist and most discrimination laws relate to extending credit without discrimination ONLY.
According to the web search results, 12 C.F.R. Part 55: Fair Access to Financial Services was approved by the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency (OCC) on January 14, 2021. The final rule was published in the Federal Register on January 19, 2021 and became effective on April 1, 2021. The rule aims to ensure that national banks and Federal savings associations provide fair access to financial services to all persons in their geographic market. However, the rule has been challenged by several lawsuits from state attorneys general and consumer advocacy groups, who argue that it violates the Equal Credit Opportunity Act and other consumer protection laws. The outcome of these lawsuits is still pending.
National origin is one of the protected characteristics under the Equal Credit Opportunity Act (ECOA), which is a federal law that prohibits creditors from discriminating against applicants for credit based on certain factors. National origin discrimination means treating an applicant differently or less favorably because of the applicant’s place of birth, ancestry, culture, or linguistic characteristics associated with a particular national origin group. For example, a creditor may not deny credit to an applicant because the applicant is from Mexico, has a Hispanic surname, speaks Spanish, or attends a church that is predominantly Latino. National origin discrimination also includes discrimination based on the applicant’s association with persons of a certain national origin, such as marriage or friendship. National origin discrimination may overlap or intersect with other forms of discrimination, such as race, color, or religion. For instance, a creditor may discriminate against an applicant who is Arab because of both the applicant’s national origin and religion.
- Credit discrimination laws
- Family Guardian Forums, Forum 3.6.6: Government and legal
profession commercial scams, Federal Reserve/Fiat Currency Scam- Must be logged in to view. Membership is free.
- Federal Reserve Statistical Releases (OFFSITE LINK)-complete
statistics on the Federal Reserve
Federal Reserve System: Oportunities Exist to Strengthen Policies and Processes for Managing Emergency Assistance, GAO Report GAO-11-696, July 2011-first ever audit of the Federal Reserve
Central Bank
Gold Reserves: A Historical Perspective Since 1845-published
by the World Gold
Council, Timothy Green.
- The Moral Hazard of Central Banking-Gary North
US Debt Crisis-Perfectly Explained (OFFSITE LINK)
- Congress Sold
Out the Country!-excellent freedom song. Mentions the
federal reserve FRAUD
- Here's
To You, Andrew Jackson: The Federal Reserve is a Monster-Joe
Greater Fools and FRN's-Antishyster Magazine, Vol. 8, No. 2
- Stealing Potato
Chips-Sherry Jackson, former IRS Examiner
- Security Entitlements-these devious mechanisms are used to STEAL your collateral property, INCLUDING YOUR HOUSE, as a borrower, even though you didn't default on the loan but your lender did.
- Emergency Banking Relief/Banking
Relief/Bank Conservation Act and Amendment-passed March
9, 1933
The Federal Reserve Act-(2.38 Mbytes) complete text.
40 Stat. 251-275, 690-691. Extracted from the Statutes
at Large.
- 12 C.F.R.: Banks and Banking (OFFSITE LINK)
Congressional Record,
1923-history of affect of Federal Reserve in 1913 upon the
American Economy before, during, and after WWI
- Federal Reserve
Bank Notes Declared Unconstitutional-Justice of the Peace, Martin V. Mahoney, on an "Order to Show Cause," declares the "Notes" of the Federal Reserve Bank to be
Un-Constitutional. Justice Mahoney shows us that
the "Notes" of the Federal Reserve Bank don't meet the
international standards of a "Bank Note" nor do the "Notes" of the Federal Reserve Bank meet the Common Law
standards of a "Note."
- Conquering the Spirit of Debt (OFFSITE LINK) - video sermon.
Google video.
- Interest Payments and the
American Muslim-Sherry Peel Jackson, Ex-IRS agent
On Contact: The History of Debt Forgiveness (OFFSITE LINK)-Christopher Hedges and Michael Hudson, RT
Debt: The First 5000 Years (OFFSITE LINK)-David Graeber
- The Christian and Debt (OFFSITE LINK) -Pastor John Weaver. John Weaver Library
- Show Me The Loan (OFFSITE LINK) -how to prove fraudulent loans
Is Subject to the FDCPA: IRS RRA98, Section 3466, 112
STAT. 768
Federal Tax Lien Act, P.L. 89-719
Uniform Federal Lien Registration Act
Senate Report 89-1708: Federal Tax Lien Act
- FTC Fair Debt Collection Practices Page (OFFSLITE LINK)-Federal Trade Commission
- U.S. Code, Title 15, Chapter 41, Subchapter V: Debt Collection
- 26 U.S.C. §6304: Fair Tax Collection Practices
- Relation-Back Doctrine Condemns Administrative Tax Liens and
Levies-Dan Meador
- Authorities
on "liens"-Sovereignty Forms and Instructions, Cites by
- Authorities
on "assessment"-Sovereignty Forms and Instructions, Cites
by Topic. U.S. Supreme Court says taxes are not "debts".
See Lane County v. Oregon, 74 U.S. 71 (1868).
- 31 U.S.C. Subtitle III, Chapter 37, Subchapter II: Claims
of the United States Government
- 31 C.F.R. Part 5: Treasury Debt Collection
- Family Guardian Forums, Forum 3.6.4: Government and legal
profession commercial scams, Debt and Overspending
- The Economic Apocalypse Coming Soon to the USA and How it Will Happen (OFFSITE LINK) -SEDM
- Demonocracy.info (OFFSITE LINK)- Economic Infographics
- U.S. Debt Clock (OFFSITE
LINK) -fascinating
- National Debt (OFFSITE LINK) -Dept of the Treasury
- United States of America Government Credit Rating (OFFSITE LINK) -Moody's
- United States Government Interest Rate Statistics (OFFSITE LINK) -Department of the Treasury
- Debt Virus-book by Jacques Jaikaran
- Web
of Debt-expose on the shocking truth about the American
money system
The Debt Limit Explained (OFFSITE LINK)- CGP Grey
America's Debt Crisis Explained (OFFSITE LINK)- Prager University
10 Myths About Government Debt (OFFSITE LINK)- Learn Liberty
How Big Is the US Debt? (OFFSITE LINK)- Learn Liberty
The National Debt Scam (OFFSITE LINK)
Will the Debt Ever Be Addressed? (OFFSITE LINK) -Andrew Klavan
Public Pensions: An Economic Time Bomb (OFFSITE LINK) -Prager U
Who Bears the Burden of Government Debt? (OFFSITE LINK)-Robert P. Muprhy
The Plague of the Black Debt (OFFSITE LINK)
I'm Talking to You (OFFSITE LINK) - Bill Whittle
The Mises View: "Government Debt Addiction" (OFFSITE LINK)- Judge Napolitano
The Truth About Government Debt (OFFSITE LINK) - Learn Liberty
- Stefan Molyneux (OFFSITE LINK)
Debtoxification (OFFSITE LINK)- Peter Schiff
US Debt Crisis-Perfectly Explained (OFFSITE LINK)
Debt Limit-A Guide to American Federal Debt Madness (OFFSITE LINK)
Government Debt-why you should care about the debt
Fiscal Rules for Sustainable Public Debt-International Monetary Fund (IMF)
- Congressional Research Service (CRS) (OFFSITE LINK)
The National Debt: Who Bears
Its Burden?, CRS Report #RL30520-Congressional Research
Service, Feb. 28, 2008
The Federal Government Debt:
Its Size and Economic Significance, CRS Report #RL31590-Congressional
Research Service, Jan. 29, 2008
Foreign Holdings of Federal
Debt, CRS Report #RS22331-Congressional Research Service,
March 12, 2008
U.S. External Debt:
How Has the United States Borrowed Without Cost?, CRS Report
#RL33570-Congressional Research Service, Jan. 19, 2007
Growth in Federal Holdings
of Federal Debt, CRS Report #RL33723-Congressional Research
Service, Nov. 13, 2006
Paying Down the Federal Debt:
A Discussion of Methods, CRS Report #RS20302-Congressional
Research Service, Feb. 1, 2002
Ebbs and Flows of Federal
Debt, CRS Report #RL34712-Congressional Research Service,
Oct. 20, 2008
The Debt Limit: History
and Recent Increases, CRS Report #RL31967-Congressional
Research Service, Oct. 6, 2008
Federal Debt Management Concepts,
Options, and Policies, CRS Report #RL34682-Congressional
Research Service, Sept. 26, 2008
The United States as a Net
Debtor Nation: Overview of the International Investment Position,
CRS Report #RL32964-Congressional Research Service, July
22, 2008
Interest Payments on the
Federal Debt, CRS Report #RS22354-Congressional Research
Service, Jan. 8, 2009
- Maxims
of Commerce
- Reports (CTRs)
for cash withdrawals of $10,000 or more. Proves that reporting
is not lawfully required.
- Financial Crimes
Enforcement Network (FINCEN)-Big brother's/IRS watchdog
- Free Legal Treatises on Commerce (OFFSITE LINKS)-SEDM
Broken Trust: Wall Street's Dead End (OFFSITE LINK) - Tragedy and Hope
- Mark DeAngelis (OFFSITE LINK) -law professor educational songs
Does Money Make You Mean? (OFFSITE LINK)-excellent
Demand for Verified Evidence of "Trade or Business" Activity-Currency
Transaction Report (CTR)-form to give financial institutions
that are illegally preparing Currency Transaction OCC Quarterly Report
on Bank Derivatives-THIS is the fraud that eventually is going
to take down the entire WORLD economy
- Treatise on Fraudulent Conveyances and Creditor's Remedies-book
by Dewitt C. Moore, 1908. Google books
- Commercial Speech,
Form #05.015 (OFFSITE LINK) - SEDM. Excellent treatise on the nature
of "commercial speech" and the modes in which it can lawfully be
- Bank Secrecy Act/Anti-Money Laundering Examination Manual (OFFSITE LINK)
GAO Report GAO-02-670: Money Laundering. Extent of Money
Laundering through Credit Cards is Unknown
Bank Secrecy
Act Requirements: A Quick Reference Guide for Money Service
Suspicious Activity: A Quick Reference Guide for Money Service
Laundering Prevention: A Money Services Business Guide
- U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ)
Laundering-U.S. Attorneys Bulletin, Vol. 47, No. 3, June
Laundering-U.S. Attorneys Bulletin, Vol. 55, No. 5, Sept
of the Federal Securities Law-U.S. Attorneys Bulletin, Vol.50,
No. 3, May 2003
the Books: Tricks of the Trade in Financial Fraud-U.S. Attorneys
Bulletin, Vol.50, No. 3, May 2003
Select Criminal
Forfeiture Forms-U.S. Dept. of Justice
Laundering Statutes and Related Material (May 2006)-U.S.
Dept. of Justice
Forfeiture Policy Manual (Jan 2006)-U.S. Dept. of Justice
Federal Asset Forfeiture Statutes (May 2006)-U.S. Dept.
of Justice
Asset Forfeiture
and Money Laundering Resource Directory-U.S. Dept. of Justice
Civil Asset Forfeiture Reform
Act of 2000-U.S. Dept. of Justice
- U.S. Atty Manual, 9-105.000: Money Laundering
- U.S. Attorney Manual, Title 4, Civil Resource Manual, Section
4-4.000: Commercial Litigation
Money Laundering in Digital
Currencies- U.S. Dept of Justice
- Precious
Metal Price Histories (OFFSITE LINK)
The Secret World of Gold (OFFSITE LINK) - Stan Malhotra
Fake Silver & Gold-How to Avoid Them (OFFSITE LINK) - GoldSiilver
Spot Fake Silver Coins w/Magnetic Slide (OFFSITE LINK) - Silvercoins.com
- Gold Coin Balance (OFFSITE LINK)-detect fake gold coins
- Bullion Test (OFFSITE LINK) - smartphone app to test gold coins
- Precious Metal Transaction Reporting, Form #04.106 (OFFSITE
LINK)-legal requirements for the reporting of precious metal
- Prager University (OFFSITE LINK)
Who Controls the World? (OFFSITE LINK) - ownship and control of the world's corporations
Free Markets? (OFFSITE LINK) -Noam Chomsky
The Economics of a Stateless Society (OFFSITE LINK)-Robert P. Murphy
- People
for a Mathematically Perfect Economy (OFFSITE LINK)
- The Renegade Economist - Youtube
Milton Friedman on
- Pastor John Weaver (OFFSITE LINK)
- Depository Trust
Corporation (DTC) -clearing house for securities trading
- Money and Banking (OFFSITE LINK) -Online Library of Liberty
- Repec-the
largest bibliographic catalog dedicated to economics
- Market Skeptics (OFFSITE LINK) -website of the great grandson of Frank Vanderlip, one of the founders of the Federal Reserve
- SEC Info-Securities
and Exchange Information from the EDGAR database
- Federal government
financial information sources
- CATO Institute Tax and Budget Policy Studies
- Census
Bureau Economic Programs
History at your Fingertips
and Spirit of the Nation-Federal Reserve Bank of Boston
- The
Coming Battle (1899)-early book about banking problems
- National Bureau
of Economic Research (NBER)
- Bureau of Labor
Statistics (BLS)
- North
American Industry Classification System (NAICS)-current method
for classifying industries. Census Bureau.
- Standard Industry Classification System (SICS)-older.
Replaced by NAICS
- The Spiritual Reason Behind a Nation's Net Financial Loss (OFFSITE LINK) - Nike Insights
Why Debtors Will Take the Mark of the Beast (OFFSITE LINK)-Born Again Barbarian
HHC - Golden Calf, NNSeries: 2-10 (OFFSITE LINK)-His Holy Church explanation of the Golden Calf in the story of Moses. It was a money system
- Pastor John Weaver (OFFSITE LINKS)
- Pastor Sheldon Emry (OFFSITE LINKS)
- Bible Economics (OFFSITE LINK)-Series of sermons about the corruption of the banking system.
- The Money Changers (OFFSITE LINK)-Series of sermons about the corruption of the banking system.
- The Merchandise Of Babylon, Sermon CT-8403 (OFFSITE LINK) -Pastor Ben Williams
- Bible Law On Money (OFFSITE LINK)
- Billions for the Bankers-Debts for the People
- America's Debt Money System
- God's Judgment-The Utter Impossibility Of Gold backed Money
- Nehemiah And Patriots On Money
- Should We Put Our Trust In Gold?
- Wealth and Debt
- God, Land and Wealth
- The Rich Man And Lazarus
- Thomas Jefferson on Money and Banking
- "It is a cruel thought, that, when we feel ourselves standing
on the firmest ground in every respect, the cursed arts of our secret
enemies, combining with other causes, should effect, by depreciating
our money, what the open arms of a powerful enemy could not." --Thomas
Jefferson to Richard Henry Lee, 1779. ME 4:298, Papers 2:298 8
- "Historically, the United States has been a hard money country.
Only [since 1913] has the United States operated on a fiat money
system. During this period, paper money has depreciated over 87%.
During the preceding 140 year period, the hard currency of the United
States had actually maintained its value. Wholesale prices in 1913
... were the same as in 1787." -- Kenneth Gerbino, former chairman
of the American Economic Council
- "We make money the old fashioned way. We print it." -- Art Rolnick,
former Chief Economist, Minneapolis Federal Reserve Bank
- "Paper money has had the effect in your state that it will ever
have, to ruin commerce, oppress the honest, and open the door to
every species of fraud and injustice." -- George Washington, in
a letter to J. Bowen, Rhode Island, Jan. 9, 1787
- "Of all contrivances for cheating the laboring classes of mankind,
none has been more effective than that which deludes them with paper
money." -- Daniel Webster"
- "I see in the near future a crisis approaching. It unnerves
me and causes me to tremble for the safety of my country ... the
Money Power of the country will endeavor to prolong its reign by
working upon the prejudices of the people, until the wealth is aggregated
in a few hands and the Republic is destroyed." -- Abraham Lincoln,
just after the passage of the National Banking Act of 1863
- "All the perplexities, confusion and distress in America rise,
not from defects in their Constitution or Confederation, not from
want of honor or virtue, so much as from downright ignorance of
the nature of coin, credit and circulation." -- John Adams, in a
letter to Thomas Jefferson in 1787
- "Paper money eventually returns to its intrinsic value - zero."
-- Voltaire (1694-1778)
- "If the American people ever allow private banks to control
the issue of their currency, first by inflation and then by deflation,
the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive
the people of all property until their children will wake up homeless
on the continent their fathers conquered." -- Thomas Jefferson in
1802 in a letter to then Secretary of the Treasury, Albert Gallatin
- The value of paper money is precisely the value of a politician's
promise, as high or low as you put that; the value of gold is protected
by the inability of politicians to manufacture it. -- Sir William
- The monetary managers are fond of telling us that they have
substituted 'responsible money management' for the gold standard.
But there is no historic record of responsible paper money management
... The record taken as a whole is one of hyperinflation, devaluation
and monetary chaos. -- Henry Hazlitt
- "The creation of money exclusively as debt is the critical,
destabilizing flaw in the American Economy". -- author Theodore
R. Thoren explains The Truth In Money Book.
- "The decrease in purchasing power incurred by holders of money
due to inflation imparts gains to the issuers of money ... ." --
St. Louis Federal Reserve Bank in "Review", Nov. 1975
- "You have to choose [as a voter] between trusting to the natural
stability of gold and the natural stability of the honesty and intelligence
of the members of the Government. And, with due respect for these
gentlemen, I advise you, as long as the Capitalist system lasts,
to vote for gold." -- George Bernard Shaw
- "Without the confidence factor, many believe a paper money system
is liable to collapse eventually." -- Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia
in "Gold"
- "Whoever controls the volume of money in any country is absolute
master of all industry and commerce." -- President James A. Garfield
- "Those who create and issue money and credit direct the policies
of government and hold in the hollow of their hands the destiny
of the people." -- Rt. Hon. Reginald McKenna, former Chancellor
of Exchequer, England
- "If Congress has the right under the Constitution to issue paper
money, it was given to be used by themselves, not to be delegated
to individuals or corporations." -- Andrew Jackson
- "The budget should be balanced, the treasury should be refilled
and the pubic debt should be reduced. The arrogance of public officialdom
should be tempered and controlled. And the assistance to foreign
lands should be curtailed, lest we become bankrupt." -- Cicero,
63 B.C.
- "Inflation has now been institutionalized at a fairly constant
5% per year. This has been scientifically determined to be the optimum
level for generating the most revenue without causing public alarm.
A 5% devaluation applies, not only to the money earned this year,
but to all that is left over from previous years. At the end of
the first year, a dollar is worth 95 cents. At the end of the second
year, the 95 cents is reduced again by 5%, leaving its worth at
90 cents, and so on. By the time a person has worked 20 years, the
government will have confiscated 64% of every dollar he saved over
those years. By the time he has worked 45 years, the hidden tax
will be 90%. The government will take virtually everything a person
saves over a lifetime." -- G. Edward Griffin, historian and author
of "The Creature From Jekyll Island"
- "By a continuing process of inflation, governments can confiscate,
secretly and unobserved, an important part of the wealth of their
citizens. There is no subtler, no surer means of overturning the
existing basis of society than to debauch the currency. The process
engages all the hidden forces of economic law on the side of destruction,
and does it in a manner which not one man in a million is able to
diagnose ... If, however, a government refrains from regulations
and allows matters to take their course, essential commodities soon
attain a level of price out of the reach of all but the rich, the
worthlessness of the money becomes apparent, and the fraud upon
the public can be concealed no longer." -- John Maynard Keynes,
economist and author of "The Economic Consequences Of The Peace"
- "About all a Federal Reserve note can legally do is wipe out
one debt and replace it with itself, another debt, a note that promises
nothing. If anything's been paid, the payment occurs only in the
minds of the parties ...." -- Tupper Saucy, author of "The Miracle
On Main Street"
- "... the gold standard is incompatible with chronic deficit
spending (the hallmark of the welfare state)." -- Greenspan, Alan;
"Gold and Economic Freedom", Rand, Ayn; Capitalism: the Unknown
Ideal; Signet Books, 1967; pp96-101. See full text in FAME's FedWatch
section www.fame.org.
- Thomas Jefferson on Money and Banking
- "I sincerely believe ... that banking establishments are more
dangerous than standing armies, and that the principle of spending
money to be paid by posterity under the name of funding is but swindling
futurity on a large scale." -- Thomas Jefferson to John Taylor,
- "Banks lend by creating credit. They create the means of payment
out of nothing." -- Ralph M. Hawtrey, former Secretary of Treasury,
- "Money is the most important subject intellectual persons can
investigate and reflect upon. It is so important that our present
civilization may collapse unless it is widely understood and its
defects remedied very soon." -- Robert H. Hemphill, former credit
manager, Federal Reserve Bank of Atlanta
- "Bankers own the earth. Take it away from them, but leave them
the power to create money and control credit, and with a flick of
a pen they will create enough to buy it back." -- Sir Josiah Stamp,
former President, Bank of England
- "The Founding Fathers of this great land had no difficulty whatsoever
understanding the agenda of bankers, and they frequently referred
to them and their kind as, quote, "friends of paper money. They
hated the Bank of England, in particular, and felt that even were
we successful in winning our independence from England and King
George, we could never truly be a nation of freemen, unless we had
an honest money system. Through ignorance, but moreover, because
of apathy, a small, but wealthy, clique of power brokers have robbed
us of our Rights and Liberties, and we are being raped of our wealth.
We are paying the price for the near-comatose levels of complacency
by our parents, and only God knows what might become of our children,
should we not work diligently to shake this country from its slumber!
Many a nation has lost its freedom at the end of a gun barrel, but
here in America, we just decided to hand it over voluntarily. Worse
yet, we paid for the tyranny and usurpation out of our own pockets
with "voluntary" tax contributions and the use of a debt-laden fiat
currency!." -- Peter Kershaw, author of the 1994 booklet "Economic
- "The real truth of the matter is, and you and I know, that a
financial element in the large centers has owned the government
of the U.S. since the days of Andrew Jackson. History depicts Andrew
Jackson as the last truly honorable and incorruptible American president."
-- President Franklin Delano Roosevelt, November 23, 1933 in a letter
to Colonel Edward Mandell House
- "The truly unique power of a central bank, after all, is the
power to create money, and ultimately the power to create is the
power to destroy." -- Pringle, Robert; and Deane, Marjorie: The
Central Banks; Viking, 1994, page viii.
- "When you or I write a check there must be sufficient funds
in our account to cover that check, but when the Federal Reserve
writes a check, it is creating money." -- Boston Federal Reserve
Bank in a publication titled "Putting It Simply"
- "Some people think the Federal Reserve Banks are U.S. government
institutions. They are not ... they are private credit monopolies
which prey upon the people of the U.S. for the benefit of themselves
and their foreign and domestic swindlers, and rich and predatory
money lenders. The sack of the United States by the Fed is the greatest
crime in history. Every effort has been made by the Fed to conceal
its powers, but the truth is the Fed has usurped the government.
It controls everything here and it controls all our foreign relations.
It makes and breaks governments at will." -- Congressman Charles
McFadden, Chairman, House Banking and Currency Committee, June 10,
- ".. we conclude that the [Federal] Reserve Banks are not federal
... but are independent, privately owned and locally controlled
corporations ... without day to day direction from the federal government.."
-- 9th Circuit Court in Lewis vs. United States, June 24, 1982
- "... You are a den of vipers and thieves. I intend to rout you
out, and by the grace of the Eternal God, I will rout you out."
-- President Andrew Jackson, upon evicting a delegation of international
bankers from the Oval Office
- "Give me control over a nation's currency and I care not who
makes its laws." -- Baron M.A. Rothschild (1744 - 1812)
