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  • JWR

    March 11, 2005 at 10:59 am in reply to: Communism Vs USA
    Good men who are indifferent, are not good men.

    An indifferent man's indifference gives him a sameness that unites him with other, equally indifferent, ineffectual men, and together, their aggregate sameness is exceeded only by their collective ignorance of reality.



    I've been thinking about this for a while and have to say that you are correct. This is why I decided to change my sig line.


  • JWR

    March 11, 2005 at 3:04 am in reply to: IRS Meeting on 3/7

    jclifton, did you look at their IRS Pocket Commisions to see if it was an administrative or an enforcement commision? I've been to someone elses meeting where the agents didn't have an enforcement commision. In fact, the main agent that conducted this hearing is the same one that signed the summons, the same one that delivered the summons, and the same one that conducted the meeting. This yahoo didn't even have the authority to physically hand this person this peice of paper, let alone any of the rest of it. I'll bet they didn't have the authority in your case either. And according to Schultz v. IRS, which can be found elsewhere on this forum or at the We the People website, an administrative summons has no teeth without a court order.

    And I'm glad you are standing your ground and not backing down from this beast. Not too many will do this. I'm not too sure what will come of your meeting but I am personally finding out how powerful a proper affidavit can be especially when going against these kinds of crimminals.

    I can't comment on the UCC-5 as I know next to nothing about UCC or how it can be used.


  • JWR

    March 2, 2005 at 12:44 am in reply to: We seem to be popular over at Quatlooser

    Yeah, but did you see the picture of the beat-up guy that is claimed to be this “UCC-11 Taxpayer”? I found that to be real funny. Wonder where they really got that picture.


  • JWR

    February 25, 2005 at 8:36 am in reply to: Notice of Federal Tax Lien

    Question: Would this Notice of Lien be file in the county you are domiciled in or the county where you work? Just curious as I work in one county (actually in a different state) and live in another. I need to see if there is one on me also.


  • JWR

    February 24, 2005 at 8:35 am in reply to: Larken Rose Indicted

    By what Ive seen so far the government is trying to use F.E.A.R. to intimidate everyone into “voluntary compliance” so we all pay our “fair share”.

    As far as the charges against Larken, I don't know how they can make them stick. But of course I thought the same thing about Dick Simkanin too, and they railroaded him.



    Friends and Supporters,

    Larken Rose is now in possession of the federal indictment against him. It

    contains 5 counts of Willful Failure To File (26 USC 7203). That's it;

    nothing else.

    It should be noted that there is no such thing as merely “Failure To File”.

    The charge is “WILLFUL Failure To File”. So what is “willful” in this type

    of case?

    “A…good-faith belief that one is not violating the law negates

    willfulness, whether or not the claimed belief or misunderstanding is

    objectively reasonable. Statutory willfulness…is the voluntary,

    intentional violation of a known legal duty.”

    Cheek v. United States, 498 U.S. 192 (1991)

    Ah ha! So, if you truly believe that you are not under any obligation to

    act (or not act) in connection with a particular law, then you cannot be

    convicted of willfulness.

    Although there may be someone in America less likely to be convicted of

    willfulness than Larken, I can't imagine who it might be! If you doubt

    this, just watch Larken's 861 presentation at Given the facts

    of Larken's case, the only way for the government to obtain a conviction

    would be if the O.J Simpson jurors were summonsed back for an encore

    performance of ignoring every shred of compelling evidence!

    When we consider that the government has no chance of success in this case,

    we have to ask ourselves why they're doing it. The answer is two-fold.

    First, you may remember the IRS criminal investigator who told Larken during

    the raid on his home that no one would listen to him now that he'd been

    raided. Well…if at first you don't succeed, try, try, again. Because

    raiding Larken's home only caused MORE people to hear Larken's story (and

    the 861 position) why not put him on trial? That will certainly destroy his

    credibility! Only a government employee could come up with that one.

    Second, is for media purposes during this year's “U.S. Tax Terrorism

    Season”. Unless Larken pushes for a “speedy trial”, which the Dept. of

    Justice does not believe he will, this case won't come to trial until after

    April 15th. That means that the IRS will publicize the (censored) out of the

    indictment, and when Larken is acquitted (after April 15th) the dominant

    media won't say a word because tax cases are only news if they take place

    between January 1st and April 15th. No propaganda here folks!

    Stay tune!

    Dave Champion


    Original Intent/American Radio/ Mailing List

  • JWR

    February 15, 2005 at 10:22 am in reply to: "Voluntary" National ID Bill

    As far as I can tell, when stopped by the cops you only have to “identify yourself”. There is a case, (Hiibel v. Dist. Ct. 118 Nev. Adv. Op. No. 88 December 20, 2002) in Nevada where Hiibel refused to “identify” himself and was arrested for it. HERE is the link at findlaw. I followed this a bit as I tend to get harrassed by the police quite often and wanted to know the outcome of it. (example: me and my girlfriend are eating lunch in my auto at a park. I get my car searched and get threatened while there are others just up the way smoking crack with a two buck prostitute. They get left alone.)

    This is a Nevada case, but is being used everywhere as a guideline. Using a US Passport could be one way to get around showing a STATE identification card. If using this route I would do like Author #2 has done and mabe use his altered application to remove the U.S. Citizen presumption and instead have your citizen status as an American National. Of course this would depend on what your status is, as I really wouldn't know.

    You might also want to consider jurisdiction. Do they really have any? As a sovereign you are not required to have a STATE issued identification card. How much less a US Corporate issued “National ID Card”?

    Just some things to ponder.


  • JWR

    February 8, 2005 at 12:26 pm in reply to: Communism Vs USA
    Quote by Fiddo:

    To me that attitude is one shared by the many “sheeple” that don't concern themselves about the machines making noise in the slaughter house. They just don't concern themselves that when some of those they know go into the building they don't seem to come out. I guess they believe they are living a better life inside and not out in the field…

    Haha. This reminds me when I lived in Iowa for a while. I worked in two different pack houses, one a pork pack, the other a turkey pack.

    In the pork pack, the pigs would walk in one side of the building and come out the other side in boxes.

    In the turkey pack, the turkeys are brought on flatbed trailers that have wire cages that are about four high and extend the length of the trailer. The whole truck is on a lift that raises or lowers. First thing you do is open the first layer of cages to have access to the birds inside. What I am getting at here, and what strikes me as kind of funny, (I never thought about this until just now) is that you could go on lunch break and when you come back, there they sit, nestled in those cages that are wide open. They know something just ain't right, but are unwilling to do anything about it. So they just sit there.

    Reminds me of most Americans, they might know there “just ain't sumthin right”, but are unwilling to find out what it is.

    And I was talking to a guy I work with about the communist manifesto, how every point in it is alive and well, thriving in America, and it just didn't seem to get through. Nobody really cares as long as they can watch the game while sucking down a twelve pack. I just don't get it.


  • JWR

    February 3, 2005 at 11:10 am in reply to: Where is "Income" defined in the Code?

    Thanks guys, but I really need to know if the term “Income” is defined ANYWHERE in ANY of the fifty titles.

    Here's why. I know someone that is living in “public housing” and receiving SSI. This person has recieved back child support for her now adult son.

    This person was also in a minor car wreck that wasn't her fault about four years ago and no-one wanted to pay for the damages, and it is finally going to trial this summer. She expects to get quite a bit from this, upwards into the five digits.

    I need to know if these can be construed as “Income”, not for tax purposes, but in terms of SSA and HUD. I have done some searching in Title 42 but haven't come up with anything.

    What we have found out is that they claim income is “anything coming in” (of course). They also say that her SSI will be suspended until everything she gets from this personal injury money is gone. (she was hoping to use this money to start a business and get out from under the government control)

    I sent a FOIA to HUD on monday to see if I can get an answer from them. I doubt I'll get a strait answer. Don't hurt to ask though. But I was just wondering if anybody here knew if it is defined anywhere in any of the fifty titles or if the only definition is the one defined by the Supreme Court? I know how they defined it, as corporate profit. But is this the only one?


  • JWR

    January 31, 2005 at 4:36 am in reply to: WTP Dramatic Development

    And what I think is great is the IRS didn't stop this before it entered into the record that they lost. This is good stuff for those that get those worthless summons and can use this in their favor.

    Score one for the good guys!


  • JWR

    January 31, 2005 at 4:17 am in reply to: Making a general FOIA request

    Thanks Author #2. While reading your reply it “clicked” in my head the difference between the two and the reason for a FOIA you don't need the proof of identification and for a PA request you would need it.


  • JWR

    January 30, 2005 at 1:17 am in reply to: Welcome to Nazi Amerika-Heil Bush!

    Here's another thing to think about, almost everyone in this country thinks we live in a democracy, and believe this is a good thing. Fond this quote last night while surfing. Gives ya something to think about how this government is running things.

    “A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of

    government. It can only exist until the voters discover

    that they can vote themselves largess from the public

    treasury. From that time on the majority always votes

    for the candidates promising the most benefits from the

    public treasury, with the results that a democracy

    always collapses over loose fiscal policy, always followed

    by a dictatorship.

    The average age of the world's great civilizations

    has been 200 years. These nations have

    progressed through this sequence:

    from bondage to spiritual faith

    from spiritual faith to great courage

    from courage to liberty

    from liberty to abundance

    from abundance to selfishness

    from selfishness to complacency

    from complacency to apathy

    from apathy to dependency

    from dependency back to bondage.

    — Alexander Fraser Tytler (1742-1813)

    This makes me sick knowing how blind people are even after they learn what's up. And the time span given in this quote (200 years) gives rise to my concerns on what will happen in the near future. Where on this scale do you think we are? I believe somewhere between apathy and dependency.


  • JWR

    January 29, 2005 at 11:55 am in reply to: IRS Commits Fraud On The District Court

    I got the email but didn't read it right away since I was at work, but is it any wonder they are doing what they are doing? I mean, heck, what would you do if all you had were lies and the only truth you had would put your head in a noose? (that is if you were a criminal like they are) The truth always comes out, just sometimes it takes a while to surface.


  • JWR

    January 8, 2005 at 3:08 am in reply to: Gene Chapman vows to take his own life…

    I know, I checked it out last night. It's good to know he's doing ok and that they aren't doping him up. Seems one of the reasons they aren't letting him go is he said that he will go back down there and stir things up a bit. Makes me wonder if they might invoke the (un)Patriot Act to hold him indefinately. They have probably already figured out that he isn't crazy and they have no real reason to detain him.

    I can understand why he is handling this the way he is, but personally I would have done it a bit differntly. I think he gave too much advance warning. Don't get me wrong, I would rather he not do what he calls “self martyrdom” as we need more people like him on our side with that kind of commitment. But he did get their attention didn't he?


  • JWR

    January 6, 2005 at 10:46 am in reply to: Gene Chapman vows to take his own life…

    Hey Bing,

    A couple of things for clarification, and then a question. This isn't going to be in any particular order but I will keep it simple (mainly for my benifit 😀 ).

    Firstly, I have to admit I am getting pretty discouraged. No need to worry, my conscience will not allow me to stop my present course of action. I know the truth. It's like in the Matrix, once you are freed you can't go back.

    Second, when I said “they are picking us off one at a time” what I should have said is that it appears to me like that is what's happening. I know that some of those in the tax honesty movement screw up and get nailed for it, such as Joe Banister (who I have a lot of respect for also), but there are also those that only want to follow what the law says and to help others follow the law and still get nailed.

    Third, I know we need to get the truth out, but like I said, too many out there are nothing more than sheep following the shepard without question and don't want to know the truth, and when told the truth, either don't care or are in denial.

    And I personally know one person at work that has problems with the IRS, has been told the facts, offered to help get their IMF to see what is on it (not to actually help with any returns or give legal advice (I have turned people down before that wanted help in this area), just request the files to find possible inacuracies) and he just doesn't care. There is just too much apathy from too many years of brainwashing.

    (So this doesn't get too far off the original topic, I could start everything from here down in a new thread if you would like.)

    Now getting to the affidavits and letters that you mentioned, this is where I have at least one question. We know they are obligated to answer our affidavits and (reasonable) questions, but what if they don't? The reason I ask is that, if you've been following my posts, you know in response to not being allowed a face to face CDPH I sent them affidavits that included questions that went unanswered. In fact, they totally ignored them, but did acknowledge their reciept. These included, but are not limited to 1)an affidavit that I compiled that allowed them thirty days to respond to 2)the Test for Federal Tax Professionals which gives them fourty-five days to respond to 3)a copy of my decoded IMF for the year in question which exposes their fraud against me, and right now I can't remember what else off hand. It's been well over two months.

    Now the question: Since nothing was responded to and they are going ahead with their collection fraud, what kind of recourse is there since “an affidavit unrebutted stands as truth”? I did send them a modified Default for Federal Tax Professionals letter about two weeks ago and should be getting the green card back soon. Also, real soon (like any day now), I expect to be levied on at work which creates a major problem.

    I am NOT looking for legal advice, just possible solutions to an increasingly difficult situation. I'll go ahead and end this post here so as to not clutter this thread with stuff that is off topic.

    But if you would like to see the affidavit that I did (which is really just an extremely modified IMF Decode Rebut letter), let me know and I'll get it to you through PM or e-mail.


  • JWR

    January 4, 2005 at 12:45 pm in reply to: Gene Chapman vows to take his own life…

    Seems the police snatched up Gene and stuck him in a mental hospital (just follow the link above). They will do anything to keep from answering anyones simple questions on taxation, and in Genes case, on the socialist security number.

    What I would like to know is how in **** can we force answers out of them? Short of doing what the founding fathers would have done decades ago, what can we do? Nothing is working to bring this servant government into compliance with the restraints that were put in place over two hundred years ago. I don't know about anybody else, but I am completely sick and tired of it. They are picking us off one at a time and no matter what we do it doesn't seem to stop them.

    It also seems to me that most of the folks in this country are brainwashed little sheeple that like to complain about what the corrupt government is doing to us all and then happily comply with whatever is demanded of them without question. They don't realize they are part of the problem, empowering them even more. I just hope it isn't too late for us all.


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