"My karma ran over your dogma."
[Family Guardian Fellowship]
This section is dedicated to spiritual development and the encouragement
of Christian faith and principles.
- Are You "Playing the Harlot" with Government? (OFFSITE LINK) -SEDM
- Why All Man-Made Law is Religious in Nature-from Great IRS Hoax, section 4.4.9
- Lonang Commentaries and Articles (OFFSITE LINK) -detailed legal research on how to restore biblical law to the church and restore the church's proper role in society. Written by practicing attorneys
- Romans 13:1 Are All Powers of God? (OFFSITE LINK) -Nike Insights
- Mixing Religion and Politics (OFFSITE LINK) -Nike Insights
- Overcoming the World: 2014 National Conference (OFFSITE LINK) -Ligioneer Ministries. How to be in the world but not of the world and to live a separate and sanctified life
- Overcoming the World: 2014 West Coast Conference (OFFSITE LINK) -Ligioneer Ministries. How to be in the world but not of the world and to live a separate and sanctified life
- 501c3
Facts (OFFSITE LINK) - Hushmoney
- God and Hitler (OFFSITE LINK) - CBN. Excellent.
- U.S. Capitol
Tour with David Barton (OFFSITE LINKS)
- Wallbuilder's American Foundations Digital Library (OFFSITE
LINK)-the most complete documentatation on America's Godly Heritage
available. By Logos Research.
- Age of Reason (OFFSITE LINK)-Thomas Paine. Thoughts on
- Paul Harvey
on Separation of Church and State-funny
- We Are The Church-the church isn't a building
- Christ's Lawful Assembly (OFFSITE LINK)-how Christians can separate
themselves from the corrupted world in a very practical, biblical
- ECC Forums: The Roman World (OFFSITE LINK)-very interesting
forum for Christians talking about the evils of civil government
and how to deal with it
- Beyond the Next Mountain (OFFSITE LINK)-very inspirational story
- Tribute to Ronald Reagan (OFFSITE LINKS)
Public Law 107-293, November 13, 2002, 116 Stat. 2057 (OFFSITE LINK)-Congressional enactment affirming the phrase "One nation, Under God" in our Pledge of Allegiance. Click Here for the original source of this legislation
- Nike Insights
I Want for Christmas is My Jesus Doll-Paul Proctor
The Biblical Foundations of Christian Libertarianism (OFFSITE LINK) - Dr. Norman Horn
Christian Nationalism On the Rise (OFFSITE LINK) - NBC news
Was America Founded to be Secular? (OFFSITE LINK)- Prager University
God, Money, and Lies (OFFSITE LINK) - Jerry Day
The Romans 13 Hammer (OFFSITE LINK) - Coach Dave TV
- Lawyers Rock (OFFSITE LINK)-Lonang Institute
- Welcome to the USA
- Judicianity (OFFSITE LINK) -Lonang Institute
- Tim Keller (OFFSITE LINK)
- The Coming Economic Armageddon-Dr. David Jeremiah
- News With Views (OFFSITE LINK)
- Boundaries for Effective Ministry
- Causes for National Judgment (OFFSITE LINK) -Pastor John Weaver
- Sovereignty Education and Defense Ministry (SEDM) (OFFSITE LINK)
- Tim Keller (OFFSITE LINK)
- Nike Insights (OFFSITE LINK)
- Why Christians are inherently anarchists toward Man's CIVIL STATUTES (ONLY) but not God's Law, the Criminal law, or the Common Law
- Policy Document: Problems with Atheistic Anarchism, Form #08.020 (OFFSITE LINK) - SEDM. Why atheistic anarchism, which is anarchism against both God's law and man's law, doesn't work.
- Garrett Lear Speech at the Boston Tea Party 2008-excellent!
- Dangers of Socialism and God's Principles for Government Series (OFFSITE LINK)-Kenneth Copeland
- Larken Rose (OFFSITE LINK)
- Born Again American-excellent!
- Garrett Lear Speech at the Boston Tea Party 2008-excellent!
- Endorsement Test (OFFSITE LINK) -Wiikipedia
Federal Law Protections for Religious Liberty (OFFSITE LINK) - U.S. Department of Justice
Laws of the Bible, Form #13.001 (OFFSITE LINK)-exhaustive
coverage of all the laws in the Holy Bibl. by SEDM
The Increasingly Dangerous Variants of the "Most Favored Nation" Theory of Religious Liberty (OFFSITE LINK) - SSRN
42 U.S.C. Chapter 21B: Religious Freedom Restoration
42 U.S.C. Chapter 21C: Protection of Religious Exercise in Land
Use and by Institutionalized Persons
- Tanzin v. Tanvir, 141 S.Ct. 486 (2020)
- Bible Law v. United States Constitution (OFFSITE LINK)
- Bible Law Index-Warren and Joyce Fennell
- Laws of the Bible-by a pastor
- Bible Law Course -Bill Strittmatter
- Bible Law v. United States Constitution (OFFSITE LINK)
- Foundation
for Moral Law-moral basis for secular law
- Basic
Jurisdictional Principles: A Theological Inventory of American
Jurisprudence-comparison of Creator's Law with American
secular law
- Why All Man-Made Law is Religious in Nature-from Great IRS
Hoax, section 4.3.8
- The Institutes of Biblical Law-excellent book that documents
the relationship between God's law and man's law. By Rousas
- Book
XXIV, Of Laws in Relation to Religion, Considered in Itself,
and in Its Doctrine-from Spirit of
Laws, Montesquieu. This is the book upon which the
Founding Fathers based our Constitution and the design of our
Republican government
- Book
XXV. Of Laws in Relation to the Establishment of Religion and
its External Polity-from Spirit of
Laws, Montesquieu. This is the book upon which the
Founding Fathers based our Constitution and the design of our
Republican government
- Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals Declares the Pledge of Allegiance
Unconstitutional-Michael A. Newdow v. U.S. Congress, by
Constitution Society
Center for the Study of Law and Religion (OFFSITE LINK) - Emory School of Law
- Nike Insights (OFFSITE LINK)
- International Religious Freedom Act of 1998
- By This Standard-free electronic book about the authority
of God's Law (the Bible) in our contemporary American Society.
Very interesting
- Glassroth v. Moore,
Civ Case Number 01-T-1268-N- ruling in the case of suit
against an Alabama Supreme Court justice who put a monument
to the Ten Commandments in his courthouse. Very revealing.
- Court Rulings that Effected De-Christianization of the Public
Schools in America:
Learn the basics of what it takes to be free. Brought to you by Sovereignty Education and
Defense Ministry SEDM)
- Pass the Salt Ministry (OFFSITE LINK)
- Lee Duigon (OFFSITE LINK) - News with Views
Advocate: Lawyers. What We are Up against
I Were the Devil (OFFSITE LINK) - Paul Harvey
Why there is no way back for religion (OFFSITE LINK) - David Voas. TED
- Prov. 1:20-33: What God says about people who try to live life without Him
- Deut. 28:43-51: The CURSE God promises against those who refuse to obey His law or put him first on their priority list
- Founding Fathers on the importance of religion to American Society
Of all the dispositions and habits which lead to political prosperity, Religion and morality are indispensable supports. In vain would that man claim the tribute of Patriotism who should labour to subvert these great Pillars of human happiness, these firmest props of the duties of Men and citizens. The mere politician, equally with the pious man, ought to respect and to cherish them. A volume could not trace all their connections with private and public felicity. Let it simply be asked, “where is the security for property, for reputation, for life, if the sense of religious obligation desert the oaths which are the instruments of investigation in courts of justice?” And let us with caution indulge the supposition that morality can be maintained without religion. Whatever may be conceded to the influence of refined education on minds of peculiar structure, reason and experience both forbid us to expect that national morality can prevail in exclusion of religious principle.”
[George Washington in his Farewell Address; See also George Washington’s Farewell Address Presented by Ben Sasse, Minute 24]
“Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.”
[John Adams; The Works of John Adams, ed. CF Adams, Boston: Little Brown Co., 1851,4:13]
Why are so many young people unappy? (OFFSITE LINK)-PragerU
The Disappearance of God (OFFSITE LINK)-Ligonier Ministries
- Nike Research
- Barna.org
- Policy Document: Problems with Atheistic Anarchism, Form #08.020 (OFFSITE LINK) -logical fallacies and infirmities of atheism
- Religion (OFFSITE LINK) -Online Library of Liberty
- Living Stream Ministry
- Yourmorals.org (OFFSITE LINK) -learn about your morals
- Israel Elect of Zion (OFFSITE LINK)- research on Christian identity
- God's Law of Healing for Spirit, Soul, and Body (OFFSITE LINK) -Google books
- The Origins of Christian Morality (OFFSITE LINK) - Wayne Meeks, Scribd
- Atheism (OFFSITE LINK) - Religious tolerance
- Lucifer Effect (OFFSITE LINK) -How good people are transformed to do and think and believe evil
- Stanford Prison Experiment (OFFSITE LINK) -why power corrupts and motivates the propaganda
- Milgram Experiment (OFFSITE LINK) - study that analyzes environmental factors that cause people to become evil
- Frans de Waal: Moral behavior in animals (OFFSITE LINK) -
man isn't the only creature with morality
- Charter for Compassion (OFFSITE LINK)-Karen Armstrong.
- American Civics Research Library (OFFSITE LINK)
- How to Be a Bishop Without being Religious (OFFSITE LINK) -Charles
Merrill Smith
- Nag Hamudi Library (OFFSITE LINK)-lost library of additional bible books found in Egypt
- Book of Jasher (OFFSITE LINK)-a Bible book that never made it
into the Cannon. Very interesting
- New Age Bible Versions (OFFSITE LINK)-research on corruption
of the Bible texts with new contemporary versions
- Sermons
on Christian Liberty and Civil Government (OFFSITE LINK)-Sovereignty
Education and Defense Ministry (SEDM)
- Embassy of Heaven Audio Tapes by Topic (OFFSITE LINK)-free internet
radio programs
- Institute for Christian Economics (I.C.E.) Free Books (OFFSITE
LINK)-over 90 EXCELLENT free books and 800 free newsletters.
Gary North
- Paul Mitchell's
Collection of Religious Quotations
- Audio
Bible Online-entire bible in audio, free!
- Barna Research-statistical
studies on religion in America
- Bible Doctrines-Let Us Reason Ministries
- Heritage Foundation: Religious Liberty (OFFSITE LINK)
- GodRules.net (OFFSITE LINK)-excellent bible research tools
- How to Enjoy the Bible (OFFSITE LINK)-E.W. Bulinger, DD
- Christianity (OFFSITE LINK)-ReligiousTolerance.org
- International Religious Freedom Report (OFFSITE LINK)-U.S.
Dept. of State
- A
Christian Thinktank (OFFSITE LINK)-detailed spiritual research
- Bible Answers Live (OFFSITE LINK)-AmazingFacts.org
- The Tao Te Ching (OFFSITE LINK)-Wikipedia
Discovering the Hebrew Roots of Christianity Video (OFFSITE LINK) -Eliyah
Ancient Essenes, Fascinating Stuff (OFFSITE LINK) -Youtube
The Psychology of Evil (OFFSITE LINK) - Philip Zimbardo
The Psychology of Evil: The Lucifer Effect in Action (OFFSITE LINK) - Philip Zimbardo
- Nike Insights (OFFSITE LINK) - Pastor B. Stockton
Biblical Standards for Civil Rulers, Form #13.013
Should Christians Always Obey the State?, Form #13.014
The Crisis of Church Incorporation, Form #13.017
A Family Under God, Form #17.001
Origin of the Bible: How Our Bible Came to Us, Form #17.002
The Gospel of the Kingdom of God, Form #17.003
The Five Pillars of the Gladiator Gospel, Form #17.004
Prayer Puts Power In Your Life, Form #17.005
Old Testament Theology, Form #17.006
Towards Exegetical Eschatology, Form #17.007
A Commentary on Revelation, Form #17.055
Commentary on Romans 13, Form #17.056
What is the Date of the Biblical Flood?, Form #17.057
Behold His Glory, Form #17.059
Proverbs for Wisdom, Form #17.060
The Pursuit of Piety, Form #17.061
101 Sermons on God and Government, Form #17.062
Marriage Counseling Manual, Form #17.063
Words for the Wary, Form #17.064
Correcting the Upside Down Gospel, Form #17.065
Sermons on the Gospel of the Order Jesus Christ, Form #17.066
If I Could Do Church Again, Form #17.067
The Feminist War Against God's Law, Form #17.068
The Case for Head Coverings and Restoring God's Law Order to the Church, Form #17.069
The Sovereignty of God and the Madness of Politics, Form #17.070
The Pilgrim's Songbook, Form #17.071
Tithing, Form #17.072
The Route of the Exodus, Form #17.073
Commentary on the Book of Psalms, Form #17.074
Imprecatory Psalms, Form #17.075
Political Psalms, Form #17.076
Psalms for the Troubled Heart, Form #17.077
Psalms Messianic, Form #17.078
Psalms of Asaph, Form #17.079
Double through Discipleship, Form #17.080
The Art of Conflict Management, Form #17.081
Know Who You Are In Christ, Form #17.082
From Corinth to American Churches, Form #17.083
When Satan Goes to Church, Form #17.084
- Ted Nottingham (OFFSITE LINK)-fascinating spiritual research
- God In America (OFFSITE LINKS) - PBS
- Online Books by Saint Augustine of Hippo (OFFSITE LINK)
- Apologetics Playlist (OFFSITE LINK) -SEDM
- The Defendable Faith: Lessons in Christian Apologetics (OFFSITE LINK) -Steven Collins, PhD, Trinity Soutwest University
- God is Not Great (OFFSITE LINK)- book by Christopher Hitchins
- The God Delusion (OFFSITE LINK) -book by Richard Dawkins
Prayer is Scientifically
Proven to Prevent Crime-read the results for yourself.
4,000 people got together, used their MINDS to concentrate on lower
violent crime in DC, and actually dropped the crime rate over 25%!
But, TV preaches that the best way to reduce crime is to build more
prisons, put more COPS on the streets with bigger guns, etc.
These things cost money, prayer is free, take the money saved and
HELP people with it, better yet, we could keep that tax money and
help ourselves.
The Life and Faith of C.S. Lewis (OFFSITE LINK) -Amazon Prime. The leading apologist of the Twentieth Century
Believe in God in 5 Minutes! (OFFSITE LINK) -Youtube
Math Proves that God Exists (OFFSITE LINK) -Wretched. Youtube
Why Jesus? (OFFSITE LINKS) -One For Israel Ministry
Revelation! Forget my other videos, this is all you need (OFFSITE LINKS) -Stefan Molyneux
Were the Pyramids Built Before the Flood? (Masoretic Text vs. Original Hebrew) (OFFSITE LINKS) -NathanH83
The Atheist Delusion (OFFSITE LINK) -Living Waters
I Met Messiah (OFFSITE LINKS) -Andrew Klavan
Everyone is Religious, including Athests (OFFSITE LINKS) -Tim Keller
From Atheist to Christian at Yale (OFFSITE LINKS) -Dr. Paul Lim
What is Truth? My answer is more Jordan Peterson than Sam Harris (OFFSITE LINKS) -Paul Vanderklay
The TRUTH About Jesus Christ & Christianity (OFFSITE LINKS) -Alan Watts
How Science Proves God Exists (OFFSITE LINK) - Christian Oracle
Atheist v Christian: One of the best debates (OFFSITE LINK)
Debate: Atheist v. Christian (Sam Harris v. William Lane Craig) (OFFSITE LINK)
Sam Harris Destroys Craig in debate (OFFSITE LINK)
Sam Harris demolishes Christianity (OFFSITE LINK)
World's Most Famous Atheist Accepts Existence of God because of Science (OFFSITE LINK)
Why a scientist believes in God (OFFSITE LINK)
Albert Einstein & God (OFFSITE LINK)
DNA-God's amazing programming; evidence for his existence (OFFSITE LINK)
Scientists: Without God the existence of the universe is impossible (OFFSITE LINK)
Does God Exist..Brilliantly answered by a Genius (OFFSITE LINK)
- What is Truth? (OFFSITE LINK)- Apologetics Index
to "The Satanic Verses"-some people think Christianity is misguided
and hypocritical because God commanded certain persons to kill,
and yet also says that we shouldn't kill. This paper thoroughly
debunks such propaganda.
- Nike Insights (OFFSITE LINK) - Pastor B. Stockton
- Robert Godfrey-Reformed Theology
- Jordan Lead Codices (OFFSITE LINKS)
- Does God Exist? Many Absolute Proofs (OFFSITE LINK) -Restored Church of God
- Stefan Molyneux (OFFSITE LINK)
- Prager University (OFFSITE LINK)
- The Gospel Coalition (OFFSITE LINK)
- Jordan Peterson
- The Theology (OFFSITE LINK)
- Paul Mitchell's
Collection of Religious Quotations
- "As Christians, we must live our lives as though there is
no such thing as a secret."--James Dobson, Focus on the Family
- "I could prove God statistically; take the human body alone;
the chance that all the functions of the individual would just happen,
is a statistical monstrosity."--George Gallup
- "Everyone who is seriously interested in the pursuit of
science becomes convinced that a spirit is manifest in the laws
of the universe - a spirit vastly superior to man, and one in the
face of which our modest powers must feel humble."--Albert Einstein
- "Avoid any church that has cushions on the pews and is considering
building a gymnamsium."--Life's Little Instruction Book; H Jackson
