IRS CLAIM 3:  "Section 6012 of the Internal Revenue Code makes clear-in great detail- that the only people
       who are not required to file tax returns are those whose income falls below certain levels."
REBUTTAL 3:  There they go again ignoring the IRC section 861 source issue and "taxable income" or
     "gross income" issues.  Section 6012 does indeed mention "gross income" and says that parties with a
     gross income less than the exemption amount do not have to file income tax returns.  In fact, if people
     used the IRC's own section 861 for identifying taxable sources of income, then their gross income (which
     is income that derives from a taxable source) would be zero and therefore they would fall below the
     exemption amount.

IRS CLAIM 4:  "However, the term 'voluntary compliance' in Flora is taken out of context  and is used to
    spread spurious claims that taxes are optional.  The courts have historically held that there are no
    Constitutional,  moral, or legal grounds for failing to file tax returns and failing to pay taxes.  The term
    'voluntary compliance' refers to the fact that the majority of taxpayers in the United States complete tax
    returns and send in their taxes due without the need for enforcement action on the part of the Internal
    Revenue Service.  Failure to file required tax returns or failure to pay taxes will result in criminal and/or
    civil penalties."
REBUTTAL 4:  They are correct that for SOME people taxes are NOT optional, but the people they are
     talking about are citizens with foreign income or residents of Puerto Rico, the District of Columbia, or the
     Virgin Islands, which are all taxable sources per the IRC section 861. We'd like to remind you that you can
     be a taxpayer without being LIABLE for paying tax!   The majority of citizens fit this category because
     they do not have foreign income, but the IRS and Congress have been remiss in reminding such people
     that they don't need to  pay because they don't mind taking your "donations" and exploiting your
     ignorance by a complicated and unnecessarily long tax code.