Forum Replies Created

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  • fg_admin

    August 25, 2009 at 10:48 pm in reply to: Do you want to be a mermaid??

    That's right, tell us how you REALLY feel, franklin! You're a scholar and a gentleman and we really appreciate your astute insights to “spice up” these forums. You undoubtedly understand human nature far better than any others we have met and have the unique ability to expound upon that nature in a way that even the common “doo doo head” and joe-sixpack tv junky can understand. That ability, we would guess, is probably the foundation of the avocation you chose in life. But don't tell anyone what that is, because we don't want to aid the enemy in these forums. 😉

    We agree with everything you said and wish we had the unique gift with words that you have. There aren't enough hours in the day to juggle all the balls we have in the air right now, and we so appreciate having a core audience of people who:

    1. Recognize and appreciate the value of what we provide here.

    2. Have the time to carefully think such important things through as you have identified.

    3. Stand on our shoulders to continually apply and improve all the wonderful materials that we provide for free here.

  • fg_admin

    August 25, 2009 at 2:56 pm in reply to: Do you want to be a mermaid??


    Very insightful observation. You're obviously a thinker who probably doesn't watch TV.

    In answer to your your request for a slogan, you may have overlooked the main slogan of this website. Obama's slogan is “Yes we can!”. Ours is:


    I can't think of anything that makes people more passionate than showing them:

    1. That the people at the top who write the laws are actually violating them.

    2. That the people at the top have a different set of rules and are hypocrites. Isn' that what Jesus did to the Pharisees

    3. What the hypocrites are hiding by identifying all the things they don't want to talk about and why they don't want to talk about it and then ensuring that these things are the ONLY thing YOU will talk about.

    4. Why God is displeased and angy at them, and has severely punished those in the past who did the very things our present government is doing.

    The passion element of our message, we believe, comes from the spiritual nature of it and all the scripture quotes we provide. The holy spirit is not logic or reason, but intuition and God Himself talking inside of us. Reawakening this voice with the Truth and with scripture is how we ignite the masses here.

  • fg_admin

    August 25, 2009 at 6:50 am in reply to: Oscar Stilley and Lindsey Springer Indicted

    8/24/09 Lindsey Springer Email Update:

    I've got a problem with his approach. He's using Tax Court and IRS appeals, and you can't do either as a “taxpayer”. The reason he's getting raided is because he's acting like a taxpayer and a resident and using the number.


    Lindsey Springer here and offer an update and request for further support from those of you led, and have been or are willing to pledge your life, money, and sacred honor, in defense of the rule of law in this land.

    It is with a heavy heart that I write to you seeking your support in the many battles, for whatever reason, God has led me to confront. For those of you who are not aware of my quadruple time efforts I would like to disclose but just a few of them to you.

    Most people who are having to defend themselves against the mountains of attorneys aligning with the Internal Revenue Service find themselves in a religious battle over whether they have done something wrong or not in the eyes of God and their Country. This is a self inflicted test because in my humble opinion no such evidence of any test imposed by God is implied or exists. I am certain God looks at both intent and likelihood of success on the options you and I face.

    Ever since I chose to believe in the life and meaning of Jesus Christ I, nor my life, have been the same.

    As many of you know in my recent emails I reported the United States Department of Justice and CID Agents of the IRS, in response to a question regarding what specific code section “makes Springer liable” for the tax imposed on income under sec 1 of Title 26 and instead of simply identifying the specific code section or sections, each informed the Court they had no burden to show Springer was made liable for any tax by specific words in Title 26.

    This places their answer up against the phrase “required by law” which the Court on July 2, 2009 ordered they direct me to what the Grand Jury meant by the phrase “required by law.”

    In January, 2004, I was notified I was being investigated for purportedly selling tax shelter programs in violation of Title 26, Section 6700. In December, 2004, I was cleared of this erroneous assertion by letter to which no person disputes.

    On April 25, 2005, I filed suit against certain actions by the IRS stemming from placing a business card on my front door on March 4, 2005, while sending a Notice of Levy to an address the IRS was fully aware I had never used personally. They obviously knew of my correct address by their actions in January of 2004 and December of 2004 which utilized the last known address the IRS had on file for me.

    On April 26, 2005, someone assigned Brian Shern to a criminal investigation of me. It is unclear when the investigation began but is clear he did not begin on that investigation until that day.

    I filed action in 2006 stemming from 11 employees of the IRS and 2 employees of the Department of Justice taking money during a home invasion to which they have been ordered to trial in case 06-156 (Northern District Oklahoma)(including Shern). The defendants recently appealed to the 10th Circuit interlocutory, meaning before the case was final, asking for the 10th Circuit to overturn the District Court's decision that these defendants stand trial for their theft. At the 10th Circuit, the United States Department of Justice, for the first time, was forced by that Court to admit the defendants stole or participated in the theft and cover up of the theft of money stolen from me. The theft occurred on September 16, 2005. The defendants maintain on appeal they cannot be held liable for the theft since they stated they did not steal the money until after they purportedly seized it. Can you believe that one?

    On September 15, 2005, one day before the armed invasion, I commenced 05-1075 in the Western District of Oklahoma against the IRS based upon a notice of determination issued on August 16, 2005 stemming from the outcome of a CDP notice given to me in mid March, 2005 (remember the business card on the door?). I had 30 days to file the appeal of the August 16, 2005 determination. In that case I challenged the application of penalties under the Paperwork Reduction Act as I was clearly on the defense. Earlier in another appeal the 10th Circuit stated I could not raise challenges regarding the Paperwork Reduction Act on the offense and that I must only be allowed to raise protections on the defense. The present case remains pending at the 10th Circuit in 08-9004.

    While these cases were pending, the attorneys for the 11 employees being bound over for trial, sue me in the Northern District of Oklahoma asserting the United States had a lien in its favor and against me. They sought fraud determinations and to take the home I currently live in. When the Court was presented with the lien “release” that I possessed the United States Department of Justice convinced another employee of the IRS to revoke my release and issue another lien ad hoc.

    I appealed the decision by the IRS administratively to revoke my release wherein the IRS in January, 2009, informed me they had no jurisdiction to consider my CDP request they offered in their August 4, 2008 new lien, because they said they had given me such notice in 1999 and that I had purportedly slept on my right to any hearing at that time. I petitioned tax court claiming no such 1999 lien notice existed, that the lien was never given to me at my “last known address,”as indicated by the address on the document they suggested supported their claim. After several pleadings filed the Chief Judge of Tax Court ordered trial on September 16, 2009 in Oklahoma City.

    Meanwhile, the District Court case where the employees' attorney for the United States Department of Justice sued me to take the home I live in was suspended pending several issues one of which is the September 16, 2009 trial on the invalidity of the IRS lien.

    When all that was not working to produce the desired result the numerous licensed attorneys nation wide intended, on March 10, 2009 these same attorneys and IRS employees without citation to anything other than “required by law,” purportedly convinced a group of Oklahoma residents to indict me for conspiring to impede determination of a tax liability on money given me, evading a tax liability on the same money, and failing to report a tax liability to the IRS.

    Whether your issue is liens, notice of liens, levies, CDP Hearings, liability, exempt amount, the meaning of return or form, the Paperwork Reduction Act, District Directors, Internal Revenue Districts, Assessments, RACS006, donations, gifts, or just the plain meaning of words, both Federal and State involving the same listed above, my ministry and its mission should gather your attention and full support as all of these issues have presented themselves recently to me.

    I have held my post now on its 19th year and will maintain it as long as I am able. I need your support as I now have 60 days to trial in once case, less than 30 on another, with several pending or hanging issues in the balance.

    I have a way to receive your contribution through paypal. The address to fill in there is I can also receive your support c/o Lindsey Springer, 5147 S. Harvard, # 116, Tulsa, Oklahoma 74135. You can also contact me through or

    I would hope you will give strong consideration to my request and that you might also circulate this request to those who you think would care about the issues facing me as I stand ready to discuss this at anytime. I would rather be spending my time preparing for battle but I understand that with a budget in the billions and everyone on payroll of the United States defending rights can be more than complicated.

    I thank you and hope these words find you blessed beyond measure.


  • fg_admin

    August 13, 2009 at 5:19 pm in reply to: Oscar Stilley and Lindsey Springer Indicted

    8/13/09 update:


    Lindsey Springer here and I feel obligated to those of you supporting my efforts to place these etched in stone words in your vault for safe keeping.

    Yesterday, on August 12, 2009, the United States Department of Justice in 09-cr-043-SPF, USA v. Springer, told the United States District Court the following:


    This issue arose in the wake of the Court ordering the United States to explain to the Court, Springer and Stilley, what the Grand Jury meant when it said “required by law” in the Grand Jury indictment.

    The code sections cited in the quote above are the exact code sections the United States gave the Court, Springer and Stilley, as purportedly meant by the Grand Jury in uttering such phrase “required by law.”

    The reason why this is so important is because section 6011(a), cited by the United States in the quote above and in the Court Ordered particulars, says “When required by regulation prescribed by the Secretary any person made liable for any tax imposed by this title….”

    They are now admitting no express words in Title 26 make Springer liable for any tax imposed by “this title” yet they allege a tax was “due and owing.”

    The United States admits each and every code section listed above does not “by express words in Title 26” make Springer “liable” for any tax.

    This became very important after the 10th Circuit reversed our District Court Judge on August 18, 2008, almost a year earlier, in United States v. Farr, 536 F35 1174, 1181 (10th Cir. 2008) wherein the 10th said:

    “By charging Ms. Farr with willfully attempting to defeat the “payment of the quarterly employment tax . . . due and owing by her,” the indictment effectively limited the first element of Section 7201 — a substantial tax due and owing to liability for quarterly employment taxes which she purportedly owed. From that point on, absent a proper amendment to the indictment by the grand jury, the government was not free to prove any other tax liability at trial.”

    For those of you barely hanging on I simply explain that the 16th Amendment only authorized a direct tax on income without apportionment “on the source” to which the income is derived. A case cited for the last 90 years by the United States is Brushaber v. Union Pac. R.R., 240 U.S. 1, 19 (1916), wherein the Supreme Court held the purpose of the 16th Amendment:

    “was not to change the existing interpretation except to the extent necessary to accomplish the result intended, that is, the prevention of the resort to the sources from which a taxed income was derived in order to cause a direct tax on the income to be a direct tax on the source itself and thereby to take an income tax out of the class of excises, duties and imposts and place it in the class of direct taxes.

    If you are the source of generic income then Congress can impose a direct tax on the source and hold the source liable without regard to census or enumeration or rule of apportionment. If Congress seeks to make a certain activity taxable and it does not resort to the source, then it must resort to Article I, Section 8, Clause 1 and the indirect tax or excise tax method.

    The problem with this is that all excise taxes are regulated by the rule of “uniformity” and any rate that is “graduated” is not uniform. Uniformity means all articles taxed exactly the same way. If Congress seeks to tax income under Article I, Section 8, Clause 1, the article being taxes being that of income can only be taxed at one rate and it matters not how much you received. If Congress resorts to Article I, Section 8, Clause 1, to impose an income tax, they likewise run into several other violations of the uniformity rule like marriage penalty and so on.

    Only by imposing a direct tax on the source of income can Congress graduate or exempt and penalize standing behind the 16th Amendment.

    In the case cited above, Ms. Farr was indicted for attempting to evade the employer withholding tax she was alleged to be “liable” for under Title 26, Section 3403. At trial the Government only proved she had not paid the 100% penalty assessed against her at Title 26, Section 6672.

    The United States argued on appeal in Farr that “a constructive amendment did not occur because the employment tax and the trust fund recovery penalty are proverbial alter egos.” The Government asked the District Court and obtained a “contested instruction” during trial that dictated “to the jury that the trust fund recovery penalty and the quarterly employment taxes are the same thing. See Farr at page 1181

    The difficulty for the government in Farr was “that the difference between the quarterly employment taxes and the trust fund recovery penalty is not merely a semantic one under our precedent [10th Cir].” “While the ultimate object of the IRS’s interest — recovering the underlying delinquent tax — is undoubtedly the same, the quarterly employment tax provision of Section 3403 and the trust fund recovery penalty of Section 6672 provide materially different means for achieving that end.”

    Notice the 3403 liability and the 6672 liability are taxes on the source and not the recipient. This is why these sections standing alone reference who is liable. In contrast, none of the sections provided by the United States in its Court Ordered Bill of Particulars in USA v. Springer used the term Liability or liable except section 6011. Examining that section shows “when required by regulation prescribed by the Secretary any person made liable for any tax imposed by this title…”

    Section 6011 places the liability for any tax imposed on the “person made liable.” Section 3403 makes the employer liable. Section 6672 makes the corporate officer liable. Section 1, 61,63, 6011, 6012, 6071, 6091, 6151 and 7203 do not ever say who is liable for the tax imposed by section 1 and for good reason.

    The source is the only liable person under the 16th Amendment. Not the recipient. Think about it. Why would the employer be held liable if the employer does not withhold the correct amount of withholding? Why is the employee not held liable? After all, the employee kept the lions share and certainly possesses what was not properly withheld. The reason is in the 16th Amendment. The employer is the source and is the only person under the 16th Amendment Congress can make or hold liable.

    All I am doing here is explaining why the United States said “it is not the prosecution’s burden to prove that Defendant Springer was liable by express words in Title 26, US Code…” and why they are wrong about their burden but more importantly why they said it. Query – How can anyone be said to “owe” a tax if they are not the person made liable for that tax? Logically they cannot.

    I realize some of you are immediately going to seek how to use this information to your advantage. The best way to use it is to write a letter to your Congressman, Freedom of Information, any Lawyer you know, and the IRS Commissioner, and ask them this prefaced question:

    Title 26, section 60ll says “any person made liable for any tax imposed by this title.” If I receive money from one or several State located sources, where has Congress spoken in clear language the whole world can understand that I am made liable for a tax imposed on the income I received from one or several of these sources? Please identify the tax imposed by code section and the code section which makes me liable if they are different?

    Instead of simply identifying the code section which made me liable the United States chose to spend several pages in multiple pleadings saying how easy their liability theory was. They did cite to section 61 in another pleading but never said that section made me liable for any tax imposed by Title 26. In fact, I suggest you each see this for your self.

    Go read section 1 (tax imposed on the income), 61(gross income defined), 63 (taxable income defined), 6011(no liability), 6012(no exempt amount), 6071 (date of filing), 6091 (place to file) (no district directors or IR districts), 6151(pay what returns says you owe) and 7203(no definition or meaning of return). Section 61 never makes anyone liable for anything.

    For this revelation I think it important to say that 6011 places the “made liable for any tax imposed by this title” as to be determined first by you or before any person is to make a return according to the forms and regulations prescribed by the Secretary.

    Just thought you would like to see what is truly going on inside the battle between myself and the United States Department of Justice and Internal Revenue Service.

    I thank you for each supporting me as you have and can only say without your support I do not think I could have even written this release. Please consider my efforts when you are deciding who to support as I hope you find what I am saying and bringing to your attention a blessing. I can receive paypal at or my address is 5147 S. Harvard, # 116, Tulsa, Oklahoma, 74135.

    I pray God’s speed to you all

  • fg_admin

    August 13, 2009 at 4:02 am in reply to: Error in INSTRUCTIONS: 3.13 Correct…


    Thank you for pointing out that inconsistency. The article, Step 3.13, needs to be corrected and is clearly in error. The offending article has been updated to reflect your concerns and be more consistent with the other content on this site.

    If you see anything else such as this which is inconsistent, please bring it immediately to our attention so that it can promptly be fixed. It's very difficult to keep such a large site completely updated and consistent.

  • fg_admin

    August 10, 2009 at 3:03 am in reply to: Lindsey Springer on Independence Day

    Another Lindsey Springer message, 8.9.09

    Linsey is currently being criminally prosecuted for tax fraud by the Beast, along with Lindsey Springer. You can find his website at:

    You can also read more about him on our Whos Who page:…Who/WhosWho.htm


    Dear God of the Heaven and the Earth (our heavenly father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name…)(or however you would begin your confrontation with your God).

    Many of us were explained at some point in our lives what we let go of on earth is let go of in Heaven and what we bind on Earth is bound in Heaven. This prayer request is a little of both.


    We understand you told us not to place any other God in our life. You told us we could not serve two masters. You also told us not to borrow if we could help it because the borrower will always be servant to the lender. Currently, there are many different beliefs on these words but a universal theme resonates throughout all of them and that is owe no one.

    God, first, how are you doing? You know that if you need us for anything you can count on us because we are always there for your missions on the Earth. Thank you for teaching us to open the door for people even if it means they get to do what we want to do before we get to do it. Sacrifice for others has been a great lesson but it appears the doors are being locked leaving no door to open.

    Anyway, we realize first is last and last is first in your eyes. We need some attention so consider us last in this request (hint hint).

    We have some problems that we need a solution to and obviously your licensed attorneys and judges are way over their head. Can you please tell us something about our Constitution of the United States and Declaration of Independence? Do you still recognize them as binding on the earth? If so, we wish to re-bind those two documents, as amended, in each of our lives, for better or worse.

    Please tell us what we have done wrong, in your eyes, so that we can understand your answers to many of our problems. For instance:

    1) Was it ok to declare our independence from the British (seems they did not like that one)?

    2) What is your position on slavery and is it ok with you if we no longer have slavery condoned on the Earth because we decided to make slavery both illegal and immoral?

    3) How do we get results from the people being elected to the House and Senate to adhere or comply with the Constitution instead of the fruit they produce currently showing they see the Constitution as their enemy?

    4) We see the problem with alcohol, abortion, drugs, and your 10 commandments were spot on. Seems though the 10 Amendments to the Constitution have not received your blessing. Could you please show us what would be the best way to have a representative form of Government while at the same time holding the Government resulting from that form of Government accountable for the fruit they produce at this critical moment in our nations history?

    5) We also understand most countries have been in existence hundreds, if not thousands of years, and our gathering together in the 50 States seems like it ain't going to make it much longer without your divine hand(s)(this could need both). Is there anything you see from your vantage point, you know, like the DNA of the 50 States, which we down here could do to reverse the present course we all find ourselves in economically? You know, for example, help us make things stronger and not weaker.

    6) It seems nothing is working accept fractionalizing monetary policy which at this point has reduced many of us unto absolute despotism while some write books about it and think they have struck it rich. Could you please reveal to us how we can co exist with others, exchange commerce, including at least all needs, with a unit of measure that we can have confidence in and that there is plenty existing to go around and spend (you know, something with a separate intrinsic value all its own)?

    7) God, we have so many questions but for now if you can handle these we would obviously be forever in your debt. Where did we go wrong in the English translation of other languages (start with the Bible if you don't mind)? Seems we have laws written that say “no person shall be subject to penalty” and yet everyone who points this law out gets penalized for merely pointing it out. We have laws that say doing nothing can offend the power given the United States enumerated to it in the Constitution and thus the crime of omission was born. Yet, we require the offender to have crossed geographically established State boundaries prior to the offense to prove any offense against the United States. We still have not figured out how a person who does nothing, in fact does not do anything, crosses some geographical border of another State to trigger commerce clause regulation and in the process offend the United States.

    Many professing not to be false teachers have preached the gospel of prosperity and how you can bless us all and that by our giving it is given unto us good measure, you know, the cup will runneth over.

    This prosperity message has ran into some snags that make the teachers look false when hopefully they are not. For instance, what control do you have over how our Federal Reserve Notes get into existence? What people are you working through? To hear it from the preachers, it is you that controls the wealth of us all, as the teachers ask, and in some instances, bind us to giving 10 % of the Federal Reserve Notes we posses for your great and mighty work.

    God, are you the reason we owe 12 Trillion Dollars currently? It even gets worse. Those who print the Federal Reserve Notes write on the face of each one of them the words “in God we Trust” while at the same time lawyers and judges enforce upon us all this theory of “separation of church and State.” Minted zinc coins borrow the same language but instead of printed the phrase is stamped. Please help us understand your role in the creation of Federal Reserve Notes and how they get into existence so we can better understand our faith when we are asking you for something and you ultimately decide whether we need it or not.

    If Congress takes 56%, States take up to 10%, you want 10%, and then our Government temps us with buying on loan houses, cars, and the ugly credit cards, we do not think we can afford everything and something is in need of being cut (though not your share of course).

    God, as you can tell by our questions, you see where we are currently. We need your gracious help on these matters. Please do not get the idea that if you help us with these few questions above that we will leave you alone. We will not be leaving you alone. In fact, your response will probably bread more questions before we can get to the compounded list we have been compiling.

    Presently Congress of the United States is making every effort to bind all of us into debt so it can have something circulating to impose its taxing authority upon. This taxing leaves not enough in circulation to pay back the debts leaving many of us upside down and running into “forgive us our debts as we forgive those who owe us.”

    Currently we are being threatened with H1N1 or something I am certain you have heard about called swine flu or pig flu. Funny thing is it actually is said to come from birds and not pigs. See what we mean. We need words to have fixed meanings when contained within laws prohibiting or commanding anything and what we are getting is voodoo and giberish.

    Please help, your servant, in the name of Jesus Christ (or whoever your lord may be ) Lindsey Springer 8/9/09 (your name if you will)

  • fg_admin

    August 7, 2009 at 11:36 pm in reply to: Need some help RE: Court Survival Guide

    Bless your heart for trying and fighting the Beast, and welcome to our forums.

    When you hang around these forums for the long haul and show that you are here to give as much as you take, and start helping others, only then can you deserve and earn the help that you seek. You're a newbie and most newbies only come here to selfishly get help with their own problems and then disappear permanently when their personal emergency is over.

    We can only deserve what we earn. If we sow no help, we should reap no help. That's the Golden Rule. God doesn't like fair weather Christians and doesn't help them. Rev. 3:16. Why should these forums be any different? All the problems in the government documented on this website are the product of selfishness. It's a contradiction and hypocrisy to reward or condone the very thing we are fighting in these forums.

    Unto he whom much is given, much is expected. Luke 12:48, 2 Cor. 9:6-8.

    Please also see our Board Guidelines at the top of the forums page:

    By these comments, we aren't suggesting that other members of these forums cannot or should not help you. But rather, that we can't help you officially and that other members are more likely to help you if you hang around these forums over the long haul. Who is going to want to invest their time and energy in others if it won't be reciprocated or if there is no possibility of mutual benefit?

  • fg_admin

    August 7, 2009 at 11:25 pm in reply to: The Great IRS Hoax

    Follow the instructions on the cover page. You can print your own copy at any Kinkos, Staples, or Office depot by following those instructions. We dont' sell the book or anything else on this website. This is covered in BIG RED LETTERS on the book download page. Please pay more attention in the future:…reatIRSHoax.htm



  • fg_admin

    August 7, 2009 at 5:39 pm in reply to: "It's Not Obama's Job!"


    You have your right to your opinions as well, but you don't have the right to use your political clout as a jurist and a voter to sanction anyone, whether government or a private party, to STEAL from me to pay you “benefits” you didn't earn. There is no “trust fund” and everything paid through social security goes into the general revenues. It ain't your money they are paying you back, it is MY money. It's a ponzi scheme, not insurance.

    Theft is the central issue here. Is that loving your neighbor as God commands? Giving the stolen loot to your church or ALL of it to charity doesn't change the nature of the illegal transaction.

    The Bible sums up the lie you are living by receiving socialist handouts:

    “Where do wars and fights come from among you? Do they not come from your desires for pleasure [unearned money] that war in your members [and your democratic governments]? You lust [after other people's money] and do not have. You murder [the unborn to increase your standard of living] and covet [the unearned] and cannot obtain [except by empowering your government to STEAL for you!]. You fight and war [against the rich and the nontaxpayers to subsidize your idleness]. Yet you do not have because you do not ask [the Lord, but instead ask the deceitful government]. You ask and do not receive, because you ask amiss, that you may spend it on your pleasures. Adulterers and adulteresses! Do you not know that friendship with the world [or the governments of the world] is enmity with God? Whoever therefore wants to be a friend [citizen, resident, inhabitant, “taxpayer”, “benefit recipient”] of the world [or the governments of the world] makes himself an enemy of God.”

    [James 4:4 , Bible, NKJV]

    And here is what the U.S. Supreme Court said about the above war, which is a war between the have nots and the haves, and which turns government into a plunder program and a mafia to redistribute STOLEN loot. You're one of the have nots:

    Nothing can be clearer than that what the constitution intended to guard against was the exercise by the general government of the power of directly taxing persons and property within any state through a majority made up from the other states. It is true that the effect of requiring direct taxes to be apportioned among the states in proportion to their population is necessarily that the amount of taxes on the individual [157 U.S. 429, 583] taxpayer in a state having the taxable subject-matter to a larger extent in proportion to its population than another state has, would be less than in such other state; but this inequality must be held to have been contemplated, and was manifestly designed to operate to restrain the exercise of the power of direct taxation to extraordinary emergencies, and to prevent an attack upon accumulated property by mere force of numbers. ”

    “Here I close my opinion. I could not say less in view of questions of such gravity that they go down to the very foundations of the government. If the provisions of the Constitution can be set aside by an act of Congress, where is the course of usurpation to end?

    The present assault upon capital is but the beginning. It will be but the stepping stone to others larger and more sweeping, until our political contest will become war of the poor against the rich; a war of growing intensity and bitterness.”

    [Pollock v. Farmers' Loan & Trust Co., 157 U.S. 429, 158 U.S. 601 (1895).]

    God's law also requires that when the thief is found, he shall be compelled to pay DOUBLE what he took:

    “If a man delivers to his neighbor money or articles to keep, and it is stolen out of the man's house, if the thief is found, he shall pay double.”

    [Exodus 22:7, Bible, NKJV]

    Are you going to pay back DOUBLE what you stole indirectly through the thieves you elect and continue to sustain in a corrupted government?

    “He who robs peter to pay paul can always count on the support of paul.”

    Repent of sin and admit it. Don't rationalize it and don't try to pretend like you can be a Christian without reading God's law and doing your best to follow it. The Bible or being saved AREN'T an insurance policy to sin without consequence. Jesus is not a liablity insurance salesman who sells fire insurance from the wrath of God.

    “For this is the will of God, that by doing good you may put to silence the ignorance of foolish men— 16 as free, yet not using liberty as a cloak for vice, but as bondservants of God. 17 Honor all people. Love the brotherhood. Fear God. Honor the king.”

    [1 Peter 2:15-16, Bible, NKJV]

    We don't hate you, we hate sin. That is what it means to “fear the lord” as the bible commands: Hate evil. We don't judge you, God's law judges you. All we did was point out the law being violated, like what happens daily in any courtroom. You can't claim to be a Christian without caring what God's law says and requires. Treating the Bible as a law book is the essence of what it means to be a Christian to begin with.

    We cannot accept Jesus without accepting and obeying His law. The essence of who God is is love, and the essence of love, in turn, is obedience to God's law above and beyond that of man's law. If our allegiance to civil authorities exceeds our allegiance to God's law, we are practicing government idolatry, which is a violation of the first four commandments of the ten commandments.

    All those who accept a bribe check (socialist Insecurity check) from Caesar/Egypt are going to be humiliated, according to the bible. The phrase “strength of Pharoah” and “living in the shadow of egypt” is what all those who participate in government franchises are participating in:

    Futile Confidence in Egypt

    1 “Woe to the rebellious children,” says the LORD, “Who take counsel, but not of Me,

    And who devise plans, but not of My Spirit,

    That they may add sin to sin;

    2 Who walk to go down to Egypt,

    And have not asked My advice,

    To strengthen themselves in the strength of Pharaoh,

    And to trust in the shadow of Egypt!

    3 Therefore the strength of Pharaoh

    Shall be your shame,

    And trust in the shadow of Egypt

    Shall be your humiliation.

    4 For his princes were at Zoan,

    And his ambassadors came to Hanes.

    5 They were all ashamed of a people who could not benefit them,

    Or be help or benefit,

    But a shame and also a reproach.”

    [Isaiah 30:1-5, Bible, NKJV]

    Notice the phrase “Who walk to go down to Egypt,”. The way you walk into Egypt/District of Criminals is to either physically go there or to contract a status or presence there as a “benefit recipient”. Notice also the phrase “could not benefit them”. The “benefit” they are talking about is the benefit check you receive.

  • fg_admin

    August 7, 2009 at 5:29 am in reply to: "It's Not Obama's Job!"

    You don't like our tone of words because you don't want to hear the truth. It is that very disdain for the truth and the love of politically correct platitudes and falsehoods that hurt people that likely got you into the financial bind you're in now. 2 Thess. 2:7-12:

    The coming of the lawless one is according to the working of Satan, with all power, signs, and lying wonders, 10 and with all unrighteous deception among those who perish, because they did not receive the love of the truth, that they might be saved. 11 And for this reason God will send them strong delusion [political and government propaganda], that they should believe the lie, 12 that they all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness.

    Bless your heart for helping people and for having a giving heart, but that doesn't change the nature of what you are giving people. Would you call those who donate to charity goods they stole directly or indirectly good people if they know the goods are stolen? The receipt of stolen goods is a crime! The only difference between theft and a donation is consent of the owner. Likewise, the only difference between a mafia and a government is “consent of the governed”. See:…ForTaxation.htm

    There are only TWO types of governments: Government by consent and terrorist governments. Those who participate in the plunder program are subsidizing acts of international terrorism. The states of the Union are “nations” as declared by the U.S. Supreme Court and the criminals in D.C. were given the job to protect them in Article 4, Section 4, but have become their worst invaders and plunderers. How can you sleep at night while you sanction such acts of international terrorism as a jurist and a voter and a “public officer” with a conflict of interest in perpetuating your own “benefits”?

    How can you say the goods aren't stolen? I don't know anyone who would continue in any of the government Ponzie schemes if they were offered an informed choice to quit and told there would be no retribution or adverse consequence for quitting. Therefore, everything that sustains these programs is stolen plunder. The nature of the plunder program was eloquently explained in the following:

    The Law, by Frederic Bastiat

    We're not judging you, but simply pointing out that your behavior judges you by pointing out the premises it is based on and the biblical laws those premises violate. If you want to get mad at anyone, get mad at God for telling you what you are supposed to do in His law and for expecting you to obey those laws. Jesus said “if you love me, keep my commandments” and James said that God is love. Therefore, the essence of what it means to be a Christian is to follow God's law and to at least desire to keep as much of it as you humanly can. Faith without works of obedience to God's trust indenture, the bible, as God's trustees and stewards over HIS property, which is the earth, is DEAD FAITH or no faith at all.

    “Fear God and keep His commandments,

    For this is man's all. “

    [Eccl. 12:13, Bible, NKJV]

    For an entertaining explanation of why government handouts are wrong and why receiving government benefit checks makes you into an unproductive “zombie” parasite, see:

    Night of the Living Government, Andrew Klavan

  • fg_admin

    August 7, 2009 at 4:41 am in reply to: "It's Not Obama's Job!"


    If you are a government dependent, at least do us the favor of:

    1. Not voting. Those who take more from the society than they give or who accept any amount of money from the government are engaged in the crime of bribing a voter and a jurist. The bribe is the “benefit” they receive, and this is criminal conflict of interest. See:

    1.1 18 U.S.C. 201:…p=7586&st=0

    1.2 18 U.S.C. 208:…08—-000-.html

    2. Not using any of the materials on this website in your interactions with the government to defend rights that you admit you don't have.

    3. Quit complaining about how uncomfortable your cage on the federal planatation is. You made the bed. Now SLEEP IN IT.

    4. Taking every opportunity you can to apologize for conveying the moral authority to a thieving lying government to steal from people like us who don't want to participate or be compelled to participate in either the costs or the benefits of the plunder program you participate in.

    5. Quit pretending that you can really live up to the biblical covenant to love your neighbor. One cannot love someone they steal from either directly or indirectly.

    6. Go out and get a job to cushion the eventual evaporation of the plunder you are receiving as part of the Ponzi scheme. Otherwise, your fall will be hard, like the millions of government idol worshippers on pensions in the Soviet Union before it also disintegrated for the same reasons.

    7. Quit pretending that you have any rights at all. You live in a cage and on a government leash. THEY OWN YOU. You're screwed, black and blued, and tattooed with the mark of the Beast on your forehead.…rolsAmerica.wmv

    8. Quit tithing to the church. It is a violation of God's laws for the wages of a harlot, which includes Babylon the Great Harlot, to enter the treasury of a christian church. Deut. 23:18:…&version=31

    9. Quit pretending that God can get ANY of the glory as long as Caesar gets not only YOUR first fruits, but things they stole from us with your blessing and sanction as a jurist and a voter who is bribed with stolen socialist handouts. To CAESAR goes all the glory! That is your mantra. This sort of idolatry is the very thing God killed whole cities because of in the Book of Ezekial. Is it any surprise that as Caesar steals more and more, tithes are drying up nationally? The first fruits go to Caesar instead of God and in violation of the Bible. This trend will mean the eventual genocide of Christianity in this country because of no tithes. It has already happened in Europe and we in America, the last hope, are next.

    Rousas Rushdoony says that what you practice is paganism in Christs name, not Christianity. If you really are a Christian, where are the FRUITS of your exclusive allegiance to God and not Caesar? Jesus didn't repeal the old testmant. It's still alive and well and it's still LAW. See:

    Policy Document: Corruption of Modern Christianity, Form #08.012


    No man can serve two masters, and you are serving THREE masters: The feds, your state, and God dead last. God gets what is LEFT, not what is RIGHT. He gets the leftovers so how can he get ALL the glory? Don't you see the dichotomy?

    I don't intend to sound mean, but God can only “Get all the glory” as you say so long as the truth abounds, rather than what is politically correct. Truth and justice ought to be more important than personal benefit, or our religion is vain. We ought to be God pleasers, not man pleasers. Acts 5:29:…p;context=verse

    Lastly, this is not the time to play the victim and say that you are a prisoner of your circumstances. The seven foolish virgins in Matthew 25 of the Bible did that and were criticized, so you shouldn't use that excuse either. Your life is a product of your choices and you should take the responsibility for all those choices, rather than sanctioning a government to steal for you because:

    1. You don't like the consequence of your own choice.

    2. You did nothing about injustices that are destroying the foundations of freedom in this country.

    3. You lust after the unearned and covet your neighbor's goods. If the Bible forbids you to steal from your neighbor, what makes you think you can sanction a government to do it by voting for the first politican who promises to pay you more plunder? You bought the lie that it's only the rich they will steal from, right? NO, they are stealing from US, and we're not rich!

    “You shall not covet your neighbor's house; you shall not covet your neighbor's wife, nor his male servant, nor his female servant, nor his ox, nor his donkey, nor anything that is your neighbor's.”

    [[url url=”http:///passage/?book_id=2&chapter=20&verse=17&version=50&context=verse”]Exodus 20:17[/url], Bible, NKJV]

    The Bible says we can't “share one purse”, and THAT purse is the GOVERNMENT purse:

    Avoid Bad Company

    “My son, if sinners [socialists, in this case] entice you,

    Do not consent

    If they say, “Come with us,

    Let us lie in wait to shed blood;

    Let us lurk secretly for the innocent without cause;

    Let us swallow them alive like Sheol,

    And whole, like those who go down to the Pit:

    We shall fill our houses with spoil [plunder];

    Cast in your lot among us,

    Let us all have one purse”–

    My son, do not walk in the way with them,

    Keep your foot from their path;

    For their feet run to evil,

    And they make haste to shed blood.

    Surely, in vain the net is spread

    In the sight of any bird;

    But they lie in wait for their own blood.

    They lurk secretly for their own lives.

    So are the ways of everyone who is greedy for gain;

    It takes away the life of its owners.”

    [Proverbs 1:10-19, Bible, NKJV]

    Does God's law mean anything to you, or do you only practice Christianity because it “feels good”? Do you covet God's grace but reject His law? If you do, that's paganism in Christ's name. You're a diode, a check valve, and a selfish person if you want all the rewards but none of the responsibilities described in the covenant that even made you eligible to receive the rewards to begin with. For proof, see:…ityUniverse.htm

    Yes, there is a place in society for charity and you may well be among the deserving. But force and charity are entirely incompatible and all government is force. Charity belongs ONLY in families and churches by God's design. That is where you should get the help you need and by doing so, you will be accountable to people who love you. Right now, you aren't accountable to anyone but a bunch of liars and thieves who share stolen loot with you and who actually protect and perpetuate violations of God's laws. See section 8.6:

  • fg_admin

    August 6, 2009 at 7:38 pm in reply to: "It's Not Obama's Job!"


    You're absolutely right. We're glad SOMEONE “gets it” finally. The message of Family Guardian, like that of SEDM as far as we can tell, is simple because it is biblical. Our mission is right out of the Bible, and God's concepts are simple when you boil them down. Jesus said He came to set the slaves free.

    “Is this not the fast [act of faith, worship, and OBEDIENCE] that I [God] have chosen [for believers]:

    To loose the bonds of wickedness,

    To undo the heavy burdens,

    To let A href=””>the oppressed go free,

    And that you break every yoke [franchise, contract, tie, dependency, or “benefit” with the government]?”

    [Isaiah 58:6, Bible, NKJV]

    They have all been put to forced labor under a franchise agreement, which is the “yoke” they labor under. They labor under this yoke because of their sin.

    “Jesus answered them, “Most assuredly, I say to you, whoever commits sin is a slave of sin.

    [John 8:34, Bible, NKJV]

    “Do you not know that to whom you present yourselves slaves to obey, you are that one's slaves whom you obey, whether of sin leading to death, or of obedience leading to righteousness?”

    [Romans 6:16, Bible, NKJV]

    The sin they committed was:

    1. Ignorance of both God's Law and Man's Law.

    “One who turns his ear from hearing the law [God's law or man's law], even his prayer is an abomination.”

    [Prov. 28:9, Bible, NKJV]

    ”This Book of the Law shall not depart from your mouth, but you shall meditate in it day and night, that you may observe to do according to all that is written in it. For then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success.  Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”

    [Joshua 1:8-9, Bible, NKJV,

    IMPLICATION: If you aren't reading and trying to obey God's law daily, then you're not doing God's will and you will not prosper]

    “Every citizen of the United States is supposed to know the law [God's law and man's law]. . .”

    [Floyd Acceptances, 7 Wall (74 U.S. 169) 666 (1869);

    IMPLICATION: Any citizen that does not know and follow the law is a BAD citizen!]

    [url url=”http://../CitesByTopic/law.htm”]Cites by Topic: Law[/url]

    2. Evading responsibility for government and supporting themselves.

    3. Lusting for the unearned.

    4. A refusal to love or help their neighbor and engage in charitable causes, which forces a big socialist nanny government to take over charity and make it into a business and call it “social insurance”.

    All of the above sins represent government idolatry, perversity, and a violation of God's laws which God not only abhors, but resolutely punishes to the point of killing whole cities of people (see Ezekial for the story):

    “Woe to the rebellious children,” says the LORD, “Who take counsel, but not of Me,

    And who devise plans, but not of My Spirit,

    That they may add sin to sin;

    2 Who walk to go down to Egypt [District of Criminals, by declaring themselves statutory but not constitutional “U.S. citizens” or “U.S. residents”],

    And have not asked My advice,

    To strengthen themselves in the strength of Pharaoh [or the GOVERNMENT and its plunder programs/franchises],

    And to trust in the shadow of Egypt [government]!

    3 Therefore the strength of Pharaoh

    Shall be your shame,

    And trust in the shadow of Egypt

    Shall be your humiliation.

    4 For his princes were at Zoan,

    And his ambassadors came to Hanes.

    5 They were all ashamed of a people who could not benefit them,

    Or be help or benefit,

    But a shame and also a reproach.”

    [Isaiah 30:1-5, Bible, NKJV]

  • fg_admin

    August 6, 2009 at 2:40 pm in reply to: Nursing license

    You said:

    …I like to be able to “count the cost” early. (Pretty sure that's Scriptural…)

    Cost is obviously a factor in your decision about whether to abandon the license. By that, we infer that your allegiance is therefore to man instead of God. God condemns this attitude in the scripture above.

    Speak to us smooth [politically correct and palatable and financially profitable] things, prophesy deceits.

    By making cost your priority, your basic approach is: I'll pursue this and stop lying on government license application forms if it doesn't cost too much. The decision point is benefit to you, not obedience to God or His laws. You're planning a mutiny and you want our help doing it. You want us to provide an excuse to you why you should not continue lying on government forms to procure benefits that in fact you are not entitled to as a person protected by the Constitution and therefore not entitled to participate in the benefit. Jesus criticized the Pharisees for this very attitude: they were man pleasers instead of God pleasers. That sort of hypocrisy was the ONLY thing he ever got angry about. Do you want God angy at you?

    If Jesus counted the cost of what He did before He did it, do you think we would still be reading and hearing about Him today? No man in his right mind would take his path if he was only concerned about “cost” and personal benefit.

    If you want help LEAVING the system, then these forums are the right place. If that is the path you wish to take and NOT count the cost, we encourage you to start a topic by introducing what you want to do, all the ways you have discovered so far to do it, how they have worked for you, and solicit others to offer ADDITIONAL alternatives, not ALL the alternatives. You're going to have to get creative and work hard if you want to be free, but don't come here if you don't want to take the initiative to discover at least one method to leave the system and exhaust all your options before you ask for help.

  • fg_admin

    August 6, 2009 at 2:15 am in reply to: Legal Defense against forced vaccinations

    EDITORIAL: Another update from becraft on forced vacinations:


    To whom it may concern,

    There is a lot of interest, maybe rumors, about this fall's swine flu epidemic and any requirement for people to take shots. Because of this interest, I have spent time to compile as much information as possible about state and federal laws that relate to forcing people to take vaccinations. This info is posted on my website:

    I provide links to many relevant laws posted on the Net, but compiling all of them in a short period of time is impossible. I hope that student will research the various linked State Codes and locate more information. The public needs to be aware of the exact statutory authority that relates to this issue.

  • fg_admin

    August 5, 2009 at 9:12 pm in reply to: Nursing license


    All licenses presume:

    1. That those who hold them have a domicile on federal territory that is no part of a state of the Union.

    2. That because the holder is domiciled on federal territory, they are a statutory but not constitutional citizen or resident.

    3. That because the holder is domiciled on federal territory, they have no constitutional rights, but only statutory privileges.

    4. That the holder is a public officer in the government.

    For details on the above, see the following:

    Government Instituted Slavery Using Franchises, Form #05.030



    As the above points out in section 17, the Bible says that we can't contract or conduct commerce with the Beast, which Rev. 19:19 says is the government. It doesn't says that we can't do it IF the cost is low enough to be acceptable. We won't help anyone within this ministry to violate God's law and that is what all those who want to have or to keep licenses must do, by lying and misrepresenting their citizenship and domicile in order to procure a privilege and fire God as their protector and replace Him with a “parens patriae” under a franchise agreement.

    Those who consider the cost more important than following God's laws shouldn't be using our materials and should go back to their cage on the federal plantation. Those who consider cost and convenience more important that God's laws deserve a socialist nanny government as part of God's grand plan of retribution against all those who plan mutiny against His laws.

    A Rebellious People

    8 Now go, write it before them on a tablet,

    And note it on a scroll,

    That it may be for time to come,

    Forever and ever:

    9 That this is a rebellious people,

    Lying children,

    Children who will not hear [or follow] the law of the LORD;

    10 Who say to the seers, “Do not see,”

    And to the prophets, “Do not prophesy to us right things;

    Speak to us smooth things, prophesy deceits.

    11 Get out of the way,

    Turn aside from the path,

    Cause the Holy One of Israel

    To cease from before us.”

    12 Therefore thus says the Holy One of Israel:

    ” Because you despise this word,

    And trust in oppression and [SOCIALIST] perversity [and Government idolatry],

    And rely on them [because they are CONVENIENT and less expensive],

    13 Therefore this iniquity shall be to you

    Like a breach ready to fall,

    A bulge in a high wall,

    Whose breaking comes suddenly, in an instant.

    14 And He shall break it like the breaking of the potter's vessel,

    Which is broken in pieces;

    He shall not spare.

    So there shall not be found among its fragments

    A shard to take fire from the hearth,

    Or to take water from the cistern.”

    [Isaiah 30:4-13, Bible, KJV]

    Furthermore, whenever you post questions to these forums, you should indicate whether you are following the Path to Freedom document and what you have done to answer your own question BEFORE posting it here. You could have at least contacted the nurse licensing board in your state and tried to get the answer and shared it with us before asking for the answer here for the first time. Did you do that?

    As franklin pointed out, due dilligence is mandatory for everyone who participates in these forums. Everything you do should add more value than it takes from these forums.

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