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- Sonik Speed wrote on Apr 17 2006, 11:28 AM:Well hey why not? I mean I could re-write the history of the IRS and at least I can be honest at what I do. 😆 At least we won't have as much liers and thieves in the IRS.
Sonik Speed
[post=”2620″][/post]ok… I give you 6 hours at your new job with the IRS before you get canned. I'm sure you wouldn't make it past the first 15 minutes of orientation before finding an error on behalf of the IRS and pointing it out to them. After that, I'm sure you'd be a trouble maker, and after being told to just be quiet and learn, you'd have maybe 2 or 3 hours of more lies to sort through. Lunch would come, you'd be pulled aside by your boss and be told you're wanted by his boss after lunch, then after lunch you'd be taken in to see the higher ups and confront them on all their lies. after a few minutes of this however I think you'd be let go… lol… I wish you luck though!
yes, I've read through the FG site quite a bit. There's more going on right now than I care to get into here, all of which has been brought on by my fight of the IRS.
Increased hand movements to the face? I'm sorry… but you seriously need to get a life.
Heck no, I'm not trying to apologize for the government, just trying to rationalize the whole thing. There's not a thing the government has done that wouldn't suprise me.
I've wondered about this a bit myself, and read several links online about 9/11. I have a friend at work which I respect greatly, who was there on 9/11 and when I mention the government dipping it's hands into the matter he becomes very… well, extremely offended. I do have one thing to think about though, perhaps those reading this may consider this. Has anybody considered the lapse of time between when the planes hit and the eventual collapse of the buildings? I've theorized that a few things happened, someone somewhere had their finger on a remote device to detonate the buildings and basically was just waiting for the right time to push the button. This could have come from any group of people in the governement, but all had to be contacted, and in agreement of what was about to happend, the loss of life, and everything else before it happened. OR Perhaps there was somebody in the building (s) that wasn't supposed to be there, who was aware of the plan and there was a pause in time waiting for confirmation for this or other individuals to be accounted for before the collapse could occur? Either that, or by the graces of God himself those in charge of initiating the collapse didn't want the loss of life to be too great. I for one do NOT believe the fire theory, as I've seen video of people standing out looking down from the holes where the planes hit.
In either case though, I don't believe that the actual act was conceived or paid for by the government goons. My own thoughts are that the explosives were “in place” so that in case if such an attack ever took place, which it did, everything would be ready to roll, upon approval of all those making the decisions. I look around the world at all the suicide attacks, and realize that yeah, there are some very sick people out there who would do something like that, so the question of any other intervention by anybody else other than the suicide bombers as motivation for the attack doesn't really make sense. Though there are even sicker people who would prepare for such an event to maximize the impact to the public and glamorize it for the better of those being attacked. Which I believe is exactly what happened.
Author #2, I'm curious as to your comments regarding Pete Hendrickson and CtC. Have you read it? What are your thoughts as to his approach towards tax honesty?
C. Hansen,
I will be keeping a close watch on this. One thing that really upsets me is that nobody out there in the “common” world knows about what you're doing, or why you're doing it. People at my job continuously tell me I'm going to go to jail for not paying taxes, yet they themselves don't want to hear the truth, or even know about it when I refer them to this site. It's sad really. I for one would like to see some media coverage on how the government is going after you. Heck, court TV would have a field day, but… wait, we can't have that, we wouldn't want the truth to get out. *sigh*….
You've covered yourself in so many ways and so thouroghly and completely, it's beyond words really. Hansen, you have all my support. I'm just a peon posting on here, but you're strength is in wisdom and with God, and nobody can touch that. Lastly, I can't say or stress enough how much encouragement you've given to myself and my family (not to mention those here who've read your site) that there are still a select few very courageous people left in the world. Just letting you know your site has touched many in a very personal and positive way.
D*** this stupid government. JWR, I couldn't agree with you more. There is a LOT wrong not only with the IRS scam, but also Social Security. The American public is like sheep being led to the slaughter, and those who resist are just shot and forgotten. Thus the case of Gene, just lock him up and that's that! In short, even if We the People and a large number of people protested the government on it's doorsteps, they would come out with riot police and the national guard and still they wouldn't answer the most simple of questions. So far, the only thing I've seen that works is when the media is involved and the IRS is put on the spot. Then it seems that one person who asks a question is quickly shut up and nobody else will even touch the questions he raised. And when the govenment says “this is the end of the interview”, then nobody.. NOBODY questions what just happened. It's sad really.
I for one am sickened of giving the government anymore of my information. Beyond the IRS, which can be dealt with by requesting a refund (see http://www.losthorizons.com ), the invasion of privacy via the social security number is something else.
I recently went to a dentist and was told I had to give them my SSN, when I refused they just looked stumped. I repeated again, I am NOT giving you my SSN. To which they said, well, we can't process your claim without it. So, I filled everything out and left my SSN blank. They were still able to process my SSN. 😀
- Quote:There is a grass roots rebellion in America whose ranks are swelling greater every single day. What you see will happen in the future is that the Bilderbergers, the IMF, and the Alan Greenspan types, will orchestrate the demise of the dollar and start chanting for a world currency.
My my.. but how the Lord works in mysterious ways. It's all coming together… slowly… I for one honestly believe the corruption in the government, starting with the power bestowed upon judges to illegally enforce the IRC upon all Americans for their own gain is the start of the decline of the US as a “superpower”.
Mercy…. lol
You mention “Not sure why this happened but the irs has sent me a form letter that they will inform my employer to withhold at the single w/zero rate unless I can show them why it should be anything different.”
Do you have a decoded IMF? If so, that would/should be able to be precisely what you would need to show them your status is different.
Sure is quiet here in the forums these days… where is everybody?
Well, I suppose they could open up clean air buildings and tax people for the air they breathe. Cute how these government types just keep coming up with more and more ways to get our money.
well, I have a Withholding Exemption Certificate on file with my employer. I haven't heard anything yet from them… so far. Of course, my employer is 800 miles away, and the IRS has only sent collection letters to me so far which I've replied to all of them. This is my 3rd year of filing a Withholding Exemtion Cert. so time will tell I suppose.
Wow Author #2, congratulations! I hope everything works out for the best in your case. 😀