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And as far as the line “got something to hide?” that is just another way to manipulate folks into volunteering to give up their rights to privacy.
A perfect example is when you get pulled over by the police and they want to search your car. I've been threatened before for not letting them. Heck, I can spend hours on the side of the road with them. hehehe 😆
I've been to his site before (it's been a while back, but not too far back) and personally am kind of skeptical about those refund checks. I'm not going to dispute whether or not they are real, it doesn't matter to me. But I have wondered if they, the IRS, will give a refund and then a couple of years later “find” their “mistake” and come after you.
This is similar to what happened to me when I first got involved in this. I got a refund and then they came after me a few years later. I didn't do the 0 return at first. In fact, the present “levy” I'm going through right now is from that same 0 return from '00. I never got a refund on that either. The refund I did get was for '97 when someone else did my tax return for me. They eventually wound up doing an illegal levy for that one, too.
In my experience they will wait for two or more years before deciding to stick it to you.
I'm not going to knock him as I don't know what it's all about as I've never read his book. I would like to hear from someone that does have time tested experience with this though. Preferably more than a year or two.
Hey BOBT12,
I am near the end of an illegal IRS Notice of Levy where I earn my living and am trying to learn how to do a proper lawsuit. It may take a while but I want to do it correctly.
I would also recommend getting “Browns Lawsuit Cookbook” at LawResearchGroup.com. It has some really good stuff in it.
I can't see how they could actually do this to Hansen without breaking the law themselves as they did with Simkanin. Hansen has done nothing wrong. They say he had “customers”. To have “customers” you must first have a product to sell. Hansen has nothing to sell here. They will have to fabricate stuff to go along with their lies and propaganda. That is the only way they can win. Hansen is armed with the truth. That is something that is hard to fight when all you have are lies. I'm not saying I'm not worried for Hansen as the IRS has put people in prison for crimes they didn't commit. I just hope the truth can be brought in to the open for all to see.
I'll be praying for you Hansen. Stay strong.
To correct you on two things, 1) there is nothing to buy on Family Guardian and 2) it is the love of money that is the root of all evil. Since I have known of Family Guardian Fellowships's site there has never been anything for sale here. All anyone has to do is read his disclaimer. This is just more government bull***.
🙂 Yes it does. And it is Mac compatible.
- Quote:I would hate to think what I would still be doing had I not discovered this site. Probably playing video games while remaining lost in the drone of political BS from the Bush Administration.
I used to be a video game zombie and listen to Rush Limbaugh. Boy have I changed my ways.
The problem I seem to be having with attempting to spread the word is that most people are too **** brainwashed to do anything other that do what they are told by Big Brother….. I mean Uncle Sam. These are the ones that will get upset with you for taking them out of their comfort zone by telling them the truth, a few of which want to get violent.
Then there are those that are willing to listen with an open mind and those that already know, but only want to complain and do nothing.
And I have found that out of all these, I have yet to find ANYONE that is willing to take the time to learn what their rights are and what the law says (outside of the few I know here and over at suijuris.org). Most people just want to be entertained, not educated. They know better than those that take the time to study because they watch COPS or Judge Judy and think this is how it is supposed to be. Or are told half truths in traffic court and don't realize the circus that is going on.
I don't plan on giving up though. I don't believe we have lost. And if you all knew me, you'd know that even if it was too late to do anything about this whole mess I would still be fighting as it is the right thing to do.
I don't know if they ever followed through with it, but it had been mentioned over at suijuris.net about coming up with bumper stickers. It would definitely peak peoples interest to check out Family Guardian and might actually get the word out a lot quicker.
I was actually kind of surprised that when I got paid today they only stole about half of my check. But the bad part is they stole about half of my check. It's definately quite a bit more than the fifteen percent they are restricted to (but only if I was actually liable for it).
And another thing I made sure I did is when I sent the SEDM response to my place of work, instead of sending them the four pages I was given to fill out (Form 668-W) I sent them the copies I made so I could hang on to the originals. They never did ask me to actually fill them out. So I didn't, not that I would have anyway. I'm not the “taxpayer” described in it.
After all that is going on with this and other things in my life I am still trying to not let it get me down.
Well, about half an hour after I got to work my supervisor/plant manager (who I get along with pretty good) told me to go to the office, that *** wants to see me. I knew what it was about. On monday I sent out the response from SEDM certified with return reciept. I figured it would get there by wendsday. I was told that they got it today (wendsday) and that they would still be taking the money out. I told her that “I fully expected them to”.
I had to try one last time to let them know what the law said, but it fell on deaf ears yet again. Of course the “unknown attorney” told them they had to.
She tried to tell me it's just like whenever they have someone that owes back child support that they are required to withhold the money. I, yet again, attempted to explain that things like child support, student loans and things like this will ALWAYS come with a court order that is signed by a judge, but this doesn't.
She also told me that I should take it up with the IRS. I tried to tell her that at this point the burden of proof to ensure this was valid was now up to them. She said that it was their belief that they have to obey this, so I told her that she can beleive anything she wants, but I have to explain to them what the law says.
This is pretty much what was said during the few minutes I was in her office, but not completely in the exact order, as it did kinda go in circles a bit.
I did not threaten a lawsuit or get loud or upset, I know they are going to do what they are going to do. I can't stop it now, only set things up for later. They can't feign ignorance of what the law is. This was my goal here.
I get paid on thursday and I'll bet they take more than fifteen percent. Last time that's about what they left me. Not much to get by on. I'll try to get by the best I can for the next couple of months till they stop. In the mean time I'm going to try to learn what I need to do to get this suit off the ground.
If anything else comes up I'll be sure to let you guys know.
I have seen that Sonik, but unfortunately I can't honestly claim this is in retaliation for the We the People lawsuit. When I get home after work tonight I'll tell what happened when I got to work today, no time right now.
They are going to start this week, and yes, they will steal more than the fifteen percent allowed by law (they did last time), not that I'm even legally subject to a levy as I'm not employed by the government. And at this point there is no talking to these people at work as it may only get me fired, and they refuse to listen to me anymore anyway.
At this point all I can do is to prepare for a lawsuit, as unfortunate as that is. 🙁
I have been here before with this company that I work for (I've been working here for over seven years) when they did the levy thing before. I don't know if they really talked to a lawyer or not. I am also about as high up on the ladder in this company as I can go. The NoL is addressed to the treasurer and I am also dealing with the human resourses person, the one that told me I can't talk to their lawyer. I have dealt with both of these before and was threatened with termination by the treasurer the last time. At this point there is nothing I can do to stop them from stealing from me, I can only wait till the time it stops and then sue. I have gotten the response from sedm and intend on using it, but I know it won't do a bit of good.
Sonik, when looking over your thoughts (plans A, B, C), I can tell you that I am going to try NOT to get fired, but I also will not quit as even though they are going to steal most of my pay, working at a temp service won't pay any of my bills. I'll still make more with the levy (about $150 a week). Working a temp service would only bring a bit over a hundred.
Giving them proof of what the law is and how they would violate it will not do any good. I've tried this before. Didn't do any good, just got my job threatened.
I'm not too sure what the media can do either. There is a guy at one of the tv stations in St. Louis that exposes government waste and fraud, but it is usually just local stuff, and since I really don't watch tv, I would have to figure out which station he's on. Another problem with this is I have been working a second shift job for such a long time it is real hard to wake up at a decent time to get anything done. I'm usually up all night. So in the mean time I'll try to get together info on how/who to sue and for what specific reasons.
Thanks for the input though, I really appreciate it.
You can also check out this site which has numerous listings of people that have been ruined by the IRS. Some of these are down right sickening.
Hey Sonik,
I see a difference between “Socialism” and “Socail Security”. I believe Socialism would go against the Constitution whereas Social Security would not, the former usualy being applied by force, the latter being a voluntary program. Hope this explains what I meant.
- Quote:Just a quick comment on his last part sentence where he said “…we're paying for a lot of programs other than Social Security…”. PLAIN AND SIMPLY, this is unconstitutional straight on its face. Social Security 'taxes' (aside from being a voluntary program) is a tax and a tax is defined in United States vs Butler [297 US 1]:Quote:A tax, in the general understanding of the term, and as used in the Constitution, signifies an exaction for the support of the government. The word has never been thought to connote the expropriation of money from one group for the benefit of another.
This is socialism which, as you say, is unconstitutional. But I'll also point out that only time will tell if Bush is just spewing more propaganda to get more of us to conform. (Mixing lies with truth) I also don't believe it really matters who is president at this point in time, it's just two sides of the same coin. And they (dems and reps) are just using different means to the same end. Just my two cents.
Way to go calling them on their attempt to bluff you. They always do seem to get kinda mad when they are exposed to the light. I think this might also be why I'm starting to see a trend in them trying to force “phone hearings” in an attempt to cover their tracks. They won't let anyone record it when it's done over the phone, then they can deny everything they did to you later. Plus the have too much of a comfort zone by doing these over the phone. I don't like giving them that. I want them as uncomfortable and as intimidated as possible 😀 . Kinda like they try to do to us.
Quote:One of them mentioned 6301 as his source of authority, but wouldn't mention the implementing reg, nor put it in writing to match my affidavits.I just checked this in the parallel table and guess what, it crosses over to 27CFR HERE(I knew this already but double checked). Makes me wonder why they never have someone there to represent the interests of the BATF since they appear to have the authority to maintain most of chapters 61 through 80, and should be the ones to enforce these sections. Hmmmm. I smell a rat here.