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  • Fiddo

    December 20, 2004 at 11:44 pm in reply to: Foreign Agents & Commerce

    yes…. just been away for a while…

  • Fiddo

    December 14, 2004 at 2:19 am in reply to: Up Against A Wall

    I am with you in agreement Common, seems that companies these days will do nothing that might affect the bottom line. If you press too hard then you become a deduction as in “your deducted from the employment”. I can show them sections of code and ask them to read them but like what you posted.

    “unless the IRS tells us otherwise” cop out.

    It's the same here for me and once you've raised the point, (at least for me) you get special attention and they won't allow any other form or allow any attatchment that tries to introduce your rights and support your position. They accept only the form the thugs tell them to accept.

    For the odd reason they cannot even “keep them out of my dispute between me and the irs thugs”, as they (company) just accept anything and everything like I am in the wrong. Even when I show them that the irs stuff comes with no legal citations or much less from a lawyer or certified cpa (like those are any good these days, the parrots) Then there is stuff w/o a court order… Guess when that happens I sue the people responsible, not the company since they cheat and pay people off (since who's a judge gonna listen to? John Q? or a Global Corp w/ lots of $$$ FRNs?)

    Such is life.. 🙁

  • Fiddo

    December 5, 2004 at 11:17 pm in reply to: Irwin Schiff in the news

    Well, just a few comments…

    1) the courts and everyone else (but a few honest people) in government are not going to rule on the fraud because it would be the end of their lives and careers.

    2) I believe someone once said that it's the “boiling frog” thing where they are slowly stripping away our freedoms and rights and Constitution just slow enough where the “sheeple” have no clue.

    3) If the courts railroad Schiff like they did Simkanin then it will be a dark day but it will strengthen our resolve in what WE know as the truth.

    4) I do see them trying to replace to dollar, they are already pushing for people to do more online electronically or using cards. I prefer CASH 😀

    Currently I think I read or heard (sorry no link but will try to get one later) that there are several countries that are already “floating” our national debt, they have purchased bonds from “uncle sam” and some day when the dollar becomes worthless (which it is now but no one knows it) those countries will call in those bonds. It will change the face of this nation as people wake to find they are “now the property of ________ (insert contry)” and people will wonder how that could have happened. Why no one told them or which watch group or media service “dropped the ball”..


  • Fiddo

    November 5, 2004 at 11:18 pm in reply to: More government lies

    On this article I believe that congress shot it down. They were thinking along the same lines as the reporter where people:

    the debt collection industry, filled with cowboys who lie, harass and abuse their targets.

    So I think strongly that the thugs won't be getting any help anytime soon, they'll have to do their own dirty work.


  • Fiddo

    November 5, 2004 at 11:10 pm in reply to: 861 Argument –Some Observations

    I agree with Author #2, very well said indeed.

    I think the same logical thinking can also be applied to “nontaxpayers” who go into tax court and file petitions and such. Only a “taxpayer” can use a TC, so if your not one then simply put… you can't.

    Same as what Author #2 I believe says about lawyers, you cannot use a lawyer and argue jurisdiction. Since to be able to use a lawyer you have to be in their jurisdiction and a lawyer works for them, not you…


  • Fiddo

    October 17, 2004 at 5:09 pm in reply to: Up Against A Wall


    Thanks ever so much Bing, I spent a few hours doing the research once I found the case but unfortunately my company being as large as it is, considers everyone as just a number. From what I have heard from other people, they are resisting any kind of “controvercy” because they get “special allowances” from the beast on certain transactions they do. They also most likely don't want anyone looking too closely either.

    So we are doing the best we can, planning for a future and looking for alternative sources of ways to make a living.

    Plus I did send them the case quote and other info such as a copy of 3402(f), and either they are unwilling to respond or they won't respond because it would most likely cost some CPA their job from maintaining a deception for so long.

    I think they also delete my emails and trash my letters as soon as they see them without reading them. Guess they like having their heads in the sand,… 😮

  • Fiddo

    October 13, 2004 at 10:38 pm in reply to: Question on the Disclosure Offices

    Best guess I would say that your most likely mis-labled as a business. So until you dispute the errors, the computer they have will see you as a business and expect you to send in your payments from the profits you received doing trade type activities…

    I am still waiting on baited breath for my IMF and look forward to decoding it and seeing if I either live in the virgin islands or some other exotic local and just what trade business I am engaged in.


  • Fiddo

    October 13, 2004 at 10:20 pm in reply to: Up Against A Wall


    That link to the pamphlet was amusing, esp. the part where they say:

    the employee, often a tax protestor, submits a false employee withholding certificate (Form W-4) to an employer, claiming either an excessive number of withholding allowances or, more typically, an exemption from withholding, based on a claim of having incurred no tax liability in the previous year and anticipating no tax liability in the present year.

    I find it interesting that they can “sense” or have some esp type determination that a person has filed a false form. I wonder how they can just look at a form and declare that “it's false”?

    Well, my most current efforts will be to submit a letter to my employer to inform them that the issue is between me and the “beast”, that they are not to become involved. That anything they get from any agent or agency should be forwarded to me and NO ACTION taken without a proper Court Order. Now to see if someone can read and understand that letter is another thing. I tried using small words 😀

    And did you forget the link for the case? 😮

  • Fiddo

    October 12, 2004 at 7:44 pm in reply to: Badnarik and Cobb Arrested is St. Louis

    Ditto with Bing, and it seems the only reason we don't hear anything about “any” differant party candidates is because of media wide censorship where if they started giving equal time to other parties to be heard, then it might limit their ability to report “real news”.. Since as with Dan Rather, he admitted on a BBC program that the media is greatly censored and if the reporter gave an unfavorable report, even if it was factual it would be the end of that reporters career.. But no pressure… <_<

  • Fiddo

    October 12, 2004 at 7:30 pm in reply to: Up Against A Wall

    Latest word is that my company payroll won't do anything differantly, it's theft and oppression as per the norm. I will have to use my wits and knowledge to respond to the beast directly. Using facts and asking questions that they most likely will not respond to.

    Life continues… 🙄

  • Fiddo

    October 8, 2004 at 6:00 pm in reply to: Up Against A Wall

    Additional, Bing could you post maybe a link to the Malinowski court case? In reading a lot in the HOAX book, I feel sometimes like my head is filled to the brim and can't hold anymore without a break to absorb..

    thanks.. 🙄

    I sent a message to asking for assistance… I just like second opinions and a double check on my stuff so things follow the right order..

    I got a response from SEDM, I am reading thru the FED/STATE pamphlet and other suggestions they offered. When I tried stopping my withholding before my employer sent me a copy of a case where someone tried to sue to get the company to accept their papers (papers from somewhere else I think). The court of course saw it the corporations way, so I guess this was the payrolls way of telling me “see, you can try but you won't win” type thing… Plus they are already “too stupid” to accept any other clear information that I would provide. I can only hope that by contacting someone else within the company legal that I can get someone that will at least listen and have an open mind.

    Plus I dislike job hunting 🙁

  • Fiddo

    October 8, 2004 at 5:52 pm in reply to: Up Against A Wall

    Bing, I am requesting a copy of my IMF as I write this post. I have already gotten my green card back dated Oct 4, so they have till approx. Nov 3 to send my my file and all “complete” data about my account.

    Currently my company has signed an agreement with an outside mediation service, US EEOC (a gov entity) because it seems that they were getting a lot of “discrimination” cases lately and for some reason they were getting high numbers within the state where I live and work.. Hmmm .. wonder why?

    The important thing will be if I can effectively “prosletyzing” myself to show them information and ask questions about what they think it means. For example the definition of employee… (from the IRC)

    ? 3401. Definitions

    (b)Employee.–For purposes of this chapter, the term “employee” includes an officer, employee, or elected official of the United States, a State, or any political subdivision thereof, or the District of Columbia, or any agency or instrumentality of any one or more of the foregoing. The term “employee” also includes an officer of a corporation.

    After they read something like this, I would ask them which of the 3 apply to me. Then I would show them the definition of both United States, a State.. (from the IRC)

    (e) State, United States, and citizen

    For purposes of this chapter –

    (1) State – The term ?State? includes the District of Columbia, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, Guam, and American Samoa.

    (2) United States – The term ?United States? when used in a geographical sense includes the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, Guam, and American Samoa.

    An individual who is a citizen of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico (but not otherwise a citizen of the United States) shall be considered, for purposes of this section, as a citizen of the United States.

    I would then ask them where it is that I work and if it is a “federal zone”, since I don't see any kind of government or military enclosure around the buildings I work at. Plus the last time I checked they had not changed the name of the state I am in. I hope that with data from my IMF it will prove even more and also allow me to rebutt any “errors” in my file. To hopefully get them to see reason and allow me to handle my own withholding matters and I will be happy to give them a signed/notary statement of such facts. As well as a document that the statement is never removed, transmitted, copied or disclosed to anyone without either a court order from a qualified court or my express written permission. I can tell you now that someone I know will not ever get that permission. <_<

    I will have to keep you posted…

  • Fiddo

    October 7, 2004 at 5:19 am in reply to: Up Against A Wall

    Hi all,

    I am going to try and clear my last post dated Mar 31, 2004. It seems like many that I too have befallen the corporate bull headed people that refuse to accept the truth. I tried to educate some of the people at the company I work for and the company “claims” that they have an “open door policy”. Where if you don't recieve a valid answer for your questions you can then move up the chain to someone “perhaps” more qualified. Taxes (or withholding) is something that companies don't really want to discuss and for vanity's sake they don't want people advancing their questions/problems higher. As with my previous post when my company told me “stop or else”. I felt this response was because someone on the bottom didn't want to look like they didn't know what the laws actually said. So they figured if they could just pressure me to be quiet their day would be a lot easier and their bosses none the wiser.

    Now the issue is raised again because it seems that from my past attempts to submit the WTP form that they (company payroll) are causing me problems. They have told me not to attempt to submit any “non-standard” forms or anything not already on file (like a W-8BEN, W-8) as they will not accept those. Currently I am trying to educate a lawyer within the company, I asked them a few questions in hope of getting some answers or at least getting them to perhaps ask me for more information. (ie. trying to get my foot in the door without it being shot off) Trying to start a dialog and one with someone that isn't tainted with irs lies and untruths.

    Not sure why this happened but the irs has sent me a form letter that they will inform my employer to withhold at the single w/zero rate unless I can show them why it should be anything different. (like if I got married or adopted kids) I am hopefull that if given the chance I might be able to convince someone that I am right. My own manager does believe me and the information I have shown him because he knows of several of his own friends that have been able to get their employers to “see the truth”. I can only hope that with such a manager that I can retain my employment, educate someone and then quietly get things the way they should be. I just hope not to become an unemployed casualty.

    I have found Family Guardian Fellowship's HOAX book (ever changing) to be invaluable, despite having been forced by company pressure to do things their way and “as si-irs-mon says”..

    I believe the most difficult thing will be getting someone to accept all parts within a section, like for example CFR 31.3402(p)

    ? 31.3402(p)-1 (:cool: (2) ?An agreement under section 3402(p) shall be effective for such period as the employer and employee mutually agree upon.? However, either the employer or the employee may terminate the agreement prior to the end of such period by furnishing a signed written notice to the other.? [Emphasis added]

    As I believe I read elsewhere in this forum a quote of a Supreme Court case where the court stated that a person could not “pick and choose” what parts/sections applied and which did not. To use the section meant that everything within applied. (or something to that effect)

    I shall talk softly, in polite tones and be humble before them so that they will pause to listen, stop to consider and perhaps to ponder what I offer… :ph34r:

  • Fiddo

    October 5, 2004 at 11:12 pm in reply to: darn W-4's

    Yes, Author #2 you are right. I was stupid and allowed myself to be “told what to do” by the company payroll dept.

    I do not make any attempts to degrade any of your info as I believe that it is factual and 100% correct. If you want to delete my posts and just leave your post with the links I would be grateful…

    Again, it was my own err in judgment and that of corporate pressure to play things their way…


  • Fiddo

    October 1, 2004 at 11:12 pm in reply to: Bush's tax code

    I tend to be still here… Just had some other stuff that needed doing, something along the lines of things won't get done unless I do them myself.

    As for any tax plan by any president (current or otherwise) I only think they would add on to the current woes like JWR was saying, it seems that big government is just that. Like a food o'holic they have gotten the taste of money and the control that “taxation” gives them and they are just craving more and more at our expense and those of future generations.

    I heard recently that the US FRNs were loosing value against the EURO, so the collapse seems only a matter of time. Maybe they will just print more to go around, since that how this government seems to think. Throw money at it and you'll fix the problems eventually.


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