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First, I would hope Gene will rethink suicide. He can do much more for freedom among the living. I do understand the need to be willing to die for freedom, but not by your own hand.
Unfortunately I don't think, if he does follow through, that it would mean a heck of a lot to the government, and absolutely nothing to the IRS. I remember seeing the film of the buddist preist catching himself on fire as a protest of the Vietnam War that only succeeded in just one more dead person. Nobody cared.
The people at the upper levels of the IRS can only be described as evil since they know the truth and only need to give Gene, as well as the rest of America, a simple answer. How else can they be described when they will stand by and watch someone die when all they need to do to stop it is to give a simple answer to a simple question?
I may eventually wind up with nothing, thanks to the criminals at the IRS, but I will never give up the fight. I only hope Gene continues this fight with the rest of us.
I tried the link provided and it didn't work either. You might want to go HERE and try downloading it to your hard-drive. I tried it this way to see if would work and it did. Hope you have high speed internet, though, as the file is a bit large.
Just got done listening. He he he 😀 .
Wonder how they responded, if at all. Could be getting a bit interesting here in a few days.
Hey Fiddo,
I downloaded this file a few days ago but haven't found the time to listen to it yet. But that's something, ain't it? I'm suprised the judge did that knowing that a lot of them are a bit corrupt and help hide the fraud. Kind of got 'em stuck now. I wonder how they can respond to this without exposing themselves?
Hey Fiddo,
First off, which letter did you get from them?
Second, have you quit paying in?
Third, I know you don't feel the need to respond to them, but what I have learned is that, even though one may or may not have an obligation to file and pay a tax, they should always be responded to. And you may or may not recieve a reply to your response letter. In my experience I never have.
If it were me, I would get the SEDM response letter, and either use it the way it is or retype it to suit your needs.
It may or may not happen to me, but if it does, and they drag me into a courtroom, I want to be prepared to show that I had questioned them every step of the way to show me the law that makes me a “taxpayer” and what makes me liable for this 1040 tax and that they never gave me an answer. And I can also show documentation of the blatant fraud that was done in order to enforce their fraud.
My problem lies in the fact that they (IRS) have a willing accomplice that happens to be the place where I earn my living. This is where asset protection comes in. Unfortunately I don't have any 🙁 .
Other than this, I really don't know what to do. They seem to me to be unstoppable since they don't have any rules to follow and seem to be above the law.
Keep us informed on your progress, though.
Author #2,
I have heard (I believe from Richard Standring) about the IRS being a Deleware Corporation and that anyone that has tried to use it as a defense has lost. I have never actually tried to locate any info on it, though. But seeing the rest of those “Government” entities makes me think they are either doing a switcheroo with an actual government department or just pulling a fast one on the American people.
I have also clicked on the first link (HERE) and went to the home page on that site, and I have to say, there is a lot of stuff on “UFO's”, which I don't believe in. This, most of the time, makes me wonder about the accuracy of the rest of the info there. Although I like to verify my info, I usually skip sites that talk about space aliens. Don't get me wrong though, there is a lot of good info on that site that can be benificial to us. It is just my opinion that the space alien thing goes a little overboard.
Just my two cents.
And yes, wargames102, I also know this, and their deception ****** me off.
I've been pretty busy with another matter so it took a while to post this.
The “Summary of Determination” by the appeals team manager (I guess they decided not to let the other stooge handle this) is that I am “not entitled to relief from the proposed collection action.” They said that I did not respond to their offer for a telephone conference to “discuss the matter, provided no financial information, and proposed no alternatives to the proposal to levy. In addition, internal records show that you are not in compliance with all your filing requirements. No other issues were presented.”
It goes on to say that the “balances due are the result of returns prepared under substitute-for-return proceedures.”
I have shown them, through my affidavit and a copy of my decoded IMF, that they commited fraud and violated my due process rights. They seem to have ignored this evidence and the fact that they did not even consider my affidavit, let alone rebut it.
I also sent them a copy of the Test For Federal Tax Professionals to help them rebut me and my affidavit. You know how far that got. Now it seems I just have a matter of time before I'm robbed by my non-federal employer.
I think I might go ahead and send them my determination, since they didn't rebut my affidavit. The only thing in my affidavit that was even mentioned was that “Claims that individuals are not citizens of the United States but are citizens of a sovereign state and not subject to federal taxation have been uniformly rejected by the courts. See, for example, United States v. Silevin, 985 F. 2d 962 (8th Cir. 1993); United States v. Gerads, 995 F. 2d 1255, 1256 (8th Cir.1993); and Solomon v. Commissioner, T.C. Memo. 1993-509, 66 T.C.M. (CCH) 1201, 1202-03 (1993).”
Now I'm at a TOTAL loss as to what to do to stop them from doing this, but the only option they will allow is to petition the Tax Court. I don't see that as an option. Nothing I have done, including exposing the criminal activity they have done, has any effect on them. They are choosing to use the same fraudulent information that I have shown to them as their reason to steal from me.
Other than quitting my job, which appears to be my only option, I don't have a clue as to how to stop this. Any thoughts?
Since I am at work right now I'll have to give the details when I get home. On tuesday I recieved a certified letter but didn't pick it up till wendsday. It was from the appeals office in Peoria. Seems they have made a determination against me and are going to institute the notice of levy against me. Like I said, though, I am at work and don't have the papers here so I cannot elaborate.
But I can say that I did send them, in reply to the last stuff they sent me, a bit of stuff which included 1) a one page cover letter 2) about a nine page affidavit 3)the rebuttal of the frivo1ous tax arguments, and 4) the Test for Tax Proffesionals.
They did NOT rebut my affidavit, in fact they seem to have ignored it completely. They did mention that my “argument” that I am a state citizen as opposed to a US Citizen does not make me exempt from taxation, or something like that. (I'm going from memory right now) then give a couple of court sites.
The only “option” they are giving now is Tax Court. Not an option for me, though. Another problem I have right now is trying to help my girlfriend with her legal problems, so I am extremely pressed on time. I intend to get the NOL response from SEDM but also need to know how to proceed since they ignored my affidavit. I believe an affidavit unrebutted stands as truth. But how to use that fact in my favor.
Breaks over, gotta get back to work. I'll give more detail later.
I downloaded that file and finally scanned through it for the most part. I am wondering how the court is going to respond to it, and if they are just going to ignore the facts that Irwin Schiff plainly laid out. Seems to me the only way they can get around it is to do like they did to Dick Simkanin. Just get a corrupt judge, an ignorant and brainwashed jury, and don't allow him to defend himself, and a conviction is almost completely assured. The only way to find him guity, in my opinion, is to suppress the truth, which seems to happen way too often.
To tell you the truth, if I had to go up against all this stuff (that is if I was an evil IRS agent), I would try to suppress it also. How else can you get around all these facts? It still makes my head swell every time I think about it. I mean, are these people evil or just so stupid the can't see reality if it bit 'em on the ***?
It still amazes me how corrupt this government has been allowed to grow, and how blind and docile Americans have become. That's not what was intended when we rebelled against England, to just become sheep, hoping the good sheppard (Uncle Sam) will protect us from all those bad wolves (terrorists). All we have to do is give up our rights, our property, our beliefs, and our will, and the government will keep us all safe, even from ourselves. Sounds like a pretty good deal, doesn't it?
I would rather be starving in the gutter than to accept a socialistic handout from these corrupt power hungry bast****. Too many people out there are too willing to give up a little bit of freedom for a little more percieved security. They will get neither. The problem with that is that our rights seem to be going right along with them. I don't personally know anyone (other than those here) that will actually defend their rights when challenged. There needs to be more out there willing to fight the good fight or we risk losing it all.
Well, seems I started ranting and got off topic. Sorry about that. There just seems to be too few willing to fight our controlling power hungry government and I went on a tangent.
But I don't see how Irwin could lose this case other than how I said above. He has too many facts backing him up.
Thanks Author #2…..I think. Same to you…..I think. 😮
Hey Fiddo,
If you remove everything in front of the first comma in your quote above, it sounds like the IRS 😆 ! They would get along just fine as they use similar tactics.
Oh well, I just thought that seemed kind of funny.
Hi Author #2,
I have heard Richard Standring mention this in his video courses, but don't remember if it was the level one, two, or three.
It's pretty disturbing to know that if you don't know courtroom procedure, so hire an attorney to help, that you are viewed as incompetent by the court. And also knowing that your attorney is a paid informant to boot. How could you trust one knowing this?
The way I see it is that you may as well go in there as yourself (sui juris), without the attorney, since you would, for all intents and purposes, be there alone anyway. Why waste your time and money? (I also see a subtle distinction between “representing yourself” and “being there as yourself”)
Here's a good definition of Sui Juris:
Quote:?? SUI JURIS.? One who? has all? the rights to which a freemen isentitled;? one who is not under the power of another, as a slave,
a minor, and the like.
?? 2. To make a valid contract, a person must, in general, be sui
juris. Every? one of? full age is presumed to be sui juris.
Bouvier's Law Dictionary
I have heard that there is a difference between a lawyer, an attorney, an attorney at law, and an attorney in law, but haven't done any research on it. Not too sure about a counselor at law. It all sounds like a big word game to me.
And as far as challenging jurisdiction, why not just dump the whole attorney thing and challenge everything without crossing into the realm of the “Gold Fringe Flag” bunch?
I don't know too much on UCC or contract law. I guess that's what you are referring to when you said to challenge them on “the plaintiff's failure to present proof of authority over the defendant”.
Not sure if you have been over to suijuris.net, but they talk a lot about contracting and UCC.
Scanning through the .pdf file above answered, in part, a question I had a while back on what the GS levels were and what they mean. GS=General Schedual. And it also mentions SES, or Senior Executive Services.
Now to figure out what the number designation following the GS.
But I have heard that recently they were trying a new computer system out on a limited number of 1040EZ forms, or something like that. Haven't heard anything about it lately, though.
Thanks for the links.
I also wonder why they would use a debt collector as even these guys need a court order to take your money from you and the IRS hardly ever gets one, so why bother? The most they usually do is harrass you at your job or at home while the IRS will steal anything they can get their hands on.
And if you demand the third party collection agency to validate the alleged debt, what do you think their response will be? This will flop real quick.
I knew they were trying out a new computer system, but I never heard about the IRS computer failure. Where did you hear this from? And call me ignorant, but what does BSM mean?
Hi Bing,
You are definitely correct that they are jerking me around, but thanks for putting it nicely. You are also correct in saying that at one time I did act like a “taxpayer”, as most of us have. I also know they are still treating me like one and have altered my files to enforce this.
Last night I was researching how to write a good affidavit and am finding it a bit difficult to locate info on it. I am also trying to figure out how to send this info, once completed, to this Peoria lackey (I like that word 😀 ) so as to still get my-face to-face, even though I already know what the outcome will be.
By using some of the response letters I have from SEDM and stuff in my files, I have more that enough ammo to stop any possible thing they would attempt to bring up.
The main problem I guess I have is how to start it, and do it in such a way as to be able to get the cc to the Peoria stooge and be able to stop him before he initiates the Notice of Levy.
I know how to word the facts, to number the paragraphs for a possible rebut of each point I make, attach exhibits and so forth. It's just the begining I am finding difficult. And, like I said above, getting it to this crook in the proper way.
I can also tell ya, although I do have a savings account, I only keep enough FRNs in it to cash my check for free on payday. The only assets I have to worry about are my auto and my paycheck.
I am hoping I can get them to back off before it comes to litigation but am doubtful. If they get my “employer” to start stealing from me, the next step for me is to learn to do a lawsuit. This is the thing that worries me the most, losing my job (it isn't the best one out there, but it does get most of the bills paid and it has been quite a few years since I had to job hunt).
I also know SEDM has a response for the Notice of Levy, but am waiting to reach that bridge before trying to cross it.
You have been a great help Bing, as for Author #2, Sonik, and others here, and I can't thank you guys enough for it. But I also know that by posting my problems and mistakes here it might help others in similar situations to not make the same ones I have. So hopefully while I am getting an education, I am also giving one.