Forum Replies Created
- Bing wrote on Oct 27 2006, 11:03 AM:Based on AndyK's posts both here and at Q-loser Land, the feeble manner in which he attempts to argue, and certain other tells, I would conclude that he is just a young kid, probably around 26 – 32 years of age. I suspect too that he let his mouth outpace his brain when he boldly promised he would rebut the Trade or Business treatise, and I am willing to bet that when he made that promise to us, he had not even read the darn thing yet.
In any case, no doubt a more senior IRS attorney felt it necessary to have sit down with young AndyK and likely instructed AndyK to not even attempt to rebut the Trade or Business Scam pamphlet, lest he open up a pandora's box and bring much unwanted attention to one of the IRS's achilles heals.
[post=”3277″][/post]Perhaps, upon proper review of the subject matter, he met up against the principle described in my sig tag…and is now stuck between the proverbial “rock” and a “hard place” ??
Wow….maybe we could have another Joe Bannister in the making! THAT would be thrilling!! DO IT Andy!! Be a MAN on the LAND!
- Author #2 wrote on Oct 19 2006, 05:12 PM:Sovereigneer,
I have told you all the options I am aware of. If you find others, please let us know. God measures the degree of our faith by the amount of pain we must endure in putting it into practice. If you would rather be safe and comfortable and behond ridicule of friends and family members for your faith and your choices, then you are on the wrong website and ough to get used to the chains that bind you to the matrix. It is just as painful to say this as it is to hear it, but its the truth.
[post=”3243″][/post]Dear brother,
This was the response I sought: “I have told you all the options I am aware of. If you find others, please let us know.”
This part was helpful also and a statement with which I wholeheartedly agree: “God measures the degree of our faith by the amount of pain we must endure in putting it into practice.”
The rest I feel was presumption on your part.
I don't wish to be argumentative, but my motives for asking about alternatives were clearly stated in the fact that I have a large family and have absolutely nothing at all to do with following the path of least resistance or looking for an easy fix. The websites are quite voluminous and I simply felt it was possible to have overlooked information that would have better suited our situation.
Thanks for your help.
MemberOctober 21, 2006 at 7:22 pm in reply to: DL terminated but then used to identify in Jurat??'Author wrote on 'Oct:Very thorough…I'll bet C. Hansen never worked for Reader's Digest did he…?
MemberOctober 19, 2006 at 4:29 pm in reply to: DL terminated but then used to identify in Jurat??Yes, I've heard mention on this forum that FamG is under some sort of legal attack. Are there any particular posts which discuss the particulars?
- Author #2 wrote on Oct 16 2006, 01:50 AM:Sovereigneer,
The subject of correcting an existing licensed marriage is described in the Soivereign Christian Marriage Book on SEDM. Basically, yoiu have to:
1. Create and sign a marital settlement agreement.
2 Apply for a summary divorce in your state.
3 Wait the required cool off period
4 Gt the uncontested summary divorce, and then you are done.
5. Create a marriage contract that replaces the famiy code in yoiyr state.
6. Each spouse gets independent legal counsel to review the agreement.
7. The agreement is signed and notarized.
These are the basics. The full procedure is in the Sovereign Christian Marriage book.
[post=”3222″][/post]Thank you Author #2,
I have obtained the book, but I was truly hoping there was some way of rescinding the original contract signatures or having it declared invalid, perhaps on the grounds of having signed the contract due to coercion or under fraudulent terms, rather than having to go through a formal divorce. For us, and I'm sure for many folks, this is problematic because of the “cool off” period that you mention. We live in South Carolina and they don't really have summary divorce, except when you have lived completely separate in different households for at least one year. That just isn't feasible for us because we have a large family.
Is there truly no other possible way to nullify the contract with the state and substitue a new and proper contract other than a formal divorce?
Also, what principle of law gives one state the authority to dissolve a marriage contract created in a different state? Is it because the new state presumes jurisdiction over the parties due to a presumption of domicile because of your physical address?
Thanks for your help!
- ehudmii wrote on Oct 17 2006, 07:31 PM:I cannot speak for the Famguardian site or SEDM, nor for anyone but myself, my King, and my dependents,… however! your choice of quote, regarding the word of the king as having power,… is reason to ask if you have studied the theme of “kingship” within the Scriptures and within history.
Has the theme of “kingship” been for you a theme of specific study between yourself and the Holy Spirit?
[post=”3229″][/post]Hello Ehudmii,
My studies involving kingship in the past have been fairly general. I have studied the procession of kings that ruled over the tribes of Israel and their constant cycle of failures to honor God's word and fall back into bondage. More recently, I've really been dealing with the issue of kingship in a more practical sense, but not in direct study before the Spirit, more of a “leading” from Him rather than a pointed study.
God is the only rightful king over our lives, but He gives us all the choice to acknowledge or ignore that right in this temporal life. I made that choice a long time ago, but like many folks, getting the “walk” to line up with the “talk” involves a bit more than just a one-time declaration of the will before the lip-service becomes practical reality.
For several years now, the Holy Spirit has been steadily leading me and my family into deeper and deeper realization and manifestation of Christ's true kingship in our lives, hence my appearance at this forum. As head of my family, I am trying to be obedient to the Lord's calling to “come ye apart”, particularly in the area of bondage to the government. I've been searching for tools to use in the process and my search has led me here. I have not found legal positions anywhere else that resonate so closely with my own ideas of how things SHOULD be, nor have I found so much useful “how to” information than here and at SEDM.
I have only recently heard that scripture in Ecclesiastes used in support of the authority of the AKJV. I was watching a video from the Prophecy Club on Google Video of Bill Schnoeblen, a converted former Witch, Satanist, Vampire, Illuminati member, Mason, and Catholic Priest. Mr. Schnoeblen gave a very interesting study of how Satan has attacked God's Word and used the scripture in Ecclesiastes in support of the AKJV over other “modern” translations. I know many have abandoned the AKJV and many have attacked it. I can only reason that since the Lord saw fit to have it as the only practical source of scripture for English speaking people for the last 400+, that fact alone is worth something.
MemberOctober 17, 2006 at 4:37 pm in reply to: DL terminated but then used to identify in Jurat??BOBT12 wrote on Oct 17 2006, 10:46 AM:Sovereigneer wrote on Oct 16 2006, 11:26 PM:I've been reading more and more of this document and the more I read…the more outraged I become. You've done a breathtakingly superb job of stating the moral and ethical ROT we've experienced within our government and our land over the decades. These people really MUST be stopped.[post=”3226″][/post]Welcome to the forum, and to the fight for freedom.
[post=”3227″][/post]Thanks Bob! Any comment on my question about the Driver license issue in my first post in this thread?
MemberOctober 17, 2006 at 3:26 am in reply to: DL terminated but then used to identify in Jurat??I've been reading more and more of this document and the more I read…the more outraged I become. You've done a breathtakingly superb job of stating the moral and ethical ROT we've experienced within our government and our land over the decades. These people really MUST be stopped.
I would like to know if there is any way to properly correct an existing marriage that was done under state license without going through a divorce and remarriage under the Sovereign Chrisgtian Marriage Book contract procedures?
Is there a way to rescind the original marriage license application/license and redo the marriage correctly without the state being a party to the new marriage?
Didn't see anything on existing marriages that I recall in the documentation. If I missed it, please let me know and where to find it.
MemberOctober 11, 2006 at 9:49 pm in reply to: Regarding the possibility of hidden contractsBOBT12 wrote on Oct 9 2006, 03:20 PM:You cannot give away sometime you have no rights to. For instance, you cannot sell your neighbor's car, without his or her consent, by accident, or on purpose.That is MY understanding of the situation as well.
Quote:There is no true contract without understanding and agreement. However, if you don't understand this, or any of your Rights, you will not be able to raise an issue. Thus, it will be assumed that you understood the contract that may be presented (prima facie), unless someone objects. Using the above example, the neighbor will likely object as soon as he sees that you sold his automobile.However, when the government demands that we turn our children over to them, or pay an unlawful tax, many just do not raise an objection of any sort. Often, it will be assumed that you are waiving your Rights.
Again, agreed wholeheartedly.
Quote:This why We the People must defend our Rights. Bing has made a great post in this regard on another thread.Thanks, where would it be located?
MemberOctober 9, 2006 at 4:48 am in reply to: Regarding the possibility of hidden contractsThank you Author #2,
I'm trying to get my mind around the question of just how one becomes alienated from supposedly “unalienable/inalienable” rights…
I can understand encumbrances upon my rights where tort law is concerned and I understand some things about contract law. However, I have a hard time figuring out how we can “contract” away something over which we have no inherent right to waive or transfer away…let alone under the terms of some “implied” or “hidden” contract where I had no opportunity to give informed consent or understand the terms or consequences of any such contract prior to entering.
Seems to me that our rampant federal beast government has assumed some unalienable rights of its own which need to be brought in check.
Thanks again for the links.