Forum Replies Created
- AndyK wrote on Apr 15 2006, 11:29 AM:lchesson wrote on Apr 15 2006, 09:32 AM:Me:
The IRS is now trying to act as if they have first hand knowledge of whether or not Hendrickson received 'wages'.? I'll bet a dollar to a donut that they don't.
You owe me a donut.? The IRS has copies of forms W-2 and 1099, submitted by the 3rd parties under oath, attesting to the payments to the Hendricksons.
Under rule 602, please explain how the IRS can testify that these 3rd party documents are factual.
[post=”2603″][/post]If the 3rd party reports are challenged, the IRS will bring the person who prepared them into court.
That person will testify, under oath, that the documents were prepared in the normal course of business and accurately reflect the records of the company. That person will produce cancelled checks or copies of EFT records supporting the payments.
It will then be up to the jury (or judge if it is not a jury trial) to determine which statements are more credible: the defendant or the 3rd party.
You still owe me a donut.
[post=”2604″][/post]The witness(IRS) probably did not actually observed those payments, and would not be the most reliable sources of information. This is consistent with my statement that they do NOT have first hand knowledge of whether or not Hendrickson received 'wages'. They witnessed neither the payment itself, nor can testify about the nature of the payment.
By sending copies of info returns to recipients, payors give notice to the recipient of their testimony. Notwithstanding a recipient's right to rebut said testimony within the IRS administrative tribunals, we will soon see how prepared they are to support this testimony as a matter of fact. Waiving around printed IRS propaganda circulars and pubs ain't gonna cut it.
I agree that the IRS gets 3rd parties to do their dirty work. County recorders filing 'notices' of liens as actual liens is another example. Ask anyone who files info returns, files the lien notices, or ponies up the levies – I can guarantee you they are more concerned about IRS retaliation than what the law says. I can not imagine a better definition of terrorism. Woe be unto any man that pretends to support this evil plan.
- Author #2 wrote on Apr 14 2006, 07:29 PM:Andy,
Thanks.? We will wait beyond one week.? There aren't that many questions and they are all admit or deny.? The only reason it would take much work is because you want supporting evidence to argue with, and that's good.? Truth and education and accountability to the requirements of the law for everyone here is all we want.? We're not here to “ambush you”, but to help you sharpen the sword of truth and further the ends of the law and of justice for all.
Quote:“As iron sharpens iron, So a man sharpens the countenance of his friend.” Prov. 27:17“Rebuke a wise man, and he will love you.”? Prov. 9:8
“A wise man will hear and increase learning, And a man of understanding will attain [and invite] wise counsel,”? Prov. 1:5
We at Family Guardian seek to to be wise and godly men, not scoffers or “wise guys” like those at Quatloser land.
[post=”2600″][/post]IRS abuses and indiscretions against men and women are well documented. Every day, lives are ruined in the name of the IRS. Let us be reminded that every year the GAO looks over IRS financial reports and comes to the same basic conclusion… ” IRS did not maintain effective internal controls over financial reporting (including safeguarding of assets) …..serious deficiencies and internal control weaknesses….did not provide reasonable assurance that losses, misstatements, and noncompliance with laws…..lack of a sound financial management system, etc., etc., is also idicative of it's incompetance and illegitimacy. The IRS extracts property from people on the states while refusing to provide truthful fiscal accounting, and does nothing more than shrug their shoulders. They have their hands in everyone's pocket, yet remain accountable to no one.
Now enter an admitted IRS employee, fully vested and participating in the above mentioned schemes, that comments (in this thread) such as:
“He is a coward, a liar and a con man.”
“These people are being given a lot of slack. In MY OPINION: too much”
“You are entitled to your interpretation of the law.”
“These refund recovery suits are only the beginning. Wait for the other shoe”
It becomes evident that IRS employees continue to make conclusions of law, operate under presumptions while ignoring any rebuttals while remaining unaccountable. Whether or AndyK posts to this forum on his own dime or the taxpayer does not matter. His statements here are in keeping with the routine practice of the IRS (see rule 406), and his personal opinions 'probably' accurately mirror those from data clerks all the way to the commissioner. Not only do IRS employees tell you what forms you must submit to satisfy voluntary compliance, but they also insist on HOW they must be submitted, and any contrary assertion of rights is met with a desire to throw the man 'under the jail.' This behavior should NOT BE TOLERATED and evidence that supports and validates these actions must be provided, so bravo, Author # 2, and to you as well, AndyK, for accepting your task.
Now, on to other matters. AndyK first.
The IRS is now trying to act as if they have first hand knowledge of whether or not Hendrickson received 'wages'. I'll bet a dollar to a donut that they don't.
You owe me a donut. The IRS has copies of forms W-2 and 1099, submitted by the 3rd parties under oath, attesting to the payments to the Hendricksons.
Under rule 602, please explain how the IRS can testify that these 3rd party documents are factual.
Now Sonik. I have read Peter Eric's book. I know what the book says and what it does not say. I have looked over the tax returns he posted to his site. I took the time to read most of the other materials on his site as well. I have not seen where Peter has claimed that payment of federal taxes is voluntary or where he asserts that wages are not income. Can anyone offer proof to support these particulars of the complaint?
Your challenge, Sonik, is to provide said proof (if that is your position), OR prove that my statements regarding the complaint support your 'case' that I am defending Peter Eric against your 'terrorist' accusations. Similarly, if someone called you a 'wimp', I could offer contrary evidence of your posts without defending the content. I do not see the logic in your assumption, nor do I understand why you insist I defend Peter Eric.
- AndyK wrote on Apr 14 2006, 07:36 AM:Bing wrote on Apr 14 2006, 08:43 AM:
The IRS and DOJ are lying in their complaints and the complaints are full of presumption.
YOUR opinion.? Any facts to back it up?
# 1 – Para 7 of the complaint states that Hendrickson asserts that payment of federal taxes is voluntary. False.
# 2 – Para 8 states that Hendrickson reported no taxable income for 02 and 03. Again false.
# 3 – Para 9 states that Hendrickson assert that wages are not income. Wrong.
# 4 – Para 9 includes a plethora of lower and tax court cases as a claim of established precedence. Wrong again.
Just to name a few. Several other paragraphs go about describing how Hendrickson made corrections to 3rd part info returns…WHICH IS NOT FRAUDULENT. The IRS is now trying to act as if they have first hand knowledge of whether or not Hendrickson received 'wages'. I'll bet a dollar to a donut that they don't.
These refund recovery suits are only the beginning. Wait for the other shoe.
[post=”2588″][/post]Even if he has to pay it all back does NOT establish criminal activity. What is the other shoe, AndyK? Are you considering repentance?
Sonic, I know you may know what I'm referring to in the above post, so I'll give you a hint.
You incorrectly presume that I am here to defend Peter Eric when you call him a terrorist. And when I refuse to play with you, I am accused of having my head up my a$$.
You can either command respect or you can demand respect. In my opinion, your choice of words does neither.
Sonic, if you presented consistent arguments, then I would be willing to play. Too many word substitution and presumptions for my blood…
For starters, you don't even spell my name right.
It appears to me that all you want to do is argue and accuse.
A cursory reading of this article would not raise any red flags for those that believe taxable income is any and all property from any and all sources. IRS minions love this kind of stuff. However, when one understands the MO of both the press and the IRS, it is easy to put into perspective.
The story begins …” to turn over information about people who might be evading taxes…” (emphasis added)
Then compare how people that 'might' be evading to the story's title – “Tax dodgers may lose friend in PayPal”. Therefore, if you have a Paypal account, you 'might' be evading taxes, therefore you are a 'tax dodger'. Simply amazing isn't it?
PayPal admits to receiving a summons, but twice the article states that the IRS has been given permission to ask. If they are only asking, Paypal can simply say “no”.
Whenever I see the term 'IRS' in the public media, I suspect it's a 50/50 mix of lies and propaganda. Once again the IRS makes it quite clear that they should NEVER be trusted.
- Author #2 wrote on Apr 13 2006, 05:59 AM:AndyK,
You expectation of favoritism is unfounded. Everyone gets the same treatment here, and your employer, the IRS, owes the same obligation to the public at large. Thank you for reminding me. I contacted Mr. Sonik Speed privately yesterday to say the same thing to him. Sonik called Pete Hendrickson a terrorist and he too should follow the guidelines on this forum for the same reasons explained above.
[post=”2574″][/post]An admittance that you contacted SS 'privately' while publicly admonishing AndyK does have the appearance of favortism.
And in my opinion, making an issue of whether or not AndyK works for the IRS, and not making the same exception when SS bravely supports their efforts, is another instance.
I am really disappointed in the amount of inconsistencies that have crept into this forum.
- Sonik Speed wrote on Apr 11 2006, 10:58 AM:Rebuttal Anyone???
Someone please tell me Peter Hendrickson is NOT a terrorist. What happen to the folks that defended Hendrickson in this thread? It has been months!
Sonik Speed
[post=”2558″][/post]Since you have managed to turn this thread into a Pete Hendrickson issue, why don't you contact Pete directly and give him the opportunity to respond to your disparaging comments about his previous behavior, character, motives, etc.
Who knows, maybe he even has close friends within the IRS that can help you land that dream job.
You may download Black's 2nd here —>>
Bird flu scam – out of a Doctor's mouth. Dr. Day has an amazing testimony.
1 Hr. 21 min. – must see.
- Sonik Speed wrote on Sep 15 2005, 11:08 AM:THE QUESTION:Quote:Do you claim that every statement on this website is uncontestable fact with no further proof required? What about for a first time visitor to this site?
I claim that every statement on this website it true and correct. If I feel otherwise, then I personally I contact the author and let him know of my opinion through facts. I also make the best attempt to persuade him through reason and show him why he may be wrong on a certain issue. Such action has not been required much, because I have not encountered any wrong.
Sonik Speed
[post=”1741″][/post]Let's see if I understand this….you contact folks and offer your opinion through facts for the wrongs you have not found? Okaaaaaay.
My double speaking-twisty logic multi-negatives through tautological/non-tautological language brain-thingy can't deal with this.
I give up sir. I'm glad we finally got to the bottom this.
I'll agree. No big surprise.
Federal court, Federal judge, Federal money, when will we learn? Every time we are standing at the line in the sand, we back up a few steps before taking another one. The line has not moved.
If it goes as far as SCOTUS, hopefully public awareness will be raised to the fact that this case advanced through court in a proper and peacefully expected manner. Then we can pray that people open their eyes to the truth.
- Sonik Speed wrote on Sep 15 2005, 08:49 AM:You also saidQuote:Ichesson witnessed (fact) what he is claiming! Ichesson talked to a witness regarding a refund. The witness would appear to be speaking of his/her own issue (fact) of receiving a refund. What more do you want?
What I want: SHARE WITH US PROOF RATHER THAN What he said or She said…
Secondly, your presumption that I have NOT read the material of Hendrickson is absolutely incorrect. I will not continue with this debate and leave the argument left to the viewers of this forum.
I cannot persuade you.
Sonik Speed
[post=”1739″][/post]I cannot prove to my neighbor that the world is not flat. He must embark on a 25,000 mile journey to know the truth. I would call such a journey that rather foolish when a reasonable person can make a determination from other available evidence.
The issues of freedom are extremely convoluted at best, and educated and reasonable people look can at the evidence and decide for themselves if they demand more 'proof'.
I have no reason to suspect that my original post is a pack of lies and deceit. I cannot understand it to represent opinion, either.
A few questioins for Sonic:
Do you claim that every statement on this website is uncontestable fact with no further proof required? What about for a first time visitor to this site?
What evidence may I provide to satisfy your definition of 'proof'?
And finally, exactly what is your definition of 'Proof'?
Are you saying you want to see copies of my e-mails?
I think it would be fair for me to e-mail an invitation for Pete to join this discussion.
Fair enough?
O.K., O.K., I'll start and end the personal assaults by simply acknowledging my own shortcomings. And the list is long.
We can agree to disagree with the following:
1. The Title of this thread ” Dept. of Justice will NOT pursue” is an absolutely true statement. Call it semantics if you will, but the word “will” does NOT mean “shall” or “can”, but is defined as “choice” or “consent” applied to the context of the post.
2. The subtitle ” IRS agrees with refunds ” may not be true, but is APPARENTLY true via their actions as implied by the context of the post. I have seen copies of the checks, and have receive e-mails from individuals that claimed they too have received a refund. The only conclusion I can draw apart from the possibility that Pete is orchestrating a huge sting operation is that the IRS agrees to the extent of issuing refunds.
3. Jumping to the conclusion that ” Dept. of Justice will NOT pursue” and ” IRS agrees with refunds “ is derived from “the DOJ agrees with Pete's work” COULD be true; but I never made that claim.
The only proof I can offer concerns patterns of behavior within our governments that obviously indicate they have no intention of relinquishing their claim to sovereignty and our position of involuntary servitude. All I can say for sure is that Bible prophecy will happen, but we are under no less obligation to expose the fraud at every opportunity and leave no stone unturned, often at the expense of warriors (and their followers) like Thompson, Rose, Schiff, Shultz, et. al., and someday possibly Hendrickson.
IMO, we are at war. Front line troops will be lost, but if we all sit back waiting for that silver bullet; that unmistakable admission that can only be realized through sacrafice and trial and error; then we will never reach the line in the sand. It is disheartening to see innocent people castrated by servant authority, and we have to look in the mirror and ask ourselves “Why do we continue to allow it”?
Assuming we are all on the same side, I'll end it here:
This trivial pissing back and forth is towards our own destruction.