Who's Doing What to Whom?
Economic collection and industrial espionage. Illegal technology transfer.
Computer crime. National Security Threat List. Militarily Critical Technologies
List. Economic Espionage Act of 1996.
How Do I Know When I'm Being
Targeted and Assessed?
Recognizing the spotting - assessment - recruitment process used
by all intelligence services. Who is most likely to be targeted.
Getting Information Out of Honest People
Like Me
Elicitation. Unsolicited requests. False pretenses. Short-term foreign
visitors. Long-term foreign visitors. Joint ventures/foreign acquisitions. Open source
collection. Theft and dumpster diving.
Risks During Foreign Travel
Country threat updates. Security and safety recommendations.
Avoiding/recognizing intelligence interest. Contact with foreign relatives. Vulnerability
to theft, bugging, communications intercept. Reporting security incidents. Kidnapping and
hijacking. What to do if arrested.