Forum Replies Created
Is the information in this document still correct regarding OMB?
Is this IRS response letter successful? Per previous documentation I read on this site, a conditional acceptance has additional conditions. Can these conditions be added or is this letter sufficient?
Try not to take things so personal. I only gave you my opinion and not to criticize anyone. I think the average American will not read this material. I think it goes too deep. Again, my opinion. Not everyone will read hundreds if not thousands of pages of this material. Again, my opinion. If you want more subscribers maybe some of this material needs to be in a much simpler form. Try not to get excited with my words, only my opinion. Never the less your site offers a wealth of information.
I appreciated your response. FG mentioned her name and I tried to and failed to locate her. I simply thought you might have another source. Sorry I even asked.
While we are on this subject of repository, who reads this material? Three years ago I read maybe thousands of pages. I find it is repetitious and confusing and hyperlinked to further countless multiple pages. Nothing personal, but this material and the way it is presented is not for the normal soul. I question why would I wish to be something more than a basic member.
If you want more subscribers and readers I suggest you consider a different format. Not everyone will spend hours if not days and weeks trying to make sense out of this material. Don’t get me wrong. I think your wonderful people but you could offer much more to the average joe by changing your format.
MemberMarch 16, 2021 at 9:47 pm in reply to: Trade or Business – New Research – VERY IMPORTANTWhy should we care about USC 26 if it is not positive law? Let’s say for the sake of argument it is.
So, Article 1 Section 8 Clause 1 as of 2018 is the Authorization statement. Who might be
responsible for Excise taxes? True that not many have a trade or business in D.C..
Also what does USC26 7806 say. Is that not now the end of the story!Just received my non citizen passport and now awaiting my passport card. I submitted my passport application per instructions posted by Colonel Wilson. It was very successful.
I agree with you but they simply ignored my request and my rebuttal. They did acknowledge that my birth was in Louisiana and as I stated they said,
“If you believe you are eligible under 8 USC 1452 (b) as a non-citizen national, you may apply for a U.S. passport.”
As of Dec 7 they have my request for a Non-Citizen passport. Now I wait….
On the Dept. of State Website:
As the Department has received few requests, there is no justification for the creation of a non-citizen national certificate. Designing a separate document that includes anti-fraud mechanisms was seen as an inefficient expenditure of resources. Therefore, the Department determined that those who would be eligible to apply for such a certificate may instead apply for a United States passport that would delineate and certify their status as a national but not a citizen of the United States.
If a person believes he or she is eligible under the law as a non-citizen national of the United States and the person complies with the provisions of section 341(b) of the INA, 8 USC 1452(b),he/she may apply for a passport at any Passport Agency in the United States.. When applying, applicants must execute a Form DS-11 and show documentary proof of their non-citizen national status as well as their identity.
MemberFebruary 13, 2020 at 1:45 pm in reply to: Certificates of citizenship OR U.S. non-citizen national status; procedureI used the procedures in Family Guardian to apply for a Non U.S. Citizen National certificate form the Dept. of State. The response was, we do not issue certificates. The letter they sent to me had no signature or any identifying person that made this determination. They suggested that if I feel that I qualify for a passport as a Non U.S. citizen I can apply. Per instructions on another website I did apply and I am now waiting.
In terms of the refusal on the part of the Dept of State in denying me a certificate, I sent them a rebuttal and now I am also waiting for their response.
I have been reading the book titled POLITICAL JURISDICTION. As a Christian I have always known that my home was not of this earth. The premise that Domicile and allegiance can be changed is new to me. The idea that anyone may change their citizenship or domicile and no Court may interfere with that political choice is also new to me.
The idea that a person can dissociate with government and become a transient foreigner raises for me some interesting questions. Say for instance a person owning a mortgaged home in a subdivision decides that the laws and the people of the area in which he lives are injurious of life, libert, and property. He advises the state and the county that his Domicile and allegiance is not of this earth but heavenly, what then, have they ever capitulated? It is clear to me that once this is made now their statutes do not apply to me any longer. As long as I do not harm someone I am not statutorily liable for anything.
I am still not sure how this plays out. I do not want their services and their privileges and yet connected to my home is city water and sewage. What is to say they, the county simple turns me off. Also can this new status now effect my mortgage even though I always pay on time.
Can I be directed to another book with pertinent information that addresses these possible scenarios or does someone possibly have answers?