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  • lchesson

    September 13, 2005 at 12:39 am in reply to: Dept. of Justice will NOT pursue..
    Sonik Speed wrote on Sep 12 2005, 03:52 PM:
    Ok great I understand now.

    But I am still requesting answers from Ichesson, Fiddo, BOBT whom I still have yet to hear. Suddenly they have disappeared!  :huh:

    I would definitely love to hear ESPECIALLY from Ichesson who actually start this post that has deception in the post.

    Please respond…

    Sonik Speed


    I started this post with info from PH's site. Take it for what it's worth. I posted no deception, and as far as I can tell, I have not indicated that the DOJ agrees with Pete's work; only that the DOJ did not pursue a case.

    It appears you are attacking a claim that has not been made, at least not by me.

  • lchesson

    August 23, 2005 at 10:27 pm in reply to: 911 Truths-It was an inside job

    Income tax and 911 conspiracies???? This kind of stuff gives John Q Public such a migraine!!

    Yes, NEVER in the history of modern highrises has one ever collapsed because of fire, yet on that day 3 went down into their own footprints. Totally unconceivable. Undeniable physics at work here that tell a completely different version of what really happened.

    And remember that Bush is on record of saying “when I saw the first plane hit” BEFORE the video surfaced the following day. Hmmmmm….

    Here's an interesting physics site…

    And Professor A.K. Dewdney's VERY interesting version of the events, and although almost incredibly unbelievable, his scenario actually fits all the facts.

  • lchesson

    July 8, 2005 at 11:14 pm in reply to: AMERICAN GLASNOST: Taking the Offensive

    D., Good work and thanks for sharing this info. I will be looking into filing similar briefs here in NC.

  • lchesson

    July 1, 2005 at 2:27 am in reply to: UCC Redemption?
    “My good friend who has been studying all of this for 30 years (and who knows a great deal more than I do about all of this sovereignty and tax stuff) is becoming deeply involved with this whole UCC Redemption process. “

    Perhaps you could persuade him to come on over and tell us all about it. I'd love to see exactly how it works.

  • lchesson

    May 28, 2005 at 7:09 pm in reply to: Will file 1040EZ's with 4852's


    Thanks for taking the time to respond. As far as I'm concerned, the information presented here is the most knowledgable and thorough filtration through the webs of fraud I've see anywhere. To be clear, I do NOT consider myself a Taxpayer and in any other way under the jurisdiction of Fedcorp. I am as freedom minded as they come and find that my thoughts are VERY MUCH aligned with others on this forum and the information presented here. Much of my frustration stems from the fact that it seems at times that I HAVE gotten myself in a bind.

    I look here and see that there would be several documents to be filed that would indicate my realized 'Citizenship', or lack of it, and I am under the impression that to take any steps at this point would appear to be some sort of 'structuring'; when for my entire life, unknowingly, I have operated pretty much as a “by the book U.S. Citizen.”

    Unfortunately, those that seem to have everything figured out are fearful, unable and/or unwilling to make any comment that could be considered 'Advice'. I can understand that, BUT it would be nice if there was some sort of guidlines outlining SPECIFIC steps one should take.

    So, what is the best resource available from this site (or an affiliated site) that would help one deal administratively with the IRS?

  • lchesson

    May 28, 2005 at 12:20 am in reply to: Will file 1040EZ's with 4852's

    Rant on. Not that it matters (I'm feeling rejected right now), but I thought I'd shed more light on my journey. I filed my last 1040 in 1997. Found Taxgate, Bannister, Rose, Schiff, WTP, et al,,,knew I had been deceived. Fast forward to 2005. Currently in collections for 1099MISC's filed in 1998 and 2000. COntinuing to read, study…keep asking myself…what's the best thing to do?…I've always answered every letter and disputed having taxable income. I ask myself, “Why won't they (IRS) listen????” As a result I keep searching for the specific weakness within the system that causes the machine to grind to a halt. The weakness that ultimately KNOWS that I am not liable. I guess I'm looking for that silver bullet.

    Found the 'Cracking the Code' site. Focus on definitions under 3401 and “includes” definition under 7701. This info also on FG site. Thought on this for awhile, seeing success over at losthorizons, and came to the conclusion that disputing information returns made by payers under misunderstood definitions would be a proper way to satisfy IRS within their own system of records. Still makes sense.

    Family Guardian Fellowship has a TON of info on this site, and the fraud is exposed every step of the way. I THOUGHT that once this weakness was discovered, through articulate quotations of applicable law, a circuit breaker would be tripped satisfying their suspicion that I was not one to be reckoned with. “This guy's on to us, so we better leave him alone” Fool's thinking, I guess.

    I THOUGHT that once the proper procedure was implemented, such as exposing the “word-fraud' games, then it's game-over for them because you're on the inside now – working the system – with all the built-in Constitutional loopholes. More foolish thinking perhaps.

    The powers that be have created an intricately woven, massively deceptive web of propaganda that has even the most schooled experts in the matter at odds with one another about the best “method” of dealing with this corruption. It has quite effectively penetrated the heart of this nation. If their toys were no bigger than ours, it would suit me to draw a line in the sand and settle it once and for all. I abhor thieves and dishonesty, and have a particular soft spot for dishonest thieves.

    This site pretty much covers ALL of the fraud. Subscribing to one set of facts or another in support of why one does not owe a Federal Income Tax should suffice depending on what course one sets upon. Ascending that one particular argument over all others is superior and only fools tread elsewhere is, IMO, counterproductive and therefore part of the problem.

    I grow weary in my attempts to answer to a corrupt system of presumed authority. I also grow weary of trying to discern who has any idea WHAT they're talking about. I enjoy this site. It has been a huge resource to me personally, and I appreciate all the hard work so many people have put into attempts to end this fraud. However, none are so blind as those that cannot see, and I have no idea what I'm talking about. Rant off.

    May God help us all.

    Dear IRS,


  • lchesson

    May 27, 2005 at 11:03 pm in reply to: Will file 1040EZ's with 4852's
    Bing wrote on May 27 2005, 11:25 AM:
    lchesson wrote on May 11 2005, 08:32 PM:

    Help me out if I'm missing something, but I do not see where a 1040EZ testifies to 14th ammendment citizenship.? I am simply tying to correct their records.? Perhaps all I really need to do is send a corrected 1099 and see what happens.


    No. It appears that you are clueless and don't deserve any help.

    Figure it out for yourself.

    You may want to consult, I am sure they will have the answers which you seek.




    Believe it or not, we are on the same team here. Derogatory personal comments are not particularly appreciated and are certainly not helpful.

    Not everyone within the tax honesty movement has 'figured it out' to the same extent as you. I am attempting to provide as a full-time woodworker, and I wish I had nothing else to do but write letters to our government servants, read, study, dot the I's and cross the T's. I have followed Family Guardian Fellowship's work for years and I assume that the title of this particular section…'Members Helping Members' applies to you as well. If not, then perhaps YOU, Bing, should take a hike.

    There. I feel better now.

    Perhaps I'm still infected with the intimidating threats of the IRS, and rightfully so as they continue to use corrupt courts to put innocent people behind bars. Tough cookies for them, because they did not 'figure it out'? Some consolation. I flip the system 'the bird' at times, but there are also times when one must 'work the system'. I just want the pecker-heads to leave me alone. I know for an absolute fact that I have no legal requirement to file a 1040, however, in the meantime the IRS Liens my property and continues on their merry little path through collections. They take my home, but guess what…I'm not liable. I'm looking for a SOLUTION to my situation, and I don't really care what the solution IS, as long as it WORKS.

    I am guilty of not following each and every step in the citizenship to-do list. Maybe some folks here have done these things and will never be bothered by FedCorp again. God bless you. If it was that easy, I'd do it tomorrow. In the meantime, I will continue to make determinations as to the best course of action for me and my family.

    Thanks anyway Bing, it's great you've got it figured out.

  • lchesson

    May 17, 2005 at 2:11 am in reply to: Welcome!

    OK, so should one just simply file a 1040NR instead of a 1040? Does one need to go through all the emancipation steps prior to using a 1040NR?

    Any possible ramifications using NR form instead of 1040?

  • lchesson

    May 12, 2005 at 5:39 pm in reply to: Jim Mattatall kidnapped by federal mafia
    BOBT12 wrote on May 11 2005, 07:20 PM:
    It seems that the American Gestapo is picking up speed. There is almost no time to adjust, abductions, prosecutions, Real ID Act, etc. When will our side get a brake?


    Only when the right people decide that enough is enough. What do I mean by 'right' people? I have no idea. Maybe a large enough number. Maybe only certain ones. One thing's for sure… they're not going to stop just because they 'shouldn't' or 'can't' do what they do. It will only get worse. Right now it seems the majority ASSUME the side of governmet, are just content in their own perceived comfort, or don't believe they have any control over tyranny.

    Freedom loving Americans are in a REAL tight spot right now.

  • lchesson

    May 11, 2005 at 8:32 pm in reply to: Will file 1040EZ's with 4852's

    Actually, I will not need to file form 4852, only a corrected 1099.

    I'm still trying to decide what to do about the citizenry business. I'm thinking that the 14th Ammendment did not usurp state citizenry, only added a new class. We may have a confusing situation such as duel citizenship, having the rights of BOTH groups. Isn't any cession of power not specifically allowed for in the constitution void ab inito?

    It seems awfully restrictive and complex to COMPLETELY remove youself from the system…not having a drivers license, paying property taxes, voting, marriage license, ..etc.

    One of these days I'll get my little brain around this issue and make proper choices. I wish there was simply an Affidavit to sign…

    “The rights of citizens of the state, as such, are not under consideration in the

    fourteenth amendment. They stand as they did before the adoption of the fourteenth amendment, and are fully guaranteed by other provisions.” United States v. Anthony 24 Federal Cases 829, 830.

    Help me out if I'm missing something, but I do not see where a 1040EZ testifies to 14th ammendment citizenship. I am simply tying to correct their records. Perhaps all I really need to do is send a corrected 1099 and see what happens.

  • lchesson

    March 23, 2005 at 5:43 pm in reply to: GM to go bankrupt?

    Here are an excert from their most recent 8-K report to the SEC.…PTC0&ID=3477940

    On February 13, 2005, Standard & Poor's Ratings Services (S&P) affirmed its ratings on General Motors Corporation (GM), General Motors Acceptance Corporation (GMAC) and all related entities. Their press release follows.


    Standard & Poor's Ratings Services today affirmed its ratings on General Motors Corp. (GM; BBB-/Stable/A-3), General Motors Acceptance Corp. (GMAC; BBB-/Stable/A-3), and all related entities. The rating outlooks remain stable. Consolidated debt outstanding totaled $301 billion at Dec. 31, 2004. …….GM is burdened with a very large unfunded retiree medical liability, and Standard & Poor's sees little likelihood that this liability will be reduced during the next few years, either through concessions granted by labor or through government assistance……………..

  • lchesson

    March 23, 2005 at 5:25 pm in reply to: GM to go bankrupt?

    Back in the 1950s, Harlow Curtice, then president of General Motors, said the automaker “has no bad years. Only good years and better years.”

    How times have changed.

    All I could find is this one from yahoo finance. Note the 71 BILLION dollar increase in long term debt, which is attributed to rising employee benefit costs (health insurance, pensions, etc.)

    PERIOD ENDING 31-Dec-03 31-Dec-02 31-Dec-01

    All numbers in thousands


    Current Assets

    Cash And Cash Equivalents 32,554,000 21,449,000 18,555,000

    Short Term Investments 22,215,000 2,174,000 790,000

    Net Receivables 20,532,000 18,223,000 13,283,000

    Inventory 10,960,000 15,272,000 14,558,000

    Other Current Assets – – –

    Total Current Assets 86,261,000 57,118,000 47,186,000

    Long Term Investments 198,778,000 189,859,000 183,661,000

    Property Plant and Equipment 72,594,000 36,152,000 39,724,000

    Goodwill 3,790,000 6,992,000 10,006,000

    Intangible Assets 970,000 7,619,000 6,921,000

    Accumulated Amortization – – –

    Other Assets 58,924,000 41,372,000 14,177,000

    Deferred Long Term Asset Charges 27,190,000 32,759,000 22,294,000

    Total Assets 448,507,000 371,871,000 323,969,000


    Current Liabilities

    Accounts Payable 99,352,000 69,517,000 53,513,000

    Short/Current Long Term Debt – 1,516,000 2,402,000

    Other Current Liabilities – – 8,331,000

    Total Current Liabilities 99,352,000 71,033,000 64,246,000

    Long Term Debt 271,756,000 200,424,000 163,912,000

    Other Liabilities 44,316,000 92,766,000 71,053,000

    Deferred Long Term Liability Charges 7,508,000 – 4,305,000

    Minority Interest 307,000 834,000 746,000

    Negative Goodwill – – –

    Total Liabilities 423,239,000 365,057,000 304,262,000

    Stockholders' Equity

    Misc Stocks Options Warrants – – –

    Redeemable Preferred Stock – – –

    Preferred Stock – – –

    Common Stock 937,000 1,032,000 1,020,000

    Retained Earnings 13,421,000 10,198,000 9,463,000

    Treasury Stock – – –

    Capital Surplus 15,185,000 21,583,000 21,519,000

    Other Stockholder Equity (4,275,000) (25,999,000) (12,295,000)

    Total Stockholder Equity 25,268,000 6,814,000 19,707,000

    Net Tangible Assets $20,508,000 ($7,797,000) $2,780,000

  • lchesson

    March 20, 2005 at 2:48 am in reply to: GM to go bankrupt?

    Hey, back in the early 90's, I was on board that anyone who though the DOW could pass 4000/5000 was a fool about to depart with his money.

    A behemoth such as GM cannot(will not) be allowed to fail if so much is at stake. And GM is not the only Fortune 100 company in such a predicament. The banks simply re-negotiate terms and life goes on. It happens all the time.

    Fundamentals indicate the dollar is headed down the toilet, but, hey, we got the War Machine, and he who has the most guns also owns the $$$. So I don't look for a Y2K-type dollar catastrophe any time soon. The US economy ain't going down that easy.

  • lchesson

    March 19, 2005 at 10:47 pm in reply to: Persecution of grandma by IRS

    It is a detestable thing how the IRS destroys peoples lives. It is also detestable when people look the other way and are thankful it's not them. This is the EXACT reaction they hope to instill in the people.

    My hat is off to you, my friend, for becoming proactive. I pray you will be an inspiration to those around you.

  • lchesson

    March 18, 2005 at 4:07 am in reply to: Notice of Levy

    They told you you could NOT speak with their attorney? Is this the same attorney that can show you a lien of judgement?

    Unfortunately, and I hope I don't offend anyone, but these attorneys are a major part of the problem. I would guess that the only way they would not steal your money is if somehow this so-called attorney could see the light and advise accordingly. Employers don't respond well to being 'forced' to go against the status quo and what they've always done. Maybe they would be more responsive to the idea of at least holding this money back until they can make an accurate determination of any IRS claims. Once they send it to them…'s gone.

    In my opinion, it's better to deal with our local governments and employers and show them how the IRS uses them to do their dirty work. Show them how the IRS causes THEM to break the law.

    Check these 2 items:…20affidavit.doc

    above in part:

    A proper judicial levy empowers a state officer to act on behalf of a court in carrying out a prior court order. The seal of the court and the language in the levy imbue the state levying officer with the authority that he needs to seize the property belonging to the person against whom the levy is to be executed. The Notice of Levy Form 668-W?(DO) is not an authenticated document. If you will closely examine this form you will find no oath or certification by any governent officer or official. Without such an oath, affirmation or certification the form remains exactly what it is — a pre-printed form without any validity outside government.

    and this:

    The Form 668-W ?(DO) is the federal government's internal document used to provide the 10 days notice required by the IRC to to the governmrnment's officer, employee, or elected official who owes a federal tax. The IRS has been using this 10 Day Notice Form for many years to confuse non-federal employers. That practice will soon be coming to an end. The IRS Restructuring and Reform Act of 1998, authorizes remedies against agents who falsify or destroy documents or provide false statements under oath with respect to a material matter. Please do not remit my client's money to the IRS until the IRS officer who signed the Notice of Levy can be questioned about the document's validity and your obligations with respect to my client's funds which you hold.

    Do not concern yourself with any time restraints. You will find no language in the Form 668-W ?(DO) that commands or orders anything to be done. For years the IRS has provided excerpts of the Internal Revenue Code, knowing that those sections would be misinterpreted against the employee, insured or depositor.

    The title: Notice of Levy on Wages, Salary, and Other Income, on the face of this form simply informs the government officer, employee, or elected official that the Secretary of the Treasury will be seizing money from wages, salary or other income. If the form was demanding information from an employer the requesting agency would have to display an OMB number. The language used on the form is in the nature of a polite request: “Employer or Other Addressee: Please complete the back of this page.”

    The back of the page is captioned: PLEAE REMOVE THIS PAGE BEFORE COMPLETING IT.” By the magic of merely turning the page, the Form is now a levy. SECTION 1. is called LEVY ACKNOWLEDGEMENT. By signing this section the respondent will indicate that any payment of money or property is the voluntary act of the signatory. SECTION 2. LEVY RESULTS-Check all applicable boxes. Completion of this section is an admission if money is sent. SECTION 3. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION –Please complete this section if this levy does not attach any funds. Completion of this section violates the privacy of the person whose information has been supplied and by now the respondent in thouroughly convinced that this form is a levy.

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