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IRS Hoax, section 4.12.18
So far, we have talked a lot about the “rights” of the various citizens, but what about the responsibilities and duties? What are the obligations of being a citizen? That’s the subject of this section. The main responsibility of any good citizen is to enforce the laws of the federal Constitution upon our state and federal governments. As they say:
Eternal vigilance for the citizen must take many forms. Here are a few: 1.Obey all government laws that do not conflict with God’s laws and/or our conscience while disobeying government laws that conflict, so that: 1.1.We don’t offend God or our moral beliefs by violating His laws. 1.2.We don’t hurt our fellow citizens or burden our government in prosecuting or punishing us for our crimes. 2.Taking complete and personal responsibility for defending our own life, liberty, property, and family as best that we can from encroachments by other citizens or especially the government. This will minimize the burden on government of defending us. 3.Taking personal responsibility for completely supporting ourselves so that we never become a burden to either the government or our fellow citizens who support the government:
4.Recognizing that government is force and that force and charity are fundamentally incompatible.
Therefore, good citizens will: 4.1.Vote in such a way that we elect people into public office who do not allow government to involve itself in charity or social welfare programs. 4.2.Involve themselves in church and charitable causes, and giving to the needy, so that we don’t get so selfish that government HAS to step in and take over the job of charity that we refuse to do. 4.3.Try to keep the tax rates down so that people have maximal control over their own labor and property. 4.4.Refuse to pay money to the government in “taxes” that will be used to support anything but the government, because this amounts to an abuse of the tax system. The legal definition of “taxes” demands that they may only be used to support the government, and not private citizens or private enterprises or private fortunes such as the federal reserve:
5.Being self-governing within our own families, so that we do not become subject to any type of government jurisdiction or laws in our normal everyday affairs. This will minimize the size and power of the government so that they don’t become oppressive and don’t have to become our “parens patriae” or parent. Our free Family Constitution describes how to do this at: http://famguardian.org/Publications/FamilyConst/FamilyConst.htm 6.Continually educating oneself so that we cannot be deceived or controlled by government, or are unable to support ourselves and have to depend on government.
7.Enforcing the U.S. Constitution upon the state and federal governments, and especially the Bill of Rights. 7.1.Amendments 1 through 10 and 13 establish several rights that the federal government may not invade. 7.2.The Fourteenth Amendment says the states may also not violate these rights either. 8.The way citizens enforce the U.S. Constitution against the federal and state governments are as follows: 8.1.Voting consistently in elections and picking the candidates who are honorable and will follow the Constitution and honor their promises. (the Ballot Box) "A share in the sovereignty of the state, which is exercised by the citizens at large, in voting at elections is one of the most important rights of the subject, and in a republic ought to stand foremost in the estimation of the law. " [Alexander Hamilton, The Papers of Alexander Hamilton, Harold C. Syrett, ed. (New York, Columbia University Press, 1962), Vol III, pp. 544-545.] 8.2.If candidates get elected who are not honorable, serving enthusiastically as a juror to nullify the bad laws they write. (the Jury Box) 8.3.If jury nullification doesn’t work, defend your property against government tyranny using your right to own firearms (the Cartridge Box) 9.Making sure that our government doesn’t become fiscally irresponsible and load us down with debt, and later use that as a justification to oppressively tax us:
10.Watching what our government does like a hawk and: 10.1.Publicizing violations of the Constitution whenever you see them. This is what we do in Chapter 6 of this book by showing the history of how our civil servants have corrupted and debased our de jure government to make an unlawful de facto government. 10.2.Prosecuting specific wrongdoers working in government who violate the Constitutional rights of individuals using a Bivens action or a civil rights or discrimination lawsuit. In America, the Republic, we most assuredly have separation of church and state, the First Amendment and the last paragraph, last sentence, of Article VI of the federal Constitution ensure this.
A good government, however, is one whose laws do not conflict in any way with God’s laws so that it does not expect citizens to violate their religious beliefs in order to obey its laws. Citizens do not enforce God’s law directly on anyone but perhaps themselves, individually, and perhaps also within their own families, if they are believers. Nor do Constitutional governments enforce God’s law directly on anyone or anything. No one in America, the Republic, is required to belong to any religious organization, or even believe if any God, to be a good person and a good citizen. Governments are not ruled by God nor God’s law but by the Law of the federal and state Constitutions. In fact, the Constitution is the only law that government has to obey and was established exclusively to obey. It says that right in the Constitution itself:
The federal and state Constitutions express the will of the sovereign people as individuals (“We The People”) and delegate specific but not exclusive authority to the federal and state governments. Any act by specific public servants in the government that is not authorized by either the federal or state Constitutions is an illegal act and good citizens will conscientiously prosecute government officials privately for such illegal acts if they injure the rights of anyone.
When such an injury or violation of law occurs, the remedy is not to sue “the government”, but to sue the public official personally because he was not acting under the authority of law and was abusing his public office for personal gain to the injury of sovereign citizens. God and His law may be enforced against natural persons primarily and we ought to avoid applying them to the government in order to promote separation of church and state. However, when a government servant violates his authority delegated through the Constitution and has thereby acted as a private individual to injure a fellow citizen, then we as the sovereigns sitting on a jury can and should apply God’s moral laws or our conscience to determine how to punish the errant public servant and thereby protect our fellow aggrieved citizen. In exercising their duties as jurors, sovereign citizens may completely ignore all Supreme Court decisions and question the righteousness of any legislation and disregard any they feel unjust. When we apply God’s laws and/or our conscience as jurors, we should do so with much discretion by not publicizing exactly how or why we are doing this, but simply quietly do our best based on our behavior and our decision to ensure that a just result occurs that is consistent with our conscience and with God’s moral laws. Remember that jurors do not have to explain or justify to a judge why they arrived at a decision. The only time that jurors might be called upon to explain their decision is to fellow jurors during deliberations. We shouldn’t thump the Bible or get pious or become a missionary as a jurist, but simply talk about what is right and wrong in a generic sense.
Good citizens are constantly aware that government is a “business”, or more properly, a “corporation” (see 28 U.S.C. §3002(15)(A) ), and they know that the sinful and selfish tendency of those in government is to get into every business except the constitutional purpose of its creation, so they watch their government like a hawk.
The reason to be a citizen is to have liberty, which is simply freedom with personal responsibility. People who are free MUST govern and support themselves entirely and can be beholden to no man. In America, unlike in Europe, the “state” consists of the people and not some king or dictator who rules over them, and they govern themselves through their elected representatives.
In our constitutional Republic, citizens as their own governors protect each other from government abuse and abuse by other citizens using legislation (laws) and the courts. In particular, citizens protect each other from government abuse when serving on a jury and when voting for a candidate. Christians cannot correctly disregard the duties of citizenship, such as voting and jury service, and at the same time obey Christ’s command to love your neighbor, because the purpose of being a good citizen is to protect your neighbor from abuse by the government and other fellow citizens. The only constitutional reason citizens vote for, or elect, any candidate to public office is with the understanding that the candidate will honor the oath of office. They do this in the name of preserving their liberty. The voter cannot rightly/correctly demand or “will” the candidate to do anything else simply because it is a Law of the Constitution the oath be taken before entering the office elected to as found in Article VI of the federal Constitution, last paragraph:
This oath is also found in Article II, Section 1 of the Constitution:
New citizens pledge allegiance to the Constitution when they are naturalized, and rightly so. See immigrant oath to become an American. The process of naturalization, in fact, is defined as the process of conferring nationality, which is then defined as someone who has allegiance:
As a matter of fact the definition of an American is a “citizen of the United States” under the Fourteenth Amendment , Section 1 and a “national of the United States” under 8 U.S.C. §1101(a)(21) who pledges allegiance to the Constitution, and renounces any allegiance to any foreign country and or any King of any country. His duty as a citizen is the same as that of the Constitution, which is to promote the “general welfare”:
The above phrase means exactly what is says, “the general welfare, …of the UNITED STATES”, where “State” means the collection of people within a territory. It does not mean the government of that region, because that government may not be obeying the Constitution and to obey tyrants who are in violation of the Constitution is to commit treason. Also in the body on the Constitution at Article I, Section 8 says; “general Welfare of the United States”. “Welfare” in this case does NOT mean charity or socialism by any means. The Constitution, in fact, does not authorize the government to involve itself in any insurance or welfare program such as Medicare, Social Security, Food stamps, or any other program. Such programs are anathema to the legislative intent of the Constitution and result in dependence. The purpose of the Constitution is to ensure a separation of powers and the sovereignty of the people as individuals. Sovereignty and government-dependency are mutually exclusive. The original Articles of Confederation that preceded the Constitution, in fact, said that freeloaders were not entitled to the privileges and immunities of citizens!
Here is the definition of “paupers and vagabonds”:
Incidentally, the above also happens to describe most of the people who work for the government. We know, because some of us worked for the federal government and were always frustrated with the irresponsible attitudes of government coworkers! Most are do-nothing no-loads who effectively are "retired on duty" (R.O.D.). Hee...hee...hee. Based on the above, those who must draw from the government through charity or socialist welfare programs as a private citizen cannot have the rights or privileges of citizenship under the original Articles of Confederation, and that is exactly what happens to those who participate in our present Social Security or the government’s tax system. |
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