1. Family Guardian Legal Research
    • Authorities on jurisdiction of federal courts:  Study into jurisdiction of federal courts inside the sovereign Union states.
    • Federal Jurisdiction:  This short memo explains what is federal jurisdiction via Art. 1, § 8, cl. 17 of the United States Constitution. To draft this brief, thousands of cases construing this part of the U.S. Constitution were read, about 450 were cataloged (as shown below) and then a small number of those, about 140, were referenced in this brief.
    • Supreme Court Cases: Here are cataloged short summaries of the most important or interesting cases decided by the U.S. Supreme Court concerning Art. 1, § 8, cl. 17.
    • Circuit Cases: This file catalogs the federal district and appellate court cases regarding federal jurisdiction, segregated by circuit.
    • State Cases: This file catalogs many of the state decisions concerning federal jurisdiction, segregated by state.
    • Treaties and Jurisdiction: To understand how many federal civil and criminal laws are made operative outside the "jurisdiction of the United States," knowledge of the field of treaty law is essential.
    • Federal Subject Matter Jurisdiction Within the States
  2. Sovereignty Education and Defense Ministry (SEDM) Materials
  3. Reference Resources