Test for Federal Tax Professionals: Questions that Stop the IRS Dead in Their Tracks and Silence "The Ignorance of Foolish Men" |
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This article is done in satisfaction of the following Bible passage from 1 Peter 2: 13-17: Submit yourselves to every ordinance of man for the Lord's sake: whether it be to the king, as supreme; Or unto governors, as unto them that are sent by him for the punishment of evildoers, and for the praise of them that do well. For so is the will of God, that with well doing ye may PUT TO SILENCE THE IGNORANCE OF FOOLISH MEN: As free, and not using [your] liberty for a cloke of maliciousness, but as the servants of God. Honour all [men]. Love the brotherhood. Fear God. Honour the king. The focus of this article is to attempt to understand and submit to the "ordinances of man". It does so by providing a list of canned questions tailored for specific circumstances or situations you are likely to face with the IRS. The answer to each question is provided before it is asked by revealing the research the answer is based on. The questions also appear as a form in section 15.1 of The Great IRS Hoax for your reuse. These questions are carefully designed to very quickly and very succinctly bring the IRS to their senses and force them to face the truth and what the law says about our lack of liability for whatever it is that they are trying to hold us accountable for. We use the UCC and their lack of response to establish fact that immunizes us against prosecution. Because IRS revenue agents are not taught to know the law and instead are taught to follow canned procedures, we have devoted special attention to make the questions brief, relatively simple, and easy for even a busy revenue agent to verify. We also advise you, when submitting these questions to the IRS, to encourage them to seek legal advice if they aren’t sure about the correct answer, not unlike what they do when responding to some of the things we send them. When (or if) you get the answers back, we provide at the beginning of each of the subsequent subsections, a list of sections within this document that both the questions and the answers were derived from so that you can research the IRS’ answers for yourselves if they decide to try to obfuscate or intimidate you. The basis for the requirement for the questions in this article derives specifically from section 8.3.1 and section of The Great IRS Hoax. Section is where we recommended using IRS incompetency and the Uniform Commercial Code (U.C.C.) to shift the burden of proof over to the IRS to prove our specific liability. One of the guidelines appearing in that section was to submit a short list of legal questions (not moral or ethical questions, which will be ignored and called frivolous) to the IRS that address the foundation of the issues they have. Each question must containing default answers derived from specific sections of the Internal Revenue Code and the Treasury Regulations that we have personally researched, which is also your way of notifying them of your position on the issue. By using questions, we establish firm ground for the good faith basis of our beliefs and convictions about our lack of legal liabilities. We also establish a basis to reproach the agents we can identify by name that we are working with openly in court and in front of the jury for being ignorant, irresponsible, unresponsive, incompetent, and downright evil. The questions in this section are intended to demonstrate: 1. What our beliefs are. 2. That our beliefs are in good faith with no intent to abdicate our lawful responsibilities or deceive, but instead we want to understand and be educated if we are in error. 3. That we are not a person who is liable for the penalty or tax they claim we owe. 4. The foundation of our belief is based on detailed and disciplined study of the Internal Revenue Code, the Treasury Regulations (26 CFR), and the rulings of the federal courts. 5. We wish to comply with the law as written and expect the same out of the IRS. 6. If the agent reading the letter does not understand the law, then he is admonished to seek legal counsel just like they routinely advise us in their letters. 7. We wish to challenge the legal basis of the authority of the IRS and the agent we are in contact with to make the claims he/she is making. 8. That we insist on proper and complete identification of all persons we are dealing with in case they must be sued or criminally prosecuted for malfeasance or extortion under the color of office. 9. That all communications must be in writing and signed by a real person using their real legal name. 10. That the public trust position of the agent we are dealing with requires them to act morally and ethically and as a fiduciary in pursuit of our, not the government’s, best interests. We need to remind them that they are “public servants”: we are the “public” and they are the “servants”. 11. That good faith dealings demand a personal response from them on all issues we raise and a measure of personal responsibility and accountability on their part, rather than ignoring our communications and continuing to harass us with threatening and anonymous automated communications. To do so without justified cause would constitute fraud. This requirement is consistent with the Code of Ethics for Federal Employees we talked about earlier in section 2.1 |
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