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3-6.010 Office of Legal Education
3-6.100 Attorney and Staff Training -- Generally

3-6.010 Office of Legal Education

The Office of Legal Education (OLE) administers two institutes: The Attorney General's Advocacy Institute (AGAI) and the Legal Education Institute (LEI). AGAI and LEI provide continuing legal education to federal attorneys and support staff. AGAI serves Department attorneys while LEI trains Department attorneys and all other federal agency attorneys and support staff from United States Attorneys' offices (USAOs) and the Department Litigating Divisions. Training courses and seminars are certified for continuing legal education credit, accredited in all states with mandatory continuing legal education requirements and funded by OLE.

3-6.100 Attorney and Staff Training -- Generally

Further guidance on these issues is available in the EOUSA Resource Manual at 7 et seq.

EOUSA Resource Manual at
Attorney General's Advocacy Institute Manual at 7
Legal Education Institute Manual at 8
Audio/Video Tape Lending Library Manual at 9
Training Requirements Manual at 10
Training Funded by the Government Manual at 11
Training Not Funded by the Government Manual at 12
Authorization of Training Expenses --
District's Local Training Budget
Manual at 13
Executive Office for United States Attorneys
Manual at 4
Authorization of Training Expenses Manual at 15
United States Attorney Training Requests Manual at 16
Authorizing Non-Government Training Manual at 17
Training Officer Manual at 18
Supervisory Training Manual at 19

September 1997 USAM Chapter 3-6