Legal Abbreviations: E


Abbrev. Meaning
Ecology L.Q. Ecology Law Quarterly
Ed. Edition
E.D. Eastern Division
EEO Equal Employment Opportunity
EEOC Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
Eff. Effective
Emer.Ct.App. Emergency Court of Appeals, U.S.
Emory J.Int'l Dis.Res. Emory Journal of International Dispute Resolution
Emory L.J. Emory Law Journal
Emp.Rel.L.J. Employee Relations Law Journal
Energy L.J. Energy Law Journal
Ent. & Sp.L.J. Entertainment & Sports Law Journal
Env.L.Rptr. Environmental Law Reporter
Envtl. & Plan.L.J. Environmental and Planning Law Journal
Envtl.L. Environmental Law
EO Executive Order
EPA Environmental Protection Agency
Eq. Equity Court or Division
Erie Erie County Legal Journal, Pa.
ERISA Employee Retirement Income Security Act
ESOP Employee Stock Ownership Plan
Ev.; Evid. Evidence
Exec.Order Executive Order
Ex.Sess. Extra Session

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