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Well, as I stated, that was cut and pasted from the site I mentioned. I have been trying to find some sort of court case that has had a decoded IMF entered in as evidence against the IRS in a collection hearing. For me, I would consider this the real clencher. How could the IRS take a person to court who has a corrected master file? Or one that can show the courtroom and a jury that they don't live in the Virgin Islands and make their living off of exciseble activity? That throws me for a loop because I can't find any decisions with a decoded IMF being used as evidence.
How did you go about becoming a nontaxpayer? Have you replied to every notice the IRS sent out?
Now that is one (censored) of a woman! I'm floored!
You know, I just wonder if Dennis Parizek wasn't “created” as a strawman as an out for what the Fraud the IRS commits? Think about it, with the restructuring you're supposed to be able to get an IRS agent fired, well, kinda hard to fire somebody who doesn't exist. Now, the IRS wouldn't do that, would they?
I have too recieved letters from Parizek in Utah. This guy must not exist, as his name was stamped onto the “form” and sent to me.
JWR, please keep us posted, I'm interested in your situation.
I had to read this a few times… well more than a few times and I'm still confused. You make one very good point in here though. That being…
Quote:“If one takes them at their word about how concerned they are about “tax cheats” and “scams” and “protestors”, then one would reasonably assume they would take great pains to be as accurate as possible on their site about the law. I have to assume they know the truth…”I'm not in any fight at the moment with the IRS, and I've taken a rather pro-active approach to keeping ahead of their stupid little game. One thing is for sure, if they did approach my employer and make demands regarding taking taxes out, and my employer buckled, I would be forced to pay. If this happened, I would use whatever resources I had available to take the IRS to court and sue them for the amount of money I owed, plus more to make them accountable for their actions, or lack thereof. It amazes me when I get my IMF Specific in the mail and see “return not filed” for 2002, then go through the inches of papers and certified mail reciepts I had sent them, that they never replied. Not once. Never. Ever. This is just wrong. If I was wrong, they should have said so. They should have clearly answered my questions and stated to me the law that made me, an American Citizen liable for income tax. It isn't right for them to put off answering my requests, time and time again, month after month after month. Then to not reply to my rebuttle letters when they send out collection letters, knowing full well that those letters clearly state “if you do NOT reply within 30 days, I will consider this matter closed”.
Is it in the explicit intent of the IRS to let things go on like this? To let people inquire about the law, and not reply, then a few years down the road to take them to court for hundreds of thousands of dollars? Who is the true guilty one here? It isn't the fault of the citizen who makes an honest effort to ask for the law and they refuse. If my employer sent me letters saying they weren't going to pay me based on some law they found, and asked me to reply, you're darn tootin I'd be replying. But the IRS does nothing, says nothing.
Just as you said Ben, if the IRS is concerned about “tax cheats” or “scams”, then correct the law that allowed the “scam” in the first place. Don't just leave it as it is and let people do this over and over again. Secondly, the IRS can't call a non-taxpayer a part of a scam. Think about it a second. A scam is just that, a SCAM, it's willfull intent to decieve. If it is a scam to send documents and requests directly to the IRS for the law that makes me liable for a tax. Then by their silence, they are being a part of a scam to decieve me and allow me to incorrectly interpret the law. I won't go down without a fight with them if it ever comes to it. And I really would like to have a face to face meeting with Mr Everson and we could clear this entire matter up once and for all and then I could just live my life and not have to think about the IRS anymore.
Why is it that it seems like everybody who gets involved in trusts gets into trouble?
perhaps you should check out http://www.imfdecoder.com or preferred services
Outstanding! Very well done! I'd like to donate and plan on doing so soon. The more the word gets out, the sooner we will be free!
Hansen, I truly do envy you. I know you won't back down, and give up. So, I have to applaud you as I know you will abide by the law as it is written. Though I try, I don't know if I could ever come against those at the IRS with such fervor and strong devotion toward the truth. When the TRUTH of the law is thrown back into their face, all is usually as you said… quiet and ended.
There is a part of me that feels sorry for the casual happy go lucky soul out there who doesn't know the law. They won't be able to defend themselves, nor be able to stand up to criticisem as you've shown yourself to be able to do. Chris, you're probably THE MOST knowledgable person out here in the tax honesty movement and I know if they had a leg to stand on at all you'd oblige them to do as the law instructed.
If the tax laws are written with such outright openness for there to be so many unanswered questions, then why doesn't the IRS solve these questions by changing the tax law? That won't happen though because everybody at the IRS would be out of a job. Oh well though… at least they gave it their best shot.. right??
I'm not a wealthy man by any means… heck, I'm barely scraping by, but if I could I would like to have the resources available to spread the word on as you have done here. please take care…. Toto
This just makes me sick. I'm no expert, but if I was a betting man, I'd bet he didn't come to the “insanity” conclusion alone. Perhaps the IRS and Schiff agreed to amnesty if he plead guilty somehow. Schiff just lost it.
Again…. I have to ask.. this guy has been around since the mid 70's preaching what he believes to be the truth. Knowing what I know now, I wonder if he made the proper adjustments to his citizenship status with the SSA, thus he always was a “US citizen liable for taxes”.
I have to add to my post… A person like Schiff doesn't spend over 25 years fighting the IRS to just claim insanity… think about that!
Author #2,
If I may ask, what type of services are valid? Eddie seemed to know what he was doing, yet now he's in trouble. Why does it seem as though these people, Eddie Kahn, Chad Prater, and others come and go? You've stayed, but you don't offer services that these people did. That is what people are starving for I feel the most. I have tried to keep myself educated to the extent that I don't have to have others support me. However there are individuals who want to know the law, but don't know how to write letters back to the IRS, and when push comes to shove (they are taken to court, etc etc), then all the sudden the people who informed them of the truth were wrong in just one area that the IRS was able to inflate to the point of shutting them down. Thus the case with Eddie Kahn.
I personally have a hard time with people whom I work with because there are some who know people who have been locked up, wages garnished, etc etc. They all tell me the same thing, yeah yeah, they all had letters to write to the IRS, they all knew the law, they all were going to fight it tooth and nail… we give you about 4… maybe 5 years top, and you'll be in serious trouble. I hate to say it, but from what I have seen of Eddie, and Chad Prater, I sometimes am curious about how my personal situation will unfold.
So, Author #2, beings YOU are the one and only person thus far informing people who has been able to constantly fight the IRS and win (kudos to you!), I am curious, who would you suggest as being the strongest and most educated service to consult for advice that is NOT going to fade away after a few short years?
I want to stress, I'm not asking this for my own support, but rather to pass the word on to those skeptical that the truth IS out there and that there are people who are applying the law correctly as to completely stop the IRS from seeking liens and garnishes of wages.
And what about our friend Chad Prater with http://www.taxinformer.com ?
Seems he is in a bit of a mess with his clients, I wonder how he'll continue to support them all?