Forum Replies Created
Author #2 and Sonik,
Thanks to both of you for your replies. I knew there had to be an easier way of doing this. Right now I need to buy another hard drive (the one on my notebook is way too small, only 20 gigs) but maybe next week I'll think about getting one or more of those disks, the one on court cites first. In the mean time I'll check out those links Sonik posted.
Thanks again.
AAAHHHHH! The Wonderful World of Socialism!
Well said! 😀
Sonik, I also see it specifies “internal revenue laws” as opposed to “income tax laws”(Subchapter A-Application of Internal Revenue Laws). There was a time when I didn't recognize the difference as most today don't. They can enforce internal revenue laws which is why they manipulate the IMF to place you in an excise taxable activity.
I believe you are correct in saying there isn't any real loophole, only a percieved one. Although Section 7801 has no implementing regs in CFR, in Chapter 53, Section 5801, Imposition of tax, has its regs in 27CFR part 70 as do other sections in this chapter. That means NO authority to enforce subtitle A income taxes, only ATF type taxes. But I think you already know this.
Hi Author #2,
You are very welcome. But the thanks should go to you for all that you do. If it wasn't for you, this site and forum, I would still be bumping into walls trying to figure it all out and getting it all wrong. For that I owe you a debt that I can never repay. I am sure there are a lot of people that feel the same way. As always, Thank You.
Hey Sonik,
Just want to let you know that I really enjoyed the seminar, but hated that long drive back. Had so little sleep that I was actually hallucinating! I usually don't get much sleep anyway (about four or five hours a day) and guess it just caught up with me.
The projector Sherry tried to use didn't work, but did a heck of a job anyway.
I also was able to meet Peter McCandless. Don't know if you have ever heard of him, but he has interviewed Larken Rose numerous times. His website is HERE. It's still under construction, though.
As far as section 7801 goes, I ordered the book from paynoincometax.com and it arrived in record time, about two days. I looked at that section and you are absolutely correct! The only problem I could see with it is that it the section (ii) refers back to section (i) which specifies chapter 53, which, if memory doesn't fail me, is firearms. The good thing is that it is firearms. NOT income tax. And the parallel table refers to 27CFR part 70. The reason I point out that it could be a problem is that I sometimes try to lower myself to think like them to see what possibile twisting of the law they might try.
I also could not find an authority in CFR for 26USC 7801. There doesn't seem to be any regulations for it.
Just a little side note, after the siminar some of the people there were talking with Sherry when they were getting 861 Mini CDs and they were mentioning different people and their websites so I piped up and mentioned Family Guardian and Sherry commented that Author #2 is “a genius.” I agree. 🙂
After all this time I finally listened to this and all I can say is…… WOW!
Hi Bing,
I waited a while to respond to you as I couldn't find the right words to make that response without sounding too harsh. So with that said I'll start by saying that although it may or may not sound like I have a “woe is me mentality” I can assure you that I don't. I am VERY positive in knowing that what I am doing is the right thing and there is no way on earth I will ever give up this fight. I have seen not only what has been done to others, but what is happening to me, and quite frankly, it makes me real, real angry, which has made me extremely focussed. Knowing what I know now, there is no way I can just sit back and watch it all go by. I am compelled to act on it.
Am I frustrated? You bet I am. Will it make me give up? NEVER! That's what drives me, knowing the laws and truth are backing me up, and that all they have are lies, bluff, and double talk.
If I was to give in to the pressure of all those around me (in my personal life) I would have given up long ago and reverted back to an ignorant sheeple and just paid my fair share of slave money to the government. Money I have never really owed in the first place.
Do I think I'm right? No. I KNOW I am. I have read the law, seen the fraud, and plan on exposing it for what it is, government crimminal activity.
And although I would love to hire someone like you, Bing, quite frankly I have a dead-end job living paycheck to paycheck. Like I have said before, that is the only thing that worries me about this whole mess, not having a way to earn a living if these crooks steal from me again. I can assure you though, it will not go unpunished this time. I am starting to learn way too much for that to happen again.
Just remember, no matter how much I rant sometimes, how much it sounds like I'm just complaining, or how frustrated I seem to get, I will always hold my head up and stay positive and focussed on that goal, to help stop the fraud.
Thanks Bing
We The People has just posted an update on their site, givemeliberty.org. You might call it a success, you might not, as the government still will not obey the limits the Constitution has set for it and answer the redress of grievances. Now that the lawsuit has been officially filed we need to put our full support behind them to help make it a success.
Just checked my e-mail and got this from Dave Champion.
Friends and Supporters,
As of the time this message is being written, numerous IRS criminal
investigators are combing through Sherry Jackson's home in Stone Mountain,
Armed with a search warrant, IRS agents are seeking financial information
concerning Sherry and her husband, as well as information in Sherry's
possession concerning certain other Tax Honesty “advocates”.
It should be remembered that Sherry, like Larken, does not assist taxpayers
or nontaxpayers with their financial affairs, instead limiting her
activities to promoting the truth. Since Larken Rose was specifically
mentioned in the warrant, we can reasonably presume this is yet another
attempt to muzzle a significant player in the effort to end the
misapplication of U.S. income tax laws.
Clearly we have reached the point in America where speaking the truth is a
dangerous act which well being government retribution.
Dave Champion
Executive Director
Original Intent
Original Intent/American Radio/Nontaxpayer.org Mailing List
Seems like yet another witch hunt to me.
And if you look in the parallel table of authorities you will notice it crosses over to 27 CFR parts 53 and 70. Hmmmm, I smell another rat here.
As far as sending in a return, I followed some bad advice for the year in question without doing any research and did an Irwin Schiff zero return. Seems they didn't like that and made one for me (an SFR). I know they can't do this for the 1040 series of returns. Seems I have a business I don't know about according to my IMF (MFR 05, 1040 Business Filer).
I am also contemplating going to my local ATF office and asking them about several things, including the return (SFR) they did for me (according to the regs in 27 CFR only an “appropriate ATF officer” can prepare the return). And if they have no idea what I'm talking about, then filing a complaint. If nothing else it seems like it might be fun to stir up a little ……..
And by the way, no-ones two cents are worthless. We can even learn from those that disagree and bad mouth us. 🙂 Everything is a learning experience.
Thanks for the info on where to obtain the '03 version of 26USC. I'll have to wait a couple weeks to save the money for it, though as right now I'm putting everything aside for the trip to Clive, Iowa for the Sherry Jackson seminar. It's not that far from me, only about a six or seven hour drive, but plan leaving on friday after work and getting a room to rest up before it starts.
I thought you might have known about TO 120-01, but there are some out there that might not. It's real good to know that it is now law and that makes it a heck of a lot harder for them to just explain it away, especially knowing about 1CFR 21.21 that does not allow them to use the regs of other agencies.
Hey Sonik,
Just want to let you know that it has been that way since Treasury Order 120-01, “Establishment of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms” back on June 6, 1972. We just discussed this a little while ago in this SPOT.
I have been looking in 26USC at what they are using to steal peoples stuff and cross referencing them to the regs in CFR and have found that most of them don't even apply to most Americans. In 27CFR it even uses the term “apropriate ATF officer” when explaining who can initiate levies and so forth. (I happen to be nearing this stage in my battle.)
I think one of the problems is that when they transfered these sections over to ATF they didn't physically remove them from 26USC and put them in 27USC and has not only created a lot of confusion, but has given these crooks a means to extort peoples property.
Although I am not too worried about how to handle these yahoos, I know the law has never been a barrier to their crimminal behavior. That is what worries me.
Thanks for the info on that section, though. By the way, how much does the 2003 edition run? Might be handy to take to my CDPH in the near future. It would be nice to rub their noses in it! 😀
I wasn't able to go to DC, but I did find this on hearliberty.com, but is just the audio in mp3 format. I haven't heard what happened there, though. Hopefully we'll get a report soon.
You might want to browse this site also as it has a lot of good interviews on it. HERE is that link again.
Hi bing,
I knew they couldn't cross reference the regs from other agencies, I just didn't know where the cite was. Thanks for letting me know where it is. I've got the spot memorized.