Below is a scanned image of the second panel of a tri-fold, six-page, pamphlet
the IRS sent to Bob Newland. The pamphlet first appeared on the Naked Government Website
located at:
Below each panel, we will set the record straight with a rebuttal to the
IRS' claims in order to clarify the points and set the record straight.
The first page reads:
- Prepared by
- North Central District
- Internal Revenue Service
Serving Minnesota, North Dakota, & South Dakota |
IRS' Tax Protester Rebuttal, Page 2

spread similar messages and their messages are false."
REBUTTAL 1: The IRS is spreading the largest amount of false
information by not clearly defining the
significance of the term "source" as it pertains
to gross income, and by progressively obfuscating the tax
code over the years to complicate it so badly that
your average citizen doesn't have a clue what is in
it's 2,000 pages to figure out what he owes.
In order
to qualify as gross income that is
taxable, income must not only be of the type that is taxable, but must
also derive from a taxable source, as
narrowly defined in IRC section 861 (26 U.S.C. 861).
Nowhere in this section do you find income of citizens
from domestic sources as being classifed as "gross income"
from a taxable source. This is consistent with
the U.S. Constitution in Article 1, Section
8, Clauses 1 through 3, which limits the role of the federal
government to that of regulating foreign
commerce and interstate (not "intrastate") business transactions
and trades, which are subject to excise
courts have ruled that the code affects all U.S. Citizens throughout the nation."
REBUTTAL 2: More IRS subterfuge. Did you notice that
they didn't say the code "makes ALL US
CITIZENS liable for paying tax", nor did they
define WHO is liable for paying tax? Why? Because they
could be prosecuted for fraud if they said that U.S.
Citizens living in the 50 states with domestic income
have income that is defined as gross income that is
taxable under IRC section 861. There is a big difference
between being "affected by" (in
this case being aware of) the tax codes and being "liable" for