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Thanks Author #2.
Resignation as Compelled Trustee
Where can I find more info on what this is? Sounds interesting.
- Quote:I know people think the material is pricey, but I would pay it again if I had to.
I did. 😀
It is well worth the price.
Quote by Lambskin:
Quote:Rattler, if you've received “a threat”, just one, it “will” become “threats” w/ more frequency and of more severe intent. It's out of personal experience that I can assure you of this. This is only in love my freind. It may become necessary for you to either relocate, get a gun or both. People can be sick, are capable of anything, have no respect for life, and if you've encountered one of these total degenerate types, you've gotta start paying even more attention.Hope that helps my freind and I truly hope you find it of more value than any advice you'd get anywhere else 'cause if things start to get real ugly soon (and the way it's goin' it looks like that may be sooner for all of us than any of us realizes), it's the only thing that's going to do ya any real good, it's all that's really gonna matter in the end.
I don't want to get too far off topic, but what if you're “caught” without your gun? Or if it's taken from you by the government? Or God forbid, you wind up in a cage (jail) or in a FEMA “Relocation Camp”? I'm not by any means anti gun. I'm just the opposite. I'm just saying you shouldn't become dependent on one.
For a little insight on what some of the stuff I do follow this LINK Check post #2 and #8 for the main two links to the info I'm refering to. Great stuff.
The two main things that you should be able to rely upon are your mind and your body. If either one of these are taken from you it really wouldn't matter anymore anyway as death would be the obvious result.
And as far as the Bible goes, I've not only read it, but studied it cover to cover on my own. I have my own opinions of the teachings in it that normally do not sync with what I've been taught and tend to upset some that I've discussed it with. Do I believe in God? Absolutely! Is the Bible a “source for solace”? I believe so. This is yet another topic that has caused people to hate me.
Relocation is a different matter all together, especially if things get too out of control. Since there are too many factors to consider on this particular subject I'll skip it.
It was about three weeks ago when I talked with a guy at work about the tax issue, one of the ones I don't talk to on this subject anymore. He said it doesn't matter, they'll take whatever they want. I tried, unsuccessfully, to explain to him that just because they have the power to take whatever they want doesn't mean that I owe it. It doesn't make them right or me wrong. At this point I find it a waste of time and energy to continue trying to explain things to a brick wall intellect. Can't ride a dead horse.
Then there was the time when I was told to “just pay my fair share”. I asked this legal scholar where I could find this “Fair Share Law”, and what exactly would be “my fair share”. I can kinda laugh about it now, but when he pulled some number out of his butt it actually got me rather upset. I don't holler or want to fight or anything like that. I just find these are the ones that are part of the problem, which in turn ends my asociation with them. I still get along with them, I just don't want to be around them.
And I know exactly what you mean Sonik, when you say there are those that hate you. The main ones for me are the idiots I have to deal with where I earn my living, the ones that stole from me in the name of the IRS. Though they know me by name and will say Hi every once in a while, I know they want to get rid of me. They hate, not just because you can prove your case, but because they can't prove theirs. I guess if they can't produce evidence they can produce hostility.
It's rather difficult for me to have a “normal” conversation with anyone anymore as it always leads to issues we discuss here. Most folks just want to be entertained, not informed. I tend to water it down and just mention enough to get it out in the open, kind of like testing the waters, and see if the other person I'm talking to picks it up. Mostly they won't. Unless, of course, it's one of my brothers, then I'll go ahead and say whatever I want. I can force them to deal with me 😛 .
And I just had yet another short conversation with my mother about several different things and left her shaking her head again. This time the main topic was weather modification and “secret” government technology. I think she believes I'm a nutcase.
I can't say I've lost any friends (seems the only friends I actually have are those here and some over at suijuris.net) but I do have some acquaintances, such as at work, that get upset with me once in a while. I'm also the butt end of jokes here and there. I'm getting to where it just doesn't bother me that much anymore.
I figure if you wanna stay ignorant, far be it from me to stop you. I at least make an attempt with some to have an intelligent discussion, not just on tax law, but on any “freedom” topic.
There are a lot of folks out there that do know what's up but are not willing to do anything about it. I'm not just refering to the tax issues here either. I'm refering to things such as the “Drivers License”, 9/11, FRNs, the circus that goes on in “Traffic Court”, aspartame poisoning, mercury in the vaccines, and things such as these. I'll tell anyone willing to listen to me. But anymore I don't go out of my way.
There are some guys at work that I've discussed the tax issues with that are not only unwilling to take the time to research the facts, but seem to believe they already know what the law says without actually seeing it. Go figure! These are the ones that have told me I need to “just pay them what I owe”, “why don't you just pay them people their money”, or my personal favorite, “Why don't you just pay your fair share?”.
Seems the Income Tax issue is the one topic that will stir up the most emotions in those that don't, or won't, research the facts. Everyone agrees with how the government is wrong for this or that, or they don't like how they force you on this or that pemit, or whatever. But bring up the law on the income tax and how most Americans aren't even liable, and then you're some sort of anti government type that needs to be locked up for life.
For a while their ignorance and lack of open-mindedness irked me so bad (sometimes it still does) that I just had to walk away. It was like talking to, well, I guess like one of those Quatloos lawyers. You know how dense they seem to be sometimes. With those people I try not discussing it any more unless they bring the subject up.
I have to say though, I don't believe anyone would try to bring a personal attack against me (here I'm refering to a physical attack) unless it's the government. This includes threats. Those that know me know I'm more than capable of handling myself, and those that don't know me usually appear intimidated. If you seen me you'd understand. The first part of not being a target of thugs is to not appear as one.
I feel part of being a sovereign is to be able to take care of yourself and your loved ones if a situation ever arose. This does NOT mean being dependent on a firearm.
Now back to the subject of this thread.
My mother is worried I'm going to wind up in jail. There are others that believe this too. When I tell my mom that when you stand up for your rights, follow what the law says (including Gods Law) and do the right thing you must expect to go to jail. She just shakes her head. There is only one person I know personally (one of my brothers) that knows and understands as he has actually done the research. Unfortunately I rarely see or hear from him.
Does anyone else find it difficult not to correct others with their terminology and their “facts” during normal, everyday conversation? I used to be pretty bad at this but am getting better at keeping my mouth shut, depending on who I'm talking with. It does make some uncomfortable, and some will think you're some sort of right wing nut case.
Quote:Quote by Author #2:More than a few people think of me as a revolutionary, mostly because of their own ignorance.
HA! I've had someone at work joke about me being one. And if speaking the truth is “revolutionary”, then so be it.
I do have his book, am a little over half done with it (I only read it at work waiting for my shift to start) and haven't learned anything new yet. I concur with sonik though.
Quote:Merely posting Social Security checks does not mean JACKSQUAT. For instance, 99% of the author of Family Guardian has legal merits. However, the DOJ still is continuing to pursue, EVEN THOUGH NEARLY EVERYTHING is correct on this website!JWR
I just watched “In Plane Sight” right before I checked the forum and read your column. I just can't see how anyone with half a brain can't see there is something amiss. One of the key pieces of evidence (or lack thereof) is at the Pentagon. Hole too small, plane too big. And it seems the plane must have vaporized in the explosion (there wasn't any wreckage to be found). And WTC 7 was “pulled”. It did not collapse from the small fires in it. I could go on but you know what's up. We have a criminal government in power that is willing to do anything for complete domination.
Quote:No use hiding now. I'd rather stand tall.“It's better to die on your feet than to live on your knees.” Emiliono Zapata
- Quote:If you could at least drop a small comment of support, I would greatly appreciate it
Now my cover is blown too. 😆
Although I agree with you Bing, if the government doesn't have to listen to the people and their right to redress of grievance, then is it a “right” at all? And if not, then why was it even put in there? Seems to me they should be compelled to at least do that. And this taking into consideration that the Bill of Rights doesn't give us our rights, but that it was written to inform government what it can and cannot do.
I did kinda see this one coming but am still highly disappointed.
Hey Bing,
When I first noticed Lambchops post I didn't actually read completely through it until after I read your posts today (I always read your posts as I can always learn something from you). I read yours first and then went back and read completely through Lambchops post and I'm still chuckling. 😆
Do you think anybody actually responded to it? As I was reading his post I started thinking about how the police mailed a bunch people with warrants an “invitation” to be in a movie, a commercial, or something like that, and when they were all there the cops arrested them all.
Quote:Quote by Lambchop:I am asking you to post the date, time, location and content of the convention to be held, everywhere you have the ability to do so. The purpose of the convention is to:
* bring together as many members of (if you will allow) “the freedom movement” as possible for introduction to as many other active participants as possible.
* expose them to as much information as possible (bring your cards, fliers, tapes, CD's etc.) to educate them in the overall view of what lies ahead for the future of our country and its foundational ideals.
* recognize and credit all activists in their current efforts, future plans, the application and implimentation of those plans and a dissemination to all present.
* express the the need for a concerted, well organized consolidation of interested individuals into a body of participants with the coviction, fortitude and means of securing our liberties,
and if all goes well, to:
* reach an agreement for methodically maintaining the body of coherent participants and for selecting the place and times to convene.
Now this is the way to get everyone to expose themselves. Especially the “bring your cards, fliers, tapes, CD's etc” hehehe
Thanks for the heads up Bing. And the laugh.
Thanks Guys,
Sorry about the slow response, but I am still without internet access except here at work, and that's only limited to my breaks. I may be back up and running in about a week or so. I miss it around here.
BOBT12, have you seen this case? HERE Found this about two or so weeks ago. Kinda interesting. I guess it still applies to an employer.
Thanks Author #2. I'll have to get the Tax Audit Defense Manual. Since they fooled my “employer” into stealing for them I haven't been able to get back on my feet yet. I hope all is well with you.
Riverway, I got the same response on the 23C, but I don't remember if they told me what their “alternative” for this was. I do believe the 23C is still mentioned as “the” assessment document in the Internal Revenue Manual, but don't know for sure.
Thanks for that link BOBT12. It's about 14 hours late for me, though. I couldn't find that amended CDPH form so had to use my black Sharpy on it to make it more presentable (I don't have internet at home right now). I just sent off my request for another CDPH but don't expect too much. I just want to hold them back a while until I can get this lawsuit against my “employer” off the ground. When I get the chance, hopefully this weekend, I'll do some more studying on it. I still need to get more FOIA/PA requests out the door.
Well, last friday they stopped stealing from me. Of course I had to call those bozo's at the IRS first. And I can tell you they are not only kind of rude (they finally hung up on me) but are pretty darn ignorant of their own rules.
I'll try to condense it and just post the highlights.
I was informed that Illinois, Missouri, and all other states are “possessions” of the United States. I asked “Like Guam and Puerto Rico?” and did not recieve a response.
Was asked if I liked the police and fire departments services. Told them they have never done anything for me. (You know where this was going)
I told her that I have been asking all along, with no response, where the law was that made me liable for Subtitle A taxes. She just gave me a few IRS publication numbers. So I asked if these publications were the law and was told they had law in them. What a joke.
I asked where the court order was that allowed them to take my pay and was assured there was a federal court order. (When I got to work on friday I asked my company if I could have a copy of this and was, yet again, told there wasn't one)
Was told to “stop looking under excise taxes” and start looking under “personal tax”. This is really kinda funny now, but she didn't even know which book the tax laws are in. I was told she “doesn't care what book it's in”.
I think it was when I started asking about the ATF is when I guess she kinda got tired of not having any answers and hung up on me.
But I was assured that they are going to start more NoL's for at least three years.
When I finally get my auto going again I'm going to get to a law library over in Missouri to do some research on garnishing pay without a court order and sue those responsible for stealing from me without a court order. I didn't do it last time but am h*** bent on doing it this time.
I'll try to keep everyone updated. It's hard right now as I don't have much access to the net.
- Quote:Quote by Bing:
Putting all zeros on a 1040 and signing it, when no positive law requires one to do so, is stupid.
I couldn't agree more!
And if you owe the tax then pay the tax.