Forum Replies Created
Well, seems it's back up anyway.
Looks like LRG is back up and running for those interested.
Edit: Here's the link. http://www.lawresearchgroup.com/cart/home.php
- Author #5 wrote on Mar 21 2007, 10:00 AM:Today, we noticed that the Law Research Group disappeared off the internet:
They also used to be integrated into the Sui Juris Forums and they have been removed from that site as well:
Does anyone know what happened to them? They had a lot of good freedom information on their website that was not available anywhere else.
[post=”3729″][/post]I haven't been following it too closely but the way I understand it is that there have been quite a few folks ordering stuff from them and not receiving it. There have been a lot of old suijuris forum regulars there that have been banned for various reasons too, some for no valid reason at all. There is another forum that was started at http://www.suijuris2.com/ that can explain it better than I could. But as far as the actual reason I can only speculate.
Maybe they'll get things straightened out. Who knows.
Oh shucks, oh darn. It's a Taxpayers Forum. Well, I don't think I'll participate over there. I'm not included. But if I can find the time later I'll do a bit more searching. Could be interesting.
The MFT 55 is a penalty. See http://www.irs.gov/irm/part25/ch06s11.html, under (11-30-2004) What are Civil Penalties, #2.
Hope this helps.
- Bing wrote on Nov 22 2006, 09:27 AM:I am unsure what it means, but I took the test and just discovered that I am a liberal, leftist feminist. 😮
[post=”3331″][/post]Well, I guess it could be worse. You could be a liberal, militant feminist.
WOW! Seems I'm a Statist!
Just kidding. 😀 I'm extremely Libertarian.
I stop by here from time to time to check out what's been going on but have been trying to just live my life the way I want until this crap happened again. I guess I should have continued my study non-stop. I can still talk circles around them pretty easily.
Since I've been at my last job for over nine years on second shift it's going to be a bit difficult trying to wake up early enough to look for work. Right now my head is floating from being so tired. I'm forcing myself to stay awake though. So I'm taking the weekend to start getting up in the morning like everyone else.
Been a lot of bad things happening with me over the last year or so. My wheels have been in the shop for over half that time on and off which bled me dry, hence the reason I didn't last too long when this NoL hit. The da** thing was costing me over two hundred FRNs a week to get back and forth to work and I was only bringing one sixty two a week. Like I told people I know, “Do the math”. And think, that was just gas, not food or paying bills. It's still running like crap, blowing out black smoke, and the transmission is going out.
And you know what? I still feel ok. Right when things seemed their worse, I found an opportunity similar to one I was wanting to do. Since I couldn't get a student loan (I wasn't denied, just couldn't bring myself to beg for a hand-out) something very close to what I want to do came along. After the six month or so certification process I'll start doing that and should be doing pretty good for myself.
The only problem now is finding a job to pay for it and to keep my bills paid. That process will start on monday morning.
And rattler, be assured it does NOT offer me any comfort knowing your situation isn't going too good either. It sux knowing bad things are happening to good people. We will overcome whatever is going wrong in our lives. I have also told people that since it can't get any worse, it has to get better. There's nowhere to go but up!
And good luck to you on your venture, though I don't think you need it.
Well, it's been a while since I've posted here on the forum, so here's a quick update. It took a while but they hit me with another illeagle NoL at work. The same ol' crap happened, they started taking my pay without authority. I'm under the impression now that the only way to get them to leave me alone is to not have a job, pay them what I don't owe them, or (God forbid) be part of the problem and be dependent on the welfare system. I tried to survive with no pay for a while but it was costing me more to go to work than I brought home. I tried to sell back a couple days of my vacation (which should have been cut on a separate check) and was told that I would not get any of it and that they would send it all to the IRS. To explain exactly what happened would be to just rehash the same old stuff I've already mentioned before. So now that I can't afford to work anymore I've decided to quit. Hopefully I'll find one real soon and get back on my feet as I intend to eventually get my own business going within a year. And sorry for the one paragraph, I'm in a bit of a hurry. Lots of crap going on right now.
Hey Bing,
I haven't been to the Lost Horizons website in a while. But I checked it out and it doesn't prompt me for a password.
Where does it ask for a password? I scanned over the site and couldn't find anywhere it asks for one.
🙂 Thanks for the update Author #2 🙂
You may want to reread the post above by Bing. The main points you should heed are:
Quote:Remember this, you will want to rebut ALL of their false presumptions IN WRITING via sworn affidavits, otherwise they will hang you with their unstated presumptions.Don't worry about the California tax code, but simply set about proving that you are a nontaxpayer by proving that you were not engaged in an excise taxable activity under the IRC(assuming such is the case). If you have no liability under the IRC, then by extension, you also have no liability under the Calif tax code.
emphasis mine.
And above all,
Quote:“Stop playing on the internet and devote the time to get educated so you can defend your Rights.”.emphasis mine.
This last one is one of my problems. I've gotten hooked on spider solitaire. A major waste of time to be sure. Even if you go so far as to have someone else do stuff for you (not advisable in my opinoin), you MUST know your own position. Don't be a “ditto head”.
I don't know anything about the FTB other than they tend to be worse than the IRS. And being worse you must really do your “homework”.
But when dealing with either your State taxing authority or the IRS expect repeated attempts to violate your rights. You can also use the FOIA/PA (if you haven't already) to find out what is in the files they keep on you.
And as Bing said, all you need is either on famguardian.org or sedm.org. The two best resources you can find anywhere.
Best of luck to you.
- rattler14 wrote on Mar 4 2006, 11:32 AM:Actually JWR, there is a lot of evidence that bombs were in the basement and went off both at the time of impact and when the buildings were coming down. In fact, the first recorded blast was heard by a janitor, William Rodriguez, in the basement many seconds before the plane crash blast overhead. There is witness testimony of people being taken out of the basement levels pre-collapse with some to most of their skin singed off from the intense heat generated by the blasts.
But yes, the tall whites thing, is mixing truth with absurdity.
[post=”2336″][/post]Hey rattler,
Just got done watching that movie that lchesson posted a link to HERE. Guess I spoke too soon before watching it. You're right, looks like there may very well have been a number of detonations just prior to the collapse of both WTC buildings. The witness and film evidence clearly shows this.
Wonder what they did to the actual planes and passengers that disappeared on that day? It would take a fool to believe it all evaporated/incinerated as the “official” story suggests.
This film also answered a question I was wondering about, the cell phone calls that were allegedly made from passengers to friends/relatives during the “hijacking”. (For those that want to know about this like I did, I would suggest you just watch the movie. It'll take longer for me to respond to you than it would take to watch the film.)
But like I think I've said before, what does it for me is what happened at the pentagon. Plane too big, hole too small. No wreckage, no bodies. Unless you have a room temp IQ and believe what ever Big Brother…er, Uncle Sam says, you can see there just sumthin ain't right. And that isn't taking the time to do extensive research as you have.
And by the way, thanks to lchesson for posting that link.
- Quote:“And, now years later, many of my military contacts have confirmed the Twin Towers were brought down by a controlled demolition with bombs being placed in the basements of both towers.
All you have to do to show this as a false statement is watch the buildings fall. If the “bombs” were in the basement then why did the collapse start from near the top?
Oh, and I know all about those “Tall Whites”. They like to hang out with the Short Greys, Jimmy Hoffa and Elvis, and sometimes the Tooth Fairy. 😛
- Quote:Come on Brian – lets make the boys at Family Guardia and Quatloosia watch one of our crossfire debates!
Sounds like fun!
And are you refering to Playboy talking about Quatloos “will fine-tune your bullshit detector” or us at famguardian? Just need a little clarification.