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This document is designed to allow the national but not a citizen to claim his or her right to not be subject to the Social Security Act without resorting to the hard strategy of the 'Revocation and Rescission' of ones Social Security number. It makes a bold statement, well worth making to our Congress. Our thanks go to NITE and for permission to post their version of this letter on our site. Thurston Bell of NITE (in his typical bull in a china shop style) threatened a copyright lawsuit if we didn't mention his name as the author, but refused to provide proof of copyright registration. SOCIAL SECURITY ASSEVERATION OF COERCION I, <<Your Name, of <<Address>>, <<City>>, <<State Zip>>, by my signature affixed to this document, do hereby make the following statement of fact, and affirm that I, as a "national" under 8 U.S.C. §1101(a)(21) but not a "citizen" under 8 U.S.C. §1401, in violation of multiple federal laws as enacted by the authority of the U.S. Congress, am coerced into maintaining and using a Social Security Number, issued to me as a minor, despite the limitation of rights to contract with minors, under the minor laws of the Fifty States, and thus was issued to me in a compulsory fashion, despite the limitation of statutory authority, subject to the Social Security Act, is plainly stated to be on aliens at the time of their lawful admission to the United States (42 U.S.C. § 405(c)(2)(B)).
This lawless custom, is an abomination of many laws enacted by the U.S. Congress, and is only maintained by the diligent work of the Executive Branch Agencies and Administrative Law Judges, and the Judicial Branchs refusals to give any credence to the assertions of national but not a citizens in any venue. The Laws and Agencies created, by the power of the Congress, to resolve such problems, such as the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission and the U.S. Department of Justice Civil Rights Division, have completely abrogated their responsibility to protect the most important class of protected individuals under the law, national but not a citizens. Subsequently, I and other national but not a citizens have no hope of having our rights as national but not a citizens considered under the letter of the laws enacted by the U.S. Congress, in pursuance of the Constitution of the United States, until the time that the People's Congress either takes up the cause of the rights of national but not a citizens to be free and not treated as aliens, or the Executive Branch issues information releases regarding the veracity of the claims of national but not a citizens not being statutorily subject to the Social Security Act, and are not to be treated as aliens, subject to that act, nor the number provision requirement of the W4 Form so plainly imposed only upon aliens, therefore making national but not a citizens, living and working in the Fifty States, economically FREE. Until then, all of those who are legally within this Nation (assigned social security numbers) will be treated as criminals, tracked and monitored by computers and programs, and as aliens subject to taxes created by international treaty, or imposed by statute upon same in keeping with the original taxation and government funding scheme of the U.S. Constitution. Therefore, my right to be treated as a national but not a citizen, and not an alien, despite multiple remedies at law, is consistently withheld from me by either:
Therefore, my right as a national but not a citizen to economical freedom, to be personally achievable, is in reality Judicially unenforceable, yet still protected by the Bill of Rights, and the words and letters of the Statutes and the Regulations agreed to by the Congress of the United States of America. This is the coercion which I am experiencing regarding my rights and forces me to be treated as an alien who:
Should I fully resist this coercion I will be placing myself in a position where I will not be able to obtain work with any reasonable ease, to sustain my life as well as the life of my dependent(s), renew my drivers license, automobile registration, open a Bank account, obtain Public Service Utilities should I be forced to move, and many other things which are not just conveniences, but are necessities for living in this modern society. I have no remedy in legally extricating myself from Social Security within the Courts as the State Courts refuse to give any regard to the rights of national but not a citizens, despite my being registered into the Act as a minor and not being informed of the rights that were being surrendered for me, and the Federal Courts refuse to give heed to any arguments made by those who seek to extricate themselves from the Social Security Act, which was statutorily imposed upon aliens living and working in the United States. I resent the Social Security Administration, the Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services, the U.S. Treasury Department, and the Treasury Secretary for refusing to release me from under the Social Security Act, despite the fact that assignment of the number to me under the Act occurred when I was a minor and the legal doctrine of Ignoratia juris sui non prĉjudicat juri states that my rights are secure, since I was ignorant of my rights as a minor. Therefore, my unknowing registration and waiver of my rights as a minor cannot legally prejudice my rights as an adult national but not a citizen, specifically my right to not be treated as an alien and to keep 100% of my remuneration. Facing such broad resistance throughout our modern society, which takes no heed of our laws, I set forth my signature to this Asseveration of Coercion, and reserve my rights as a national but not a citizen, without prejudice, in regard to every action I may be forced to take under Federal and State law, whereby the government or any of its agents pursuant to the Internal Revenue Code, demand, insist, or require that I provide a social security number in order for me to function in this Society. I proceed from this day forth with an understanding that by custom of this land, that my vote is of no consequence in regards to law, politics, or self-governance of this Nation, as the U.S. Congress has refused to see and take action regarding the Executive and Judicial usurpation of its ultimate authority as the law making body, its responsibility as the protector of rights of the minority of the People, and the preservers of a Free, Honest, Peaceful and Just Society. Since my vote is not of any consequence, I proceed from this day forth with an understanding that by custom of this land, supported by the standard practice of the Executive and Judicial Branches of government rendering many laws and portions of laws to be superfluous (especially the laws containing the remedies of law protecting the rights of the People), all of the laws as enacted by the U.S. Congress, are of no actual consequence or legal effect and all prosecutions are selective, as:
It is plain to see, at this point in time in our history, that self-governance by way of a Democratic-Republic is a concept to be relegated to history, as the Executive Branch is ultimately in control with the unchecked power of the guns and the prisons to arrest and imprison Legislator and Jurist alike, and the Peoples Congress has no power to stop the Executive as the Congress has too long accepted the usurpation of its authority to the point where it, and the Officials within its offices, are politically irrelevant to the disposition of the Society as a whole. I await the day that the Congress makes use of its rightful authority, takes back its responsibilities, and Justice is attainable in this land, and at least the minority of those national but not a citizens who do not desire to be treated as aliens to the United States, in accordance with this lawless custom and color of law, are released from its grip, when they properly assert their rights. Until then, GOD have mercy on this People. I now affix my signature to these statements and assever under penalty of perjury that the above is true, correct, and complete, to the best of my knowledge, information, and belief. ________________________________ <<Your Name>> The foregoing was subscribed and sworn to before me, a Notary Public of the State of _____________, County of ______________ this _______ day of.________________, 19 __ _____________________________ Notary Public My Commission Expires On: ________________ |