[Test Oath Home] |
What is a "Test Oath?"
Why Does the Bible Require Test Oaths?
- An Oath is an Act of Worship
- An Oath Can Only be Taken by a Christian
- Political Offices Must Not be Held by Non-Christians
Doesn't the Bible Forbid Taking an Oath?
Why Do Some Quakers Refuse to Take Oaths? An Introduction to Theocracy
In Defense of Puritan Theocracy
What the Founding Fathers thought about "Deists" and "Infidels"
Holy Trinity Church v. U.S. (1892) This case shows that the ACLU and the current Supreme Court are so far from the truth that it's dizzying. Contemporary First Amendment jurisprudence suffers from legal Alzheimer's Disease. This decision has been flushed down the Orwellian Memory Hole. It could not be handed down today because the Court is blinded by The Lie. Precedent means nothing. Facts mean nothing. History means nothing. Truth means nothing.
The Meaning of a Secular Oath
"So Help Me, God" as "Ceremonial Deism"No One Takes a Secular Oath Seriously
No One Who Takes a Secular Oath Takes the Constitution Seriously
Has the Constitution been "Suspended?" The Myth of the "National Emergency"
Christianity is "Unconstitutional"
An Open Letter to Christian "Patriots" and Militia members
"Mourn on the 4th of July" Why the Declaration of Independence was a Declaration of Independence from God; a repudiation of a God-honoring Theocracy and inauguration of a Secular Humanist dictatorship.
Do Christians Blow up Federal Buildings? In Oklahoma or Iraq?
Patriarchy and National Security
Towards a Paradigm Shift: Decentralized, Non-Ecclesiastical Theocracy
Our Petition to the U.S. Supreme Court
A Parable
(Showing why it is currently illegal for a Christian to "support the Constitution")Torcaso v Watkins (1961): Humanistic Consistency - At last!
Why We Made a Federal Case Out of It
Summers and Girouard: Two cases that apply to YOU!
The Moral Character of a Christian Attorney
"Thou shalt fear the LORD thy God, and serve Him,
and shalt swear by His name." Deuteronomy 6:13
A lawful oath is a part of religious worship. . . .
The Name of God only is that by which men ought to swear. . . . Westminster Confession of Faith, ch. xxii. (1647)
person who shall be chosen a member of either house,
or appointed to any office or place of trust . . .
shall . . . make and subscribe the following declaration, to wit:
"I ________, do profess faith in God the Father,
and in Jesus Christ His only Son,
and in the Holy Ghost, one God, Blessed for evermore;
and I do acknowledge the holy scripture
of the Old and New Testaments to be
given by divine inspiration." Delaware Constitution, 1776
"It should not be assumed that oaths will be lightly taken;
fastidiously scrupulous regard for them should be encouraged." U.S. Supreme Court Justice Felix Frankfurter, 1950
Constitution, Art. 22 (adopted Sept. 20, 1776), 1 Del. Code Ann. 117 (Michie, 1975). See also T. Skillman, The Constitutions of All the States According to the Latest Amendments, 181 (1817). [Back to text] [Atheists Should Not Hold Public Office]Concurring
in American Communications Association CIO v. Douds, 399 U.S. 382 at 420, 70 S.Ct. 674 at 695 (1950). Emphasis added. [Back to text] [The oath is now taken lightly.]