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In some ways I fully agree with Sonic, to not use is the best way out. The road not taken BUT for those like myself and jdl1962, we were falsely led into this 'agreement' without full knowledge that it was voluntary. Even when I got my first paycheck and looked at the totals and saw that not all of what I had totaled for my hours worked was in the “pay box”, I looked to see that some had been withheld. I said I did not want to have it withheld but since I was considered a child (only 16 at the time) I was told “it's the law or you'll go to jail”. A common miss-nomer at that time. Silly me.. what did I know.?
Now I hope that with my next employ after this one, just waiting to hear from the new company I applied with. I plan to file “exempt” so as not to have any withholding but also to include a statement that I would prefer not to have any money's taken for SS and medicare since I prefer to invest in my own future rather than have someone give me a check later on down the road. In 30 years I doubt that there will be anyone there to have a check much less to hand it out.
My brother one time worked for a city and what they did was not withhold for SS and medicare because they had a personal 401k or similar type fund for the person setup as a part of their employment. In short, the money that would have gone to SS and medicare was withheld yes, BUT put into an account for the person directly and they were sent quarterly statements as to “deposits” and interest earned. The account was even something they could personaly add to and have the additions also “tax deferred” up to 12% of their “gross pay”.
Something like that would be great, since I would rather have access to my property and know that it will be mine when I decide to start collecting. Not like the current system where (for me at least) in 30 years I doubt it will be there and all that has been wrongfully taken and deposited (stolen and distributed) will be gone…
Hello All,
I have gotten PH's book, have applied it's wisdom and gotten refunds for the years(2) I filed for. Currently requesting refunds from the state(2) since my federal liability is zero.
Now I don't think that I am a “citizen” subject to their code BUT my property was wrongfully or incorrectly taken and I had to use the irs method (forms) to get the return of said property and rebutt their incorrect presumptions. Much like filling out a service request with a local merchant, you have to use their form for service.
I did put on my 1040's that all money's taken (SS, Medicare, Federal) totalled were requested as a refund amount. I got everything for the years I submitted for. I did not file amended returns because since the SOL had expired, I would not have gotten anything back anyways. (I had not filed for 2003, 2004 since I had no legal requirement)
Now “IF” my “forms” and rebuttals were incorrect or not the proper method I am sure that the irs would have sent me info informing me of my error. ie. “use the pink copy instead of the yellow one, etc. etc” They did not.
I can send you a copy of my documents “personal info redacted except for my name” if you want to see what I posted on them. I am more than happy to provide “proof” since I feel that is best in this day in age to be up front and true.
Send my a personal note and I will see what I can do. 🙂
If you would like a copy of my IMF, I would have to send a FOIA letter to request a current copy since I have one from a couple years ago.
To all, your wisdom is invaluable and I use it to verify and research to my own ongoing education. I hope we can continue to do so….
I agree 100% with you about the demolition, the buildings of such height could not have “collapsed” as they claim with some idiot pancake theory. There was the one high rise building in Europe somewhere that burned for like 3 days or something, built very much the same way as the towers and it was still standing!
Also from internet footage of building 7, there was only a small fire and smoke seen on the one heavily fortified floor, the one that supposed to withstand high 150+ hurricane winds and be reinforced against earthquakes. Yet, these small “fires” make the whole building collapse after of course the owner of it was recorded as saying “pull it”, which for building demo is I believe the term they use to fire the explosives and bring the building down..
I stopped believing government a long time ago… One lie after another and the people of the town no longer listened to the “boy who cried wolf”…
The irs likes to continue to send the person direct mail in an effort to imho terrorize the person to “come clean”. Not sure what that really means since most people who think and know the laws for what they truly say are clean, it's the irs that has a rep for not being 100% truthful.
Author #2 is right to use a actual letter to give POA and not their form, You can even provide a copy of the signed letter at the time of the due process and can have your cpa there if they were the one's who did all your paperwork. Since how can you be expected to answer questions about a form you did not fill out yourself?
I got the book and if the DOJ says that the book is “not wrong” (ie. they won't make a case against PH) then that's good enough for me to believe that it's factual. 😉
When I applied the first time for my passport, I filled in the SSN space as all zero's since it states that a person cannot leave it blank. But the section on the back of the instructions also says that a person 'must' include it 'if they have a federal tax liability'.
Well, since I knew I did not have a federal liability and could not leave it blank, hense all zeros'
I got 3 letters(1 at a time), all 3 were the same and all asking (form letters) for information about me, like military DD214, hospital shot records, and all sorts of things like that. It seemed that it was their intention to get enough information to connect me to a number.
After the third letter they sent back my BC and said that they could not process my application because of the 'lack of information' that they are returning my BC but that my 'fees' were non-refundable. I have since applied again, and this time for ease (since I really want to go somewhere else) I included the darn socialist number, but just because I have one to put on a form does not mean I have a “federal tax liability”… (I don't!!)
kewl, but did you apply for your passport using a SSN?
I tried to apply without supplying a socialist number and got letters asking for more and more information even after I supplied names and addresses for brothers and sisters, they had a copy of by certified BC as well as copies of my drivers lic., photo from high school yearbook,..
My guess is they needed more information so that they could accurately identify me so they could “add” a number that I purposely left off. Since it says clearly on the document that a person “must” supply the number “only if they have a federal tax liability” which I don't have..
So, I have to re-apply since they rejected the form and sent me back my BC.
Indeed true, they as it seem are in the “final throws” of existance where they are trying to put out a forest fire with a squirt gun!
There are enough people out there that will NO longer stand by, if that means we as free American's must defend our land and our country from “foreign and domestic” enemies so let them cast the first stone…
Tis madness!
I have already written my Congressman and Senators in complete disagreement of any stupid National ID! I have politely informed them that I will not allow myself to be barcoded, implanted or forced to carry and present “my papers”. I also referred them to most suspense movies where the bad guys always had perfectly forged papers, so this new ID system is another waste of money and form of oppression on the American people. Spend it on a 20 foot concrete wall along our border from east to west..where the only way thru is at the entry point and no where else. As any “boat people” would be turned away!
Be nice to know how that one person can drive and not need a tag or license.. I would enjoy that too since my fargin auto always passes smog!
Sonic, BRAVO!!
Your letter has given me much food for thought and I think that I shall include in the letter to my Congressman some of the cases and legal points you make. I hope that this is acceptable, I want my letter to have “weight” without bullying the person where hopefully I will get some action. Just hope it's not the kind of “action” I can do without.
It's kind of an odd thing, how does one attack but not attack? How does one defend but not need to defend? How does one speak to be heard but is not lost in the roar of many voices?
I think it all comes down to truth, persistance and a desire to effect change. 😉
Yes… I felt much the same when I tried to push my withdrawl of my W-4 thru, where I would get odd statements of this or that section and when I would rebutt them… nothing.. no reponse. When I talked with someone, “for them it was final closure of this issue” they said much the same that I was possibly right but since it's too much of a controvercy for just one person it's not worth it for the company or perhaps more for the one person who would have to stamp their approval on it. Plus they claimed that I was taking things out of context and they were not going to help me “avoid not paying my taxes”, not really sure which “taxes” they are referring to.
I know that this might not do much but I am writting a letter to my Congressman as I have little else really that I can do, I have such a high loss (FRNs) with the lock-in letters illegally applied to my earnings and I have also a written management action that says if I pursue this issue they will consider termination, since “according to them” they have “answered my questions”. [NOT]
When I tried to fight the management action, their investigation(HR) results seemed to say that the action “was given fairly”. All the while the key point on the write up as “when employee was approached by HR, the employee hung up”.
To me the call came at a time improper, it came into my work area where someone else answered the phone and the HR rep identified themselves to that person. To me that was completely improper. I politely declined to speak to the person at the time of the call, I did NOT “just hang up”.
Well, anyways not to get off topic. I am writting to my Congressman. Again not really sure what it will do but if and when I get a response I will let you know. I pretty much cannot afford any kind of legal battle and it would be useless against a stacked deck anyways. So, perhaps… 🙁
Also, being outside the jurisdiction, venue of the tax court makes them not worth considering since they are purely administrative and cannot issue rulings. They also cannot litigate Subtitle C employment tax issues, which withholding falls into.
Very true and a very sad thing, the new “health bill” that was passed thru the Con-gress was one that would allow the private drug companies to do mental health screenings on all school children. They would then be able to make recommendations to the school board about which kids should be drugged.
I have a nephew that at the beginning of school years it seemed he had a problem with staying focused, if you have watched tv for more than 30 minutes you can see that staying focused is impossible as your watching either programs or commercials. TV is meant to be the third parent, the unpaid baby sitter. Turn off the tv and read to your children, if they have trouble concentrating then increase their natural dietary intake of B-vitamins. (ie. foods or suppliments)
My nephew doesn't eat a properly balanced diet so it's no wonder that he cannot get enough benefitting nutrients to maintain proper mental health.
But I agree, if the school board wants you to dope your kids, have them show you that laws… because if you don't it won't be you or your children benefitting…
Estopped is good, too bad these types of documents don't mean anything to my employer and my issues with withholding. I had thought about maybe looking into a court case but making it “general” so that I would be asking the court to rule on my right to terminate my withholding if i so chose and also have it rule that any employer so accepting such “termination” would be free and protected from ir s retaliation…
It is unfortunate about how companies won't listen, how they keep saying “it's what we always do” and the ultimate idiot response “you have to talk to the irs”. I am still amazed at how when you can show them the laws they just don't read the same thing.
My guess about them taking about half your pay is that you are still “getting taxed” on the gross and then they are taking the “payment” for the levy also based on a percentage of that same gross! Instead of on the remaining new net balance which is what they should be doing.
At least on the up side, you have a payroll person locally you can talk to. For myself they are located in a state with no other facilities (and in utah) where contact is pretty much all by phone since they kinda frown on a person jumping on the company jet just to fly to payroll so that he could talk face to face. It's even a problem just to get things in writting as most responses come from a imbecile in HR that doesn't care (or could care less) that just tells me to “stop”….
JWR, I feel for your situation as I also have been threatened with termination if I pursue my legal rights. Of course this company's HR people could care less who you are or what your problems are. If it's good for the company then you get help, if it's bad then you get written warnings and told “stop or else”.
They pretty much ignore laws that they prefer not to know about, I could write a hundred papers to send them and it would only get me fired since they will not read them but claim they are a “disruption”, even though the “theft” they are taking of your paycheck is just that to your life, liberty and happiness.
In some ways we can see the fraud slipping because Larken Rose's case was dismissed I guess for lack of evidence. I guess they could not figure out how they could charge him with a crime just because he was following his beliefs. So maybe some people on their side are starting to look for early retirement and a safe place to live after they leave their current positions.
It also seems to be the corp mentality to respond to people by phone or not at all so it makes it hard to get information on just “who is telling/advising whom”. I hope you can get some info and that your suit after goes well, clearly they are wrong because your due process rights were violated and they didn't follow their proper written procedures. Plus a NoL does not apply to us, it can only be issued by the Secretary to an IRS agent for money's they have collected and not turned over. It's so that they can get the money turned over from the agent one way or the other.
Best of luck…