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  • Fiddo

    May 10, 2004 at 1:36 am in reply to: Lynne Meredith Convicted

    “We the People”? Not the current one with Shultz, right? Since I don't think I have seen them “selling” anything on their site. Except that they ask for donations for the bandwidth use should a person want to download and view one of the longer video's that they offer.

    It's true what her lawyer said about her being unjustly accused for her “good faith” beliefs, since I have read the tax laws I think I would have a similar belief as I do now. That what I “earn” is not taxable “income” as that term is defined in the IRC and that I have no “tax liability”. Looks like another Simkanin case 🙁

  • Fiddo

    May 3, 2004 at 8:09 pm in reply to: Income tax repeal

    Like HUH??

    This bill seems like another direct tax not authorized by the constitution but just cloaked as a “sales tax”.

    Would it also be something in addition to those states that already have a sales tax??

    Just another hand out to take ever more of a person's hard earned FRNs..

  • Fiddo

    May 2, 2004 at 10:41 pm in reply to: Getting Out of SS

    Okay, found the W-8/W-8BEN attachment form after doing a search. Wording seems a little strong just like the WTP form, so it's doubtful that my employer would even consider it. Which is a bums rush. 🙁

    The other thing I have to consider is that if by using the W-8/W-8BEN with attachment that my company for simplicity decides that my position is not something they continue to require. Although I am sure that they would claim my “termination” would not be related to the forms I submitted to payroll, they would pretty much claim that they had already “resolved” the matter and I had no authority to “try again” just by using another method. Plus I am sure that they would let me know that my future career would be limited and it would be best to leave quietly…

    I am sure the irs has given my employer all kinds of tax booklets telling them what they can do to avoid people just trying to live and work free from bondage. Is it me or does it seem like a lot of big companies are getting the “shake down” from the irs about an exemption they have had for years, that the irs has now changed and is no longer valid and they want to collect for current and past years under the current change?

    I would beat my head against a wall if it would help make things easier but that would hurt me more than the wall… 😮

  • Fiddo

    May 2, 2004 at 9:35 pm in reply to: Getting Out of SS

    Hmm.. Okay, went to HOAX section and and was reading the section. (online the link to the W-8 attachment letter is broke) But anyways, I tried using the WTP form to stop my withholding with my company end of last year, at which time they conferred with the tax advocate and told me I couldn't but that I could consult a “competent” tax attorney if I wanted to. (like why? if they were not going to honor my request?)

    Now in the section (HOAX) it states that a person filing a W-8BEN? with their employer could stop their withholding? At the moment I would need to get the “other” address as described in that section. What if the “other” address was say like in a state without state taxes, I have one such family member as such. Okay.. back to where I was going.

    Anyways, if I submit the W-8BEN, after having tried the WTP form, won't they(my company) try something… unexpected? The response the company got from the advocate pretty much said at the end of it that if the individual continued to make “you know” type statements that tax courts have rejected. They(my company) were asked to forward any documents to their(irs) offices for further investigation.

    So, I am thinking that if I send in a W-8BEN? It stops what? One would think both State and Federal (oppression) taxes. So then how would I ensure that they(my company) have not continued to keep my old SSN within their records and such as well as to make sure they send me a 1099? Since I doubt as a person of a W-8BEN I would still be a person within the current “tax class”… correct? Or should I read some other section of the book?


  • Fiddo

    May 2, 2004 at 4:54 pm in reply to: Simkanin Sentenced

    Very unfortunate that they can't get the appeal moved to another judge and have the whole darn case thrown OUT!! Clearly anyone that reads (the unaltered) court transcripts would see that Simkanin was denied due process and the right to defend himself and present a legal proper defense.

    I hope his appeal goes well, I myself donated funds to help move him closer to freedom. If I was the judge, I would release Simkanin now and claim time served and ask him (Simkanin) to remain true to the laws. (which he is and has been all along) Then make a ruling that the irs not bring any future “foolish” cases before the court again or be subject to fines and sanctions.

    But that's just me… 😀

  • Fiddo

    April 28, 2004 at 4:58 am in reply to: Help with IRS CP503 Response Letter

    Interesting form but I would still raise my issue mentioned earlier requiring proof, since were not the laws changed that required them (irs) to provide verified proof that a person did indeed owe said “outstanding balance”?

    I work with one person who they sent a notice to (I forget the form #) and they claimed he owed $14,000+ for one year unless he filed a return for that year showing otherwise. So he paid for an accountant to figure the “extortion return” for him and that showed him owing only about $1300. Interesting that the irs would “claim” that a person owed one amount, without showing any proof as to how they figured that amount or the authority the person had to even make the determination. Since clearly they didn't have a return for the person so I guess they picked number out of the air. Then accept a return showing far less owed.

    Well, long story short, the guy scared of loosing all his pay for a huge bill he didn't owe quickly buckled and filed. Of course the “assumed debt” was then absolved…

    go figure… Course I noticed they have tons of other forms… no wonder they themselves as an agency don't know what their own laws really say…

    Thanks Author #2..


  • Fiddo

    April 27, 2004 at 10:21 pm in reply to: Help with IRS CP503 Response Letter

    Sorry about the double posting, my browser got hung up. But what is a “cp503”?

    Definitely check out that article…

  • Fiddo

    April 27, 2004 at 10:07 pm in reply to: Help with IRS CP503 Response Letter

    pdemrose, in the tax honesty movement knowledge is power. Your request for a “vehicle to thwart off my attacker and give myself some breathing room!” is not something that anyone could really ever provide. Even Author #2 would agree that the irs keeps changing it's tactic's and with their control over judges and the DOJ which allows them to “possibly fabricate” anything they want, even if you got a method tomorrow. Most likely the day after that they would render it a moot endevour.

    The key thing about people in the movement is to present enough legal information to support any claims you make so that like the wild badger, they would find that trying to “attack” you would not be something they could win. The irs looks for the ignorant and those people who just jumped on the bandwagon with no idea what is really happening. To the irs they are like the low hanging fruit and easily picked off and made into media fodder.

    The key thing is to keep your wits about you, as I could not give legal advise. If I were for example to get a letter from the irs, reading it a few times might make it clearer (but doubtful). I would try to determine what they were asking for and base a response on that. Like if they were asking for non-existant records or non-relevant information I would tend to respond to them asking for proof of their authority (of that person) to make such a request. As lately we have seen where the irs tries to do “fishing expeditions” on websites and the people who run them by claiming that they are investigating “tax scheme” violations. It's important for me to be as “public” as possible with the irs, using certified letters, return receipts and only accepting their questions in writting so that I can research and provide correct responses. I would never use email or faxes, since those can easily be lost, mis-directed or possibly edited and they cannot be verified as being received.

    It's important not to panic, read and re-read what you have learned to keep it fresh and remember that you are not alone. Sorry I could not give more… 🙁

    This link:

    It's about the irs authority to lien and levy, read the article since it might provide you with a course of action. Take your time and keep calm when educating your employer since this will more than likely be all new to them….

  • Fiddo

    April 25, 2004 at 5:12 pm in reply to: IRS investigating Creation Science Advocate

    As “Mr. Dino” said, “they are flexing their muscles” since they want to maintain the fear factor and raiding a large company right before “tax oppression day” is one method they use to keep the leash tight.

    It's a similar action they are taking with Larken Rose and the “Paypal” account transactions, where again they are trying to claim that he's “selling tax shelters” which if anyone who has watched the video they can see nothing is being sold.

    He posted the letter he sent to the IRS employee that is trying the harrassment so that we will all know what he's trying to do to Larken. If Larken gets any responses from the IRS employee he will post them but I doubt that he will since they (IRS) dislike open public debates…


    PS.. Larken also has posted a 2 page letter where the IRS finally admits that answering questions about 861 might show the person asking that his/her “income” was not taxable under the code. So that is why they won't answer the “six deadly questions” as Larken refers to them…

  • Fiddo

    April 21, 2004 at 9:44 pm in reply to: HAPPY TAX DAY EVERYONE!

    I myself no longer volunteer but still have the dreaded taking from withholding. Although I have made the exemptions as much as I can without putting myself on the radar I see no need to file a return or send additional extortion funds. Plus as with the State that I live in, filing exempt w-4's with the employer without including a second one to re-instate withholding later only makes them auto-garnish at single with one.

    So.. Until I find other employ (or win the lotto, once I buy a ticket, if ever) then they get whatever amounts are currently “donated”… 🙁

  • Fiddo

    April 13, 2004 at 5:18 pm in reply to: What's next?

    For the mention of bank accounts, what does one do? I myself currently use direct deposit but should I close my accounts and start getting my checks by mail it would mean a drive down to the post office or such to buy money orders to pay my bills.

    I am not saying that I dislike that idea but was wondering about the security of having my wages in cash about my residense. Should a person invest in a large safe to keep money in? Plus there comes to mind the future of home ownership as without a bank account a person can't get a loan, plus has anyone been able to get a home loan without using a SSN? Since I don't believe there would be any “earned income” on the loan and as for credit, who cares about that. I did a bankruptcy last year so I could care less about them reporting my payments on time, late or otherwise..

    I do think that for all of us in the honesty movement it will be an uphill battle (non-violent of course) and some of us will be cast back down the hill. It will only be thru the strength of will and truth that we will stand back up and begin climbing again. Have faith that our numbers are growing and the tactics that are being used by the enemy are last desparate attempts to stop the collapse of this fraud.


  • Fiddo

    April 13, 2004 at 4:50 pm in reply to: Larken Rose's New Video: The 861 Evidence

    I have seen the video and am waiting now to be able to download the image so that I can burn my own CD's. I have also to wonder if anyone happened to see the Maria Bartiromo Special Report on CNBC on Monday 12, April? I had planned to record the show but set my vcr to start at 5pm and not 4pm for being on the west coast. I would very much like to hear anyone's opinion about how well the show went as I am sure she was a little biased before the show. Since WTP sent out a info email telling about the show and how Maria wanted to hear from those people who thought that the income tax was “unconstitutional”. (which it is not, it's just being mis-applied)

    As for the 861 video, I plan to send a copy to my company's payroll tax manager who refused my written notice to end my withholding. I would be doing that not as a bad thing but more as an “FYI” for them to watch it. Hopefully they will and maybe then start thinking about things a little differantly..


  • Fiddo

    March 31, 2004 at 11:29 pm in reply to: IRS Enforcers target ex IRS agent

    Something I wonder about is all those “other” former IRS agents, who when a person does a search of the internet show many sites that offer help “fighting illegal assessments and such” by the IRS. It seems they do very much the same thing as Mr. Banister but without the credibility and license that Mr. Banister has. I am not sure if all agents of the IRS are accountants or other type professionals so a person has to wonder if those “other agents” are meerly trying to get honest people between two rocks. Where a person pays “fees” to the “former agents” and then pays “compromise” payments to the IRS. It's a clear no win situation. I myself would trust Mr. Banister to represent me because he speaks out rather than keeping the truth to himself and making profits off people in trouble.

    I hope his appeal goes thru soon and he is vindicated and free to practice and fully represent all his clients under the laws…


  • Fiddo

    March 31, 2004 at 11:13 pm in reply to: C. Hansen under attack

    Unfortunate that they (irs) have begun once more to harrass the honest, hard working people of this republic. It's true as the other posts have indicated, that they are looking for a weak spot or trying to invoke an “unfriendly” response so that they can use as an excuse for some judge to pass summary judgement against you saying you are some sort of problem for society. This is like what they did to Mr. Simkanin where some disrespectful person under the irs's thumb possibly fabricated lies to make it seem like he was a threat, which I am sure he was and is not.

    I am sure that they would try their best (irs) to make it seem like you are a “bad person” because you won't do what they say. For people like you and those many other's out there that have learned the truth and won't surrender anymore to the deception. I stand with you and give my support, stand tall and let them “throw the first stone” since it seems that's about all they really could do since anything else they tried I am sure would be fabrications and star chamber injustices..


  • Fiddo

    March 31, 2004 at 5:56 pm in reply to: Up Against A Wall

    One of the previous posts mentioned that a client with a large company (100,000 employees) had successfully stopped all their withholding. Unfortunately I work for a large, world wide company. I also sent in the WTP with it's strong language before really giving it much thought. I was going from the standpoint that the form had a lot of specific information clearly stating my position. Unfortunately since this company doesn't want to run afowl of the irs, they asked the tax advocate about my specific questions only to get vague and general answers back, which then then copied and pasted and sent to me.

    They also pretty much said that if I try anything further with regard to the matter they would take “professional management” action against me. So, I filed a w-4 with single and seven. The person who even asked the specific questions from my company was a lawyer, who then just forwarded all of what he got to the payroll manager. Although they say that if I have any further “questions” that I should feel free to ask but with regard to stopping withholding it won't happen.

    There are a couple people that I know of who submit exempt w-4's but make the additional comment on the form that the exempt applies to federal withholding only. Because the state I am in has specific statutes that pretty much say that “if you make income they take taxes from you, if you don't have a liability you can file and make a “claim” to get all your money back” which is bogus. Since they like the federal irs won't honor zero returns or informal requests for refund since they go with the uninformed view that “everyone” is subject to tax. Plus if you file only a exempt w-4 without a second w-4 re-instating withholding for the state, they will file a “notice of garnishment” with my employer to take the maximum tax and request that if the “employee does not agree” to file a petition with “tax court” which is meaningless since they rule 99.9% in favor of the irs. Plus the proof of not being liable has to be something the employee has to prove, since the tax court in this state has the same uninformed view… 😮

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