It seems to me symptomatic of our time that educated, intelligent people
can seriously debate and promote this proposal. To not immediately see the
blatant unconstitutionality of a "national sales tax", is to
expose one's utter lack of understanding of the American experiment with
Liberty. To not see that such a tax opens the most tyrannical Pandora's
Box of Taxation in the nation's history is tragic, to say the least. It is
shocking that so many otherwise intelligent folks cannot see that such a
tax constitutes a blatant violation of the Constitution's prohibition
against direct taxes on the people by the national government. Do people
seriously believe that a tax on the basic activities and materials of life
does not constitute that which the Framers referred to as a "Direct
Tax"? If that does not constitute a "Direct Tax", what in
heaven's name would be? To trust the government of the "United
States", based upon its track record, to not turn this national sales
tax into the final link in the chains of slavery for the American people
is to indulge in wishful thinking a la Alice in Wonderland. The real issue
is and has been for many decades, the grossly unconstitutional,
socialistic behavior and tyrannical, intrusive Big-Brotherism of a
national government created 200 years ago with very narrow
responsibilities and lawfully limited powers. Do the proponents of the
national sales tax not understand that there is in reality only one
resource for government to plunder -- the labor and property of the
people? The nation has a severed jugular, and their "solution"
is to find a "more fair", "less painful" way to catch
the blood. Proponents of the national sales tax apparently believe the
"system" is working just fine; the slaves just need a new set of
less abrasive chains!
The below study (in boldface type) gives a very enlightening look at
the legal issues involved with implementing a national sales tax as a
substitute for the income tax we now have.
P.O. Box 3245; Frederick, MD 21705
P.O. Box 0786 Greenbelt, MD 20768
Phone: 301-345-5689
Author: John William Kurowski
Transcribed to ASCII by the Legislative Exchange Association,
Editing and Research Service (LEADERS), P.O. Box 3245; Frederick, MD
301-293-0001, E-Mail to: FrenchyG@AOL.COM
There is an important distinction to be
made concerning a "national
sales tax" as proposed to replace current taxation, and the method of
consumption as intended by the Founding Fathers. A national sales tax
give Congress an across the board percentage of our economy by laying an
internal tax, whether such revenue is needed or not. The Founder's method
taxing consumption began with an external tax on imports at our water's
and was extended to reach internal consumption only if external taxation
found insufficient.
It is important to study our nation's
first revenue raising Act to
understand the wisdom of the Framers. The Act was "... in a certain
sense a
second Declaration of independence; and by a coincidence which could not
been more striking or significant, it was approved by President Washington
the fourth day of July, 1789." [See, Twenty Years of Congress, James
Blaine, 1884, Vol. 1, page 185]
Madison, in discussing this Act
before Congress, clearly pointed out a
very important principal of American's original tax reform package:
"...a national revenue
must be obtained; but the system must be such a
one, that, while it secures the object of revenue it shall not be
to our constituents."
The Act imposed taxes, not on
American constituents, but on "goods wares
and merchandise" imported into our Country by foreign nations, and
not one
dime was raised under the Act by any internal taxes. Internal taxes
frowned upon by the Founder's especially when a national revenue could be
by requiring foreign nations to pay for the privilege of doing business on
American's soil!
Jefferson, in his Second Annual Message(December
15, 1802) states:
"In the department of finance it is with
pleasure I inform you that the
receipts of external duties for the last twelve months have exceeded those
any former year, and that the ratio of increase has been also greater than
usual. This has enabled us to answer all the regular exigencies of
government, to pay from the treasury in one year upward of eight millions
dollars, principal and interest, of the public debt, exclusive of upward
one million paid by the sale of bank stock, and making in the whole a
reduction of nearly five millions and a half of principal; and to have now
the treasury four millions and a half of dollars, which are in a course of
application to a further discharge of debt and current demands."
Imagine...all this in consequence of "external duties!"
In Jefferson's Second Inaugural Address
(March 4, 1805), he points out:
"At home, fellow citizens, you best
know whether we have done well or
ill. The suppression of unnecessary offices, of useless
establishments and
expenses, enabled us to discontinue our internal taxes. These
covering our
land with officers, and opening our doors to their intrusions, had already
begun that process of domiciliary vexation which, once entered, is
scarcely to
be restrained from reaching successively every article of produce and
property. If among these taxes some minor ones fell which had not
inconvenient, it was because their amount would not have paid the officers
collected them, and because, if they had any merit, the state authorities
might adopt them, instead of others less approved."
"The remaining revenue on the consumption of
foreign articles, is paid
cheerfully by those who can afford to add foreign luxuries to domestic
comforts, being collected on our seaboards and frontiers only, and
incorporated with the transactions of our mercantile citizens, it may be
pleasure and pride of an American to ask, "what farmer, what
mechanic, what
laborer, ever sees a tax-gatherer of the United States?"
The national sales tax idea would do ill to
our nation as it is an
internal system of taxation which ultimately increases the cost of goods
manufactured on American soil; burdens the American Citizen in its
and, is to be paid BY the farmer, mechanic, laborer, etc. who will
continue to
see the intrusion of the "tax gatherer of the United States" if
such a system
is adopted!
It is also important to note how imposts
and duties (external taxation)
were successfully used to encourage domestic manufacturing and assist in
building a strong industrial base. The first revenue raising Act
imposed an
across-the-board tax on imports which was higher for imports shipped in
foreign owned foreign built vessels, and discounted the tax for imports
arriving in American owned American built ships:
"a discount of ten percent on all
duties imposed by this Act shall be
allowed on such goods, wares, and merchandise as shall be imported in
built in the United States, and wholly the property of a citizen or
This skillful use of external taxation gave
American ship builders a
hometown advantage and predictably resulted in America's merchant marine
becoming the most powerful on the face of the planet. In addition,
national treasury was filled by foreigners paying for the privilege of
business on American soil.
But this was when members of Congress, and
those running for Office, put
American interests first and would have considered NAFTA, GATT and the WTO
acts of sedition, and would have tarred and feathered those promoting such
surrender of America's soverignity.
A national sales tax plan which omits
external taxation as a principal
source to fill our national treasury, is in fact a surrender of national
sovereignty to the advantage of foreign interests!
It is quite obvious the American People are
fed up with the manner in
which Congress now raises its revenue, and the system will be
way or another. But if income taxation is abandoned and the Founders
tax plan is returned to, including the use of impost and duties at our
edge as a principal means to fill our national treasury, a powerful group
international financiers and investors will have their gravy train cut
Perhaps that is why a flat tax along with a national sales tax has been
offered as "tax reform" by the establishment ... each proposal
perpetuates a burdensome system of internal taxation as the principal
means to
raise revenue, and leaves the international gravy train in tact by not
resorting to external taxation to meet the expenses of Congress as was
intended by the Founders!
In closing, many of the same people who
promoted the NAFTA, GATT and the
WTO (the free trade crowd) are now promoting various forms of tax reform
each proposal cleverly maintaining internal taxation as a principal means
raise a national revenue. Let us continually keep in mind the
distinction between internal and external taxation while working toward
elimination of income taxation and strive to return to the Founding
original tax preform package which provided the means allowing America to
become the economic envy of the world.
Statement of John William Kurowski
Founder Of The
American Constitutional Research Service
Before the
Committee on Ways and Means
United States House of Representatives
June 1995
Mr. Chairman and Members of this Committee:
The subject of tax reform was extensively
debated by the Founders of our
country. I do not know if other participants in these Hearings have
take the
time to research the accounts of these historical debates when formulating
suggestions they will present to this Committee, but, having researched
Founders' original tax reform package, I am inclined to believe its
fundamental principals are as valid today as when they were put into
over two hundred years ago.
Our nation's first revenue raising Act was
" a certain sense a
second Declaration of Independence; and by a coincidence which could not
been more striking or more significant, it was approved by President
Washington on the fourth day of July, 1789." [See, Twenty Years
of Congress,
James G. Blaine, 1884, Vol. 1, page 185]
James Madison, in discussing this Act
before Congress identified a
fundamental principal concerning the power delegated to Congress to lay
collect taxes:
national revenue must be obtained; but the system must be
such a one, that, while it secures the object of
revenue it shall not be
oppressive to our constituents."
The Act went on to imposed taxes, not on
Congress' constituents, but on
specific "goods, wares, and merchandise, imported into the United
States", and
not one dime was raised under the Act by internal taxation! Internal
were frowned upon by the Founders, especially when a national revenue
could be
had by requiring foreigners to pay for the privilege of doing business on
American soil!
Jefferson, in his Second Annual Message
(December 15, 1802) states:
"In the
department of finance it is with pleasure I inform you
that the receipts of external duties for the last
twelve months have
exceeded those of any former year, and that the
ratio of increase has
been also greater than usual. This has
enabled us to answer all the
regular exigencies of government, to pay from the
treasury in one year
upward of eight millions of dollars, principal
and interest, of the
public debt, exclusive of upward of one million
paid by the sale of bank
stock, and making in the whole a reduction of
nearly five millions and a
half of principal; and to have now in the
treasury four millions and a
half of dollars, which are in a course of
application to a further
discharge of debt and current demands."
[emphasis added]
Imagine...all this in consequence of "external duties"!
In Jefferson's Second Inaugural Address
(March 4, 1805, he points out:
home, fellow citizens, you best know whether we have done well
or ill. The suppression of unnecessary
offices, of useless
establishments and expenses, enabled us to
discontinue our internal
taxes. These covering our land with
officers, and opening our doors to
their intrusions, had already begun that process
of domiciliary vexation
which, once entered, is scarcely to be restrained
from reaching
successively every article of produce and
remaining revenue on the consumption of foreign articles, is
paid cheerfully by those who can afford to add
foreign luxuries to
domestic comforts, being collected on our
seaboards and frontiers only,
and incorporated with the transactions of our
mercantile citizens, it
may be the pleasure and pride of an American to
ask, what farmer, what
mechanic, what laborer, ever sees a tax-gatherer
of the United States?"
[emphasis added]
Although the national sales tax proposals
appear to be somewhat fairer
than existing taxation, each would do ill to our nation as they are all
upon internal taxation, which would ultimately increases the cost of goods
manufactured on American soil; burden the American Citizen in its
and, are to be paid by the "farmer, mechanic, laborer", etc.,
who will
continue to see the intrusion of the "tax-gatherer of the United
States" if
such a system is adopted!
In view of the undesirable effects of an
internal national sales tax,
perhaps it is wise to further study the Founder's plan and learn how
and duties (external taxation) were successfully used to fill the national
treasury, encourage domestic manufacturing and assist in building a strong
industrial base.
In addition to imposing a specific amount
of tax on specific articles of
consumption imported, the first revenue raising Act also imposed an
the-board tax on imports which was higher for imports shipped in foreign
foreign built vessels, and discounted the tax for imports arriving in
owned American built ships:
"...a discount of ten percent on all
duties imposed by this Act
shall be allowed on such goods, wares, and
merchandise as shall be
imported in vessels built in the United States,
and wholly the
property of a citizen or citizens thereof."
This patriotic and skillful use of external
taxation not only filled our
national treasury, but gave American ship builders a hometown advantage
predictably resulted in America's merchant marine becoming the most
on the face of the planet. Unfortunately, today when I visit the
docks in New
York's Hell's Kitchen area, I am saddened that I can no longer read the
on the docked ships as they all seem to now be foreign owned foreign built irrefutable sign of America's decline traceable to the
of thirty pieces of silver.
Yes, there was a day when our national
treasury was gladly filled by
foreigners paying for the opportunity to do business on American soil.
this was when members of Congress, and those running for Office, put
interests first and would have considered the NAFTA, GATT and the WTO as
of sedition, and would have tarred and feathered those participating in
surrender of America's sovereignty.
A national sales tax plan which omits
external taxation is a principal
source to fill our national treasury, is in fact a surrender of national
sovereignty to the advantage of foreign interests!
A Second Source To Fill The Treasury
Having identified imposts and duties
(external taxes) as being the
Founder's intended primary source to fill our national treasury, I will
turn to their intended internal consumption tax plan.
An across the board national sales tax
would unquestionably increase the
cost of production on American soil, as previously pointed out. To
this, and other unwanted effects of an across the board national sales
common sense dictates we must exclude from the list of taxable items,
tools of
production, supplies necessary to conduct business, services needed to
business, and the necessities of life (food, shelter, clothing, medical
expenses) i.e. all those items which makes labor possible must also be
In simple language, a consumption tax plan
ought to be limited to
articles of luxury, and each article must be individually selected by
and the appropriate amount of tax must be determined for each specific
chose, just as was done in the first revenue Act of our country!
By limiting the tax to articles of luxury,
and requiring each article to
be specifically chosen and the appropriate amount of tax determined by
Congress, a self regulating check and balance is imposed upon Congress.
Congress does its job properly and the nation as a whole is productive and
prosperous, the purchase of articles of luxury will undoubtedly increase,
with it, the flow of revenue into the common treasury! But, if
policies become burdensome and its regulatory requirements upon business,
industry and our nation's labor force inhibit a hearty economy, or any
particular article is excessively taxed, the first sign would be in a
in the flow of revenue into the national treasury!
Thus, the free market place determines the
limit of taxation under the
Founder's internal consumption tax plan, and it establishes a self
gauge beyond the reach of Congress' manipulation!
As Hamilton said, in regard to taxes on
consumption, they:
"... may be compared to a fluid, which
will in time find its level
with the means of paying them. The amount
to be contributed by
each citizen will in a degree be by his own
option, and can be
regulated by an attention to his own resources.
The rich may be
extravagant, the poor can be frugal; and private
oppression may
always be avoided by judicious selection of
objects proper for
such impositions ... It is a signal advantage of
taxes on articles
of consumption that they contain in their own
nature a security
against excess. They prescribe their own
limit, which can not be
exceeded without defeating the end proposed
that is, an extension
of the revenue." [No. 21 of the Federalist,
emphasis added.]
Balancing the Budget
Still one more question remains to be
answered: what is to be done if
insufficient revenue is raised from external and internal taxes on
Once again the Founder's plan shines bright
above all contemporary
suggestions. Careful research into our Nation's early legislative
reveals the Framers did in fact provide Congress with an emergency power
to be
used if deficits should arise. And the wisdom of the Framer's
method, unlike
the proposed balanced budget amendment (S.J. RES.1), contains a brilliant
mechanism which would abruptly end Congress' current profligate spending
Under the Framer's plan, whenever the
monies arising from Congress'
normal taxing powers (imposts duties and excises) are found insufficient
fund federal expenditures during a fiscal year, and a deficit is produced
Congress borrowing to finance expenditures, Congress must then use its
taxing power at the beginning of next fiscal year to raise an amount
sufficient to retire this deficit.
Congress is required to follow the rules of
apportionment when imposing
this tax, and bills each state for a share of the deficit. Each
State must
contribute a share of the total deficit in proportion to its allotted
of Representatives as set forth in Article I, Section 2, clause 3, of the
United Constitution. The more votes a State exercises in the House,
larger is its share toward extinguishing a deficit . . . representation
proportional obligation!
The chart below is based on a total House
membership of 435:
The states are left free to raise their
share of the tax in their own
way, within a time period set by Congress. But if any state shall
neglect to
pay its share, then Congress must send forth its officers to assess and
that state's apportioned share, together with interest thereon.
Legislative History
This method of extinguishing deficits
appears in seven of the
ratification documents which gave life to the United States Constitution.
first emergency direct tax was imposed in 1798, to extinguish part of the
Revolutionary War debt. It was later used during the War of 1812,
and also to
extinguish deficits during the Civil War.
The Sixteenth Amendment to the United
States Constitution did not repeal
or alter Congress' power, or obligation, to impose the emergency direct
should a deficit arise. The power of Congress to impose a direct tax
exists, and direct taxes are still required to be apportioned among the
states, as pointed out by the United States Supreme Court [see Stanton v.
Baltic Mining Co., 240 U.S. 103, 103, (1916; Eisner v. Macomber, 252 U.S.
(1920); and, Bromely v. McCaughn, 280 U.S. 124 (1929). Also see
Research Service Report No. 84-168 A 784/275, which was updated September
Big Advantages
There is no smoke and mirrors with the
'FAIR-SHARE' method of balancing
the budget. The emergency direct tax is required to be imposed
Congress closes a fiscal year with a deficit. The structural
mechanism which
would immediately bring fiscal sanity to Congress is the requirement of
Congress send a bill to the governor of each state, notifying him to remit
state's apportioned share toward extinguishing the deficit created during
year by Congress; the governors and state legislators being left with the
burden of having to raise this money, and to send it off to Washington,
Picture, for a moment, the expression on
the faces of the Governor of
New York and the New York State Legislature, if New York should receive a
for its apportioned share [31/435] of the 1995 federal deficit. This
would create a compelling incentive for the Governor of each state, and
various state legislatures, to keep a jealous eye on the spending habits
their Congressional Delegation . . . it would require the fiscal
accountability which the state governments once demanded from their Senate
House Members!
In addition, because each state's share of
the tax burden is determined
by a fixed rule, similar to that which determines the House membership
size of
each state, a barrier is erected preventing the kind of mischief which
Congress now practices, i.e., discriminatory tax legislation; pork-barrel
favoritism; special interest lobbying, etc.
Bottom Line
The Framers of the Constitution provided a
specific method to extinguish
anticipated deficits through an emergency direct tax. Hamilton, in
No. 36 of
The Federalist Papers, reminds us:
"Let it
be recollected that the proportion of these taxes is
not to be left to the discretion of the national
legislature, but
is to be determined by the number of each State,
as described in
the second section of first article [United
States Constitution].
An actual census or enumeration of the people
must furnish a rule,
a circumstance which effectively shuts the door
to partiality or
oppression. The abuse of this power of
taxation seems to have
been provided against with guarded
circumspection." (EMPHASIS
The rule of apportionment was written into
our constitution to remedy a
major defect associated with "democracies", which Madison points
out in No. 10
of The Federalist Papers:
"... have ever been spectacles of
turbulence and contention; have
ever been found incompatible with personal
security or the rights
of property; and have in general been as short in
their lives as
they have been violent in their deaths."
And so, the Founding Fathers formed a
Constitutional Republic to avoid
the predictable disastrous consequences of democracy.
The intended use of the emergency direct
taxing power to extinguish
deficits is not only far superior to any of the proposed balanced budget
amendments being offered . . . it is already part of our Constitution.
method in text form is as follows:
The Fair Share Balanced Budget Method
"A R T I C L E (?)"
"SECTION 1. Congress ought not
raise money by borrowing, but when the
money arising from imposts duties and excise taxes are insufficient to
the public exigencies, and Congress has raised money by borrowing during
course of a fiscal year, Congress shall then lay a direct tax at the
of the next fiscal year for an amount sufficient to extinguish the
fiscal year's deficit, and apply the revenue so raised to extinguishing
"SECTION 2. When Congress is
required to lay a direct tax in accordance
with Section 1 of this Article, Congress shall immediately calculate each
State's apportioned share of the tax based upon its number of
as allotted by the Constitution, and then notify the Executive of each
of its apportioned share of the total tax being collected and a final date
which said tax shall be paid into the United States Treasury."
"SECTION 3. Each State shall be
free to assume and pay its quota of the
direct tax into the United States Treasury by the final date set by
but if any State shall refuse or neglect to pay its quota, then Congress
send forth its officers to assess and levy such State's proportion against
real property within the State with interest thereon at the rate of ((?))
cent per annum, and against the individual owners of such property.
shall be made for a 15% discount for those States paying their share by
of the fiscal year in which the tax is laid, and a 10% discount for States
paying by the final date set by Congress, such discount being to defray
States' cost of collection."
There are participants at this Hearing, and
many political pundits
appearing on talk shows across our country, who are far more articulate
than I
in identifying the glaring defects and dishonest nature of income
whether flat or progressive. Likewise, there is also an abundant
supply of
those presenting well rehearsed arguments against an across the board
sales tax, and have displayed their rhetorical skills quite admirably.
who, I ask, has made a substantial argument against the Founding Father's
original tax reform package?
Perhaps our only problem in regard to tax
reform is that we, as a
nation, have lost touch with the original intent and wisdom of those who
framed and ratified our Constitution...such negligence culminating in our
current dilemma.
In closing Mr. Chairman, I would like to
take this time to thank you and
your staff for allowing me this opportunity to present my humble opinion
on a
subject of such great importance.