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I agree the problem is attorney's and such within a company that will not listen and just like how they treated the “lock-in” letters they applied to my wages. “It's something they have always do without question, they are just told (by higher un-named people) to act on the letters as though they “had force of law”.
In some ways I would want rapture to happen now or very soon. This world has become so much like babble that perhaps it needs to be destroyed in some sense. I admit that i would prefer that the good, honest people survive and suffer little hardship but for the “not so nice” people… well, they get what they have coming.
But I do agree with sonic, try and get any contact info on this attorney you can and write him as well as any other contacted person with this matter (CC them) so that people will know, maybe even write the CEO. They might want to know if their company is doing something illegal!?
imho of course, as these are just suggestions…
I firmly stand but because of ignorance and a “god-like” corporate delusion they believe the point is wasted. They will not accept anything that's controversal because it might “hurt their image”. I have been told that this issue is about the same what they catch monkey's in the Asia's where they use the jar with the rope on it and nuts inside. They pretty much have told me “I won't win”, which is sad because I hope to see the day when they go down for the massive lawsuits that will crush them into the ground for their assistance in this fraud and illegal theft.
As for other news, i am looking for something else but options are slow as most jobs because of demand are paying low end starting because there are so many people and they figure someone with high levels of exp's will eventually take the suck-butt pay… ๐
Such is life…
Here's one you may or may not have heard/seen.
Quote:The Internal Revenue sends their auditor (a nasty little man) to audit a synagogue. The auditor is doing all the checks, and then turns to the Rabbi and says, “I noticed that you buy a lot of candles.”“Yes,” answered the Rabbi.
“Well, Rabbi, what doย you do with the candle drippings?” he asked. “A good question,” noted theย Rabbi. “We actually save them up. When we have enough, we send them back toย the candle maker and every now and then, they send us a free box ofย candles.”
“Oh,” replied the auditor somewhat disappointed that his question actually had a practical answer. So he thought he'd try another question, in his obnoxious way… “Rabbi, what about all these matzo purchases? What do you do with the crumbs from the matzo?”
Ah, yes,” replied the Rabbi calmly, ” we actually collect up the crumbs, we send them in a box back to the manufacturer and every now and then, they send a box of matzo balls.”
“Oh,” replied the auditor, thinking hard how to fluster the Rabbi.
“Well, Rabbi,” he went on, “what do you do with all the foreskins from the circumcisions? “
“Yes, here too, we do not waste,” answered the Rabbi. “What we do is save up all the foreskins, and when we have enough we actually send them to the Internal Revenue Service.”
“Internal Revenue Service?,” questioned the auditor in disbelief.
“Ah, yes,” replied the Rabbi, “Internal Revenue Service. And about once a year, they send us a little prick likeย you.”
๐ฎ Enjoy
These are the two cases that made this what it is: Burton had passed away and the thugs were trying to get his stuff, so they fought back. Which everyone unjustly attached should do!
Estate of Burton W. Kanter v. Commissioner of Internal Revenue, 03-1034,
Ballard v. Commissioner of Internal Revenue, 03-184.
I think the key point here was this one line:
Quote:that the original hearing officer had concluded there had, in fact, been no fraud.But when the case went into the tax court they changed it and ruled against the person, which clearly indicates fraud but not of the person but the TC!
Good job facing them, you did right to check their commissions and it's amazing how they “think” they have the authority. I have a similar problem with my employment and the withholding, where I have been locked in by a “adminstrative” person who “thinks” that they have authority. From what I have been told “by experts” within the company, “the government can change a person's withholding at any time, they have that authority” (sad, but extremely laughable)
Then I was also told “that the company only obeys the laws when it suits them”, that as a matter of image they won't allow anything that could cause controversy or hurt their lobbying in the government. So, lowly pee-ons are stuck with no solutions, no fair consideration and having to deal with “limited experts” who only see selective sections. Anything outside those sections to them does not exist.
Yes, guns are back in fashion and it's important to learn how to use and maintain them as well. I myself decided to make a purchase after one morning when an unknown person was attempting to forcefully enter my appartment, although the door was securely deadbolted the person did not get in. They fled after I switched on the outside light and it was then I decided to optain something for home defense and family protection.
It's is expected that eventually our fiat money will collapse and within the next 5 years is not being too unrealistic. The US gov has a whole lot of bonds that become more and more devalued with the more worthless paper they print. “Notes” deposited in a bank further devalue them when a deposit of a 100FRN creates 900FRNs more. This is because banks can only keep on hand 10% of depositors money (ie. paper notes), so the 100 becomes the 10% which means that the other 90% (created out of thin air) is available for investments and loans. Loans are also the same, your home at 100,000FRNs makes a credit on the banks books for that amount and then become the 10% creating another 900,000FRNs. With the market for homes being high no wonder our money becomes worth less and prices continue to go up.
But anyways, sorry for the rambling… but fore armed is fore warned.
yes, Andy's words were amusing. but the UCC 11 taxpayor? Have not heard about that but a search of the net showed it referred to a national information request form.. guess if a person uses that someone else gets the bill ? ๐ฎ
wow, lots of information… I had heard that they don't really “add” things to a person's IMF so my guess is they keep it somewhere in a cabinet?
There is amazingly a lot of material that both of you have suggested using/bringing to (jclifton) meeting, a person would think that once the thugs started getting the masses bringing in this same volume that they would just throw up their hands and cry “uncle” and come clean. Since they are on the losing end of this endevour and having a foolish “tax reform panel” try to change the name or add another tax will only cause things to become very unfavorable for those that are suppose to “serve the public” and not the other way around…
here's more from Larken:
Dear Subscriber,
I now HAVE the indictment against me. (I assume it's the only one.) It
has NOTHING about conspiracy, or any attempt to “corruptly” interfere with
the tax laws, or tax evasion. It consists entirely of five counts of
“willful failure to file” (26 USC 7203). (I wonder what their excuse will
be now if they don't give the videos back.) The whole indictment is only
three pages, consisting of the following:
My wife and I live in PA and have a medical transcription business. The
IRS “was an administrative agency within the United States Department of
Treasury.” (“Was”? What is it now?)
“The Internal Revenue Code ('Code') required every individual who received
gross income in excess of the exemption amount established by Congress to
make and file a tax return which reported the income received by that
individual. Examples of the types of gross income for which a return had
to be made and filed included: (a) compensation for services, including
fees, commissions, fringe benefits and similar items; and (:cool: gross income
derived from a business enterprise.” (They cite no law, and of course
don't mention the citations showing that their assertions are incomplete
and flawed.)
My wife and I (it says) “received gross income” above the “minimum filing
requirements,” and that “my [sic] reason of such gross income” we were
required to file. And “knowing this, [we] willfully failed to make an
income tax return.” The third page just gives a chart of our income for
1998 through 2002.
That's it.
Those of you who have been on this list a while might have noticed
something: it DIDN'T ADDRESS the issue of “willfulness” at all. They
threw in the word “willfully,” but didn't say ONE WORD about our
position/beliefs, making the indictment incomplete. (This matches their
FAILING TO MENTION the element of “willfulness” when Tessa appeared before
the grand jury.)
“A… good-faith belief that one is not violating the law negates
willfulness, whether or not the claimed belief or misunderstanding is
objectively reasonable. Statutory willfulness… is the voluntary,
intentional violation of a known legal duty.” [Cheek v. United States, 498
U.S. 192 (1991)]
The government just ASSERTS, without explanation, that we “knew” we were
required to file. Nice of them to just make that up, huh?
I wanted to quickly let you know of this development, and in following
messages I'll have more to say. At this point, I don't want money for a
defense fund. If you want to throw money, use it to buy mini-CDs or to
donate to spreading the word, both of which can be done at
I can't emphasize this enough: this is a TREMENDOUS opportunity, and I am
GLAD it's happening. Don't waste effort worrying about what will happen
to me. I will take care of that (with the help of others). Instead, just
WATCH. Pay attention. Get everyone you know to pay attention. Spread
the word. More to follow…
Larken Rose
What Larken has said is true about most of the cases the irs brings to court, they never say everything in their indictments but when in the court just let the people believe what they want without actually showing any PROOF of liability or even the “requirement” to do what they claim a person did not do…
Today I will speak with a higher HR rep and an expert within the company, they feel that I should have answers to my concerns so that I “will understand”. Of course they also informed me that they spoke to the local HR person and I am sure that he has expressed that “it's okay to give me an answer but nothing will change”…
Since I doubt now that they could/would allow me to take care of my own affairs after they have forced me to remain silent. Plus the warning was more vendictive because I had already handled the matter but I did not allow the local person to speak, I guess he felt like “his power for high perch” was slipping away. My manager was telling after the first day that he was “upset because I was rude”, I even sent an apology but I guess he was still feeling scorned and had to “strike back” even though it was nothing of his concern.
The overall concept is people for some reason refuse to accept the truth, it makes their jobs that much harder. If knowing the truth means I must bear a great weight upon me then I do it willingly. I would hope that when others see the truth they will stand beside me and help take up some of that burden.
Currently they are coming out with a new ranking and ratings method, the current old one had a review every six months. The new ones will be every quarter and if people are not progressing as “they see it” then those people will be behind and need development plans, written warnings to encourage them to bend lower under the lash. As for pay it seems that no matter what you'll be doing you'll still get the same amounts or if some non-authoritive letter comes in from some private agency with no legal court order, you'll be taking home a lot less….
When I look around I cannot see a crowd but I can hear the sound of voices growing ever loader. There will soon be a time when things will change and some people will most likely not like when that happens….
beaten but will not give up…
Talking about SSN, I filed paperwork to request a passport and when I filled out the form I put all zero's in the place where it asked for an SSN. It stated clearly that a person should provide a number “if they have a federal tax liability”, well I guess since I don't have such a liability and don't have a number I guess it's all zero's in the space.
Now a couple days ago I get a letter from the passport place, seems they need more information about me. Such as mother, father, brothers, sisters, schools attended, jobs work in past ten years, places lived in past ten years as well as 3 more documents that give a physical description of me.
Well, I responded that I was unable to supply such information since when I was swearing under oath before the AA and signing the form before them. That they informed me no further info was required. I even sent them a copy of the listed requirements from their own webpage that clearly states that if this is my first passport. That I need to provide proof of citizenship (ie. birth cert.) and at least two valid forms of ID with my picture, the two photo's and required fees and be there in person. (which I was, I was there)
I gave all that to them… So as far as I am concerned I have met their requirements. I also asked if they could give me a legal reason why I have to give them more personal and private information when I have complied fully with their website and was even told by the AA that I was all set….
Okay, as of 2/16/2005 I have been FORCED into SILENCE. With them giving me a written warning I have been forced to no longer contact anyone within the company about my withholding. I have been “so kindly” locked in by illegal letters from fed and state with NO AUTHORITY. I have been told that if I want to change things I have to contact the irs but what makes little sense is that the irs does not do anything with my paycheck!!
I am going to fight the written warning because it is my legal right to demand what is mine as agreed upon. This kind of crap makes one want to do things that would be unnatural. So, anyone know where I can get some chains and such to wear?? Maybe I should be sending back my paychecks since clearly I have no control of the withholding so the money must clearly not be mine. I don't want to take anything from someone else that's not mine. “Thou shalt not steal”..
I would recommend buying someone elses product because it seems the company in my opinion has a bad record with their employees. I work for intel…
I like this one line from the linked page:
Quote:B.ย Taxpayer – No information is collected from taxpayers.So, can anyone tell me how they can make a lien or much less anything else when this line clearly says NO info is collected??
I guess it's just “business as usual” for the “irritating robbery squad”…
Thanks Bing… ๐