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3-16.110 Case Management Reports -- Automated Case Management Systems
3-16.111 Credit for Multi-District Forfeiture Cases
3-16.120 United States Attorneys' Monthly Resource Summary Report
3-16.130 Continuous Case Management Data Quality Improvement Plan

3-16.110 Case Management Reports -- Automated Case Management Systems

  1. Local Caseload Management Systems. Each United States Attorney's Office has a local caseload management system, LIONS, and a local collections management system, TALON. Information is used locally and is submitted to the Executive Office for United States Attorneys for inclusion in the central caseload management system. In most districts, these systems are also used to track debt collection activities.

    Each office has a System Manager who is responsible for day-to-day operation of the computer and for assisting data entry personnel. A User's Manual is provided for each system, which details the information and data entry requirements, as well as monthly submission requirements. The Case Management Staff, Executive Office for United States Attorneys, provides software and user support for the case management and collections systems.

  2. Central Caseload and Collections System. The United States Attorneys are responsible for reporting their activities to the Attorney General. For that purpose, the Case Management Staff, Executive Office for United States Attorneys, maintains a central caseload and collection management system. This system is used to respond to numerous requests for statistical information and to produce management reports for use within the Department of Justice. The same information is used to produce the United States Attorneys' Annual Statistical Report and to meet the accounting requirements for debts collected by United States Attorneys. Credit is given based on the date information is submitted to the Executive Office. The cut-off date for each fiscal year is September 30.

  • [March 2001 Bluesheet]

      Section 3607 of Title 18 permits the court to sentence certain first-time drug possession offenders to a probationary term without a formal adjudication of guilt. Upon the successful completion of the probationary term, the court must discharge all proceedings against the offender and dismiss the action. If the discharged offender was under 21 years of age at the time of the offense, the offender may ask the court for an order expunging all official records of the case, with the exception of a nonpublic record designed to prevent an offender's disposition under 18 U.S.C. Sec. 3607 more than once.

      In the event a case is brought which may result in an expungement order, please contact the Case Management Staff at (202) 616-6919 as soon as possible. That staff can provide information on measures which must be taken to assure that records ordered expunged by a court are properly sealed.


    3-16.111 Credit for Multi-District Forfeiture Cases

    See the EOUSA Resource Manual at 152.

    3-16.120 United States Attorneys' Monthly Resource Summary Report

    The USA-5, United States Attorneys' Monthly Resource Summary Report, and USA-5, Supplement to the Monthly Resource Summary Report, provide a means for reporting the use of personnel resources allocated to United States Attorney offices on a monthly basis. The information collected from this report is used for budget formulation and justification, responding to ad hoc inquiries concerning the allocation of United States Attorney resources to specific programs, and monitoring the allocation of congressionally appropriated resources.

    An automated version of the USA-5/5A System has been distributed to all United States Attorneys' offices. It is supported by the Case Management Staff, Executive Office for United States Attorneys. The USA-5 and USA-5A reports are to be submitted no later than the 15th calendar day of the following month to the Central Systems Service, Case Management Staff, Executive Office for United States Attorneys. The cut-off date for each fiscal year is October 15 of the following fiscal year.

    3-16.130 Continuous Case Management Data Quality Improvement Plan

    See the EOUSA Resource Manual at 135.

    March 2001 USAM Chapter 3-16