1933: Franklin Delano Roosevelt Great American Gold Robbery |
SOURCE: The Great IRS Hoax book, Section 6.2.2. Money BackgroundGenuine money must have the following three qualities: 1. It must be a storehouse of intrinsic value. 2. It must be a universal, portable medium of exchange. 3. It must have a common unit of account. 4. It must be immune to attempts by the government to lower its valueby printing more and thereby use inflationary forces to “tax” all money in circulation. This ensures what we called earlier in section “separation of money and state”. Black’s Law Dictionary, 5th Edition, defines “money” as:
Gold and silver coins and the previous gold and silver certificates were a storehouse of “intrinsic” value. They actually increased in value with inflation. Therefore, they were a hedge against inflation. LAWFUL MONEY is defined in Black’s Law Dictionary, 2nd Ed., as:
At one time, reference to the laws that made money “lawful” were printed directly on the face of our currency. The laws printed on the bills were enacted on March 14, 1900 and December 24, 1919. 66th Congress Sess. II Chapter 15, (December 24, 1919)-Public Law No. 103 CHAP. 15-An Act to make gold certificates of the United States payable to bearer on demand legal tender. “Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, that gold certificates of the United States payable to bearer on demand shall be and are hereby made legal tender in payment of all debts and dues, public and private. §2 That all acts or parts of Acts which are inconsistent with this Act are hereby repealed.” Approved, December 24, 1919 The above law has NEVER been and CANNOT be repealed, as it is applicable to the 50 sovereign states, without amending the Constitution. Note that the Act, says “gold certificates payable to the bearer on demand “shall be and are.” This means not only when the Act was passed, but also into the future! §2 of the Act, repealing Acts or parts of Acts inconsistent with the above Public Law 103, would, therefore, not only be applicable to past Acts which were inconsistent with its intent but also future inconsistent Acts. It also says to be legal tender, the certificates MUST be payable to bearer on demand. Our current ‘Federal Reserve Notes’ do not meet either of these lawful requirements for legal tender for the Citizens of the several states. Perhaps Federal Reserve Notes are “legal tender” for the Territorial (federal zone) United States, under the EXCLUSIVE jurisdiction and not under Constitutional restrictions and protections. However, both the Constitution and the Law lead only to one inescapable conclusion, which is that:
Because the Constitution prohibited the states from coining gold and silver (which would logically extend to the gold and silver certificates which were representative of the ownership of these coins) and because We the People specifically delegated monetary powers to Congress, it was not within the Congressional authority to transfer the issuing of gold and silver certificates and ultimately federal reserve notes to the private Federal Reserve. Remember:
So where is our gold?…you ask. Where’s our gold certificates? Gold certificates were originally the idea of goldsmiths who would hold the gold of Citizens and issue much less bulky certificates as evidence of gold on deposit. The Certificate Holders could redeem their Certificates for their gold at any time. Greedy goldsmiths soon began to realize that the majority of the gold in their vaults just sat there because the Certificate Holders were using their certificates as a medium of exchange instead of the gold. Realizing this, the goldsmiths made up extra gold certificates and starting making loans, at interest, using OTHER Citizen’s gold as backing. These loans were then repaid to the goldsmith in GOLD COIN! As long as all the gold owners didn’t show up at once, the goldsmiths got away with their scheme. When the lawful owners of the gold got wise and demanded their gold back, the goldsmiths who couldn’t produce it were hung from the nearest tree! The Trading With the Enemy Act: Day the President Declared War on His Own People and Confiscated all the Gold!Many of the legal cites used in this section are taken from the tremendous research efforts of Dr. Eugene Schroder, who has authored a book called, Constitution: Fact or Fiction, published by Buffalo Creek Press, PO Box 2424 Cleburne, Texas 76033. Supporting documents and a video are also available from Dr. Schroder, c/o PO Box 89, Campo Colorado (81029). Dr. Schroder’s research exposes Government corruption of insidious magnitude. Senate Report 93-549 (1973) states: “Since March 9, 1933, the United States has been in a state of national emergency. A majority of the people of the United States have lived their lives under emergency rule. For 40 years freedoms and government procedures, guaranteed by the constitution have, in varying degrees, been abridged by laws brought forth by states of national emergency…” “These hundreds of statutes delegate to the President extraordinary powers, ordinarily exercised by Congress, which affect the lives of American Citizens in a host of all-encompassing manners. This vast range of powers, taken together, confer enough authority to rule this country without reference to normal constitutional process.” “Under the powers delegated by these statutes the President may: seize property, organize and control the means of production; seize commodities [i.e. the People’s gold, silver, and currency] assign military forces abroad; institute martial law; seize and control all transportation and communication; regulate the operation of private enterprise, restrict travel; and, in a plethora of ways, control the lives of all American citizens.” Franklin D. Roosevelt was a shrewd banker, himself. In the 1920’s, he made a considerable amount of money by floating millions of dollars in worthless German bonds. The artificially engineered Great Depression and a desperate nation, paved the way for acceptance of the new unconstitutional socialistically oriented governmental policies of FDR. Families, desperate to survive, lost touch with the Constitution. This section will provide powerful and unrefutable evidence that on March 9, 1933, the United States declared war on its own citizen subjects through Franklin D. Roosevelt, by amending the war powers, “Trading With The Enemy Act” of December 6, 1917, to include, as an enemy of the United States:
The above trick is exactly the same trick our government is STILL playing on us with the whole of Subtitle A income taxes…fooling us into believing that the jurisdiction of the Subtitle A income tax extends into the borders of the sovereign 50 union states when it actually does NOT, according to 26 U.S.C. §7701(a)9-(a)10! The purpose of this unconscionable and treasonous Act was to justify the theft and seizure of the People’s gold by the Government and to cancel the contractual obligation of the bankers to redeem the People’s Gold Certificates! This Act, if applicable to the Citizens of these united States, would have been a direct violation of Public Law 103 of Dec. 24, 1919, previously quoted, which stated, that only “gold certificates of the United States payable to bearer on demand shall be and are legal tender in payment of all debts and dues, public and private.” The amended Act also blatantly violated the Constitutional prohibition against making anything other than gold and silver legal tender for the payment of debts in the several states! The Trading with the Enemy Act, called upon the extraordinary dictatorial war powers. These powers were only to be used in life-threatening circumstances and ONLY against the declared enemy of the United States. Obviously, the intent of the law was NEVER to seize the assets of American Citizens in the time of peace or war! These powers have been grossly abused to turn America from a free constitutional Republic into an enslaved statutory presidential dictatorship! We warned you this kind of scam would be used to rob you of your liberty in section 2.7.6 entitled “Surrendering Freedoms in the Name of ‘Government Induced Crises’. In other countries, emergency powers can suspend the Constitution. Adolf Hitler used the Emergency Powers to suspend the German Constitution and institute an unfathomable dictatorial reign of terror! The German Emergency Power Law was merely titled Article 48 and stated:
Even with the broad war powers, in America, where the Constitution is the supreme law of the land and ANY law contrary to it NULL and VOID, it is not within the power of the President, the Congress or the Judiciary to create a law or an emergency which suspends the Constitution and unalienable rights of the Sovereign People! Not even war can alienate the rights of the People in relationship to the government! THE AMERICAN CONSTITUTION IS NON_SUSPENDIBLE! 16 Am Jur 2nd §71-72 states: “No emergency justifies a violation of any Constitutional provision.” Contrary to what the People were fraudulently mislead into believing, the Trading With the Enemy Act could not be, and therefore was not, applicable to the Citizens of the several states. In fact, in a section of the Trading With the Enemy Act, that was never amended, or repealed, the Citizens of these United States were specifically and logically exempted from being defined as the enemy. Therefore, the regulations and punishments of the Trading With the Enemy Act were not and could not later become applicable to the Citizens of the United States.
Again, it was the “persons” born in Territories over which the United States is exclusively sovereign and NOT the Citizens of the Sovereign states, who were the purported “Enemy” targets of the Trading with the Enemy Act. Even though the Citizens were specifically excluded from the Emergency War Powers Act, in the most heinous act of Government and Banker Fraud ever perpetrated, American Citizens were coerced by fear and defrauded into turning over all of their gold to the banks. They were threatened [coerced by fear] through the national media, with a $10,000 fine and 10 years in prison, if they refused to comply. It is important to remember that the gold in the banks was the property of the Citizens, holding the gold certificates. The gold did NOT belong to the Government or the Banks. The Federal Reserve is a PRIVATE CORPORATION and gold certificates represented a legitimate contractual obligation to convert the certificates to an equivalent amount of gold, payable on demand of the bearer, whenever that demand might be! The Federal Reserve was required by law to maintain a 40% gold reserve and enough other liquid assets to meet the demands of all citizens who wanted to convert their certificates into gold. Under normal circumstances, only a small percentage of Citizens would exchange their certificates for their gold. However, because of the depression, and well-founded rumors circulating that the private Federal Reserve was taking large amounts of gold belonging to the Citizens out of the country, people lined up at the bank to redeem their gold certificates for gold. This was the lawful prerogative of the People. The Citizens were merely demanding what was lawfully theirs. They had lawfully earned the gold certificates and gold which they represented and it was not within the power of the Government or the Bankers to take the Sovereign Citizen’s property and substance, emergency or no emergency! When FDR took office, he declared a national emergency. In Proclamation 2039, using the very words the Federal Reserve had written for him, He stated:
“Hoarding???” Doesn’t that mean “saving?” It was the People’s gold and not the bankers and, of course, it was their absolute prerogative to spend it or save it. Most were spending it on SURVIVAL during a time of depression, which incidentally some informed economists blame as the cause a money supply that was deliberately contracted by the Federal Reserve! The President was certainly not delegated the power to ORDER the People not to “save” their own gold! When the smoke screen was removed, the real emergency was that the private federal reserve had breached its contract with American Citizens. They were repudiating their contractual obligation to redeem the People’s gold Certificates and were removing the People’s gold from the country. The Bankers were like the goldsmiths who had their corrupt scheme exposed. The emergency was that the People were ready to hang the bankers from the nearest tree! Demanding the return of the People’s gold to the bankrupt private bankers was like having Americans return their cars if General Motors went bankrupt! FDR Defends the Federal Damn ReserveAs representatives of the Citizens, the President’s first duty was to the People who were the victims of banking fraud. Emergency legislation should have been passed, demanding an immediate and complete audit of the federal reserve (which has NEVER been audited). The 40% gold reserve should have been turned over to the People holding the gold Certificates and all of the bankers remaining assets should have been liquidated and converted to gold. This gold should have been returned to the holders of the gold certificates. If the audit found evidence of self-dealing and embezzlement of the People’s gold, those involved should have been criminally prosecuted and their assets should have been seized. If an emergency currency needed to be issued, it should have been debt free currency, issued by the Treasury of these United States and People should have been compensated for their loss of gold. This is how a good President would have protected the People. Instead, FDR was in the pocket of the Bankers! Lets go back to March 6-9, 1933 and find out what FDR did do. Instead of formulating a plan demanding that the Federal Reserve honor their contractual obligations to the People he instead consulted the Federal Reserve as to how they believed the crisis should be solved! Remember the REAL emergency was that the bankers did not want to honor their contractual obligation to convert the People’s gold certificates to gold. The cats were consulted about what their punishment should be for eating mice. Of course, the cats ruled that they should be fed more mice! What did the private federal reserve conclude that their punishment should be for embezzling the People’s gold and dishonoring their fiduciary responsibilities and legitimate contractual obligations? The cats at the FED decided that they should be fed more mice and the President was instructed to pass a law demanding that the People return ALL of their gold to the bankers or be subjected to a stiff fine and jail time. Roosevelt’s Proclamations were taken word for word from the Resolution adopted by Federal Reserve.
Remember, the controllers of the Federal Reserve were extremely well educated in law. History has shown them to be the brains behind all major Wars throughout the world. They create a conflict and then fund all sides. War is big business for banks. The fed understood how Congress can legislate for its Territorial subject “persons” through Art. I, Sec, 8, Clause 17, without regards to the Constitution (see also Downes v. Bidwell, 182 U.S. 244 (1901)). These same scoundrels probably created the loophole! They also knew the difference between the Citizen of these united States and the 14th Amendment “person” and they were well aware of the War Powers. Following is the original October 6, 1917 combined with the Amendments of March 9, 1933: Note: Bold
faced and single underlines are added by the author for
emphasis and understanding. Double underlines and
SOME DARE CALL IT TREASON! Constitution for the United States, Article III, Section 3, Clause 1 “Treason against the United States shall consist only of levying war against them, or adhering to their enemies…” The supreme Court decision of Stoehr v. Wallace, 255 U.S. 239 (1921) declared:
How did FDR and the Federal Reserve get away with this treasonous robbery of the American People’s substance? Probably for the same reason Congress is currently passing a multitude of unAmerican bills and Acts. Congress just does not read them! In the words of Congressman McFadden: Congressman McFadden: “Mr. Speaker, I regret that the membership of the House has had no opportunity to consider or even read this bill. The first opportunity I had to know what this legislation is, was when it was read form the clerk’s desk. It is an important banking bill. It is a dictatorship over finance in the United States, it is complete control over the banking system in the United States…It is difficult under the circumstances to discuss this bill. The first section of the bill, as I grasped it is the War Powers that were given back in 1917.” In spite of warnings of McFadden, the amended Trading With the Enemy Act was immediately passed by a trusting, uneducated and ignorant Congress. What were the banking institutions as defined by the President?
What is the collateral for federal reserve notes? To add insult to injury, it became the People’s own property!
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