INSTRUCTIONS: 5.3. Buy a Legal Forms Preparation Package |
Litigation is documentation intensive. The only way to survive as a pro per litigant is to own a legal forms preparation program that fills in the court forms for you and formats them nicely. We recommend a product called HotDocs, from a vendor called Capsoft Development. This company is affiliated (was purchased) by Matthew Bender, a major supplier of legal references, software, and litigation tools. You can visit their website at: You will need to buy the latest version of HotDocs User (for $250) at: This forms preparation package is one of the few that has a native Windows interface and integrates with Microsoft Word to prepare nice looking pleadings and court forms. It is the easiest to use we have seen, has attractive documentation, and is relatively inexpensive. It also integrates with databases if you want to automate the forms production, which we are considering in order to help all of you fight the IRS in court if need be. Eventually, we’d like to hook this product up to our website and automate the forms production for you for a small fee. |
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